Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 455: Meet the light dance

After the demon, his face was cold and faint, "I don't want to. Everyone is also an old river, how to do it, they know better than us!"

"In fact, for them, in their lifetime, once again letting go of their own desires, it is not a pleasure. In particular, the bad things they are doing now can lead to good results, and bring more infinite light to future generations. If I were them, I will definitely do it!"

"This is also a great opportunity for them to wash away the stigma."

"In fact, the human heart is the same, no matter if it is a good person, a bad person, a good person or a bad person, when faced with a nephew, there will always be more people who are willing to work together." After the demon whispered: "Those who forget the ancestors, the wolf heart and the dog lungs, and the real collusion with the devil ... after all, just a few!"

"Yes." The white woman agreed.

"Yu Yi every dog ​​slaughter... I am a lot of people who are reading." After the demon, I read these two words, and the eyes flashed coldly. "Let the intelligence department pay more attention to the demon king days..." Confucian news. I don’t think that I have learned a few things about human beings. Why is it wrong? Once I find the abnormality, I will immediately eradicate it!"


"This is about the whole battle of life and death of the Nine Heavens. You must not have any kindness and softness!"


"After this, you go to the city of Huacheng. Go to Ningning; and the Chuyang, keep in touch with me at any time." After the demon, quietly talked.

"What about your sister?" The white woman was sensitive to what she was aware of.

"I? I am going to go to Ziyan Tianyi." After the demon looked up, in the eyes, there was an unclear meaning: "I have to go to Donghuangtian once again... In addition, I have to go to Zhongjitian, Go and see the holy king!"

"Look at the Holy King? See what he is doing?" The white woman frowned.

"I just want to see if the holy prince is... I suspect it..." The scorpion in the scorpion reveals an indescribable fierce murderousness.

This murderous sky began to flood the Imperial Palace.

Hundreds of millions of demons, stumble at the same time!

The demon of the demon, shocking!

Chu Yang did not know that he said that ‘derogation is more than a dog, and most of his mind is a scholar. Soon after this sentence, the demon also said this sentence.

Moreover, because this sentence has made preventive measures.

So coincidence is sometimes terrible!

In this sentence, it is indeed somewhat biased, but in the extraordinary period, everything is careful.

Chu Yang is now standing on the school ground, watching the extreme training of the smoke and the sky below. With one hand holding a donkey, when considering one thing, is there any other way to squeeze out the maximum and maximum potential of the human body in the shortest time more effectively than now?

Is there any more cruel training method? Look at these guys, this will still be able to yell, the momentum of each foot looks like a very enjoyable look? How can that be...

Chu Yang is thinking hard, but it is puzzling. I even thought about whether I would change the bed that I slept every night to a nail board. The tip of the nail is all over the kind of ······, and then every night to check if there is any deep sleep...·····

As long as you don't go into deep sleep, all the dogs don't keep a hand and stick to it...

Chu Yang racked his brains and thought about it all the time; of course, if the members of the Tianbing Pavilion who are training below know what the Queen is thinking at the moment, it is estimated that everyone will go crazy!

You make people sleep on nails and check deep sleep...···

Is this a research training method? This is clearly thinking about how to take people!

This handsome face, handsome young man like a jade, the position is clearly so elegant, but in the thought of so many inhumane means of tossing people, is it the legendary "small white face is not good eye"? !

The ancients do not deceive me, the old saying is more reasonable!

At this time, in the direction of the north gate of the city, suddenly rushed into a sled carriage.

Inside, a little girl in a red dress, like a fairy, was eagerly reaching out and asked, "Where is the Tianbing Pavilion?"

All the people I saw were all dumped by the little girl's peerless look.

Soon there will be enthusiasts who point out where to go.

There are still a lot of young men who are enthusiastic to be guides; with some unconscious thoughts and a smile on their faces.

But after two sentences...

"Girl, who are you going to the Tianbing Pavilion? Where are the people who have recently gone to the sea! I am afraid that it is not easy to find..."

"Look for my husband! He should be able to find something!"

"Hey...what are you looking for? Your husband? Are you married?"


"Oh, okay, what's your husband's specific name?"

"His name is Chu Yang·····哎! You are not going to be a guide for me? How can you say nothing? People?"

Since the export of the two characters of Chu Yang, the young people who are not eager to dance are not left.

The shadow of the so-called human name tree is also honest and not deceive me!

Do not make jokes!

That is even the ink cloud! Prince also dare to say killing and killing fierce people! If he was told that he was actually playing his wife's idea... I didn't find such a brain-destroy when I was looking for death...·····

Still rushing away, if you are misunderstood, you may lose your life!

By the way, the beautiful little lady can never remember my face... It’s not worth your mind to remember the **** skull on your face, and even dare not let your husband remember, please...

At this moment, Chu Yang was so uncertain that he could not resolve the resentment.

Suddenly, my heart was inexplicably moved. Suddenly, there was some radiant meaning. It seemed that even the heartbeat was a little rushed. I couldn’t help myself. What happened today? Are you so excited?

How come this suddenly has such a weird shape, can you say that...·····

Both Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian were sitting on the high platform, and the purple evil hands were standing on the edge of the high platform, watching the training below; at this moment, they felt that the situation in Chuyang was rising. .

At this moment, a clear voice called: "Chuyang, where are you?"

Far from the door of Tianbinge.

Under the sound of Chu Yang, I only feel a lot of shock! It was like being hit by happiness; the heart almost stopped beating. I hurriedly stood up: "I am here, I am here."

If the words are not finished, the whole person has already flew up.

At the entrance of the courtyard, a red figure of the same voice is rising from the sky, and the appearance is graceful. - The red dress flutters, with infinite affection, flying and fluttering. Even though the mood is eager, but the figure is crossed in the air, it is still as intoxicating as the fairy-tale dance.

The purple evil spirits flashed and muttered: "Nine-day dance! It is the gimmick of the mob dance! I can't think of this girl now has already reached this point!"

"Mo light dance!" Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian stood up at the same time.

The mood is very complicated.

The biggest and most unrivaled enemy in this life, and the most important sister, has finally arrived!

Long-lost Mo light dance, once again came to Chu Yang!

Chu Yang only felt that his heart was boiling, and for a time he was so excited that he would explode.

At the moment I heard this cry, I could hardly believe the sound heard in my ear--light dance, so I came so early!

In the air, I saw the red figure that made me dream.

The bow is flying on the head, the delicate little face is full of surprises that have not been reunited for a long time, and there are many acacias that have been suppressed for a long time, and they have become unspeakable grievances. The little red lips are slightly flat and squinted. Full of crystal tears.

At the moment I finally saw Chu Yang, many tears finally could not help but overflow.

Mo light dance with infinite thoughts, infinite love, flying over the dozens of feet of space, smashed into the arms of Chu Yang! At this moment, she has always been arrogant, even without any consideration of her own behavior, thousands of people are watching!

Just come here regardless of the flying!

At the moment when I felt the long-lost warm embrace, Mo Qingwu had a kind of happiness feeling that a heart suddenly settled.

Got home!

This is the first feeling!

Then, the long-term grievances of the thoughts of the transformation, just like a mountain flood, broke out!

Tightly holding on to the long-lost jade man in his arms, it seems that the beautiful woman in front of him will suddenly disappear. Chu Yang is happy to have a heart almost exploding, almost unconsciously muttering: "light dance, light dance ·······”

Mo light dance slowly raised his head, the little face was already tears, the pear flower was raining, but the tears were smiling, and the smile could not help but cry, biting his lips and not letting himself cry. When I heard the sound, I looked at Chu Yang and said: "You still haven't changed at all, it's so good..."

"You are too, really good." Chu Yang smiled and tried his best to hold this delicate body tightly in his arms, more like trying to get the whole jade into his body. No longer separated.

The two men hugged in the air like this, clinging to the body and slowly spinning, wearing a black robe and a red dress, in the air and the snow everywhere, turned out to be an exceptionally harmonious and beautiful. Scenery...

Behind him, the dream is nowhere to shout: "Look at what, even a little bit of stability and stability, all give me back to practice, and today's training volume is doubled!"

Li Guanyu took a beard, smiled and looked forward, shaking his head and shaking his head: "The talented and beautiful, a natural pair; really envy and kill others."

Someone laughed next to him: "The chrysanthemum knife Wang's wife is like a cloud, so I still envy others, my generation still have to live?!"

Li Guanyu laughed and said: "I am a wolf, this is the nature, how is the generation?"

Suddenly my face turned out: "Don't watch it all. Just stopped for such a small meeting, and you will see that it will be overtaken by other teams. Today, the training volume will increase by three times!"

The entire training ground suddenly sighed and sighed.

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