Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 432: After the demon mobilization order, the demon! [Second more! 】

Even the boundless clouds in the sky have been trembled by this sudden loud noise. It is the source of the heavy snow that is made by countless demon sage masters! It will be shaken by external forces. The motion of this accident can be imagined, and it is absolutely insignificant.

"This century war should be the result." Purple evil spirits look at the distance, faintly can feel, there, there are so many souls of the power of the violent shock, impact.

"This time the battle between the peak masters has been playing for three days and three nights." Chu Yang leisurely fascinated: "But I don't know what the final result will be?"

"The two sides of the war have gotten close to ten superpowers... However, the possibility of a strong degeneration should be small, but everyone is afraid that it will be inevitable, but this is certain." Purple evil sighed: "The suffocation is very heavy."

In the long sky, there was another screaming screaming sound from far and near. In the short blink of an eye, two long rainbows were seen passing by, and the moment had disappeared into the sky.

Immediately, it was the five-way Changhong flashing, and it was like chasing after it, and it seemed to be chasing after the end.

If it is one after the other, it is like two of the most splendid meteors, and it flashes away and quickly disappears into the eyes of everyone.

"It seems that this war is seven people fighting, five people are two, the number is relatively large, the two manpower are not caught, the defeat is gone; five people are responsible for chasing, such a strong battle, one of them recognized The defeated, the other side rarely chased after it, today is rare, is it not endless?!" Purple evil looked at the sky, stunned.

Although it was just a glimpse of this, it made the people on the ground feel a distant gap between heaven and earth.

Although a few people here have been sages, they have entered the ranks of the world's top powerhouses. They often feel that they have entered the country very quickly and are proud of one side. But this moment, even if it has never been arrogant, it really feels Your own small size.

It turns out that I am very inadequate!

It turns out that compared with the real strong, it is still unbearable.

Definitely watching the long rainbow that has disappeared in the sky, Chu Yang’s heart is inexplicably hot; one day, I can soar in the sky!

Chu Yang and others do not know that this time, in fact, a total of eight super masters are fighting. The number of people miscalculated; not knowing; the last kind of rapid dawn, in fact, everyone is burning life potential for life racing; running in life.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such speed!

The three escorts of the Mo Yuntian side were seriously injured and dying; the other two were also seriously injured, and they took the last life-saving means to escape. As long as you can go back this time... As long as you can save your life this time, then the next is a long revenge.

Gentleman revenge, not too late for ten years.

This time, suddenly, because of the interception and smothering, it is equal to no warning. However, if you have the perfect preparation, only the personal strength of these three guards will be enough to make the whole demon king dog restless!

They have such strength.

The five guards of the demon emperor understand this point, and they have the same association: since the shot is played, it must be killed. If the three people finally live back, then the follow-up trouble is really big. It is.

Everyone is a master of the same level, and the strength is roughly between the middle and the middle, who can't help each other. If it is under normal circumstances, even if it is seven hits, the person can't beat it, but it can still be done by saying that the whole body can be retired.

It is quite difficult to get to their level and want to kill them directly in battle. Unless it is a master who is alone in the face of the nine emperors, it is possible to escape.

Because of this, there is a doubt before the purple evil feelings!

However, this time it was because there were too many masters in the demon emperor to gather in one place and intercepted everywhere; three people were absolutely inferior to the five people, and they were unfamiliar with life and often moved at speed. At that time, suddenly someone joined the battlefield and sneaked a trick.

The masters have made a lot of tricks, and the difference is a thousand miles. In normal times, they are completely dismissive, and they don’t even need to pay attention to the attack. Now they are like a deadly straw one after another, which makes them even worse. Dangerous.

In fact, under the sudden attack of the enemies who occasionally came out without warning, they were forced to become elbows and sluggish. This made them seriously injured in one fell swoop.

Missing this opportunity, there will never be such a thing in the sky.

Beat the snake and you must kill it!

Once they go back, even if the injury is heavy, they still have a way to recover quickly. At that time, there are still seven people to seven people, and there is no advantage for them.

These days are good opportunities, or it is the only chance to break the balance!

The five guards of the demon emperor who want to pass the customs see the situation well, naturally more desperately chasing and killing, even if they do not hesitate to improve their own speed of life, and they will not relax.

Just under the eyes of the masters below, I saw only seven Changhong two, five, and five, and suddenly came and went; criss-cross, almost woven into a strange big net in the sky.

However, the chasing party can't catch up, and if you escape, you can't completely get rid of the chase.

The situation has been in a stalemate for a time.

The chase in the sky is still in a stalemate; the longevity of the demon is finally done in an orderly manner.

However, after the demon, at the banquet of the birthday, in the face of the demon king Tianyi people announced a very important news, but immediately let the entire demon emperor sky up and down.

"According to reliable news, the extraterrestrial demon has invaded the demon day!"

This sudden news is simply a stone that stirs up waves!

What is the extraterrestrial monster?

This is naturally known to everyone, and it is still very well known.

When I was thinking about it, the other party, the Emperor Zidi, was the leader of the tens of millions of troops. Nowadays, the extraterrestrial demon has occupied the Zixiaotian for many years, and is currently confronting the Scorpio army. This is also known to everyone, and the situation on the other side has always been closely watched.

However, in such a long period of time, there has never been any big movement in the field of demons. It has always been a small-scale contact war, harassment warfare, and various temptations have emerged in an endless stream, but when it comes to a real battle, it is completely No.

Over time, everyone is relieved by the subconscious.

But I did not expect that, at such a very delicate moment, suddenly there was news of the invasion of the demon outside the domain.

No one doubts the authenticity of this message, because the source of this message is not questioned, and the demon family can question anyone, including themselves.

But there is one person who will never question, that is, after the demon, the Lord of the Emperor!

And this news, it is the demon squatting on the day of her birthday, anomalously announced this news, or to inform everyone a fact!

If not true, how can it be announced at this time?

"Overseas Tianmo dispatched as many as three million first-class masters. Many years ago, he changed his face, transformed his human form, and sneaked into the nine-day scorpio, making a forerunner for the sweeping of the nine-day scorpio, waiting for an opportunity. This is also the extraterrestrial demon in these years. The silence, the real reason for no action."

After the demon, let everyone's heart be heavy.

No wonder the extraterrestrial demon has been so honest over the years. It has originally developed such a huge plan, wanting to erode inside us, and then it should be completely annihilated and completely destroyed...

Great results!

"However, these latent specific years are not very clear in the future. The only confirmation is that the current nine-day scorpio is in danger of being in jeopardy. We must make the worst plans and then go in the best direction!"

After the demon, there is no doubt that it makes sense.

If the extraterrestrial demon really began to set up a few years ago, and everyone can clearly understand their actions, it is not an extraterrestrial demon, and even so can find clues, it is not a lucky...

"Now, the ongoing battle is the master of my demon celestial top, in the face of the hidden masters of the field outside the demon. But still do not know, such a master, how much they came. How much is this devil, how much Hidden in the ruling and opposition..."

The tone of the demon's words is very heavy.

The demon of the entire demon day is also heavy. Yes, the extraterrestrial demon is only exposing so many people, we need our masters who are the most peak of the demon emperor to go so far and do their best.

Create such a huge movement.

So, what happens to the other party once the whole person is launched?

As soon as I read this, everyone is chilling, some of them are alert, and they are watching around in an instant, lest they suddenly have an extraterrestrial genius.

"Since the moment, the demon emperor will go up and down the whole army to prepare for war! From now on, the demon emperor will be all soldiers! Immediately, be careful to guard against the demon, and all the extraterrestrial demons in this day will be smashed out and annihilated! Immediately, the demon emperor It’s not the same as the extraterrestrial world!”

"In the future, on the day of the birth, the battle order will be issued! Wherever I am a demon king, all members are forbidden from civil war, and they are fighting against the extraterrestrial demon! The nephew is currently fighting with the enemy!"

When the demon said this passage, it was almost a word, and the voice was very heavy and almost condensed. Showing her heart to the extreme at the moment.

On the day of your birth, release the most demanding battle orders!

These words make the whole demon day instantly boil.

"Sprinkle my blood! Keep my home! Kill the devil, help me demon!"


There is one more to make up. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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