Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 454: 囚天rison

"Don't you live on the wolf?" Mo Yuntian's **** said, "The trick is to go to the ground and be smashed together. You are so proud of you. You said that I dragged you down. I also said that you drag me down. It!"

"I will say how strong I am than you are!" The Emperor’s Day guard did not let it go, and said with disdain: "As for your old scum, you dare to sway."

"Do you dare to say that I am old? Where are you young?"

The two men screamed at each other and chatted with each other.

Of course, each other really has a tacit understanding, and strictly adheres to the premise that it is strictly forbidden to say the name of the other party. If you let this little girl know who they are, go out for a little publicity...that is, the first name of the world has been sent to the kennel...

But when it comes to later, the two old men are all a belly of fire, the more the fire is more prosperous.

The demon emperor took the lead in making a difficult attack. The sound of "squeaky" was sprinkled on the face of the Mo Yuntian guardian who was close to the nearest foot; suddenly a slimy piece, the demon smiled proudly.

Mo Yuntian, the guard, was first stunned, and then rushed to anger, naturally not to be outdone, and the current "squeaky" retorted back.

The two are separated by less than half a foot, and they can't move each other. There is no room for evasion. So every bite is squirted to the other person's face. You can take a bite for me. Spit the other person's face and spit.

Watching this "war of the century" on the sidelines, Mo Mo dances and sighs.

I don’t know what kind of madness I had before, what kind of evil in the middle, what kind of good person to do.

Saved these two goods, it is actually the kind of old and shameless, nothing to lose...

They are so old, they still spit on each other, you can still do a bit more

Even if you don't care about your identity, don't you think that next to you is a favorite big clean woman?

And it must be the savior of both of you!

Really no words...

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a big world. Today is an eye-opener!

When the two of them both stunned, the Mo-light dance wrinkled the nose to help both of them clean up and wipe their faces. The heart said: Should I hire another maid?

All in all, in short, this carriage sled carries the top three masters of the world, so it rushes all the way to the city of Falling Flowers.

The demon palace.

After the demon stood under a flower tree in front of the main hall, staring at the vigorous snow and ice Qionghua in front of him, he whispered, "What happened to Chu Yang and Ninger?"

"It has been fully entered into the formal, and the progress is very smooth." During this time, the white woman has been in the trap of being behind her.

"Very good." After the demon looked cold, said: "Since the progress is going well, then open the plan to save the day. Open the prison!"

"The big sister is only afraid to think twice, or we have better choices." Ai Ai, who is not optimistic about the demon, will not be able to go back.

"No, I have decided!" After the demon waved, she looked firm.

"Heyday prisoner ah ..... that is the prisoner of the day!" White woman muttered to herself.

陨天 prison!

It is the first prison of the demon king day!

Unless the Scorpio, this prison will never open!

All of them are detained by the wicked and wicked; the wicked and full-fledged generation has changed even more since the demon, and has continued to this day.

There are countless prisoners inside, even if the hand-eyes are all over the sky, even if they are repaired as a mysterious, they must be there forever, and there will never be a day.

How many prisoners are held in the end is also a mystery of the demon king.

In addition, it is always a mystery as to who has been caught in this prison.

However, there is a vicious curse on the rivers and lakes, which is the thief of the underworld or the murderers cursing each other.

"I wish you an early imprisonment!"

As long as this sentence comes out, the position of the two sides is almost a pattern of endlessness!

The meaning of the meaning of this sentence is obvious and can be imagined!

"The people in the prison have been executed in the past few years. I have already executed a batch after the selection." After the demon squint, the voice was dull: "Those who are inhuman and have no benefit, all have been killed by me."

"But anyone who can stay is a good guy."

"Of course, they are still very sultry to the outside world, but for their own family, inheritance, it is relatively more concerned about ... ... among these people, enough qualifications can come in handy, about 70,000 people."

"In other words, these people are masters, first-class masters."

After the demon stunned, the phoenix eyes were slightly cold: "The descendants of these people have always been safe in this world."

"There is something in my heart. For us, it is a good thing." After the demon said faintly: "Go!"

In the screams, there were tens of thousands of thin white silks in the hands of the demon, and they disappeared. Below, in the prison of the day, all prisoners, after the demon took a soul.

"Give you three days." The demon said faintly: "Go back and see your family, your descendants. Then I need you to come back and help me to do one thing!"

Below, all the prisoners of the prisoners of the day are unbelievably looking at the demon, and for a time they don’t know what to do!

I never dreamed that I had entered the legendary prisoner of the day, and one day I was able to go out!

And I can also go and see my long-lost family!

There are still such rare things.

Unable to take care of the pain of the soul, they have kneel down.

Immediately, under the cold eyes of the demon, one by one turned into a black light, which quickly disappeared into the prison.

It must be that you can't come back. The soul of the gods is in the hands of the demon, as long as you dare not come, no matter the heavens and the earth, as long as the demon is a meditation, it is the bleak ending of the soul!

Three days, only three days of reunion!

Three days of cherished!

Three days later, all the prisoners in the prison of the day were concentrated in front of the demon.

Everyone’s eyes are filled with a heavy gratitude.

I am grateful because these years, my family, my children and grandchildren have not suffered unfair treatment for themselves, and everything is not beneficial to civilians.

As long as you have not made a mistake, the demon emperor's government will still protect it.

It is heavy because, in this case, the task to be entrusted to the demon must be extraordinary.

These prisoners are all smart people, how can you not understand the difference!

"I need you to do one thing for me in the future; this thing is a bad thing!" After the demon, he squinted and stepped on his steps, slowly sorting out his thoughts and thinking about words.

"From this moment on, you are no longer yourself, no longer a demon, not a human race, but a... heavenly demon!"

"I ask you to go to any place where you can go, to burn and kill, and to do nothing."

"You have to go here, the ending is already doomed, there must be no return. After all, it will be annihilated, just sooner or later!" The demon phoenix eyes are chilling: "But I ask you, try to be brazen. Then, I act more secretly, and the time of support is more likely. The sins committed are bigger, and I am more angry and resentful.······

"Do you understand the above?"

Among the tens of thousands of prisoners, most of them have revealed the color of enlightenment. As they have said before, they are all smart people. The moment has basically understood the intentions of the demon and the hard work.

"Dare to ask the queen after the demon, but to formally fight against the demon?" Someone asked, and looked excited: "I am waiting for the evil spirits, but as long as it is fighting against the demon, we will not marry this. Cavity blood!"

"Don't die!"

After the demon took a deep breath: "Yes, what you want to do is related to this. So... no matter what day you are caught by someone, you can die, but you can never use the way of the demon. To die, but to kill yourself in the way of the devil!"

"No matter how you are tortured, how can you be forced to confess, you can't expose your original name, it's true!"

"You are the devil! Thoroughly, the devil from the inside out!"

After the demon said heavily: "If you fight with the demon in the future, you can make a battle, and the nine heavens will be safe and happy. As long as the demon is still there, my descendants will protect your future generations, live and enjoy peace. Peace and joy."

"And your original name will also be engraved on the monument of the Emperor Tianying, and the generation will be respected."

"How to act when you are going to ponder. You used to be a bad person. You don't have to teach me."

After the demon, the road said: "But I only emphasize one point: as long as there is any real information leaked from any population, even if there is only one trace, then all of you who have more than 77,000 of them have annihilated the Nine. There will be no exceptions!"

"Use your life; to evoke the hatred of the nine heavens to the demon, to start the outpost for the magic war; for your children and grandchildren in exchange for the glory of the generations!"

After the demon finished speaking.

Tens of thousands of underground people quietly did not say a word.

Everyone's eyes are sparkling.

On the night of the same day; the shadows of the dark shadows in the prisons of the heavens generally floated at a rapid speed, and quickly scattered to all directions...·····

In the silent, the old prisoners have been accommodated in the past, and now it has become an empty city.

"Sister, they are all gone..." The white woman was worried about watching the demon standing in front of the window and holding her hand.

After the demon did not turn back, just quietly said: "Go? Good!"

"No problem?" The white women's hearts are full of worry.


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