Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 461: Confusing

This is not the case. No matter how long the rain is late, it is always necessary to have the same level of self-improvement to climb to the status of the second person in the military. How can it be defeated repeatedly?

The reason why Mo Yuntian's warfare will become more and more intensive, the biggest reason is in Xie Danqiong and the Nightmare Army, but there are other factors.

Over the years, under the weight of the irons and blood of Yuantian, the people who are dissatisfied with Mo Yuntian have long been there, but there was a raft before, and the dreams were invincible, so few people were instigated. Now, the raft is being idled indefinitely, and the Nightmare Army has directly revoked the number, and the dream has become a rebellion. The huge threat of the past has been completely eliminated. Xie Danqiong’s blatant so-so, the endless, Lien Chan All are Jie, natural gathers.

Or this is another kind of "get more help, helpless"!

The rain was delayed by the words of Yuan Tian, ​​and immediately increased the intensity, but unfortunately the results were minimal.

As for the fact that the Nightmare Army appeared in the array of Xie Danqiong, Yuan Tianji was extremely angry, and he ordered the raft to call the palace and smash it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if there is no raft to contribute from it, and it is still vigorous, the stunned army can not go to the enemy side in any way.

In this matter, the raft is obviously suspected of being enemies of the enemy and even the enemy.

Even if it is for the previous friendship, it should not be done like this. It is true that it is not for the minister.

But now the raft is also hard to say, the world is unpredictable, and the evolution is so good. When the rescue of the dream army, who wants to get Xie Danqiong with these people, not only because of the large population It has become a huge burden, and it has used the nightmare army as its own. Now it is the main force of these people to rebel. Now that the wood has become a boat, the game is destined. Xie Danqiong has set up the anti-flag, and openly confronts the cloud heaven, which is really an unpredictable change of the gods.

In this way, no matter what, the result is that Muxi is actually carrying this crime.

As a matter of fact, any justification is pale and powerless.

Yuan Tian’s anger broke out, and after he was still awkward, he was still not willing to slap the old colleague who had been with him for many years, and ordered him to think behind him. He handed over the Moyun Tianjun military power to the rain, and he was not allowed to ask any questions in the future. Military affairs and government affairs are completely idle.

This disposal is almost equivalent to dismissing the raft for the people!

The officers on the side of the raft have protested, but the facts are vivid, no matter how careful they are. The result is that Yuan Tian is indifferent. In the end, the military is all over the rain and has the power to be alone; it is proud, arrogant, and arrogant. , mobilize the soldiers and horses, and fully encircle Xie Danqiong.

After being tried and thought of the raft, I thought about it. After all, I still couldn’t stop my heart and really turned against the Yuantian limit. Although his influence still exists, it still affects many things. But it’s just watching the power of his own being Every day, I’m crushed, I’m loved one day, I’m being transferred every day...

In this regard, Muxi long sighed.

Is it really necessary to force me to take a step?

But that step, no father, no king, sinful, and sinful, how can I easily go?

Every day, there is a heart and abdomen will come to the blood to come to the end, tears and not to.

Facing the eyes of the brothers and sisters of the past, the hibiscus was sore.

But only close your eyes.

I know what you are thinking about.

But, I can't really...

Anti-thief, I can't do it!

Not reconciled!

The action of this wave of rain has mobilized the 10th army, a total of more than 7 million, and strongly encircled Xie Danqiong, with the intention of accomplishing his efforts.

Under the all-round attack during this time, the site owned by Xie Danqiong has been reduced again and again, and the local losses have become larger and larger...

Under such extreme pressure, Xie Danqiong finally became unbearable and decided to take risks and take the same extreme measures.

Xie Danqiong finally opened his own ultimate secret means; that is, when he was forced into a desperate situation, he accidentally discovered a special method called "the gods borrowed power" in a secret place.

By using this special method, one can extract the power of many other saints into one's body at one time, and let the repaired person's cultivation be suddenly increased by a dozen times in a very short time; the effect of this method is powerful. The side effects are equally hegemonic.

Although the recipients can increase their strength in a short period of time, they are not permanently possessing that kind of power. Otherwise, it is not a secret law, but a myth. The side effect is that after each performance, all must be borrowed. The power coming in was completely and completely vented in a battle to get things done.

Even if it is accidentally left a trace, it will suffer a strong reversal in the moment when you unload this practice, and the power will be reversed, detonating your own strength, and instantly disappearing, and the spirit will disappear.

This is undoubtedly a very evil ancient ban!

But Xie Danqiong was forced to go to the point of such a thing, no longer care about any taboos, and suddenly launched this move!

Moreover, it is still more than one launch!

According to this secret, Xie Danqiong gathered 3,000 super masters, and these people formed an unbeatable giant sharp knife. In each battle, Xie Danqiong led 500 of them to take the lead in rushing into the enemy line and implement the chiseling tactics!

The other two thousand and five hundred super masters are the objects of Xie Danqiong's display of the gods before the war. Five hundred super masters, led by Xie Danqiong, led by the strong forces of the madness, and killed from the enemy. After the battle, he smashed a blood alley; then he smashed it back from the other side, and it was a **** alley.

Whenever this time, I saw only the overwhelming Qionghua flying, bringing the blood of the storm like a storm, filled the world!

After such a strong chiseling tactic, although the team of Xie Danqiong’s masters has been unable to fight again, the attack of the other party’s troops has basically been a collapse of the war, and the formation has collapsed. Once the follow-up army of Xie Danqiong has concealed the past, it will be like a ruin....

For Xie Danqiong’s "powerful" tactics, I don’t know if the rain of the other side is too late and the rest of the people will be completely helpless.

The bottom of the gods borrowed the strength, these people naturally do not know the mystery; second, although everyone has some desperate means, such as the dissolution of Dafa, the self-destruction and the collapse of Dafa, etc., but as long as Not at the moment of life and death, who is really willing to be so desperate?

The rain is slow, one by one, but the cherished life is very good, naturally it will not be such a stupid thing to lose money. As for the generals of the raft, although everyone has the courage of blood, he will not hesitate to fight, but now, in the rain It’s already very uncomfortable and unwilling to be slow, and his own people are not willing to work hard. Why should we desperately deal with the nightmare army that was originally a robe? Really we are stupid?

The situation in Xie Danqiong's desperate struggle, finally barely stabilized the position; but everyone understands: desperate means, perhaps useful for a while; especially such a saint master is so desperate, it is absolutely useful, the effect of the drop!

However, this is not a long-term solution!

Once the situation has developed to the limit that Xie Danqiong can support, this Tianbing Pavilion, which has just grown and developed, will eventually be destroyed!

Although I know that such a result can be expected, but the people on Xie Danqiong's side are no longer there, and now they can only take a step and see.

During this period of time, in addition to the unrestricted pursuit of the major worlds, there is also a large-scale battle of the rebellion of Mo Yuntian, and there are other things that are quietly emerging.

These other incidents have truly brought the most horrible and endless panic and disaster to the entire Nine Heavens.

That is, the legendary extraterrestrial demon, actually invaded.

This situation has occurred in various worlds, and there are signs of intensification.

To be honest, no one paid too much attention to this at first. After all, the size of the Nine Heavenly Scorpio is too broad; and the places that have been ravaged by the devils are basically remote. The news was very occluded and could not be transmitted at all.

However, as time goes by, the more and more related news of this kind has accumulated, which has finally attracted the attention of the official forces and local strong beams. If the investigation is launched, this investigation will immediately cause a terrible panic.

At the sight of it, I saw that a whole village or a town was completely slaughtered. Everyone has now become a forest bone, and there is no life. Even the flowers and trees have turned black and broken. Everyone looks The hearts of all those who are here are heavy.

Everyone is aware: the magic disaster! Already coming!

In some places, some people have already had the power to spontaneously organize the encirclement of the demon; but the result is nothing.

Instead, the traces of the devil's raging, more and more arrogant, more and more unscrupulous...

For a time, the whole day was rumored to be rumored.

"The ancient disasters have come back, and the extraterrestrial monsters have really invaded!"

"On that day, I saw with my own eyes the horror that was ravaged there... 茫茫 里 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ” ” ” ” ”.

"I heard that there are also traces of the devil in the surrounding cities... It seems that the catastrophe of the Nine Heavens has finally arrived again."

"I don't know when the official Tianting will carry out the demon action. The old is so worried, how can the days pass?"

"That is, the devil does not get rid of one day, and one day is uneasy."

Nine Heavens Scorpio, almost all of the places are circulating such a kind of speech... It’s more and more dusty, more and more different opinions...

Some people even say that there are noses and eyes, such as witnessing them, and experience them in person.

Officials from all over the world have also reported to the emperors, and cases in their respective jurisdictions······

“There is a local demon, how should I deal with...”

Nine Heavens, now being chased, all kinds of encirclement, all kinds of magic, various rebellions... completely turned into a pot of porridge!

Open the pot of porridge!

And still a dish of porridge!


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