Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 431: The hand of heaven! [First! 】

Ji Mo ran from one side and complained.

He didn't want to think about it himself. A son was smashed by a son. This is how much blood and sea vengeance... Actually, I still think that I have nothing to blame. It is better to kill people directly than to kill them directly...

"It’s terrible... I’m going to catch up...” Ji Mo was helpless and had to fight. But before the war, I still couldn't help but fight for myself: "You tell your master, his son's egg can still be cured... I can't make a pair of dogs for him? You **** is Go back to the words... Grass! If you don’t say anything, just hit me and watch my sword!"


The other side of the world.

Nine robbery think tanks.

After the Motian fuselage, a big hand was suddenly formed. This big hand has a few squares, five fingers pointing straight to the sky, the whole body is brilliant, exuding the unknown brilliance, and every moment, there are some symbols on it.

On the one hand, some people collect and record these symbols in a special way; the other finger on the top of the big hand is constantly dissipating some handwritings. As long as there is white light flashing, then there is a piece of writing; some of them are recorded separately.

No matter whether it is a handwriting or a symbol, it seems to be a messy one. It seems to be dizzy when you look at it for a while. You don’t know why, but under the overall planning of Mo Tianji, everything is organized, orderly, and not messy. !

In fact, if you are familiar with the rivers and lakes, the well-informed and sharp-eyed, and the people with very quick brains watching it carefully, you will be surprised to find that these words are actually happening or just happening on the rivers and lakes today. thing……

Such a large amount of the latest and most accurate information has actually been comprehensively summarized here.

It’s really amazing!

That special giant hand is exactly what Mo Tianji’s original magical oracle is. With the help of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the world, the world’s intelligence is thoroughly collected.

The extent of this array has now covered more than half of the world; in this range, as soon as anything new happens, it will be returned to the first time.

In this way, Mo Tianji can keep abreast of the latest developments in the rivers and lakes.

In addition, in addition to always paying attention to the movement of the nebula, there is a large amount of information gathered by the men.

Almost everyone was dispersed, collecting intelligence from the whole world, establishing a church, and then gradually calming down after the situation and integrating it into the nebula. It was this move that made Mo Tianji’s The scope of the hand's coverage is getting bigger and bigger, and it is gradually expanding. Judging from the current development trend, the time of the 'Tianji Nebula' will cover the whole world will not be very long.

At this moment, watching the various categories of information collected, as well as the benefits of this period of time, Mo Tianji's face is awkward, smoked and elegant, just like a scholar. Trusting whoever looks, will immediately give birth to a feeling: this young man, certainly a learned and versatile, and very good temper.

At the same time, it is still a very intelligent person.

Very wise, knowledgeable and versatile, yes; but good temper...not necessarily, very, very special, not necessarily.

In the following, each of the church owners is sitting in a hazard, meticulous, seemingly even dare not take a breath. Quietly waiting for the evaluation of Mo Tianji.

“Last month, our intelligence revenue was less than three million Zixia coins; in the first half of the month, our intelligence revenue has exceeded 10 million Zixia coins.”

Mo Tianji said faintly.

During this period of time, with the help of the Mo Tian machine, it was a great event that shocked the rivers and lakes. Accurate analysis and prediction, so that in a very short time, Mo Tianji overwhelmed the intelligence organization that is currently the most popular in the nine-day sky. The business is booming to the extreme, almost has a blowout trend.

"I expect that the income in the second half of the month will only be more, but the current income is still far from enough." Mo Tianji said faintly: "And, what we need is never money, but control! The control of intelligence! Now, we are still limited to this day and the world. We have not been involved in the intelligence information outside this world. It is too limited."

"So. I ordered!..." The light in the eyes of Mo Tianji flashed.

Everyone stood up and looked hot: "Please ask the leader!"

"I ordered that in the next two months, our intelligence tentacles will begin to try to penetrate into the surrounding world, and temporarily do not seek to collect more information, first seek a firm foothold; next month and even next In the month, we must completely cover the other three worlds; within half a year, our intelligence network will cover the entire Nine Heavens, and the most credible intelligence agency of the entire Nine Heavens is only our Tianbing Pavilion, and nothing else!"

Mo Tianji calmly ordered: "As long as I get the result, any explanations, reasons, and arguments are not valid for me. I don't care what method you use, or what means you take. In short, this is a dead order that must be completed! The only thing allowed is to complete the task ahead of time, absolutely not to delay!"

"Yes!" The crowd replied loudly; the face did not show an expression of unexpected confusion, but instead they showed a wild and awkward look.

With our leader, we were just a bunch of gangsters, and they have become a hot person in the entire nine-day scorpion. Moreover, there is an industry license specially issued by the government. Bleaching has become a serious person.

It can be seen in the sun, appearing in the eyes of the world, and can sit down with the nobles and talk about business, and be respected by these people... Well, we used to call them 'fat sheep'. ......

Now that it has changed, the robber has become a businessman, and the fat sheep has become a customer; and the robbing is still robbing: Because, earning these people’s money is more than robbing them, and even faster...

Not only is there no risk, but it is also stimulating and stimulating...

This is simply the day of the gods!

This was originally a good thing that everyone could not dream of, but in the hands of Mo Tianji, in such a short time, it became a reality, a living reality.

The basis of all this is the information network of Mo Tianji. It is more timely and more reliable than the official intelligence network. Many officials sometimes use the information here. In the recent period, it is even more than nine out of ten. All of them are tilted over.

Since the Tianbinge business built by the Motian unit is just an intelligence network, it is not a force organization. Naturally, there is no threat, and it is convenient for everyone. It can also collect a large amount of tax expenses every month... Can you not support?

So Mo Tianji has a green light all the way, smooth and smooth collective, all-round bleaching...

" Covering the entire Nine Heavens within half a year!"

This is the next goal set by Mo Tianji.

After arranging the appropriate mission objectives, all of them left, the heavy door slowly closed, and the hall became a relatively closed chamber.

Mo Tianji slowly sat back.

Sitting in the middle of the big hand, the big hand slowly closed and wrapped the whole person in the inside. Then, the hall seemed to suddenly open up, because the dense star-shaped distribution of the stars suddenly appeared above the entire hall, just like the starry sky.

The starry starlight was poured into the heavenly hand. Then enter the body of the Mo Tianji; gradually drench his body and strengthen his power.

‘Tianyun Nebula’ and ‘Tianji’ have never been more than just a large gathering of intelligence, or a dedicated master of Mo Tianji’s own!

Moreover, it is the most unique and effective cultivation place.

Mastering the world is such a cultivation, and Mo Tianji has now cultivated to a very high level. You can directly motivate the power of the stars and use them for your own use.

The purest starlight!

After a moment, Mo Tianji was covered in a brilliant starlight. As the starlight flows, his power is gradually flowing, and the more he accumulates, the more he sees it...

"I need to use this intelligence network to collect news from my brothers."

"I need to quench my body as much as possible, and limit my strength. I must not drop too much. I am a think tank, but whoever stipulates a think tank can't be a super master."

"In the future, this intelligence network is the greatest guarantee for our brothers to walk in the rivers and lakes; whether it is solicitation or action, intelligence will be the first weapon!"

"I want to develop it into an invincible intelligence system! No matter what, it can't be destroyed."

“There is still a need for continuous improvement.”


"How are you prepared?" Chu Yang asked no dreams.

"Almost, as long as the demon Ningning can grind the demon and approve it, and release the action in the official name of the demon emperor, we can move at any time, and the matter has already been prepared."

The dream is boundless and confident, and it is clear that confidence is full.

"Soul, how are you personally prepared?" Chu Yang turned and asked.

In this plan, the soul of the catastrophe is an indispensable part.

"Reassured, I will never miss a bit on this side!" The soul of the catastrophe patted the chest.

"Okay, then we will recharge our batteries and wait for news." Chu Yang nodded.

A few people are very confident in talking and laughing, and everyone believes that the materials they have prepared and all the preparations they have made are basically beyond what they need...

So everyone is not worried.

However, no one expected that the preparations for the present, compared with what is really prepared, are just a drop in the ocean, not enough! But at this time, Chu Yang and the dream are boundless, including the iron-plated Tian and Wu Qianqian, who did not think of it!

A few people were talking, and suddenly they heard a loud bang from the sky!

This loud noise is really a stone-shattering, heaven and earth overturned!


Ask for the annual author ticket!

Seeking a monthly ticket! Although we are no longer vying for the first place, but the monthly ticket is too ugly and not good............. Everyone stretches out. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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