Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 418: Seven stars guard, dispatched! [Fourth! 】

Everyone’s heart was shocked by numbness, and only the thunder of the thunder rang on his head!

Is the boss of the boss actually... the holy king? !

Oh my god……

I have to practice well and make more contributions. I will be able to do it in the future.·································

"Not only the boss, I have many brothers, I am among my brothers, the ranking is only in sixth place." Xie Danqiong also dropped a blockbuster.

"Our rankings are based on ingenuity, strength, mind, etc., all aspects of ranking." Xie Danqiong said: "Our brother has one person, one sword is invincible. There is one person, one knife in hand, can face the entire nine heavens alone. There is still one person who can count the world and be thorough!"

"and also……"

When Xie Danqiong said this, he looked very sad, very serious and very emotional. At this moment, I really miss you.

But this is the expression of this feeling, so that all those who hear these words are convinced!

No experience, fabricated by the air, can not be fabricated.

Tianbingge suddenly had a lot of feelings.

The boss of the boss...the brother of the boss...the back of the boss...····················································

All of this, like the same wind, has swept the hearts of all the Tianbing Pavilion. Becoming a topic of tea after a meal or a long talk.

Everyone is guessing, but the more they guess, the more they admire, the more they admire, the more they die...

The first snow in the winter of Mo Yuntian is really rare. In the meantime, the snow is big or small, but it has never stopped. It has been going on for more than forty days in a single breath, but how long the snow is, and the end of the day. ·····

The battle between the two major forces of the military has lasted for more than forty days.

The day when the snow is clear.

The three people like the ghosts of the general speed of the palace, ignoring the chaos of the cloud is still a mess, just a flash between, it has already set off and entered the sky.

Immediately, in the midair, the three Changhongs rose slowly, and the three people disappeared without a trace.

Marshal House.

Wood Scorpio looked at the three rainbows that had disappeared in the sky, and sighed deeply. Mumbled and said: "The five guards under your majesty have gone to three in one go. This is the Thunder's Bureau. How can you get rid of the endless world?

Behind him, the shadow of the gloomy flashed again, saying: "The handsome coach, the five guards who are under the arm of the arm, have dispatched three at a time. I am afraid that the dream general will be this time... I will die. Unless it is ... we intervene."

Mu Tianyu was silent and said: "You can't intervene anymore! You are so familiar with each other... as long as you can shoot each other, you can recognize each other; really, at that time, that is our true destruction. disaster……"

"I really can't think of the fact that you will pay so much attention to the vengeance of the nine princes. ·············································

"You don't know. ········································································································· Since the beginning of the year, the Emperor of Heaven has had leisure time, and he has been growing up since childhood. This feeling is naturally indelible..." Mu Tianyu long sighed.

"So it is only pampered to become such a lawless virtue. With his actions, it is simply to kill the dead, to die, to have a thousand knives, and to hate it..." The shadow grin.

"This kind of words can't be said later." Mu Tianyu said deeply.

Shadow Road: "Yes..." But this thing, how do we deal with it?"

Mu Tianyan’s face was bitterly awkward: “Hey, if you shoot it again, it’s the same as declaring war on your face. This is not a viable move. You can only hope that the endless people will be in the world...”

At this point, the shadow is also silent.

Yes, this thing, they are already impossible to shoot again. Now, and don't say that the internal disputes in the military are the most intense time, but just saying that each other's familiarity has already limited the shot.

If there are many people participating in the war, or you can find opportunities to fish in troubled waters; but now... There are only three people in total. The situation is simple and clear, and that is really no way. Once recognized, then the entire military group of Mutianyu will inevitably be crushed in an instant, and even the woods will be in a state of sorrow, and may even be defeated.

Yuan Tian's limit can tolerate the fight between the wood and the rain, but it can't tolerate anyone's positive challenge to their authority!

This is the limit for the king and the minister!

"I can only hope for the old dreams of his people." The shadow also sighed.

Having said that, the two people have only one pessimism in their hearts. This time, there are three big guards who jointly shot, and the dreams are boundless, even though they have the ability to live in the sky, the chances of living are negligible.

Every Heavenly Emperor must have seven guards to carry around.

These seven guards, known as the Seven Stars Guard!

These people were the first to compete for the Emperor. Before everyone started to compete, they set a new pledge: the winner is king! The loser is the king's guard!

When the nine great emperors stand out, the other people will follow the promise and become the seven-star guard.

This matter, hair! Born before the distance, and after that, the nine emperors have a common tacit understanding of the existence of these people.

Only qualified people can know that they are there. Basically, they belong to the secret power of one party.

This power is so powerful that it is almost enough to incite any power in the world.

The force of each of these seven people must at least reach the level of senior saints! Most of these people are close to the standards of the peak saints. As long as they show up, they basically represent the most outstanding power under the nine emperors! none of them!

Look at this world, or some people can be similar to them, but full of calculations, the entire nine heavens, but find out so many people again

Often, in addition to these people as their own personal guards, each of the Emperor Tiandi is assigned to the confidant ministers responsible for their lives. The seven guards of the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi Yuan Tian, ​​one of them was assigned to the Grand Emperor, and the other was assigned to the moon.

As for the remaining five people, they are all used to guard the palace.

In the rumors, the Emperor of the Heavens traveled in a grand occasion: Jing is a pilgrimage, and the Seven Kings are with him...·····

Everyone thought that the Seven Kings were just a metaphor, but in fact, it was really... seven kings!

Once the king!

Because of the super-hands of the shadows, there is no extra distribution for him. The shadow is that Mu Tianyi worships his brother. Although he does not belong to the seven guards, his true strength is not inferior to any one of those people...·····

This time, in order to deal with Chu Yang and the dream is boundless, Yuan Tianjun has dispatched three at a time. This scale is in the history of Mo Yuntian, and it is still the first time!

Dreams are at best a primary saint, how to resist these three joint kills! ?

Therefore, the wooden sky and the shadow can only be sighed...·····

During these few months, Xie Danqiong was too busy to keep his heels, but I don’t know that Chu Yang is too busy to stun!

Do not say anything else, even the time to find Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian double repair is almost no - not Chu Yang busy without four or six, that is, both women are too busy.

Because everything is from the beginning, everything is going to be awkward, personnel must be trained, we must hurry up, we must work together, we must be tacit, we must rectify, we must spend money, we must make money...···

Chu Yang uses an unusually extreme secret means to spread a new version of Super Jiuzhong Dan among his own subordinates, so that everyone is progressing rapidly.

The recent Huahua City, as if it was between the night and the evening, has become a place where lightning and thunder are resident.

It is a big exception.

In the past, the flowers fell into the mountains, surrounded by mountains, with good weather and rainy seasons.

I don’t see any thunder and lightning scenes at all, and often it’s not always possible to have it once in a few years.

However, since the establishment of Tianbing Pavilion in Chuyang...

After about a month, suddenly there was a breakthrough every day, and lightning and thunder naturally stayed in the city.

It is said that it is not exaggerated to be resident. In those days, almost every day, people have to bear the punishment of the day. At most, there are more than ten or twenty people breaking through the day, often for several days, and the lightning and thunder are all uninterrupted. ····

This horrific scene made the indigenous warriors in the city of Huanhua round their eyes one by one and shattered a underground bus.

How could it be like this?

This is too unreasonable, incredible, incredible!

In the past 100 years, there has been a breakthrough that has attracted a lot of punishment. It is quite rare, and the family that produces the master will have to celebrate it.

But now... How do you have so many high-level penalties that are almost endless from the sky? What is the situation?

Are you kidding?

When did it, the day penalty also became a flood of Chinese cabbage?

This makes the newly rising Tianbing Pavilion add a little mysterious meaning to the demon emperor's inexplicable. The rivers and lakes are spread around: As long as you join the Tianbing Pavilion, you can break through the existing martial arts, step into the sky, and then imagine!

Tianbing Pavilion has a mysterious master, a valuable elixir cheat, and experienced masters...···

With so many favorable conditions, you are embarrassed if you don't break through!

Is it not? !

Ever since, the number of warriors who want to join the Tianbing Pavilion has increased.

The warriors who were originally in the Tianbing Pavilion were more motivated, and now everyone is tossing themselves.

Look, who is who, because it is a bit harder than we did, but it was not a level with us. Now people have been promoted and entered the senior camp of the holy soldiers.

Who and who, entered the Heaven Camp!

What about us? Although it has improved a little, it is still in place, and there is no essential breakthrough.

This is not ok.

The fourth day broke out.

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