Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 422: Test medicine, heaven and earth Xuanhuang fruit! [The eighth! 】

"The throne, what is the command?" These days, the dream is boundless to Chu Yang can be said to be more and more admire.

Using the method given by Chu Yang to practice, in a short period of time, his subordinates actually went on a series of breakthroughs!

This kind of achievement, this grand occasion, is the first time in the process of life that has been in the longevity of hundreds of thousands of years.

For the first time, the dream is boundless. For the first time, Chu Yang’s ‘slaughter of the demon, is full of confidence: as long as this continues to improve, what is the Taoist army?

"This is the case." Chu Yang took a bit of wording, this is the way: "Dream general, now there is one thing, I have some uncertainties in my heart, can not make up my mind... I don't know the dream general believes not to believe, On the road of martial arts, can you do things in a thousand miles or even one step?"

Dreams are boundless: "This statement naturally exists as a special case. Especially for low-ranking warriors, after taking some extremely rare Tiandi treasures, or after undergoing a strong empowerment, it is true. It can be a thousand miles, or even one step to the sky."

"However, this kind of situation is generally only reflected in the holy warrior. The general warrior has been repaired to the holy level. The required spiritual power of the heavens and the earth is already too large. Therefore, this special case is relatively rare."

The dreamlessness is undoubtedly a big truth, but when it comes to this, it is still a little hesitant. "But this is also a matter of method. There are some rare secret ways in the legend. It is still possible to do it. It’s just that we don’t know. Just like the ultimate practice that the throne is now proposing...”

Chu Yang smiled: "Dream General, now the ultimate practice that everyone has experienced, if there is no external force to join, do you really think that the effect will be so obvious?"

The dream is boundless and laughs.

The so-called extreme cultivation, as long as it is a warrior will not be unfamiliar, but some people have to practice their own life and death, and there is absolutely no such thing as the collective breakthrough of the current army.

There are doubts in his heart, Chu Yang must have other means just, Chu Yang does not say, dreams are boundless and will not rush to inquire.

This kind of big secret, one less person knows is relatively safer.

The scale of this point, the dream is boundless or grasped very well. But now that Chu Yang took the initiative to propose it, he knew that Chu Yang was ready to solve the mystery and smiled: "Please also ask the throne to solve."

"I have a very special treasure of heaven and earth." Chu Yang began to gather sound into a line, and the sound was secreted into the line: "This kind of heaven and earth treasure can limit the cultivation of people, and even improve people's physique... ...and during this time we used this to create a great miracle of thousands of people. The so-called tricks will be ingeniously different - the key to my trick is here..."

"It turns out!" The dream is boundless and suddenly realized. Then it was strange: between the world, I really didn’t hear that there would be such a hegemonic treasure. ——·····

"Dare to ask the throne, what is this heavenly treasure? Is it possible to give the name?" The dream asked innocently.

"It's a kind of fruit." Chu Yang took a deep breath: "But now we have a tough choice, that is, if we continue to use this fruit on a large scale, the effect will not be great, but if it is rash If you let someone take it alone, the potency will be too great. Even if you and I are already strong in the sage level, you may not be able to load it on the spot and you will be directly bombarded by huge potions!"

"And once it can't be digested, the ending is the two secluded." Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "So, in the end, how to use this kind of thing to find a dream general to discuss and discuss."

"Is it really possible to smash the saints? How can there be such amazing fruits in the world?!" The dream was shocked and asked.

If a sage-level strongman is alive and dying, the dream is boundless.

But what Chu Yang said is really a slap in the face.

"This is really a matter of inaccuracy." Chu Yang smiled bitterly: "I can't figure it out now, how powerful the medicine is in the fruit...but if it is It’s not impossible to smash a saint. This is not the case after the fruit dissipated at least 90% of the potency...”

Chu Yang said the same thing that year.

The dream is frowning and contemplating.

"If you follow the theory of the throne to say the power of this fruit, it should not pose any threat to you and me." The dream is indecent and said: "The throne was originally divided into the forces of the nine heavens.

At best, it is the level of human level training, and maybe even lower. ”

"While the people are at the same level, there are already dozens of strength gaps, and the distance between the land and the heavens is tens of times; the heavens are far from the holy level, and the difference is farther... As for the heavens Level, sage level······ is even more indistinguishable. In terms of energy storage comparison, the gap is almost the difference, the gap between elephants and ants...·····

"Even if the energy contained in this fruit is still beyond our imagination, I believe that it will never exceed the limit of the sage's strongman." When the dream is not said, it is obviously very cautious.

Because he knows that as long as there is any point analysis error, it is very likely to lead to irreparable serious consequences of the only end of the eruption of the elixir, only the smoke disappears, the body is dead!

Even the soul will not leave any little!

The true meaning of the spirit is gone, and it will never be lost!

The words that the dream has no end to say will be a basis for how Chuyang will use this kind of heavenly treasure in the future.

Chu Yang once again indulged.

After a long, long time, Chu Yang Shen Sheng: "Dream General, I am looking for you today, in addition to asking you to help me judge the ultimate effectiveness of this fruit, there is another purpose, or another purpose is the main purpose. Just want to ask you... to help test the effectiveness of this heavenly treasure, and the limits of the sage's strongman..."

The dream is nowhere to listen and nodded.

He just wanted to come up and try it out by himself, but I am afraid that Chu Yang suspects that he has ulterior motives. After all, this kind of heavenly treasure can be met and not demanded, even if it takes some risks, it is more beneficial than harm.

Such a strange heaven and earth treasure, if it is swallowed by one bite, it is inevitable that there is a private suspicion.

This can be said to be bad.

Now that Chu Yang proposed it, there is no problem. The dream is not boundless, and said: "The old man is willing to fight."

The dream is boundless, and Chu Yang said that this sentence has been repeatedly considered and considered. Why do you find yourself to experiment, it is also a comprehensive calculation.

Now the situation seems to be stable, but in reality it is in jeopardy and may change at any time. Chu Yang is still stronger, so Chu Yang has an endless stream of cards, and it can save lives if it is not good enough.

Even if Chu Yang’s life-saving cards are exposed, but the Yunyun Tianren may not be able to understand the whole details of Chuyang. After all, it is too far away and there are too few contacts.

And he is different, Mo Yuntian is too familiar with himself!

No matter whether it is his own cultivation or the way of fighting, there is almost no one in the top of the Moyuntian, especially among the masters of the saints. It can be said that each other is well-informed and well-informed.

Once some super masters come over and face them, they are almost always waiting for you!

There is absolutely no luck.

So now the most dangerous person is not Chu Yang, but himself!

It can be said that if you don't use this kind of medicine, it doesn't even happen that Chu Yang has such a godly spirit, and his ending is absolutely impossible to escape; as long as it is found by the enemy, the ending is already doomed. If this kind of heavenly treasure is too strong, it can't be loaded and it will be killed... It is also the same as being killed by the enemy!

The left and right are also dead, and maybe even better, because it is very happy to die, but if the enemy is going back to the ink cloud, it may encounter an unimaginable painful encounter...

Conversely, if this kind of heavenly treasure does not blew itself, but instead raises itself to a large-scale cultivation, then the chances of losing your life and even defeating it will undoubtedly increase greatly!

Therefore, this time gambling, although it is necessary to use life to bet, but still gambling that Zongli outweighs the disadvantages!

What is in the world, not gambling? If you don't press, you will never win!

Chu Yang looked deeply at the endless dreams and said: "Dream General, can you consider it? This process may not be as easy as you judged!"

The dream nodded solemnly: "The throne, the old man understands your heart, life and death, and gains and losses in the sky."

In his eyes, there is a deep gratitude.

Chu Yang is not that he can't experiment with this medicine, and if Chu Yang takes it, the chance of success is much higher than the dream.

However, once the trial is successful, the amount of this fruit is limited.

There are too many people who need to take it.

The dream has not come to the end, the inch has not been built, if it is given to him, how convincing?

Even though Chu Yang is extremely prestigious, it is still inevitable to plant a negative seed.

But if it involves the theory of life and death, once it fails, the dream will be dead, it is another matter; even if it succeeds, the dream is the first beneficiary! There will still be no one who will be jealous and feel unbalanced, because people are taking their own lives to fight and spell out the results!

And it is for everyone!

In this way, the dream will become the hero of the Tianbing Pavilion, and will be integrated into the core of the Tianbing Pavilion in the first time.

And... also with a substantial increase in strength!

Although Chu Yang is trying to test the medicine with no dreams, the risk is unpredictable, but among them, it is also a good intention: just as the dream has no end to say... If it is a medicine that can smash the saints····· · Well, this is not a natural treasure, but the world's first poison!

Because, even after Chu Leer’s study of the venom, he found that the highest level of poison recorded in the toxicology can only be a certain degree of weakening of the saint's cultivation, and it is impossible to directly poison it!

Poison is not enough, let alone make up?

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