Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 435: Three reasons

After the demon Ningning and Bai Shizhen and others left, the white woman finally couldn’t help herself! The doubts went into the palace behind the demon.

"Big sister, you said this thing...? Is there anything wrong with it?" asked the white woman who was full of doubts.

After the demon laughed: "You haven't gone all the way until now, want to come to ask me about it?"

The white woman was a little embarrassed and nodded: "Yes, suddenly there is a day of lurking time, this matter is too ridiculous..."

After the demon heard the words, he shook his head. "At this time, the matter is raised, or it is still a bit awkward, but it may not be so ridiculous. Because within the Nine Heavens, there are extraterrestrial monsters lurking, not vain, but real."

"I said that there are people in the field who are lurking. I can understand this point, but the three people who came before are clearly the three guards of the Yunyuntian, and they are not the extraterrestrial demon." The white woman continued.

"The snake fights to death, but the snake always needs a name. What we kill is the demon in the demon king's day. No one has doubts, no doubt." The demon said slowly.

"I can understand the big sister's statement, but... there is another thing, and it is also the most important thing. If we do this, we may not be more beneficial. It will only completely fulfill Chu Yang and his Tianbing Pavilion. "The white woman is puzzled: "Although Ningning is a friend with him and knows each other, but we do it, I am afraid that it is too small to do so, and he is developing strength in the demon kingdom; All of us are masters of our demon kings...·····

There is still a sentence in the white woman who did not say it: this is clearly a move to lead the wolf into the room! Don't you be afraid of being hunted by one day?

The former Chuyang did not need such worry, but now Chuyang is close to the intermediate level of the saints, and its cultivation is still growing in a thousand miles. According to the information of the past few days, even his own subordinates are also naked. The visible speed has made continuous progress.

Although this force is still only a prototype, it is already an unstoppable posture.

After the demon, he smiled quietly and said: "Your worries do make sense, but I naturally have my consideration. There are three reasons why I will do this."

"There are three reasons?" The white woman frowned. "Please show your sister."

"The first reason is because of the friendship between Chu Yang and Ninger. You also said that they are in a relationship with each other. For Ning Er, it is rare to have such a friend; of course, this reason is the weakest one. If the layer factor is just because of this, I can only guarantee that Chu Yang will not die at all, and there will never be such a big action."

"However, it is because of the first reason, but it can also guarantee that once Chu Yang is full of wings, Ninger's position in the ranks of the nine-day Scorpio will ensure that the invincibility is unbreakable. Ownership is a must-have, extremely reliable ally... This, belonging to young people from the end of the micro, the end of trouble. This feeling is indeed worth investing."

After the demon came, the white woman was listening to the whole god: "This point, my sister said it is good;; Chu Yang is really not the kind of ungrateful person, and treats it with each other, there is no harm, no harm. I agree, but what about the other two reasons?"

"The second reason is relatively simpler..." After the demon, he smiled strangely on his face: "I launched a cover a few days ago..."

The face of the white woman's peerless face, because of this sudden and unexpected news, uncontrollable convulsions: "Gai Tian? Whose sky are you covered?"

"Snow and tears in the cold!" After the demon sneer: "East Emperor!"

It’s unbelievable that the white woman’s voice is stunned.

"Why, I think there is a problem with my approach. I only want him to cover my day and I will not allow him to cover his day?"

"Sister is not the meaning, you..." The white woman hurriedly denied; the sister's temper is still the same as that of the year, and she is not willing to eat at half.

"After the cover of the East Emperor, the snow and tears also said more nonsense, just tell me a word." The face of the demon at the moment is a bit dignified, said: "He said that ... ... !"

"Is there someone behind me?" The white woman was so surprised that she was so confused.

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, even very explicit.

However, such a sentence, from the snow and tears, but it seems so unusual.

The meaning of someone behind him is undoubtedly: Who is behind me in Chuyang? I can't afford it.

However, even those who can't even get rid of the tears of snow, who can be?

Snow and tears are the embarrassing characters that even the Holy King dared to challenge in the past; and the Holy King is the undisputed number one in this world of nine heavens, no one!

The person who can make the East Emperor self-restraint is not necessarily the special sage!

So who is that person? !

"At the time, I couldn't help but ask this question." After the demon said, "The snow and tears only said: If we have an accident, it may not be how; if it happens, Chuyang will be an accident." It will never exist again."

"What? Can there be such people in the world? Is this possible? Is it impossible?" The white woman looks like a whole life and is not as surprised as it is today. It is too shocking! Hey? ! !

"I am waiting for this piece of the nine heavens and earth, but it is the peak of existence, the person who dominates. However, outside this world, what kind of characters can we count? This day, the universe is so vast, and How many things, how many strong, we don't know...······” After watching the starry sky outside the window, some sighed.

"Of course, this shock is quite shocking to me, but it is still not the main reason why I am willing to help. Even though Chu Yang is really a strong person behind him, if the kid really offended me, still die! I said no. When he is busy, he will not help him. This is no big deal. Even if the whole world is destroyed, it is not only that I am unlucky to suffer, but the world is ruined by me, and I am overwhelmed by me. Why is it not a happy life!"

In the eyes of the demon, the cold light flashed, and the momentum suddenly rose.

The white woman looks at the vest and is cold and sweaty. How can her sister’s personality be unclear, and it’s not bent, why is heaven and earth in the eyes!

"It is the third point that really makes me determined. This third point is the most important factor." The demon whispered: "The extraterrestrial demon..."

"The extraterrestrial demon? What is the demon outside the Guanyu?" The white woman frowns repeatedly, asking subconsciously.

"The extraterrestrial demon, they are the most important enemy of my nine-day Scorpio, and it is a problem that must be faced in the future! In the past, Zijun Emperor Zihao recognized this point and knew that he was unfortunate and still chose to fight alone. · Eventually the whole army was wiped out and died."

"But no one knows that... It is because of the desperate battle of Zihao in the past, which has damaged most of the masters of the extraterrestrial demon, although it has not been able to damage its foundation, but it is always because of the war that year, outside the domain. The Devil no longer has the confidence to swallow the entire Nine Heavens."

"In the face of a purple day, they are still so hard to fight, let alone face the ten worlds at the same time?"

"So in these years, they have been recuperating and living. Although the thief is not dead, he has never dared to act rashly."

After the demon, he sighed with relief: "When the purple tycoon was outside the real world, the connection between the whole purple and the outside world was completely interrupted; there was no news at all."

"There was a rumor that Zizi Tiandi Zihao knew that the soldiers were in danger, and he sent his personal guards, that is, the seven-star guards he guarded around him, and broke through for help; but these seven people went without a trace."

"If the Qixing Guard of Zihao was still in the first battle, it would still be inevitable to end the defeat, but I believe that Zihao should not fight to death."

There was a deep doubt in the cold face of the demon: "But in fact, the seven people did spread the news, and from that time on, the nine heavens and the heavens and the earth, the world and the earth, and the enemy, because of the extraterrestrial , countless rivers and lakes masters star nights to help Zi Yantian······”

"But, in the great heavens and the earth, it was because of the scruples that could not be enemies. The great emperors were constrained by each other, and the attitude of the saints was stunned. At the end of the throne, I couldn’t help myself. Because our demon days are not far from the purple sky. Far, so I am alone in the future. I sneak into the purple day to see the battle."

"Unfortunately, I was always one step late, and I saw the aftermath of that battle. Just in the first half of the hour before I went, Zihao finally blew himself to death!"

"Thousands of thousands of days of corpse dead in the air; and Zihao slammed before the end of the dying, this has been echoing in my heart for more than a million years!" Devils sighed in the sky, suddenly screaming.

"Lonely fighting! Fighting to the last soldier! A smashing of the shackles, but the nine heavens and the tens of billions of souls have no one to help the soldiers to help! Why the people are so cold!!!"

"Which people are so cold!"

After the demon, there is no aura, like a slap in the face, so that the entire demon day is turbulent!

The sky was raging in an instant.

Just as it was in the past, Zi Yantian dominated the sorrowful sorrow of the Zihao Emperor Zihao before his death.

From the source of the sound recently, the white woman suddenly felt a sweaty upside down, and her blood burst into horror.

"For millions of years, I have been asking myself this sentence, why is the heart so cold?" After the demon bleak smile: "The things of the year, there are many doubts. There must be another big hand, there must be a big hand, in the manipulation fiddle All this."

At this moment, the white woman has been shocked and has no words.

For these top secrets, what she can do is only shocking.

"Looking at Zihao's death, I went to a later step; under the anger, at that moment, I started the magic trick of the demon, "The demon emperor,! Under the blow, the million-day demon Instantaneously used as a powder. All of them are buried in Zihao!"

"I am one step late, can't fight alongside the heroes of the world; and only so, let the heroes go alone and not lonely!"

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