Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 426: I can’t bear it.

When the three people come together to make trouble, they are already sinful! !

What's more, they also killed themselves, killed their brothers, and killed the strong people of the Yaozu! It is also the guardian who killed the devil's birthday! At this moment, there is no need to say anything more, this hate hate, don't share the sky!

Only war!

Use battle and life to maintain the dignity of the Emperor's Day!

Seeing that more than a dozen demon strongmen are like crazy, they will come up, and the three seven-star guards will show their sneer.

Although these people's cultivation is not weak, it is definitely not in the eyes of the three of them.

The three people even took a lazy step and took a step with the enemy in an extremely casual attitude.

The so-called old babies are urchins, nothing more!

This is the absolute gap between each other's strength!


The golden lion was suddenly blown out of the dust by a big foot that appeared out of thin air. The blood in his mouth was mad and the injury was heavy.

"The pearl of rice grain, also let the light shine! Today, let you know that there is a sky outside, there is someone on the demon! What is it!" Another person grabbed it, and even grabbed another avatar with his own hand. Like the tail, the whole one was directly smashed up, and a bang slammed into another demon master. The two demon masters screamed in unison, and the bones were under this collision. How many roots have been broken.

The other seven or eight battles with the demon masters, while sending out a voice warning, there are strong enemies.

The urgency of the police voice is far out.

The three seven-star guards still smiled lightly, and they were calm and uncomfortable, and they did not stop. For them, the current battle is not even warm-up.

It is best if the other party can come up with a few enough weights to talk about it in a good way; hurry up and settle down; but if the other party is really tough, it is natural that they don't mind playing another one.

In the capacity of three people, killing a few saints in the Emperor’s Day seems to be really not a big deal.

We naturally have such qualifications, and there is such a weight!

But these three people did not even think that today is no longer a matter of identity, not even the sin of killing a few people. This is the birthday of the demon!

The dignity of the entire Emperor's Day has now been trampled under their feet, and trampling is worthless!

If the three are not dead, the demon emperor goes up and down, no one is willing to give up!

Even if the demon is willing to put up with it, the demon of the demon emperor will never swallow this breath.

What's more, is the demon a kind of demon that is willing to endure?

The three people have not come out since they became the seven-star guard. The strength is extremely strong, but the knowledge of the world is limited. Especially for the birthday of the demon, there is no half impression at all...

But that is why it has caused this great disaster.

The fact that the fist is big represents the truth, but the truth of this layer of nine heavens is not applicable to all situations!

Like today...

As the war continues, the movements are getting bigger and bigger, and more and more demons are coming in, almost a moment, and the various tyrannical gods in the edge of the demon emperor.

Everyone who came to see the remnants of the scattered satriarchs on the ground, and then saw that there were already several people who were seriously injured and could not move. Then they saw which three enemies of the other side were like a cat and a mouse. Suddenly, one by one is a fierce fire!

Direct shot!

As for what reason...············································· That's not a demon, but an idiot demon!

Who is the fist of the rivers and lakes rules, who has reason!

No matter what reason you have, let's talk about it first.

As far as this point is concerned, there is a big difference between the Yaozu and the Terran. When the Terran Warrior encounters a stronger than himself, as long as it is not forced, most of them will choose to evade their front, not to be tempted, to preserve the useful body,

The choice of the Yaozu is strong when it is strong. How can you be enemies with me, even if you are tyrannical, I will not have to do with you, and I will never give up on the momentum!

It is as if now, a group of demon masters have come one after another, although they know that these three enemies are super superpowers that they can’t shake at all, but they are still the servants and they are brave enough to fight!

Especially in the battle, I learned that the three people actually came to the ceremony of the birth of the demon, and a tiger saint stopped them, but they were killed by them, and they also injured some of the demon people...

Even more, the eyes are red!

The value of hatred suddenly rose to the point where the hatred of the country hatred, and all of them were as if they were attacking.

It is strange that the three seven-star guards are playing more and more. Although so far, because of the strength of their own three people, they have always been able to handle them with ease, but the situation in front of them is strange. In normal terms, it is only a remote area of ​​the Emperor's Day. There is no reason to have so many strong people at the same time. But the reality is that the masters of the Yaozu gather more and more.

It seems that these people are just gathering together and doing things in general.

The three people are getting more and more surprised, and they feel that the pressure they are under is getting bigger and bigger. !

Because, the number of follow-up people is not only a large number of people, but also a person of extraordinary strength and strength, and when they come up, they will be red-eyed and killing. The elephant is strong and strong, once faced with too many amazing ants, It is still possible to be swallowed up by a large number of ants. The number of the Yaozu is not huge yet, but the gap between the two sides is not an elephant or an ant. The three seven-star guards are superior in strength.

The other party is still unable to cause de facto damage to the three people, but all this is too unusual. In other words, this shows that...

There must be something wrong!

"Say, what is going on here?" The three-eyed exchange between the two, at the same time, shot, and fully force the dozens of demon masters who besieged themselves three people to force out the battle circle.

"What happened? Now think about it and ask what happened? Too late, you three must die here!" Someone replied coldly, murderous.

The people who killed us first, and dare to be so arrogant, now actually ask us what is going on?

When you are all dead, Huang Quan is not far away, ask the king of Luo!

Under the constant gathering, there are more and more demon masters who have come to hear the news. In addition, the nearest army of the Emperor Tianjun has also begun to march here.

At the same time, the unexpected situation here has already been notified by the special secret contact method unique to the demon king day.

"On the day after the birth of the demon, what three escorts of Mo Yuntian came to trouble, and has killed several masters of the saints, including... In addition to confirming the death, the wounded are countless... In the battle of glue, please ask for reinforcements·······

Such a message to the demon palace, you can imagine what the reaction of the demon high-level executives!

Every demon is angry and rushing to the crown, anger is unstoppable, anger is 30,000 feet!

Paralyzed, we have never bothered you, you dare to go to the door, and still on such a special day! The last time I have given you a face, this time it has come to chaos again, and it has become worse...

Really when our demon emperor is a good bully, is it muddy?

It’s a coincidence that the intelligence was just the white woman who had just rushed back from Luohua City. Almost without thinking, she gave the order: "No matter who is coming, kill it all! No matter what the reason, kill it, kill it." amnesty!"

The order was just issued, and the white woman found that the white shadow flashed in front of him. The protagonist of today’s birthday, the Lord of the Emperor’s Heaven, the demon, appeared in front of himself silently.

"Sister. Mo Yuntian's people are too deceiving, it is too much, you must give them a color look!" Bai Yimei said angrily.

After the demon, a faint whispered, said: "It must be to give them color to see, but the person who came to the side of the ink cloud is the close-family seven-star guard of Yuan Tian. The people you sent are still not working, and they can’t move them. !"

The white woman was surprised and widened her eyes: "Is it not enough to send so many people?"

After the demon nodded: "These people are the strongest in the world. Even if I personally shot it, I might not be able to take it in one fell swoop. I have already ordered the five guards of the demon emperor to take the shot. Since I have decided to take it down, I will If you don't leave room, go all out. However, this matter is very likely to detonate the two world wars, we have to prepare for the next!"

The white woman was shocked: "Ah, those people have such a heavy weight. If they kill them, they may cause a big battle between the two worlds. If so, do you want to keep them alive?!"

After the demon, I said: "I have already said that the position is clear and the ending will be doomed. No matter who they are, no matter how heavy they are, no matter what the consequences, since I dare to mess with me in these few days. Then they have only one dead road! Don't say they are, even if the party's Emperor is close to each other? Touch me, why not fight?!"

"Yes!" The white woman promised a lot of excitement.

"Sister remembers, we are demon, no time, no fear of fighting!" The demon snorted.

An indescribable, mad murderously described in pen and ink, suddenly bursting into the air, instantly filled the entire demon day.

The momentum of this moment after the demon has almost surpassed the heavens and the earth!

It is a kind of super bachelor who is not afraid of who is not afraid of love. After the demon has not been revealed for many years, today's birthday, it actually recurred.

It seems that it was also caused by the three guards.

Isn’t the old lady not prospering for so long, no one knows the aging mother’s power? First, I was covered by the double emperor, and then I crossed the border in my demon emperor's day. Now I am still working directly with us. I have chosen the special criteria for picking up the days. It seems that I have to touch my head and fall in my face on the day of my birthday. If I can bear it anymore, it is estimated that no one will take the old lady seriously...

It is unbearable!


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