Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 423: Strength again! [The ninth! 】

"In the past few days, I have a kind of hunch." The dream has long sighed: "Mo Yuntian's revenge is coming soon. With the temperament of the Emperor, you can tolerate it for so long, probably because some kind of extra Anything else... Otherwise, I’m afraid that someone should come before two months ago...”

"Just don't know, what kind of change happened in the end..." The eyes of the dreamless end are extremely intense.

My brothers, my business... Have you been involved in it? Can Mu Shuai keep you?

Will you be unfairly treated because of me?

"Get started." The dreamless eyes turn to clear, and the voice is urging.

Chu Yang took a deep breath and said: "In the next period of time, I will protect you for the law; you must remember that this medicine can not see the light, as long as it is taken out from the storage place, the potency It will quickly evaporate in the first time... The dream general, if you feel unsure, you can wait a little longer and take it again. In any case, I don't want you to have something! We have to go side by side and fight the devil!"

The dream nodded seriously and said that I understood.

"Attention!" Chu Yang Shen channel.

The dream is boundless.

The next moment, Chu Yang put his hand into the space of nine robberies, palms on the thin, but once unbreakable seal, the power of a little spit, has penetrated the seal.

Chu Yang has already taken back his hand when he feels the strange touch of the square in the palm of his hand.

The palm of the hand opened and the magical fruit appeared in the palm of your hand.

Although the dream is boundless, although it is a well-informed person, it is still the first time I have seen it. There are such square fruits in this world.

I saw that the words above were rapidly rotating, and countless pure auras came out and flowed out of the world.

"Give me!" The dream is boundless, and waits for Chu Yang to react. I have already grabbed the heaven and earth Xuan Huangguo in the hands, and the next moment, I did not hesitate to put it all in my mouth!

It’s a pity that these heavenly treasures are a waste of a trace of aura.

As early as when Chu Yang said that the words, the dream has no idea in the heart has already made up his mind: So how can you allow the slightest amount of drug to evaporate?

If you can't absorb it all by yourself, then you can tell Chu Yang how much the real power of this fruit is before you explode! Where is the limit!

Therefore, although he is full of promises on the surface, in fact, he has already planned otherwise!

Chu Yang's look is subconsciously nervous!

Looking at the dream without saying anything, I swallowed the day, Xuan Huangguo, Chu Yang could not help but take a deep breath, and raised the whole body.

If there is a dream, if there is a situation in which you can't digest excess energy, then Chu Yang will use all of his own cultivation in the first time, and use the method of whale swallowing and dispersing the drug to absorb it halfway!

Believe that no matter how arrogant this fruit is, there is no way to blast the two saints at once!

In fact, this is also a fundamental test. Chu Yang had a long-term plan for this.

Dreams are boundless and will never die.

However, if the dream is not at the beginning, it means that it is not willing to test the medicine. Chu Yang will not be reluctant, but since then, it is necessary to re-evaluate the dream!

Facts have proved that Chu Yang is not disappointed, and the dreamlessness itself has not let Chu Yang down!

This can't blame Chu Yang for being careful, or to say that the gentleman's belly is the heart of a gentleman. It is a military talent with no dreams. It takes a very important and important part in Chuyang's plan!

In the future, he will lead his own millions of brothers to set foot on the battlefield. If you make mistakes, you may bring huge losses that cannot be recovered.

Chu Yang is not allowed to make a mistake.

This temptation, although it is really a bit disgraceful in the bones, is imperative, and has to be!

No matter which aspect, you must do this. Even if you are worried about it, you must have it once!

Under the close watch of Chu Yang, the body of the dreamless, almost the first time to swallow the heaven and earth Xuan Huangguo, is a slamming sound, a burst of white light.

Immediately, the white light was more and more prosperous, and the whole body of the dreamlessness was completely shrouded in it.

Chu Yang This can be clearly seen, the original face of the dreamless white, almost instantly rose red, obviously the test is quite severe, or there is a danger of explosion!

Tiandi Xuanhuangguo, the super-psychic effect that originally did not belong to this world, the first full-scale outbreak, is indeed a terrible horror.

Although the body of the dreamless endlessness is trembling, it is still faint and stable.

"Nothing!" The dreamless voice is very clear. He fully guides the airflow into the meridians and flows away from Dantian. He carefully observes, feels, and gives the most accurate personal comments.

This kind of distraction, if it is not at a considerable level, under such a huge potency, it is absolutely impossible.

That is to take Chu Yang as an example, because the strength of his physique and his own body temperament may be far beyond the dream, but if you convert the current situation to Chu Yang, Chu Yang can cope with it more easily. However, it is absolutely incapable of dreaming and endless. It is not only a question of cultivation, but also a difference in mood. The most important thing is the difference in experience accumulated over hundreds of thousands of years!

"This kind of medicine is really a treasure of heaven and earth! It can be said that the first strange treasure that the old man has seen for hundreds of thousands of years!" The voice of the endless dream is very calm: "The old man knows before, the so-called heavenly treasure Compared with this kind of fruit, it is almost like a dregs! This statement is no exaggeration!"

"This kind of fruit, the effect is really grand, but it is still not enough to smash a saint." Dreams continue to comment.

"But if the person who is a primitive person takes this fruit, it will definitely explode in the first place."

"The natural strength of the heavenly person is taken. If there is no great perseverance, the chances of being able to bear it are not big."

"Tianren's high level of taking the whole fruit is basically no problem, and if you can fully utilize the energy of this fruit, there will be a great chance to break through the boundaries of the saints!"

"As for the old man, he has been in the primary peak of the saint for tens of thousands of years, but he has never been able to break through the intermediate bottleneck. However, after taking all the effects of this fruit, he will be able to break through the original bottleneck and reach the middle of the saint. One stage. But, from the second stage, there is still a considerable distance!"

"This fruit is called the name of the world's first Qibao, and it is absolutely worthy."

"Just, this kind of fruit seems to have a special effect, that is, in the meridians, this kind of medicine will last for a long time.... It will not be easily neutralized, so at most, one person’s life. I can only take it once..."

"Take more, the drug effect is accumulated, it is difficult to volatilize the original effect, it can only cause waste... It is a pity, of course, this is a theoretical statement, so strange, one person in a lifetime I can get one, it’s been a few years, and I’ve been able to repair it for decades. I’m thinking more, I’ll only fold my own blessings.” The dream is not accurate.

Chu Yang pondered, discretion, the dreamless comment, and his original speculation, basically the same.

Generally, this is the case.

After the endless evaluation of the dream, I began to fully absorb the power of the fruit. If this is not a good opportunity, if it is not able to grasp it well, it is simply the first fool in the world.

Now that the explanation has been completed, the dream is boundless, and soon I have entered the object and I have forgotten it. I am immersed in cultivation...·····

Chu Yang looked at the face of the dreamless face, has slowly recovered the normal color, the whole body came out with a strong holy white light, relieved with relief.

Finally, the dream is boundless to break through its boundaries...···

At this time, you can't stay here anymore. At this moment, the dream is no longer needed to protect the law.

In case the bad color is being punished by the sky, he is not afraid, but it will increase the power of the endless punishment of the dream more than double. In that case, it is really killing him by himself, and protecting the law has changed the law.

Chu Yang slammed his feet and cautiously went out.

Immediately, greeting other people, they also left the distance of at least a hundred feet.

More than half a mile, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly rushed like a running horse.

Chu Yang suddenly remembered: "Oops! I just had a good study room. ·························································

When I was thinking about it, I saw that the sky suddenly turned black and dark.

Then, a thin black lightning, so squat down!

The whole piece of land suddenly trembled!

The punishment of the sage level, once again came to the city of Falling Flowers!

Chu Yang’s mouth showed a heartfelt smile.

This day's punishment also shows that in his camp, another sage intermediate master will be added!

The purple evil rushed to the side of Chuyang, looking at the dark sky, and the black lightning above the pressure of the day, and asked: "Dream is boundless?"

Chu Yang nodded.

"How did he improve? In his situation, there is no possibility of breaking through so easily. What help did you give him?!" The purple evil is somewhat eager to try.

"It really gave him a treasure of heaven... but you have only recently been promoted. For the time being, it is still the first priority to stabilize your own realm. It is not appropriate to upgrade." Chu Yang smiled.

The purple evil sighed: "I don't know what this reason is, but your situation is like a real danger. Every more strength is more secure, so I think..."

"I care about me so much, I am flattered. I don't want to get promoted early. You can practice with me every day, so you can speed up your own realm." Chu Yang winks his eyes: "I believe that you will consolidate quickly." ”

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