Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 460: rebel!

At this moment, Mo Tianji is sitting in the middle of the military account, while sitting in the hands of the control ● practicing hard, while thinking about the analysis and collecting the news summarized to him, according to local conditions, due to the appropriate instructions issued by people.

Then these messages quickly turned into a large number of purple xiaxia coins and quickly returned.

The huge amount of Zixia coins will not be simply piled up there, and will be transformed into various resources at the same rapid speed, continuously maintaining and expanding the scale of the intelligence information, and recycling more detailed information.

It has become a sacred network, and has carried out crazy encirclement of the life and death brothers who have confirmed the information.

Among the brothers who have been robbed, the only one is more relaxed, or only Dong is harmless.

It’s not that Mo Tianji didn’t find the whereabouts of Dong’s injury. Because of the huge financial and material resources of astronomical figures, such as the monopoly, the ignorance, the Ji Mo and the Luo Ke’s enemies, The system continues to operate in a healthy manner, and the coverage of the intelligence network has expanded. At this stage, apart from some extremely remote corners or those legendary forbidden places, there is basically no place that the Tianjige Information Network can't touch. Under such a super intelligence network search, how can Dong no injury be spared? !

In fact, Dong Wushou was also arranged on a very very very attractive name. In countless people chasing the siege, but Dong Wu has an advantage that other nine robbers did not have. He has tears. The killer organization assisted.

And this point, but there is no way for Mo Tianji.

It’s not to say that Mo Tianji’s killer organization, even the ink tears and even the tears of the tears, is really nothing. If Mo Tianji really has the heart to pull up the killer organization of the tears, that is, minutes, even without Mo Tianji. Do it yourself, as long as you grin a little, sell a few intelligences, and divulge the secrets of the operations of its killer organization, naturally there will be people to start with it. Since it is a killer organization, can you get offended?

The killer organization of Ink Tears is self-contained. The management system model has its own set of rules and regulations, and it is very secret. This is very well known, but because of this, if these things are exposed, then It is extremely unfavorable for the future development. As long as there is a flaw in one link, the killer organization may be devastated. Even if it is remedied afterwards, it will not help.

Therefore, for this point, Mo Tianji had to retreat to the next level, deliberately increased the chasing density and intensity. After all, it is not an easy task to deal with these two things, a mighty and overbearing unparalleled, a smart and dexterous heart.

It is definitely not a simple matter to really push such two people to a desperate situation and to break through.

The most important thing is to master a degree, but you can't really let the two die.

Therefore, the designer's couple is more difficult than the pursuit of Gu Zhixing and others.

Mo Tianji carefully controlled, but Dong no injuries and ink tears can always rush out, which makes Mo Tianji feel a little powerless. Later, simply, let go.

So, the whole coffers are staged!

Dong has no wounds and wins in the momentum, it is a kind of unparalleled in the world, the heroic ambition of the heroes in the world; even if he is above him, even though the number of local people is 100 times his, his natural heroic momentum is always a little Not inferior!

Even more powerful than everyone else!

The words of timidity, jealousy, horror, and fear are not at all with him!

Often surrounded by densely packed, Dong Dong is not hurting, and the kind of heroic spirit that is integrated with the heavens and the earth can temporarily stop the attack!

This is a kind of heroic field that can't tell the truth!

The husband and wife are rushing back and forth in the chasing and intercepting, honing themselves and improving their cultivation.

Although I don't know how these people came from, I don't know what the big troubles are. What ‘huge, the character······

Ink tears have been discussed with Dong no injuries many times.

"What do you say about this?" Ink tears always like to get to the bottom.

"Who knows what is going on, if you are in trouble, you will kill it. How simple is it!" Dong did not care and looked at his eyes.

In the leisure time of being chased, the couple talked.

"I just don't understand. How suddenly there is such a ridiculous rumor that puts us at the cusp? I feel this is a conspiracy!" Ink tears said heavily: "Someone must calculate us in the dark, and this person is very sinister." !"

"That is his yin and yin, what about yin?!" Dong did not hurt the ink knife, and did not care: "I care who he is, when the killing is done, the natural water will come out, even if there is no water, it will be troublesome!" ”

For Dong’s extreme sorrow, the ink tears always feel full of speechlessness.

The big nerves of this cargo have reached a point that is jaw-dropping; it is said that he is heartless, and it is a bad word for the heartless heart.

It seems that in addition to practicing, I can never think of other things.

I really don't know how this kind of emotional intelligence person lived to the present? !

Personally, the person who can't let go of his own! !

"As long as there is a knife in hand, what is the truth in the world?" Dong did not hurt and indifferently slashed his knife: "As long as there is a knife in hand, what is the fear of the world?"

Ink tears groaned with horror, and my heart was speechless.

It’s really impossible to put on such a husband who is not afraid of fear.

As I spoke, there was a sound coming from all around, and the voice of someone whispering was heard.

"Where, where are they! Really there!" Someone shouted with excitement, and it seemed that they were happy and excited because they found the whereabouts of Dong Wushou and others.

Ink tears have not spoken yet, Dong has no one has taken the first step: "Grandpa is here! Rabbits, come here! Come and fight with me!"

The seemingly madness of the war, suddenly suddenly overwhelmingly rushing out...

Gu alone in the battle, the arrogant cloud is in the battle, Ji Mo is in the battle, the cockroaches are fighting, the Rock enemy is fighting, Dong is not hurting also fighting...

And Mo Tianji is practicing, mastering and mastering the whole situation.

On the other hand, the battles of Mo Yuntian and Xie Danqiong are already in full swing, and the battle is unprecedented.

After several large-scale operations, Xie Danqiong succeeded in integrating the power of the original Nightmare Army into his own Tianbing Pavilion, confirming that the unified order and the order were banned. Naturally, the combat power increased greatly; but the side effect of this practice However, it also appeared. In a battle, the true face of the members of the Nightmare Army was inadvertently exposed, and it was unfortunately recognized.

Sometimes, the consequences of coincidence are really terrible!

When the rain was late, I was surprised, but I was immediately mobilized by Mo Yuntian Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

Since then, Tianbing Pavilion has been caught in a series of hard battles. Be alert at all times that you may be encircled!

Moreover, this time, the object of encircling himself is not an ordinary figure of the rivers and lakes, but the entire army of the Mo Yuntian.

Although there are occasional secrets in the rafts to help out and send some news, but now it is supported by Yuan Tian, ​​who is supporting the rain, and I don’t dare to bounce out. The assistance that can be given is minimal.

What's more, Muxi now suffers from the doubts of Yuan Tian, ​​and is temporarily regained military power.

For the raft, the so-called recapture of the military power actually has only one symbolic meaning. The mobilized, mobilizable, even mobilization can be mobilized, but this is an attitude towards the royal family.

As long as the raft is not officially rebelled in one day, it will not move one day.

So Xie Danqiong’s situation suddenly became very bad.

Fortunately, Xie Danqiong is not very surprised by this result. The nightmare army is not only a problem sooner or later, but it is impossible to conceal it forever. The situation in front of us is still in the budget.

When I was not very high at the time, and my hands were scarce, I was able to make a lot of money, but not to mention that there is still a lot of capital in hand. How can I not have a fight?

Although Xie Danqiong has always been subtle, but there is also a lawless person in the bones.

After being shackled a few times, the flag was erected!

Since the position is destined to be opposite, simply put everything on the bright side!

"Ink Heaven is a Heavenly Soldier! Heavenly Soldiers are the masters! Yuan Tian is incompetent, Yuanzi is evil, morality is corrupt, and it should have been abdicated to let Xian, my Tianbingge replaced it, it is Fengtian carrier, and everyone hopes to return!"

Actually, it was such a big thorn and blatantly raised the anti-flag!

In a very short period of time, the army of millions of people was gathered, and the army led by the rain was launched in a series of battles! The most ironic thing is that when the rain-stricken army is facing the nightmare army, it is actually losing ground and there is no resistance.·····

This made the entire Mo Yuntian suddenly swell.

And this result makes Yuan Tian limit almost broke the belly!

From the beginning, but a small bandit organization, but a little expansion, actually dare to be so blatant official rebellion.

The rain is late as the second person of the Mo Yuntian military, it is so useless, facing a small thief to lose the festival! Is it necessary to deal with a small Xie Danqiong? !

Really hateful!

Useless waste!

Is the Xie Danqiong’s insurgent army still a small bandit organization?

If this is left half a year ago, there is basically nothing wrong, but after getting the whole nightmare army and a large amount of supplies, the evaluation of the "small robber organization" is obviously no longer appropriate. Today, Xie Danqiong The size of the Tianbing Pavilion, which is led by the number, is only on the strength of the current possession of Chuyang!

In the late days of the Scorpio, before the War of the Devil, the most difficult part to write. I will speed up to bring this episode past, and the second chapter will be later...·····

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