Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 458: "In those years, the hand that controlled the nine heavens!" 》

Chu Yang’s eyes on the painting king of Mo Yuntian said: “The predecessors of the painting king have different positions. Today’s work is not a matter of raising their hands. If the seniors leave here, then they will be enemies and friends. However, there is a way to not give in on the spot, raising your hands without mercy; fighting each other, life and death are good and destiny."

The painting king looked awkward and said: "The old man has this great grace. How can the face and the small friend be hostile? Naturally, he will withdraw from this action. Before he can repay the little friend, he will never add a finger to Xiaoyou. The people around you, as for others, the little friends are careful to guard against the good guys."

It is also awkward to say that his current position.

Originally intended to kill Chu Yang, I did not expect that people have not seen it, and they suffered a fatal injury in the first step. When they finally met, they were saved by the other party.

The position of this matter is really too embarrassing.

Now the other party’s proposal is reasonable and reasonable. I can’t find a reason for refusal. If I refuse to do so, I will show my feelings. Now I have to be cheeky and promised, but to say how difficult it is, it’s just a conscience. I am going out like this now, I am unfamiliar in life, all the land is an enemy, I am likely to be shredded by the demon world in an instant. If I die in the hands of the super strong, if I die in the hands of some small shrimps, then I will die. It’s awkward.

But staying, but it is equal to the protection of the Chuyang layer, the ······

Painting Wang Qiuyuanshan only feels a tangle in his stomach, how can he fall into this strange circle, forget it, the debt is more than enough, slowly calculate it...·····

Chu Yang arranged for two people to go in for healing. I watched the two people scorn each other and walked in. They couldn’t help but shake their heads and laughed. They also had time to talk with Mo Qingwu and others. They saw someone coming in and reporting: "The throne, outside Someone came to see him, he claimed to be what Tianbingge’s people under the Ministry of Intelligence and Intelligence must see you personally to explain...······

"Tianji? Intelligence? Let him come in!" Chu Yang's heart is overjoyed, and the moment has come to realize the origin of people!

The Tianbing Pavilion, the Tianji Intelligence Department, the name, and the personal contact with themselves, and the people except Mo Tianji no longer think of the second person.

On the one hand, the Mo-light dance was also a bright gaze, and the surprise was ‘Yah, a voice.

The person who cares most about Mo Qingwu is Chu Yang, but the second person is undoubtedly his brother, who is not ecstatic.

"See the throne."

The person in charge of the branch of the machine hall came in and did not see it. It was very gracious from one knee to the knee.

"Your leader, but Mo Tianji?" Chu Yang asked.

"It is the seat of the heavenly machine."

"How can I prove your identity?"

"There is a hand of the secret telescope that Mo Tangzhu personally made. In addition, the master of the church once taught his subordinates. Once he saw Chu Yuzu, he said four words to the throne: master the world!"

"En····· really really good." Chu Yang relieved; mastering the world, it is the unique effort of Mo Tianji, and it is precisely because of this matter; Mo Tianji and Mo light dance scattered, almost caused Mo The joy of light dancing.

This matter is also to let the Mo Tian machine linger in the present until now.

In addition to Chu Yang, the rest of the nine robbery brothers are completely unaware of it. As a result of this, it is naturally difficult to have a holiday, Chu Yang suddenly let go of his heart.

Under the conversation with the coming people, Chu Yang’s heart is even more overjoyed.

The network of Mo Tianji has actually extended so far in a short period of time; the overall coverage area has actually been extended to more than half of the nine heavens! Such a rapid development momentum, such a short time, is simply a miracle.

After listening to Chu Yang, the mind quickly thought about it; the Tianji Intelligence Department is so promising, how should it be promoted and developed in the demon king day?

And how should you use the intelligence department as a peerless weapon?

The nine-day sky, the wind and the clouds are all beautiful and wonderful.

Gu’s path of escape finally succeeded as he escaped again, and he nodded again to improve his cultivation, and the declaration ended completely.

浑天剑决, finally Dacheng!

With the advancing of Gu Zhixing, he himself has finally become one of the top experts in the world. From then on, whoever wants to deal with Gu Zhixing must consider and measure the quantity, and whether he has the ability to deal with it, should not be dealt with. Is it worth dealing with.

After the event, can you afford to take revenge!

Recently, after several famous super-masters, the legendary level of death or defeat in the sword alone, this time the pursuit of the event, finally ended with such an anticlimactic ending.

The self-improvement of Dacheng’s self-sufficiency spurs the old nest, recruits and buys a new one, and then the new ones are gathered!

With the connections made by Gu Zhixing on the road, in a very short time, I gathered a group of super masters to do the team, sweeping the sky, and laughing!

The Tianbing Pavilion of Gu’s singularity, like a snowball, is getting bigger and bigger, growing rapidly, and it’s already unstoppable...

However, Mo Tian’s feeling of losing the target of Gu’s independence was lost. !

However, the other side finally contacted Chu Yang positively, and also let Mo Tianji's mood renewed; especially after learning that Gu Lone and Chu Yang have achieved great success, Mo Tianji has stepped up the next step.

This time, the target is the same long-lost.

In another piece of the world, there is nowhere to go, and it has been promoted to the ‘first thief of the world! It’s really awesome, no one at the moment!

Countless people want to catch the thief, but no one can ever succeed, because there is no ghost, no one, can know the whereabouts of his specific whereabouts...

Finally, on this day.

In a certain city, a ‘Tianji Intelligence Department suddenly appeared.

At the beginning of this celestial intelligence department, the signboard that came out at the first time was: there is no whereabouts we can't collect! No news we can't grasp!

Taking this as a gimmick, I immediately started to publicize and grow.

Then there are good things: "You are so arrogant, you can't say who you are, let's give some proof. Let's have a big thief in this world. You can't find out whereabouts. If you can find out?" Come, no matter how much money I buy! If you can't find out, you still close the door early, and find another way to go..."

The Tianji Intelligence Department naturally refused to show weakness. After two days, it officially sold the news of the first thief between the heavens and the earth!

At this point, the legend of the "first thief" disappeared into a fascination!

For a time, the whole world is crazy!

Everyone knows that in the hands of the first thief, I really don’t know how many good things are gathered! It is a huge treasure of movement itself...

As long as he can catch him, even if there is no hate and no grievances, he can turn from a poor man to a rich and powerful enemy overnight! This temptation, this reason, is enough in any case!

Ever since, everyone is enthusiastic, all of them are vying for the first time, the Tianji Intelligence Department has once again made a fortune!

Dealing with it doesn't work, Mo Tianji can't think about it everywhere than paying for him alone, just push this guy directly to the dead road!

Nothing soft!

Never mercy!

Anyway, this guy has the great ability of the phoenix...

Even if it is resurrected as a meat sauce, what more considerations?

Under the wisdom of Mo Tianji, when it was not possible, it fell into a bad situation of wind, cranes, grass and trees. The original 哉 哉 哉 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 只 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修 修Ten thousand times.

Almost all-round unobtrusive exposure to the eyes of everyone in the world!

Regardless of how easy it is to adapt, how to smash the three caves, how to fly away, always someone will intercept themselves and chase after the first time.

I couldn’t get into the darkness of life without a day, and I want to cry without tears: "I am oh... I am offended by which gods? I still need to live, help me..." ·"

When the descendants talked about the chasing of the Scorpio this time, it is said:

"Everyone is still unaware of it, an invisible big hand, gradually overwhelming the world between silent and silent, no, is to control the world.

It is to control the world, because the tentacles of this big hand have gradually penetrated into the various industries and fields of the nine heavens.

Moreover, no matter what industry, this big hand is trying to provoke unpredictable storms.

Of course, in the general trading industry, this big wind and waves are also making more money at best. There is no more... But on the rivers and lakes, this big wind is the wind and the waves are earning, but It is human life!

The lives of countless people, under the deliberate fiddling of this big hand, rushed to the big hand to pay the money, while elated to die!

This big hand manipulated everything in the shadows, but when this big hand manipulated everything, no one ever felt the horrible existence of the existence of this big hand.

They even thought that the big hand was used by them, because they existed, but they did not know that the object that was actually fiddled was their own, so they were quietly influenced, manipulated, manipulated, and enjoyed, and they were followed. . Acting almost entirely on the design of this big hand.

He has controlled everything, but nothing controlled has never felt that he is being controlled!

He holds the world, masters the world, and has a thorough understanding of the world. He has nothing to do beyond his control!

This hand is called ‘the hand of heaven!

And the owner of this hand is the present heavenly emperor, Mo Tianji! ”

The above passage is an excerpt from a book written by later generations: "In those years, the hand that controlled the Nine Heavens! - Remember the Heavenly Emperor Mo Tianji.

This book is a legendary biography that records the life of Mo Tianji. It is a book written by the people of the next generation who have worked hard to collect information on Mo Tianji.

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