Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 434: Elf family

After making up his mind, Chu Yang immediately informed Tang Jiasan: I have a large number of treasures on this side that need to be auctioned! Hurry up and change me back to Zixia Coin at the fastest speed, not to maximize value, but to speed!

The general body of the Tang family, three Shaozhu, only heard of this news, it was like tightening the clockwork, and it was very busy.

In the case of the number of the rivers of the Ganges and the innumerable number of Zixia coins flowing into the Chuyang and Tangjia three pockets, the foreign warriors also dialed one after another, and the rushing ones and the other surged into the air. Falling Flower City!

Tianbing Pavilion has been under Chuyang since the end of the year, and the iron-filled dreams of Wuyang Qian and others have been turned up wildly, and they have been busy with their heads. It seems that they have no time to catch their breath... ··

So many people come to always have someone to receive...

After the demon ordered these people to come, can't let these people sleep on the street? So, what is the face of the demon behind?

Fortunately, there is also the official helper of Falling Flower City, but even so, the entire Huahua City is completely full within seven days.

As a last resort, Chu Yang began to find another way.

However, at this time, Tang Jiasan suddenly had a whimsy, and he had hundreds of thousands of tents to sell at a time. After making a fortune, he fell outside the city and got hundreds of thousands of white big mushrooms overnight. - Too many people live in tents.

Waiting, what kind of activity announced by the demon started a moment...·····

Chu Yang saw this situation, and suddenly it took a chance. Immediately began to sprinkle a lot of purple flowers, let all the places to do clothing, began to make a large number of tents!

It was just the first batch of orders, and it was set for five million!

Note that this is only the first batch!

Chuyang can completely predict that, in terms of the master's master's capacity of the demon emperor, in terms of the power of the demon's personal call to the call... the ultimate master of the rivers and lakes here, definitely more than two or three million!

So - the tent is now a good thing.

Just at the beginning, Chu Yang has been a bit overwhelmed.

"I can't afford to toss the true heart." Now Chu Yang's mantra is this. If you have nothing to do, you will become a neuropathy.

However, Chu Yang does not know anything that can't be tossed. Still, his mantra still has to be missed.

Among the most mysterious gods in the jungle, the sudden presence of human beings.

The mysterious jungle; this place, said that mystery may not be more mysterious, in fact, it is a super forest from the other side of the demon emperor, across the emperor's west, south and east. But it is also the dividing line between the Emperor's Heaven and the other three worlds in the vicinity of the Nine Heavens.

In terms of the area of ​​the Shenlin jungle, it is definitely not smaller than any other world. And the area of ​​the shrine’s jungle seems to have been looming...···

These natures are not enough to make this jungle the most "mysterious". The reason why this jungle is called the most mysterious is that in the legend, there is really a **** in the jungle, so it is called For the gods to marry the jungle. But whether or not a **** is falling here, no one knows about it.

But as far as the Nine Heavens are concerned, the mysterious jungle is a forbidden place besides mystery!

Absolutely forbidden!

No one is allowed to enter the shrine!

Even after the nine emperors, if they want to enter the shrine, they need to negotiate with them; there is a very strange race in the legend.

The name of this race is called the elf!

Does not belong to people, does not belong to the demon who has a single life feature!

Among the elves of this shrine, the masters come forth in large numbers, and there are no shortage of top powers! The legendary Elf Emperor, whose cultivation is, is definitely not under the nine emperors, and even has it!

Nowadays, in this subtlety of the storm, the elves of the mysterious forest suddenly reappeared in the dust, and declared: "The destruction of the demon is our elves are duty-bound!"

"Guarding the nine heavens is the sacred responsibility of our elves!"

"The battle of the demon, we have to participate!"

Although everyone is dissatisfied with this elf, some of them are blowing the atmosphere, and even some of them are too high; but it is just a few words in the belly. The war is just around the corner, the current demon is really not suitable for another wave, and people still kindly help.

If it is normal, humans and demons will probably learn these guys because of these high self-esteem.

What is ‘you’, is it a responsibility? ,

What is called ‘guarding the nine heavens, is the sacred responsibility of your elves! ,?

Being a person can be responsible, but you should not regard yourself as a savior! Do you think you are the king of the world? !

It’s just that, it’s just that.

Everyone is dissatisfied with dissatisfaction, but at these special moments, they are all very sensible.

One by one will endure, it doesn't matter... you love to participate in the war and participate in the exhibition, more than one battle will have more chances to win...

But this elf is obviously over-the-top.

Actually put forward such a very illogical and even owing request: "Our elves must be involved, but noble as we never accept human command! More than accept the demon to command our elves, is the world's most Noble race! We are the only ones in the world! We are the supreme species!"

"All participating races, all the people, must be arranged by us, co-ordination, we will send out the invincible generals of the world! The invincible military division!"

"The command of war must be controlled by us. Others do not have any authority! We must unconditionally obey all our commands!"

Once such a condition is thrown out, the entire demon day will suddenly blow up the pot!


What are you counting?

For thousands of years, who has seen you? Do you know what the world looks like? Do you know how high the sky is, how thick is it?

Actually, I want full command when I come out! It’s really grass...·····

The demon king Tianjiang Lake is full of emotions!

The elves have not been able to make their own demands, and the two sides have directly fallen into a confrontational state, squatting with the development trend. Perhaps the devil is not fighting, and the two sides must fight for the first battle.

Chu Yang Chang sighed, how can this be good?

What do you say about this elf is really bullish, others don't accept your terms, or you take a step back, or you go back directly, don't you go to war?

But every one of them is attached to a rib. Come and go is a word, we have to fight! We want all the command authority!

We do not accept!

You are not worthy!

Seeing further conflicts will be a hit......

Even after the beginning of this incident, the demon had never thought of it. Although one of these announcements has already predicted that it will inevitably lead to an uproar, it still does not expect to lead out the elves who have been around for a long time, and the idea of ​​the elves is still It’s so wonderful, it’s so unreasonable...·····

At present, although the news of the Elf family has been distributed, but the human resources of the Elf family have not appeared in the army, but their representatives and the Emperor Tiandi are constantly arguing, although the atmosphere is very intense, and finally has not yet reached the level of inability to change. .

After the demon, you can only leave it for the time being.

If it is really up to her to "discuss" with these people, I am afraid that I can't say a few words, I have to be angry and shot, and all the elves will be killed. But at the moment it is obviously inappropriate to shoot them all.

In the high-level hearts of these demon kings, nature also knows the quirks of the elves.

The Elf is a arrogant race that is disgusting to almost all races; in their hearts, that ‘I am the best in the world! Laozi is the only one in the world! Such a thought is deeply rooted and almost unshakeable!

In addition to pride, almost every elf, there are also cleanliness, paying attention to the extreme.

I have always used the nostrils to see people; even the most beautiful beauty in the world, they will only be dismissed by them: stinking and stinking! The cleanest place will be scorned by them: it’s all rubbish!

However, the nature of the elves is peace-loving, kind-hearted, and dislike of war. All of these, even the most demanding races, have never been denied...·····

It's like a group of angels who don't eat human fireworks at all. People love and hate them. We know that you are an angel. We can also treat you as angels, but don't you think of yourself as an angel?

This is the reason.

(Writing here suddenly reminds us of our authors; it seems that there are some similarities: readers read the book as the great god, it is because the reader likes it; but the author himself must not be himself as a god.)

However, for this thing, Chu Yang feels very indifferent, it seems that this kind of thing has nothing to do with himself. Although I had some origins with the indigenous elves there when I was in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, I had helped the son of Weigong, and I got a ‘Emperor’s seal, but those who seem to have nothing to do with the elves here.

Moreover, judging by the arrogance of these gangs... Chu Jun even has some worries: If they discover me as a human being, and get the elves of the elves, will they kill me because of anger? What?

Because I am ‘dirty human, ah...

Besides, they are in the middle of the high-level high-level high-level high-rises. They are not related to the high-level high-level, and the emperor is far away. I believe that they will definitely not see them dripping...····· What? Worried about people? trouble making?

Therefore, Chu Yang put all his energy into the continuous expansion of power. After the demon gave convenience, created such a good advantage, if he did not use it well, where can he support her old family?

At the same time, it seems that he should be in the demon emperor's city, the demon Ningning and the white poetry, this will be with a few demon saints, rushing to the falling flower city.

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