Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 428: Battle of escort

The demon palace is full of joy and joy, singing and dancing. It seems that it has not affected the mood of the demons because of unexpected events.

However, above the sky tens of thousands of miles away, the big battle was in full swing, and it was impossible to clean up!

At this time, the three escorts of Moyuntian finally understood what happened.

I understood that I had waited for three people to make a mistake, but it was too late.

"Bold and confusing, actually dare to disturb the birthday of the demon!" This sentence, after they killed a few people, the new rush of a group of demons of the Emperor Tiansheng roared out.

Upon hearing this sentence, the three people could not help but be cold, and even their heads suddenly stunned.

How could it happen? It’s so coincidental that I caught up with the birthday of the demon?

And when the three of them were still in the devil's birthday, they killed the guardian of the demon emperor...

This... can be troublesome, and the hatred is so big.

"This is a misunderstanding!" one of the seven-star guards said loudly: "Please let the old man explain!"

"Misundering your ancestors!" Almost all the Emperor's masters yelled together: "Explain your mother's head."

When it’s time, I’m still awkward about what’s wrong?

Then I rushed to your home, killing all the parents of your wife and son, and then telling you that this is a misunderstanding, you must forgive me?

It’s just crazy...

Go to hell!

A big battle, the wind hits the clouds, the sky is red, and it is extremely fierce!

If you want to compare it, even if Chu Yang uses the end of the battle force, the army will turn to hundreds of thousands of miles, everywhere is affected by the disaster, the ground is all enemy, full of wounded soldiers, devastation is still too late!

Because the quality of this war is too high, people without the level of the sage are simply not eligible to participate.

Even the junior saints seem to be stronger than the cannon fodder in this battle. The level of the party that was encircled is too high!

There are several turning points in this battle, and it is also the key to this battle. It is worth mentioning.

At the beginning, although the Emperor Tiantian also came to the masters to participate in the siege, but because the level of strength has not yet arrived, the three Mo Yuntian guards have more than enough, extraordinarily arrogant, casually confronted the enemy, talking and laughing, not doing anything at all.

Although in the process, I have been killed and wounded, but I haven’t felt much about it. I don’t think it’s a big deal. I’m especially confident about my strength, even if I’m surprised by the follow-up development. Going back is still no problem.

Therefore, the mood of these three people is naturally very relaxed.

But later, when the three people happened to know that they had accidentally disturbed the birthday of the demon, they were really panicked.

The strength of the three of them is tyrannical. Under the trio, even if the demon is personally shot, it is difficult to take it down. This is a fact, but you disturb the birthday of one of the emperors.

In any case, this is also a difficult holiday, not to mention them, even if their main son Yuan Tian limit is also dumbfounded!

I didn’t expect how the three brothers would be so moldy. Actually, one foot on the demon day would lead to such a thing. This kind of thing can not be expanded. We really don’t mean it, how much courage we borrowed. I dare not provoke such troubles...·····

So the three men began to become careful, as far as possible can not hurt people, do not hurt people, do their best to avoid continuing to expand the number of casualties.

But as the demon emperor heard more and more demon, the attack became more and more crazy. Even though the strength of the three people was superb, it was still gradually unable to support it. Even if you don’t want to kill, it’s just defensive, but each other’s strength. The gap is too big... your anti-seismic force can still hurt people

However, as long as the opponent is fighting, he loves to play the violent demon. As long as there is a demon vomiting blood, not only will the demon regret, but all the demon strongs seem to have played chicken blood at the same time, and they simply do not want to be crazy.

"Stop, this is a misunderstanding! It's a misunderstanding!" The three men shouted, lowered their posture, and tried to make sense. It has been said so many times, but no more than the first one. I am enchanted by them.

"I can't stop, I have to try my best to fight back!" The three shouted, this time it was threatened, but no one cares, but the offensive is even more fierce.

"We have tolerated it, don't force us to fight back..." The three people are extremely angry.

This sentence, although it sounds a bit ridiculous at first glance, but in the status of the three people, it is indeed aggrieved: you a bunch of ants, we only need to swing a few more hands to be able to sweep you all, Do you dare to entangle me so much? !

I have been with you for so long, I have no intention to directly kill you. What are you going to entangle?

The three people were also high-powered people in the past. They have also been repaired into the realm of Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and they have been honored. Have they been subjected to such suffocation? Over time, it has gradually become irritating, and the subconscious is getting heavier and heavier.

The suffocating gas gradually rose up gradually.

The death of the injured, the increasing frequency of the rising frequency has accelerated again. After a while, the three people suddenly found that things are out of control: no matter how they are done, the casualties of the other side are increasing, and the hatred of both sides is increasing. Deep, there is no room for change...

Since things have reached such a point that they are destined to be irreparable, it would be better to let go and do a better job.

The three men were angry and determined. They must really drop the killer and let go of the big devil.

However, at this moment, suddenly someone said coldly: "Who is my way, it turns out that you are three guys."

The three people suddenly heard the words of the coming people, and their hearts trembled. This voice is almost close at hand. Someone can get close to such a close place to talk, and they have not noticed themselves.

Doesn't that mean that at least people are the ones who can be in the same level as themselves?

Is it...·····

I only listened to one voice and said with a majestic voice: "All the numbers are back!"

An unprecedented violent sudden attack came, and the demon people who were fighting in madness suddenly flew out one by one.

Immediately, the five golden robes faintly formed an encirclement, surrounded by three people.

Everyone came face cold and watery, and his eyes were as electric.

"It's you." Mo Yuntian's three guards showed an unprecedented cautious look.

The other five people can be said to be old acquaintances of the year, and also a fellow traveler who became a seven-star guard. However, they are in the Emperor's Day, and they are waiting for others, but they are in the public office of Moyuntian.

In those days, killing and killing tens of thousands of years, grievances and grievances; but now, it is already an old man who has not been seen for hundreds of thousands of years.

In front of these five people, each person’s cultivation is equal to that of himself. The five people are united, obviously more powerful than the three people on their own, even if it is not an overwhelming gap, but the outcome The number is already clear.

"It really hasn't been seen for a long time.

I can't think of the three of you who haven't died yet; and I'm so dead and daring to go to my demon kingdom to come up with such a big thing...·"The demon emperor guards the yin and yang: "Is it really impatient?" ”

These people were killed and killed in the past. Everyone, besides being an old man, was an old enemy.

In particular, the grievances between the two worlds are far more long-lasting, and it is difficult to have room for change. Under the meeting, there has never been any good words.

"This is a misunderstanding, not because I sincerely deliberately caused it!" The three men also exported.

"If there are no casualties, how can you say it, but now that there are so many demon deaths, no matter how misunderstood!" The demon king's five guards snorted: "The current situation is that at some time, something happened, resulting in The **** conflict, the death of many demon, is the fact in front of you."

"You are also old monsters that have lived for a long time, and you don't even understand such a simple truth?"

Another person said with sarcasm.

"There is no such thing as misunderstanding in this world!" The third person said faintly: "Misunderstanding, for us, it is fighting!"

"It's life and death!" The fourth man smiled and picked it up.

"So, the three of you are destined to be unlucky this time." The fifth person was stunned and looked at the three guards of the Myunyun Tiantian. The murderous eyes were filled with anger: "You, die, let all stay!"

When it comes to these points, there is no need to explain anything, and there is no point in meaning!

Even if it is said: We don't know that today is the birthday of the demon, I don't know if it is not sinful... This kind of thing is nothing more than nothing more than a sign of weakness.

"If that's the case, then why not fight?" The three quickly cleared up the scattered thoughts: "A few hundred thousand years ago, we have not been able to separate the high, simply today, a decision, and see the winner Who is it!"

"Good! Come to war!"

"Let's go to the sea! Don't be in the territory of my demon kingdom!"

"it is good!"

Eight people walked together and turned into eight long rainbows. This kind of rainbow body method is the unique means of the peak repairers.

Just before and after, there was a sudden storm on the sea, and the blue sky kept roaring. Obviously the war has gotten up!

The entire Nine Heavens has also changed with this battle!

The demon day is still snowing all day; but outside the demon day, it is already over the sea and overturned.

And the sharp and killing of the rushing, as well as the aftermath of the battle, almost reflected thousands of miles away. The fighting atmosphere that belongs to the top of the peak is also in the sky of the nine-day sky, and it will not last for a long time.

For a time, the minds of countless powerful men in the Nine Heavens are silently paying attention to it and paying attention to the battle of this century.

The sky is ‘night wind, Xiaozheng’s birthday, let us wish him a happy birthday!

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