Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 430: Everyone is working hard

"Not so frustrating, I guess, our final result is only two kinds, one is that everyone is not big or small. The other is... Mo light dance is the boss." Iron fills the day and laughs, said in an understatement.

"I can understand this regardless of size. Second, is it possible? Purple girl may not fight for anything... and she is not the kind of person who is particularly competitive." Wu Qianqian is somewhat puzzled. .

How could it be Mo light dance for the boss?

"This involves the idea of ​​coming first and foremost." Tie Butian smiled slightly: "We all have to be a little later than Mo....and this has nothing to do with the age of itself... everything is preconceived!"

"Of course, in terms of Chu Yang's temper, the biggest thing is that everyone is not worthy of respect..." Tiebu Tian Shen said: "In fact, compared to this, I would rather let Mo Qingwu become the biggest one. ”

"In Chu Yang’s heart, there has always been the biggest flaw in Mo Qingwu. If it is not big or small, his center of gravity will still be biased towards some light dance. If Mo Mo dance is the boss, Chu Yang’s embarrassment will be Less invisible..."

"Although I don't know what it is."

"Yeah, this is really a bit strange, you don't know, that year..." Wu Qianqian also discussed this issue.


Tens of thousands of miles away.

The long-lost Mo-light dance is sitting in a colorful and special environment at the moment.

On top of her head, there is a giant clock with a strange shape and no big friends. It is emitting the brilliance of the seven colors. The light of the seven colors gradually merges and turns into a holy white light, slowly entering the body of Mo Qing dance...

Behind her, there were two middle-aged women watching there quietly.

Although the two men stood just so simple, they revealed a trace of seriousness. Obviously, it is a person with a high degree of power in the perennial. It is the two ancestors of the Red Dust.

No one would have thought that the progress of Mo Qingwu could be so fast. Since that time, after taking what they claimed to be 'Chuyang brother' to her, those things have gone through a period of time, Her physique is perfectly matched and perfectly combined.

Since then, no matter what you do, it’s a matter of a few times.

When you cultivate, you can use ‘一亿里里’ ‘swallowing sea to suck’ to describe it!

Looks like this is too strange...

They did not know that the physical constitution of Mo-light dance was rebuilt by Jiu Dan, and those that Chu Yang gave to her were the essence of the nine great medicines.

The composition of Jiuzhong Dan, just in the bones, is just a little bit of one of the nine great medicines. Nowadays, the nine great medicines are gathered together in the body of Mo Qingwu. Is this effect so different?

What's more, the people of the Red Dust, such as Mengxuan, have tilted all the secret resources of the entire Zongmen to her in order to enter the country. In addition, the two founders accidentally discovered the speed of Mo Qingwu’s practice in practice. Later, in order to help her to lay a solid foundation, she actually carried out a technique of filling the top with no blood.

This cultivation is so fast that it is not too fast!

In such a short period of time, Mo Qingwu has already rushed to the peak of the heavens and humans, and even there is still more than enough. Now, it is necessary to break through to a higher level.

However, the sequelae of such rapid advancement are also quite serious, very obvious: the progress is too fast, and the corresponding state of mind has not kept up, which inevitably caused considerable shortcomings.

Even this is still the spirit of Mo Liangwu is far different from ordinary people, so I am lucky enough to keep the current situation. If it is a normal person, I am afraid that because of my bad mood, my mind is out of order and becomes undefeated. Undeducted neuropathy...

The two ancestors of the Red Dust, such as Mengxuan, are also worried that the practice of Mo Qingwu’s cultivation is too fast. I am afraid that it will be easily smashed by the demons. Only then will she mobilize the town’s soul clock, and then stay up behind her, Protect her for her.

For the red dust, such as Mengxuan, this time it can be said that it is a **** one.

While looking at this girl, the two masters were surprised in the heart.

Since ancient times, it seems that I have never heard of the progress of the practice can be so fast...

In the red dust, such as Mengxuan, the efforts and entry of those new guys are also to make everyone look at each other.

No one can think of it, this time the snow fairy went out, actually able to bring back so many talented disciples! Looking at the development trend of these children, the red dust is like the top of all the dreams, almost every day is a smile.

Zongmen Zhongxing is just around the corner.

These children, when they got them, paid a considerable price, but in terms of the qualifications of these children and the mind, those costs can be exchanged for five or six, which is already worthwhile, even value. !

So, those are not problems at all.

Of course, there are still places where you need to frown: because, according to the progress of these children's practice, so many treasures that have been cultivated or earned back in hundreds of thousands of years... are not enough!

Therefore, we must go here to buy, to buy, to do everything, not to delay these children, delay any one, is a big sin!

Therefore, during this time, the red dust, such as Mengxuan, except for the masters who must guard the mountain gates, all the other people go out and go to resources!

The more the better!

Red dust, such as Mengxuan’s red dust power, has also fallen into a chicken-flying dog’s jump. They have begun to post lists and search around, as long as they are eye-catching treasures...

However, at the same time, it was discovered that there are still some sects that seem to be collecting these things, such as Lingqimen.

There are other sects, and they are collecting these things... What is even more irritating is that there are other celestial gates in the world, but they are also collecting these things in Donghuangtian...

For a time, Tiancai Dibao became a tight cargo.

Well, Tiancai Dibao was originally a tight-fashioned goods, but now it is more in short supply. The transaction price of almost every kind of Tiandi Dibao has increased tenfold more than usual, and there is still an upward trend!

In fact, this situation does not only happen in the East Emperor!

The super sects of the demon emperor, Zhongjitian, Moyuntian, Fututian, etc., including the official residence, are all committed to collecting and hoarding the treasures of heaven!

For a time, the entire Nine Heavens and the Ming Dynasty did not know how many battles took place.


For example, Rock Enemy, Luo Dashuai.

At this moment, Luo Dashuai is hiding on the top of a tree, watching the two sides are fighting for the extremely fierce people, biting a dog's tail grass in the mouth, eyes full of greedy color.

"I heard that these people are robbing a Tianyang chrysanthemum that can be met and not available! This is a good thing... Laozi is bound to win!"

"I heard that one of them is a super martial art, the other is a mysterious figure... The background of both sides is very big... but it doesn't matter, this handsome scorpion is not itch, does not care about these, or the old rules, two tigers There must be a wound, and I will be a hunter with a bow for a while!..."

"Frustrated... I have used all the means, so that the nine deaths and the whole life are now down. Now it is only the middle-aged person... This is still after so many adventures, I thought I could finally be a boss... However, according to the boss's calm response to the Mo Yuntian chasing the soldiers, it has clearly reached the level of the saints... I still lag too much!"

"So this time I must grab this good thing, I must grab it! Mom, in order not to lose face in front of the brothers in the future, let alone the super martial art, even if this thing is the old guy of the holy king, this time Laozi Grab him!"

"Even if you are still older than a boss, when you are a second child, you still have a chance to retreat 10,000 steps. How can you say that you have to be stronger than Jimmy's silly bird..."


Seeing that the battle situation below has basically come to an end, both sides are all bruised and bruised, and finally will be divided into the winners and losers... Luo Dashuai Yang Tian violently said: "嗷呜~~嗷呜~~嗷~~~"


The Tianbingge team belonging to Luo Dashuai suddenly appeared from all directions... Like a wolf like a tiger.

"Who are you... can you know who we are?? Do you know what you are doing?" The headed man was shocked.

In the eyes of the public, Rox’s enemies took a bite out of the dog’s tail and came out with a slap in his face: “I am who you are, you are one, two, three, four, and quickly hand over things! Laozi is It’s robbery! This is what Laozi has to do! Faster, one by one, it’s all closed, and it’s scrapped, put it in a good position, throw it into the spirit shed, and then feed the aphrodisiac to the spirit beast...”


Another world.

At this moment, Ji Mo is in a hurry, such as the funeral dog, such as the fish that slipped through the net, and escaped with all his strength.

"He coded, this is really a smashing of the horse's nest... Who can think of it, casually grab the individual, actually grab the kind of good baby, and even think that this product is actually the son of a prime minister... Fucking Laozi’s luck is really too much. Is Laozi’s luck good or bad? The thing is grabbed...”

He is so stunned and continues to flee.

He did not want to think about it. He went to the imperial city of the world to commit crimes. He was robbed in the highest consumption place of the Imperial City. What strangeness is it that he can rob the son of the prime minister?

Don't say that it is the son of the prime minister. Even if it is the son of the Emperor, it is no surprise that he has been hit by him!

And how can there be something bad in such a person? !

"Fortunately, after I robbed the Imperial City warehouse, I have already upgraded myself to the peak of the heavens... Otherwise, I am afraid that this is really sad... but this time it seems to be very dangerous, the old thing of the prime minister is actually dispatched. There are several saints to chase after Laozi, not just a little bit of something, as for the shelling..."

"It’s really too big a problem!" Ji Mo ran and cried without tears: "How big is it, at most, is it accidentally smashing his son's egg, and he didn't really want his life." ...... As the saying goes, the Prime Minister can support the boat, but the prime minister’s volume is too narrow..."


Today is the birthday of the two sisters, ‘Reminiscent of the rain and the bells’, and ‘prosperous and empty flowers.’ Let us wish them a happy birthday. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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