Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 427: Chu Yang's birthday ceremony

"Yuan Tian limit! You are a bastard, give your face a shameless thing!"! The demon hate snorted.

The white woman is stunned.

"Is that little rabbit scorpion back?" asked the demon.

"I came back and came back for a few days... It’s just that these two days have been carrying his confidante to the library, where to find the highest inheritance of the Fox family. They have been busy for several days." White woman wipes A cold sweat.

By the voice of his own big sister, 'Yuan Tian limited you to this bastard, scared out a sweat.

It seems that I haven’t seen my elder sister so horrible for a long time.

And the object of 骂 is still the Emperor of the Clouds!

This kind of shock, a bit... big.

"The confidante?" The demon had to go outside. When I heard this sentence, I turned my head and my eyes flashed. "What kind of confidante?"

"It's a small fox girl. This time, I accidentally met outside. Ningning said that she was at first sight and affectionate. Every day after the saddle, she was very diligent and wanted to come to marry her sister." The wish." The white woman smiled slightly.

"呃······" After the demon, the unexpected said: "Then he finally had no idea about the purple girl?"

"Ha ha ha ·····" The white woman laughed happily: "The purple skull has already had a sweetheart, and after seeing that person, it is a punch and kick, and we are scared of our kidneys. I am shaking, how many times I am glad to tell me: Fortunately, the purple girl did not promise him, otherwise... This is really a day when I can’t..."

"Haha·····" The demon laughed too: "Wait, let me remember that the little boy brought me his confidante and brought me to take a closer look. This confusing thing, these big things are not even Tell me."

"Okay." The white woman immediately turned and went.

After the demon said it was good, this is indeed a major event, and it is still a super-big thing, the entire demon king's super-big things.

Ordinary people find a wife, it is naturally a small matter; but, the only prince of the Yaozu, looking for a wife, is definitely a great thing in the world, at least the world of the demon king. Because, this wife, a great chance will be a queen of the demon queen. , is the mother of the world!

Not a long time, the demon Ningning battle with the arrival of a white poem.

In the past few years of accumulation, the demon Ning has become a habitual fear, but when he sees a qualified mother, his legs are trembling. Not afraid of power, but really afraid of 挨揍······

In the memory of the demon Ningning, when I saw that my mother was not jealous, there were only a handful of true ones.

At this moment, the white poems are falling and generous; see the demon. She followed Chu Yang and Mo light dance, and the big scenes she saw were quite a lot. The so-called wind of the king has never been said to be countless. Seeing the demon after this moment, and not seeing it in formal occasions, I didn’t feel too uncomfortable.

In view of this point, although I was the first time I saw Bai Shizhen, I had a few good feelings at the first time. Then when I carefully distinguished it, I was shocked by the fierceness: "The Wind Fox family?"

Bai Shi said: "Yes."

After the demon, he took a long sigh of relief: "I don't want the wind fox family to have a descendant in the world. It is really an accident."

Said, actually gave birth to a lot of ambiguity.

The wind fox family has always been a beautiful family of the Yaozu; in the history of the demon emperor, most of the so-called beauty of the country and the people are the people of the Fenghu family.

It is also known as the Wind Fox family - the charm of the family.

Later, the wind fox family inadvertently offended the people who had a lot of things in one thing. The backstage of this person is the youngest son of the saints; therefore, he was convicted and was personally shot by the holy guard. erase.

Because this matter is implicated in the Holy King, even after the demon, there is nothing to help. I thought that this race has already perished, but I never thought that my son had just made a confidante, and it was actually a descendant of the wind fox!

Moreover, there is still no pure wind fox that has cultivated the charm of the wind fox family.

"The cultivation and inheritance of the Fenghu family... I really have it here, but you are pure and pure, and it is a pity to cultivate those." After the demon said: "And, since you and Ningning have already reached this point, you should not practice the wind again. The inheritance of the fox family."

After the demon, he made up his mind in an instant: this time it was implicated in my son. I still care about him.

"In this way, you can change to the inheritance of the Yaozu royal family. This is more beneficial to you."

"Thank you for your mother!" Demon Ning was overjoyed.

Bai Shi’s eyes are puzzled: “Why can’t I practice the inheritance of Fenghu’s own family with the devil’s Ningning?”

It’s really a little girl who is innocent and innocent!

Both the demon and the white woman are speechless.

You are the one who wants to be a queen of the demon queen in the future. Is it necessary to cultivate the charm of those men who are charming?

In private, the demon, Ning, and Ning asked: "After the mother, do you see poetry?"

After the demon snorted, he said: "Strongly strong."

"Thank you for your mother's success!" Demon Ning heard a cheer.

After the demon, I couldn’t help but laugh: "It’s really growing up...···"

I know that people I like are working hard in front of my mother. This is a sign that really becomes a ‘man.

After the demon said that this sentence ‘grown up, the heart is very emotional, and quite a bit gratifying.

"After the mother. This is the birthday gift given to me by several new brothers I have met." Demon Ning is really happy to take it out of the ring: "This is the purple girl for you, this is what you told me... this is……"

"Well? Which of you, Big Brother Chu, didn't send a birthday gift?"

"This, the birthday gift from Grand Brother Chu is very serious in this bottle. I am strictly forbidden to open this bottle, so I don't know what to send?" Demon Ning took out a bottle.

The entire hall was instantly immersed in a purple light.

"It was actually a bottle made of amethyst chalcedony. This bottle alone is already a treasure!" The tail of the demon was also raised.

Even if the amethyst chalcedony is not too rare for the demon, but such a large piece of complete amethyst chalcedony, only a bottle for packaging. Then, the value of the things in the bottle is already imaginable.

It is not an ordinary thing.

"After the mother, Brother Chu once said that when you open this bottle, you must block the inside of the bottle with vitality and don't make it leaked..." Demon Ning is so swallowing, obviously there is no doubt about someone’s enthusiasm. .

“Oh?” The demon frowned and said: “Is it a very rare thing here... I’m going to have a look at what it’s good.” It’s not too slow to say, the jade hand waved, one piece The holy white light instantly blocked a very small area.

Then this opened the bottle.

At the moment the bottle just opened, suddenly a pure and extremely powerful cockroach force thrived.

In an instant, there was a tendency to break through the blockade of the demon.

After the demon, I was really shocked. I added a new blockade and then poured out a fruit from the bottle.

A square box with fruit on each side.

And the pure spiritual power that is almost crazy is emanate from this fruit.

"It was really the most valuable birthday present I received in my life, no one!" After the demon, he said with great surprise, then he said: "Open your mouth."

Hearing this, another party, Yao Ningning, did not respond, what do you mean, dry mouth? !

After the demon did not say anything, the hand was to open the demon Ning Ning mouth, the next moment, this strange fruit has already been put into the mouth of his son, then the hands are combined, the small part of the air in the air, also turned into In order to have a clear stream under the careful control of the demon, all entered the demon Ningning belly.

"Mother...·····" Demon Ningning only had time to say two words, and it has already been stunned by the demon: "Do not waste your efforts with your heart."

Immediately, he used one hand to resist the son's vest, while the other hand was placed on the cover of the demon, Ningning, and the hero, and he helped the son to improve.

Tiancai Dibao is undoubtedly very important.

And this time, the birthday gift sent by Chu Yang is definitely one of the good things in the first place.

If the demon is eaten, then she is very sure that she can go further in this absolutely gradual level after the nine emperors.

Because it is not only purely potent, but also some kind of heavenly rules! I believe that as long as I understand it, it is a great creation. Even if you can't comprehend on the spot, you have a chance in your own body, which is extremely rare.

But she still did not choose to take it by herself, but to serve her son.

Isn’t the mother of the world all the same? With good things, you will choose to give priority to your children. How can you care for yourself?

The demon, Ning, Ning, and the heart surged, almost did not cry out.

Just because I didn't work hard and not diligently, my own strength was too slow to improve. My mother would choose to give these good things to myself this time...

The demon palace, the spiritual power is unprecedentedly turbulent.

After a long while, the demon came out with a little exhaustion and told anyone not to go in and disturb, and then went to the hall.

Thinking in my heart: Well, this Chu Yang, it really is a bit interesting.

Moreover, it is also generous enough...

As far as I know, this guy is a man who is not afraid of fear, even the son of Yuan Tianjun, who also said to kill and kill; but now I have sent me such a heavy gift because of Ninger.

Obviously it is not for the power of the demon king, but for this feeling.

It seems that Ninger is really growing up, so good friends can get it, there are friends, I can really rest assured...

However, as the saying goes, I voted for Tao Li and reported it to Qiong Yao.

In this case, I can’t be too small to be a family...····

However, this time, the three guards of Moyuntian came to the Emperor's Day. The purpose is self-evident. It must be for him. In the end, he simply blocked the disaster for him. Anyway, the three guys injured many of his own people. People, to get rid of them, can be regarded as helping others to help themselves.

<I have something to say in advance. Well, from about July, I felt that there was a big bean-like protrusion at the base of the thumb in the left hand, and the second joint in the right **** had such a thing, very small.

From then on, I knew that it was tenosynovitis. However, I didn't feel anything uncomfortable at that time. In the past few days, I felt that it was very inconvenient. It didn't hurt much. The key point was that the **** had a little obstacle in the last half of the month, and often needed a hand. I slammed it over.

But this is said to have to undergo minor surgery. Now I am still hesitant to do it. I wanted to finish this book and do it again, just rest, but now hesitating...

Or if it is more serious, I will go ahead and do this, but for now I still hesitate to say hello to everyone in advance. If you have a **** operation to do the surgery, please say hello to everyone in advance, don’t look for me. The reason is not even more...···

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