Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 464: Excalibur

Who will put hundreds of ginseng ginseng outside and put a wild grass that is not useful in the encirclement of many ginseng? Isn't that brain damaged?

And is that person like a brain-destroyed person?

Obviously it is not like it!

Since it is not, then, what is the role of this black fruit, then ask?

The only worry that Chu Yang is now is: With his current cultivation, will it be blasted by this black fruit?

This consideration is absolutely very realistic. It is the most conservative assessment of the black fruit by Chu Yang. The power contained in it is very likely to be ten times, and even more than the heaven and earth. It is now a sage level and has nine weights. Tianshen is supplemented, but it is still not necessarily able to load. Once the attempt fails, the consequences are not joking...

In addition, now that my own cultivation is too fast, it is necessary to stabilize it, so this is not tossing myself. It’s not just that of yourself, even the purple evils, the light dance, the talk, and so on.

If you rush to take black fruit at this time, if you rushed the realm all at once... What is the result?

It’s easy to move forward, but it’s impossible to make time go backwards!

If that is the case, there will be no chance to make up for mistakes in all of your life’s lives!

Therefore, Chu Yang’s heart is really very tangled!

For a few months in a row, Chu Yang was almost completely sleepless on the training ground. The crazy training of the throne during this time made all the top and bottom of the Tianbing Pavilion shocked.

After I went there, I didn’t say anything, I just took the dream and the people started to practice.

At the beginning, Chu Yang was still alone.

Don't look at Chu Yang's cultivation is only a saint's primary, the dream has no breakthrough has been promoted to the saint intermediate, but the mistake is not his hundreds of thousands of years of old and spicy experience, but may not be able to cope with Chu Yang, but it is precisely because of him The rich combat experience, in the first few days, really gave Chu Yang a few drills!

But after a few days, the point of dreamlessness was absorbed by Chu Yang, and there was no one in the dream. When the situation was wrong, he quickly stopped.

The old man is not playing alone!

It’s very cool to practice people, but it’s very uncomfortable to be practiced. Chu Yang is very happy. One person is afraid of not being an opponent. It’s okay, then a pair of two squats, directly pulled on the chrysanthemum knife king Li Guanyu, and the two saints Force, it really suppressed the limelight of Chuyang, Chu Yuzuo was once again trained, but unfortunately the good times are not long, no two days, the two saints can not hold back, then add one more person, become a pair of three; If it changes, the last thing is that everyone is together!

Even the lightning-powered snake and other people who have not yet married the sage's realm of heaven and earth have been pulled up to make up the number, but in this way, there is still a tendency to suppress the momentum of Chuyang!

Everyone is entangled in one by one!

How do you say that the combat power of Chu Yuzu can be so fast and soaring? After playing with Chu Yang, everyone feels that they are walking soft and their eyes will be ghosted...

Really more than ten times more than participating in extreme training!

In the face of Chu Yang, it is as if you are fighting a mountain!

And it's the kind of mountains that are directly inserted into the cloud, and it can't be shaken!

It is a kind of greasy feeling that ‘all the strength, tired and collapsed, but the silk can’t move’.

Although after a day of fighting, everyone will find that their cultivation has grown slightly after the collapse, but no matter who they are, there is really not much joy in their hearts, no one is willing to go through this process again!

The terrible degree can be imagined.

Now the only one who does not believe in evil, but also insists on fighting against Chu Yang, only the daisy knife king Li Guanyu.

Now every time this guy is in the first wave with Chu Yang, but finally, after being kicked in the **** by a few hundred feet of Chu Yang, he squats and flees.

Since then, it has completely faded the heart of fighting against Chuyang. In his words: "The defeat does not matter, who has never lost in a lifetime, this is nothing, even if it is repeated defeats, but also repeated defeats, this is nothing, but like Chu Yuzuo specifically to the human **** Interested in the play, the old man can't stand it, this method is really too much to do..."

The Tang family is less on the side, and it is very interesting to say: "Three flats are not as good as a circle!"

Ever since, Li Guanyu has completely lost.

After a few months, Chu Yang’s strength is leaps and bounds, and the progress is fast! This point is not only perceived by others, but even Chu Yang himself can clearly feel his own progress.

Nine robbery swordsmanship, thirty-six strokes.

In the past, if you tried your best, you could barely go out again; but if you want to use the second time, it would be very difficult. However, after this period of hard work, Chu Yang was able to apply it twice and at most three times from the past, until now the use of infinite loops.

Will not feel tired! There will be no feeling that the internal force will not continue.

Moreover, the nine-robbery sword method at the peak level, the four strokes of the final move, Chu Yang has been able to directly apply to the third move, and, I believe that the essence of the first two moves, has also fully penetrated.

This is undoubtedly a huge improvement!

It is also the sage level that is infinitely close to the intermediate purple affair. Now if it is a real knife fight, it is already difficult to pick up the Chu Yang three strokes! This reality, how can I accept the purple evil spirits that have always been arrogant?

To bite your teeth, you must practice hard.

This round of cultivation, Zi Dajie naturally will not find Chu Yang as a target, so it is a big mold to talk about it and demon Ning Ning! After talking about the magical powers, Tan Wei was cultivated as a great advance; while Yao Ningning took the Tiandi Xuan Huangguo and repaired it, and it is now at the level of saints!

The two men were directly arrested by the purple evil, practicing! Battle!

In fact, it is not so much a battle, it is better to say that it is a live target for practice. Talk about the analysis of the singer and the demon Ning, and the two of them are looking at them. Is it possible for them to find the two of them? ? !

Every day, Tan Yi and Yao Ning have an impulse to commit suicide, and it’s really a life to die! This sister never knew what it was.

Injured on her hand, it is more common than usual. There are still a lot of strong talks, and the combat experience is quite rich. The vast majority are made up of demon Ningning as a ghost.

The situation of the demon Ningning is directly miserable; the injury on the body can not be loaded with the sacred body. Every night, it is covered in blue and purple, and the cockroach is lying on the bed, and the white poem is given to the medicine.

Since Mo Qingwu came here, Bai Shizhen basically followed Mo Mo dance every day, and the time spent with Yao Ningning was naturally much less. This is the natural attachment of the beast to the owner. No one can do anything about it.

Mo light dance even unilaterally forcibly lifted the spiritual beast contract with Bai Shizhen, but Bai Shijun’s behavior is still the same: because from the beginning to the end, Mo Qingwu never used the spirit beast contract to force Bai Shizhen to do anything!

Now even if they cancel the contract of each other, but the feeling of giving white poetry is still the same as the original, there is no difference!

Demon Ningning has suffered a double blow from the spiritual body: I ​​don’t care if you are being used as a sandbag every day, but my wife is still your beast...

The kind that can't catch up!

What is this about him?

There is no point axiom, is there any reason, is there any reason? !

Chu Yang feels that his cultivation, skill, and real yuan are all more and more concise.

More and more, I feel that the Yuan has turned to the wish, and I have gradually turned my body into a whole body. I have a wonderful feeling of ‘气气华盖,直冲九霄’.

At this time, the injuries of both the book mad and the painting king have basically recovered.

Therefore, Chu Yang has a new high-end practice object.

To be honest, for the book madness painting king, everyone except Chu Yang is very worried. After all, the biggest purpose of these two people to come to the Emperor Heaven is to kill Chu Yang!

Now that the repairs have been completed, Chu Yang has given them such a justified opportunity to learn from each other, in case the two of them are "inadvertently" hurting the killer in the discussion...

Is Chu Yang is not too dangerous?

The book madness painting Wang is the strength of the peak, the strength is far from the dreamless, Li Guanyu comparable, Chu Yang even though the strength is greatly increased, can be challenged to a certain extent, but it is still unwise to challenge these two people. Lift.

However, Chu Yang insisted that everyone had to ask the wing kings who stayed here to take the squad, and then watched with fear, in case, in fact, this is nothing but helplessness, with the strength of the book mad painting king. On the other hand, if it is really killing, it is really difficult to guard against anything by a wing king. Even if it is remedied afterwards, what is the use of it? .

The first day of the battle came down, so that everyone who was worried was finally relieved. Although Chu Yang was eventually carried back, but throughout the process, there is always no life worry.

Waiting until the evening, Chu Yang is as good as Xiao Qiang, and then he will recover the book madness immediately.

The book madness was another meal, and Chu Yuzu once again reached the bed.

The next morning, continue to practice.

Later, the next night, even the book madness and the painting king were amazed: In this world, is there really such a small force that can’t be killed? !

Under such a mad and continuous blow, the goods have become more and more frustrated and frustrated.

Even if it is known to be invincible, but the tenacious fighting spirit and ideas are made to make people move!

"No wonder this kid's progress can be so fast, it is not unreasonable!" In the hearts of the two, there is such an idea at the same time.

"The heavier the pressure, the better!" Chu Yang's mouth is still bleeding, and he made the request.

Now Chu Yang, it is like a sword, has been formed, the sword will soon be shining! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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