Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 457: Today, no, no harm!

"········································································································· ···”

After writing, sighed, carefully placed five amethysts, quickly adjusted the orientation, and made it into the shape of a hand, splitting the fingers, and dropping blood into it. All the writings on this spar are instantaneously turned into a smog and risen in the air, and disappeared without a trace.

The person in charge of the secret information department looked sad and worried, and could not hide it.

It’s only a few days since I came here, and I’ve been acting as carefully as I can, but I’ve been stared at by the subordinates of this Tianbing Pavilion. Now it’s already restricted everywhere.······It’s really hard to say. .

At the moment, I only hope that the headquarters will send back the news and see what should be done next.

After a while, the spar flashed for a while, and the above line of writing made the person in charge surprised and stunned.

"This Tianbing Pavilion is the headquarters of the Court! In other words, our Tianbing Pavilion is only one of the branches of the headquarters, and is responsible for intelligence. And the royal seat Chuyang is the true leader of the Tianbing Pavilion; he is here. Contact as soon as possible, telling your own origins and information, and gaining trust. In addition, you can listen to the throne command at all times; keep the state of contact with me at any time; if the two sides have conflicts, the order of Chuyang is the main one. The order is forbidden, and the law is not allowed to be violated."

It was this short line that made the person's brain almost full of blood, almost directly crashed.

"How could it be like this!? This is a sincerity?" This person lost his soul: "How can this be like this? The boss will not brainstorm it? Our Tianye Pavilion is so big, it is just a branch? Help! ”

That being said, but even if he is ten more courageous, he can't doubt the wisdom of the boss!

Moreover, the above handwriting is clearly the writing of the seat of Mo Tianji!

This man just hesitated for a moment; watching the spar no longer heard new news, finally resolutely got up and went out.

Destination, Tianbing Pavilion.

The seat is clear and clear. I have to get in touch with the headquarters. It is serious to reach a consensus. I am the first liaison person, and it is also a key figure to witness the historic moment!

Half a person of each of the nine heavy Danpu entrances. The two strong people invariably reveal a strange look to the extreme.

The magical potency and magical vitality of this nine-density dandy filled the two feet that had already been smashed outside the king's palace in an instant.

It’s really immediate, it’s amazing.

These two people are always the peak of the senior level of the saints. Under the gentleness of the gods and abilities, their own vitality has the opportunity to re-run. The sage's tyrannical regenerative ability responds instantly, but for a moment, it is almost broken. Dan Tian has also improved, and there are some signs of returning to stability. Even the five internal organs have recovered a little.

Before and after, just a short period of time, the two people suddenly found: Hey! It turned out to be moving!

Not only did the head turn, but it seemed to have strength on both legs and legs. Trying to struggle, the body was kicked open, and then the two men worked together and the whole person stood up. Although there were still some standing. Unstable, but able to return to this point, want to further recovery. It is not difficult.

Of course, the two did not know that this was still a scruples in Chu Yang’s heart, and they did not dare to rush to treat the two people who actually used the medicine.

If you use the real super version of Jiuzhong Dan, the two people's repairs can't be completely cured at once, at least one or two percent of the repairs can be restored.

Hugh should look down on this cultivation; for both of them, if the recovery is really restored, then the distance will be restored, and it will be a few days.

The self-recovery ability of the sage level is still super strong.

However, even if it is not a complete version of the nine heavy Dan, but also the two share a single one is also a rare opportunity to see!

Through this matter, Chu Yang also discovered another fact. His own understanding of Jiu Dan, there is a fundamental misunderstanding. In the past, when Chu Yang used Jiu Dan, he used it to treat internal and external injuries. Restoring their own combat effectiveness, or using their powerful effects to promote their own cultivation and enhance their realm. However, with the continuous improvement of their own strength, Jiu Dan of each stage can no longer meet those needs, especially in the promotion. In terms of instantaneous recovery of physical strength, although the effect is still there, it is already relatively weak!

However, today, Chu Yang was surprised to find that the most powerful application of Jiu Dan is actually reviving the soul, repairing the body's loss of function, and really has the effect of killing from the king!

A master who has been trained at the level above the saint is not willing to be injured if he only deals with the opponent of the same level. Even if the injury can be quickly recovered, this is a feature of the self-recovery ability of the deep-winged people, but as long as it is quite Seriously injured, especially to the point of physical insults and exhaustion of the body, basically can only wait for death!

Although there is no shortage of elixir, there are almost no elixir for the energy loss of the body machine. Even if there are exceptions, the number is extremely limited, and the owner will only cherish the self, not to mention, even easy to show people Unwilling, at best, only the top talents have!

As for the two senior saints saved by Mo Qingwu, there are book madness. The strength of these three people is certainly high. They don’t have the same elixir. They are not even as good as Mo, and Miss Mo has two bottles of red dust. Dan!

Jiuzhong Dan is the best medicine for this symptom. As long as the patient can still survive, as long as there is a Jiudan Dan, even the incomplete version of Jiuzhong Dan, with the life spring water, can save a life, as long as it is alive. It is not difficult to recover from the short-term recovery of the high-definition military.

This is also the incomplete version of Jiu Dan Dan's potency for the two senior saints, it is only a cup of water, but it is because the crux of the problem, the effect can be so immediate.

The two of them understood this point and learned more about the preciousness of the elixir given by Chu Yang. They stood up and thanked Chu Yang.

Helping the great grace is in front, even if there are tens of thousands of hatreds, you must first report your grace before you can take revenge.

This is a rule of the rivers and lakes, and the two still understand.

Of course, it is only the seven-star guard of Mo Yuntian who needs to think about repaying the money and then revenge.

"You are welcome." Chu Yang smiled: "In the end, it is always the foundation of the two predecessors, but the younger generation is just a handful."

The two are even more grateful.

Then he looked at him and glared at him: "You wait, sooner or later, I will find you for your account!"

Chu Yang laughed and asked: "Don't ask the names of the two predecessors?"

"I am the king of painting!" Mo Yuntian was a little embarrassed, saying: "The old man is surnamed Autumn, Qiuyuan Mountain."

"I am the wing king." The demon emperor guard smiled and laughed: "The king of the demon emperor."

The enemy of life is in front of him. It is impossible to hide his identity. If he is reluctant, he will only be more laughing, but it is better to report it. Both think this way.

"It turned out that the two kings were coming by the predecessors." Chu Yang did not move his face, but his heart said: "I really did not guess wrong."

In order to avoid embarrassment, Chu Yang did not further ask the origins of these two people; otherwise, the demon emperor said that it is inevitable that Mo Yuntian will have to burst out: I originally came here to kill you and kill you. The whole family...

Then don't be too embarrassed.

"What seniors!" Wing Wang smiled and said: "Kid, this guy is a man of Mo Yuntian. He is here to kill you! This time, you have saved your life, oh... I I have to see how the old guy is still getting started!"

The painting is red and red, and angered: "You don't use this kind of run against me. How is my mission so? But by being alive, can you report your enmity? At most, this time, go back, this thing, Nothing to do with me anymore! The grace of life, he has his own repayment period!"

"Is it really repayable? I see most of the time, it’s just watching your savior be killed by your brothers. Are you dumb? If you die like a lamp, you will save yourself, and you will save yourself. You Do you think so?" Wing Wang sarcastically said: "The people in the sky above and below are all ungrateful!"

Wang Wangran was furious: "What dog do you put on the stink? The old man has a lifelong ups and downs, will you give birth to such awkward thoughts!! My grievances are my grievances, the revenge of the Emperor, is the revenge of the Emperor. I am I withdraw from my personal grievances, but how can I influence the decision of the Emperor of Heaven."

"I still said that I didn't think about it. You said that for a long time, you still said that saving you is always a white rescue. Is it that I said wrong? Who is farting?" Wing Wang said coldly.

Seeing that the two people are more noisy, the more angry, the more likely they will have to start again, Chu Yang and others will rush to persuade. But I don't know what these two people are pondering. Whoever persuades is useless, the atmosphere is getting more and more fierce, and the war is on the verge!

Just at this time -

"Shut up! You both give me the truth!" Mo screamed and screamed, and shook the audience.

It was only this sound, and the two old men shrank their necks at the same time, and they immediately smothered like a pair of cockroaches. They dared not look up.

On the way, the second child was so yelled by the younger grandmother, almost all of them have formed a conditional reflex, and it has become a habit to subconsciously engage in the words of the younger grandmother.

"If the two predecessors have no place to stay, they may stay here for a while. The younger generation is always ready to ask." Chu Yangdao: "When the two are healed, they can leave at any time. Chuyang will never stop. Dare to provoke the seniors to stay."

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