Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 417: The boss of the boss [third! 】

There is not much strength in the Tianbing Pavilion, which has been touted once and for all. It is almost impossible to shake the tyrannical strength of the entire Mo Yuntian foundation. It really does not match the facts!

But such a black pot, Xie Danqiong is still very happy!

Tianbingge is not too arrogant, fighting everywhere, but everywhere can be victorious, invincible... Although the real Tianbing Pavilion has never touched a hand and did a glimpse, but this road is to sing a triumphant .........

When the prestige is out, isn’t it the Quartet to vote? Back to the big tree to enjoy the cool, this truth is known to everyone. At that time, I will wait to receive more masters. Hahaha·····

Although there are a lot of headaches here...

A month has passed between the fingers, and most of the wounded have basically recovered, but this will also reach the border; further two thousand miles away, where Tiangege started, two super-sects The old site is also the destination of the trip.

Xie Danqiong Tianbingge belongs to the people and escorted the army to say goodbye to each other. This road has come down, even though they are not the iron brothers who are eager to see each other, but they are also friends who sleep together to drink!

"Thank you! This road is escorted down, everyone is working hard."

"Thank you! In the future, our brothers will rely on the care of Xie Kui."

"Take care all the way!"

"Bon Voyage!"

"See you in the future, no matter whether you pay, the sword is ruthless, and the soldiers are strangers."

"I will not be tempted!"



Both sides shed tears and don't.

Especially when the officers and men of the original Nightmare Army bid farewell to the former robes, the scene was crying. Those who want to stay are crying, and those who want to go back are also crying...····

In the end, the army under the squadron of Mutian was as full of seven or eight hills as the venting, and slammed the killer against the trees in the mountains and trees, deliberately creating an unprecedented battlefield.

Looking at the old hands and feet, the loyal brothers who were born and died were forced into rebellion by the hardships. Since then, they have been hostile. It’s hard to say that it’s hard to suppress one's heart, so you can draw a knife and make a knife. ···`·

Let your own blood drip on this land.

To prove that this was once a battlefield!

Although this battlefield will not be someone to check in detail...

But they are using this way to vent their grief in their hearts, that mourning!

Seeing that the army gradually left, Xie Danqiong packed up his emotions, waved his hand, led his own people, and entered the mountains.

All the officers and men who belonged to the Nightmare Army will settle in the homes of all the people here, and they will all take root and live in this place; the strength of the Tianbing Pavilion will also be truly and thoroughly rising from this moment!

A little farther away from a certain position, a white man stood in the treetops, watching the people of Xie Danqiong gradually withdraw into the mountains, sighed with a sigh of relief, and set off and flew back.

All the way to the tide.

No one knows better than him. From now on, in Mo Yuntian, there is a real rise of a super power - Tianbing Pavilion!

Under the mad leadership of Xie Danqiong, this force has a strong ability to sweep the entire Mo Yuntian once it is full of wings! The most deadly thing is that this emerging power is intricately related to the current Mo Yuntian military, and the relationship has a deeper foundation...

There are a lot of things that can't be separated from each other. It will become more and more difficult to deal with later. However, the situation has pushed everyone to this point, what is it?

This is the biggest foundation of this unit!

A terrible force that can be expected in the future. Growing up!

No one can predict in the future.

The Tianbing Pavilion has already retired to the mountains, and the temporary slogan has subsided. The rest and relaxation of the entire Mo Yuntian category has just begun. The guilt of the two major military pillars

It was not terminated because the sales of Tianbingge disappeared, but it became more and more fierce.

Both sides of the confrontation are now red eyes, red eyes, killing red eyes!

The manpower of these two aspects has slowly evolved from the normal offensive and defensive to the various means of the next three abuses.

The Mo Yuntian Emperor Yuan Tian’s attitude is extremely extreme, one eye, one eye closed, letting the two sides fight, and occasionally, they will also participate in one foot. Every time you say any sentence, it will make Mu Tianyi uncomfortable. very······

Throughout the cloud, the two military forces are like two tigers, and they have launched the most intense confrontation.

Xie Danqiong immediately issued the highest order since he retired to the mountains.

Dispatching all the people, regrouping, and appointing new leaders; newcomers and the original team must have a process. Moreover, the newcomers are basically all elite, which is the most important thing. Just for this matter, Xie Danqiong has racked his brains.

Neither can the old brother feel left out, nor can the newcomer feel rejected.

Xie Danqiong thoroughly felt the difficulty of Chu Yang and Mo Tianji.

This is really not a human being.

If the brothers are still together now, then it should be! More than Xie Danqiong sighs in the sky, infinitely yearning: If so, what kind of bad work can I do? I only need to chat with Jimo Rokker to drink and drink, and Mo Tianji is done by one person... Hey.

This one.

The second is to re-select the foothold of the base camp. Here, it was originally the base camp of the Tianbing Pavilion; but if all the forces were placed here, Xie Danqiong did not dare.

After all, there are too many people here to know.

The three caves of Rex Rabbit are still necessary!

"The most terrible enemy in this world is the enemy that can't be found." This is a sentence that Chu Yang once said very solemnly. Xie Danqiong is very positive about this. It is a firm record and has always upheld this principle. get on.

There are too many people, and it is impossible for people to find them. However, Xie Danqiong can choose to be scattered. People are not afraid, as long as there is enough environment.

Everywhere scattered, there must be some concealment.

Even if it is attacked one day, it will not be a pot.

Put all the food in a separate pot, that is the real killing!

As long as it is not all picked up by one pot, then no matter who it is, consider taking into account the serious consequences of this horse honeycomb. The combined revenge of millions of masters, this power is enough to make it difficult for anyone in the world to sleep.

Then, Xie Danqiong started the big training action non-stop!

"I have a hunch that the big era of turmoil is coming! So we have to be prepared before the arrival of the turmoil."

"And, the boss of all of us, the true master of the Tianbing Pavilion, the days of coming here have begun to count down! We have to work harder to give him a big surprise when the boss arrives!"

When Xie Danqiong said this sentence, both eyes are shining, sparkling with sincere expectations.

Come on, I will be freed when you come. Cang Tian, ​​what day have I lived this time...·····

There is a subordinate question: "Hey, who is your boss?"

Xie Danqiong smiled: "My boss is a peerless figure who is not born! When I was a teenager, I was subverting the two major countries. When I was young, I had already rushed to the nine-day scorpio. It has always been invincible, and I have no choice but to attack. Yixiong soldiers, swords in hand, can be the enemy! It is the first super hero in the world!"

Mixed, some people dared to ask: "Is that boss really better than Kui's means? Can't you? Really hard to imagine!"

"You are rare and strange! What do I have?" Xie Danqiong snorted: "Ten me, one hundred me may not be comparable to a boss!"

When Xie Danqiong said this sentence, he was very serious and very cautious.

Although the brothers have not yet come, but the image of the brothers must be established!

This sentence, let the people in the upper and lower arms of the ink cloud every day are like the excitement of playing chicken blood.

Who is Xie Danqiong?

In the land of Mo Yuntian, from the endless, all the way to the world, the whole world has become a legendary big man. From being alone to now sitting on millions of soldiers and horses, becoming a super-power leader who can control the world...

Xie Danqiong’s way of coming is only a short period of more than a year!

This kind of record, I believe that no matter where, it is an uncompromising legend! From the ancient times to the present, how many characters can there be? And Xie Danqiong, there is obviously no big force behind him!

However, the boss who has never met, is actually ten times more powerful than Xie Danqiong’s leader, one hundred times? What kind of metamorphosis character should that be?

Although this statement is more or less exaggerated, but since the head of the Kui Shou said so, so admired, then the boss of this mysterious boss is absolutely nowhere to go.

"Don't you say that the boss of the boss... is the super character of the nine emperors?" One person was alive and asked with a sullen face.

Can it be so powerful, then, definitely have this level of characters?

Xie Danqiong smiled happily: "You guessed it, basically it's almost..." Although the boss is not a Chinese after the nine emperors, but compared to them, it is not inferior, even higher, it must be higher! I never doubt, I will only believe it!"

The audience was full of gloom.

Everyone has two words in their minds!

"St. Jun?!"

Xie Danqiong smiled a little, and for this judgment, it is irresponsible, leaving only a huge mystery.

In Xie Danqiong's heart, I really want to say: Even if it is a holy prince, it is a fart compared with my boss!

But he knows that this sentence cannot be said, at least for the time being.

It can only be stopped now, and the morale is enough, but if you say it in your own words, then in the eyes of everyone, it will become a thorough bragging!

No one will believe it at all!

Looking at Xie Danqiong’s mysterious smile, everyone in Tianbingge’s heart was shocked to numb...·····


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