Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 463: Chu Yang's 惆怅


All these kinds of things, the topic seems normal, but it is very abnormal; the four women seem to be a group of anger, hello, I am actually, but in fact, there are endless arrows, from appearance, temperament, cultivation, height, weight... In all aspects, in competition, in the fight against others, show yourself.

From eyebrows, eyes, eyes, hair, hair, hair, temperament, nose, ears, earlobe, skin, small mouth, skin color, neck, shoulders, chest, waist, buttocks, all the way to the ankle, etc. Come to compare... fight...

Including who's shoulders are cut off, they can cite hundreds of evidence testimonies, quoted classics, and debates...

Often quarreling to the end, I will pull the Chu Yang to judge.

"Chuyang, you said, is this the truth?"

"Chuyang, you said, is that the way?"



Whenever this time, Chu Yang is a dry cough with sweating, and the pitiful eyes carefully look at everyone's face, such as sitting on a needle felt.

How can you say? He greeted one and certainly offended the other three. As for the four in front of him, no one can dare to offend. All the helpless, all the way to scratch the scalp: "cough! Keke! Cough and cough..."

The woman is terrible.

Especially a few women are jealous now, looking at themselves with gentle faces, the beautiful scorpion is deep in the cold and faint cold light, every eye is silently saying: You dare say that I am not right I want you to look good!

Chuyang’s head is as big as a bucket, and it looks like a sieve. I don’t know how to behave myself.

"Heaven...the!" Chu Yang was mourning, and all the thoughts were attributed to the last three words.

I never found out that these girls are so terrible...

If one of them puts on new clothes, there will inevitably be other people who are screaming.

"Yeah, Chu Yang, look, Qianqian is really beautiful today? Is it better than me?"

"That is, Qian Qianjie is a national color fragrance today, but we have compared several of our mediocrity powders?"

What do you say about Chu Yang?

Nodding no, shaking his head is not, but not speaking.

"How do you dumb, let's talk."

"That is, the facts are said to be true."

"We don't care."

"We won't blame you."

"That is..."

Chu Yang is mourning: If I really believe in you, then I will see ghosts...

I would rather believe that there are ghosts in this world, and I can’t believe women’s mouths...

However, these are only pediatrics, and they are really waiting until the evening.

"Chuyang, you are going to accompany the two sisters tonight, I am a little lacking."

"Chuyang, you will have a good time with the light dance haven't seen it for a long time, let's go..."

"Yes, Chuyang, you will listen to me..."

Such a gentle model of mutual consideration, so Chu Yuzuo at night is very sad to sit under the flower tree in the yard, sighing against the moon...

No one really dare to go!

"There is no way to live this day!"

Chu Yang Yang Tian long sigh, extremely distressed!

At the meeting where Mo light dance has just arrived, Chu Yang is still in a wonderful fantasy. This time, for a long time, it is half-hunger and hunger; this time, I can finally eat it once?

Where did you think that even the days of hunger and hunger were gone, and it became hungry every day!

One monk picks water to eat, two monks raise water to eat, three monks have no water to eat, four monks...

Seeing that every one is a beautiful and beautiful woman who is fascinated by the country, and one can not eat it.

In such a day, if it is a few months in a row, Chu Yang will almost explode; and a few women will be in every aspect.

Repair, I have to practice hard, more than you!

Dress up, I want to overtake you!

The ability to handle things, I am not weaker than you!

In other respects, I am also stronger than you...

This mutual promotion atmosphere of fighting and fighting makes Chu Yang a headache! The only choice is that I have no choice but to be bored. I moved to the training camp and went to train myself like a dead dog every day. At least I won’t be so hard.

But what made him unable to make a fire is: Although the four women are not in the limelight, the feelings between each other are really good! As long as Chu Yang is not on the side, everyone will immediately become a good sister who has a hot kiss and has nothing to say.

But as long as Chu Yang is here... then the taste will change instantly!

Is this what is going on?

Chu Yuzuo believes that he is also a smart and superb. Whether it is the martial arts of the mind, it is the first-class in the world, but it is helpless in the face of this situation, and nothing can be done...

In a timely manner, the long-lost cat is greasy and brings the masters of the Yi people to join. After hearing about the dilemma of Chu Yang, he gave Chu Yang an idea.

"Hey! One by one mammoth!"

"As the saying goes, stick out the filial son! Stick out the good wife!"

The greasy six-beard beard is excited to shake up and down. Desperately out of this ambiguous idea of ​​not looking for four or six. This cargo is obviously still worried about the scene in which Chu Yang was framed by him at the time. Now he has the opportunity to do it.

Chu Yang stunned him to look at him: "On your congenital fear of his wife, actually dare to come up with such an idea? You can't go to the cat and lazy?"

Chrysanthemum knife king Li Guanyu has an idea: "The singer can spend more time with them, distracting the heart, talking, and saying the truth: the sorrow is afraid of being stalked! The old saying goes: the sincerity is the opening of the stone. As the saying goes: the woman is Need to accompany; as the saying goes: women need to win; as the saying goes: women need pets..."

Chu Yang is very rude to erect a middle finger: "These sayings you said are just like a fart!"

The catastrophe of the catastrophe sneaked down to give Chu Yang an idea: "Little ancestors, in fact, this problem is well solved... The key is that you still have no real cockroaches and that cockroaches... as long as you successfully concentrate them on a bed... ..."

"Your speed is rolling for me!" Chu Yang pointed to the door.

The soul of the catastrophe is immediately screaming.

Such a simple truth, Chu Yang, can you not know?

But, in the current situation, put these four women on a bed...

This idea is wonderful, but it is too difficult to achieve!

The only consequence of doing this is that... even if this bed is built by Star Steel, it will collapse in an instant!

Chu Yang only feels that his white hair seems to be a few more.

There are more wives, and half of them are still not fixed...

This is really a very nerve-racking thing!

This night, the Chu Yuzuo adults can't help it. In the middle of the night, they played their own extraordinary and light-hearted kungfu. They sneaked into the iron-filled room in the night, preparing to discuss the great things with Her Majesty. If you are lucky, you can give Xiaoyan Yang a brother or sister...

But... What I didn’t think was that the biggest dream of my own was actually in front of my eyes!

Tiebutian, purple evil feelings, Mo light dance, Wu Qianqian four beautiful women are in the iron bed bed bed night!

The desire for the four-bed bed has finally come true.

However, the fundamental idea of ​​Chu Yuzuo has not really been realized.

The fact is that this night, a king of the king was joined by four people and married. Almost the pig's head and the pig's face fleeing...

Behind him, I heard the shallow smile of the four women.

Chu Yang sad reminder.

You said that your feelings between each other are so good, but you have to be jealous in front of me, obviously the big thing that is destined to be carried out is not dragging... The woman’s heart is really difficult to ponder...

In fact, this is a standard nonsense practice, even the most wise wise man will not try to guess the woman's mind!

For two consecutive months, three months, four months... After the past, Chu Yang from the beginning to the end, it only caught a chance, stole Wu Qianqian once! And the next day, Wu Qianqian was attacked by the other three women, and she was almost ashamed to faint...

There is a foresight in the forefront, and Tiebu Tian is strictly guard against Chuyang...

Mo light dance is like...

Purple evil is not as good as it is, as long as Chu Yang dares to come, her big sister will dare to go on, of course, the premise is that Chu Yang has to win her, the problem is, can Chu Yang? !

Ever since, Chu Yang went crazy and practiced!

The biggest obstacle - purple evil!

Must be taken as soon as possible!

As for the light dance, to be honest, Chu Yang is still really willing to eat. Mo light dance is like the most beautiful dream in Chu Yang's heart. It can only be quietly watched. Once it is broken, the dream will be no longer a dream...

Therefore, Chu Yang decided to take the purple evil first!

But the most helpless is that... the rogue means of purple evil is too sharp, sharp to the extreme, this move, Chu Yang is not an opponent at all; often Chu Yang is forced to get the upper hand by a chest. It became awkward.

Chu Yang countless times, nose and face swollen from the yard, rushing out, footsteps with wind.

He now has a strong idea: I really want to eat all the rest of the world, and then completely suppress the purple evil, so that she has no chance to show the **** rogue!

It is a pity that the Tiandi Xuan Huangguo can only eat one for each person, and now it is almost gone...

Except for one of the brothers left, there is very little left.

Chu Yang does not want to waste on himself: he has already eaten one before, what is the use of eating more?

Therefore, Chu Yang could not help but play the idea of ​​those black fruits.

Black fruit is rarer than the heaven and earth. There are only five in total.

There is no fragrance, no special, just a round, like a black plum.

But Chu Yang knows that this black fruit is not the same, and the power contained in it is only as much as the heaven and earth.

There is no reason for it: Hundreds of heavenly and earthy yellow fruit, just placed on the periphery, but these five black fruits are in the core position!

The innermost!

Since the power of the fruit giving is so arranged, can you have no deeper meaning?

............(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!)

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