Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 462: Husband, wife, father-in-law

In the distant nine heavens continent.

Last three days.

Law enforcement city.

Moon Lingxue and the wind and rain facelessly looked at the little man in front of him, and both husband and wife had some tangled faces on their faces.

This little guy with a make-up jade is really too likable, but... how is this skin thicker than his dad?

How was it born?

How did it grow out?

How to raise it? !

Just in front of the two, a small child, who is only four or five years old, is standing straight, a pair of eyes are turning, with a look of innocence, a smile that bends down and bows: "See Father-in-law, see the mother-in-law..."

At the same time, Ling Xuexue and the wind and rain heard a sigh, and the movements were uniform and uniformed.

Today, it is the two-year-old birthday of her baby girl, Yue Xiaodie. The couple have experienced so many years and have had their own flesh and blood. Can you not love?

Naturally, I have to have a hot birthday for my baby girl.

For this matter, the husband and wife even handed everything to the fifth gentleness, and then made a special trip back, refused anyone's birthday, just wanted a family of three to bring a child to a family fun, enjoy a pleasure...

When I thought that I was playing happily from the family and the United States and the United States, I actually came to an uninvited guest.

And this uninvited guest is actually a small person who can't afford to sin with both of them: the son of Chu Yang!

Speaking of this baby son of Chu Yang, Yue Lingxue and the wind and rain are a headache, a real headache.

At the time, I used to say that I wanted to be a relative with Chu Yang. At that time, the children in the wind and soft stomach were still not born. Who knows whether it is a man or a woman? Nature is a joke.

But this kid actually believes it is true, or he is taking it seriously.

In the past two years, as long as nothing happens, I will continue to run here. As long as I return to my own grandmother's house, I will definitely come to the moon home once.

Moreover, a bite of a father-in-law, a mother-in-law, a wife and a wife...

This makes the moon snow and wind and rain almost collapse.

"That was what you said between the adults, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law, Xiaodie is my wife. If you are an adult, you can’t count it."

When the little guy said this for the first time, the wind and rain were only used as a child's words: at that time, my daughter was only five or six months old, and the two of them had a haha ​​and passed.

But never imagined that this little guy would be stalked from here!

The little guy who was only four or five years old, actually a father-in-law, a mother-in-law... The moon and the wind and rain were so fast that he collapsed. The problem is that this guy is still following his national teacher: Ning Tianya.

"Cough... Xiaotie Yang, at the beginning, it was actually a joke with you, not counting..." The wind and rain coughed twice: "You are still small... not sensible..."

"That can't be done, how can we not count? People don't believe in standing, words are like the wind, and there is a remorse." The little head opposite the powder makeup jade shook his head again and again: "My wife is my wife, No, it’s my wife’s birthday, I’m here to give my wife a birthday.”

"Hey, the crown of this top emperor's emperor is the birthday present I gave my wife." The little guy looked at the treasure: "Since it is my wife, I will definitely be a queen after the drop... As for the other nephews, There is definitely no such treatment, this is a unique good thing..."

The moon is snowy and soft, and the face is black, and the anger of a brain is almost like a big ear photon greeting: you are a little giggling thing, so little age, actually want to have ... 'other scorpions '? !

There was a little snowy and lovely little loli over there, and it was "wow", and both eyes rushed over: "Wow! Wow! This is for me... so beautiful..."

The little guy shrinks: "Oh! You don't want to give it to you now, your daddy, you don't want to be your wife, this is what my wife can have..."

"Wow~~~" Xiao Loli sat down on the floor and cried: "I want this, I want this, I want this, I want to give Xiaoyang brother a wife... I want to give Xiaoyang brother Daughter-in-law... Mom and Dad, if you are not happy, I will cry here... oh wow~~~~”

The moon and the wind and rain eyeballs almost collapsed!

Both husband and wife clearly heard the sound of their chin on the ground.

"Cough, cough..." On the other hand, Ning Tianya finally spoke: "I said... You both still hesitate... The rare children are in love, the two are not guessing, the childhood is beautiful, the bead is combined..."

In a word, let the moon Ling Xue and the wind and rain so many years of respect for Ning Tianya have become contempt!

This old goods, what are you talking about?

What is called ‘very rare children’s sentimentality, two little no guesses’... The two of us said that the husband and wife are like a snoring, but the problem is... this ‘lovely children’... is only two or three years old! Four or five years old!

What do they know?

Even if it is a childhood friend, it will take a few years to count it?

You have lived for tens of thousands of years, and you have lived on a dog for a long time. If you don’t shame, do you say that? It’s fun to erase conscience and talk?

"Well... and look at the fate of the future..." Yue Ling Xue Baba squeezed out a sentence. On the one hand, the wind and rain, with an infinite contempt, looked at Ning Tianya.

Suddenly the face of the world's first master became a red cloth: just those words, it is a bit obliterate conscience, ask questions...

After the slogan, the two little guys can be tired of all these things, no matter how far away.

"Wife, come here, I will show you good things... my wife, look, this, look at that... Hey, my god... my wife, you don't want to pee on me... help!"

The moon is snowy and the wind and rain are soft and the eyes are slanting.

I can’t think of my daughter’s birth just two years ago, but it turned out to be a wife of others... oh! After seeing Chu Yang in the future, I have to ask: How do you educate your children? How can I teach my son so enchanting, people are Laozi heroes, you are the old man, the harem, hey, it’s too unlucky...


Chu Yang naturally does not know that his son is in the far-flung Jiuzhongtian mainland, and he has actually made such a glorious deed of such a horrible story!

Now he is in a state of turmoil.

According to the facts, it seems that there is nothing to worry about. The strength of Tianbing Pavilion is booming. The number of people is more than one day, almost at the speed of snowballing. With the irrigation of elixir, coupled with cruel training, Every day, the number of breakthroughs is also increasing.

It can be said that the millions of horses in Chu Yang’s hands now can play a considerable role even if they are now drawn to the battlefield of the devil!

Although it seems to be much worse than the master of the demon, but to deal with some ordinary Tianmo army, even if it is not a stable victory, it is also ten!

However, Chu Yang’s demand is to destroy the absolute strength of the general, so now I am not satisfied with the progress of everyone’s strength, just a urging training.

And the most troublesome thing for him is...

The four women.

Since Mo Qingwu came here, the infighting between several women has completely turned on.

In Chu Yang’s established imagination, this should be a very good thing.

Well, Tie Butian and Wu Qianqian have already accepted each other, and they also formed the first offensive and defensive alliance. The most important thing is that both women are very generous and very sensible.

In addition, one more important thing is that the two women had previously discussed the need to accept new sisters...

Because they both have a feeling that they can't bear the ruin of Chu Yang. This goods is a farm animal...

Mo Qing dance is born with intelligence, but Xiao Xiao is smart and smart. He has always been loyal to himself. I believe it will not be jealous...

As for the large number of purple evil people, you should not care about these things...

- All of the above are the bright future of Chu Yuzuo's heart; even, he began to figure out how to let the girls start to sleep in the big problem... Whenever they think of the happy place, they will make a night of laughter. Very stupid style...

However, the ruthless facts have completely broken Chu Yang’s fantasy dreams.

A woman, always a woman, how can she be jealous?

Jealousy is a woman's talent, and envy jealousy and love is beautiful, never will be missing!

This is a true insight, and it is the truth!

The reality plus the facts made Chu Yang really realize: no matter how good the relationship between women is, how ordinary the sisters and sisters are, but as long as they face the problem of love, the woman who is not jealous, in this world. Absolutely one is not there! Or, yes, it is doomed to not exist!

A woman who is not jealous is a false proposition!

After some surprises at the beginning of the meeting, the kind of malicious hostility of Mo Qingwu was vaguely expressed; and the iron-clad and Wu Qianqian’s self-confidence was also clearly revealed. It is.

On the surface, the purple evil spirits are all about the fact that they are not related to themselves and gloating, but the past ‘high sister’s style is not willing to let go.

For example, this time eating together...

"Hehehe... Purple sister, you can eat more meat, if you are too thin, Chuyang will not like it..." Mo light dances with big eyes like a crescent moon, very careful to clip a piece of meat to go .

"Yeah, yeah, how can the purple sister be as full as the light dance?" Wu Qianqian said softly.

"If you want to be so fat, if it really becomes a pig, it will be overfull... Don't you be as busy as Qianqian to lose weight?" Purple evil is a joke, but it is even arranged by Wu Qianqian. .

"My side is busy every day, I can't get enough fat, I can't get fat, really swearing..." Iron fills the elegant taste of a glass of wine.

Hehe smiled.

Mo light dance and Wu Qianqian at the same time angry face red. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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