Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 468: Nine quiet **** fruit!

Demon King, in the Tianbing Pavilion.

Chu Yang, purple evil feelings, Mo light dance, iron fills the sky, Wu Qianqian, five people sitting cross-legged.

Chu Yang is in the middle.

Mo light dance hand, against the left hand of Chu Yang, and purple evil feelings, it is against the right hand of Chu Yang, the other hand of the two women, and respectively connected with Tie Tian, ​​Wu Qianqian.

The hand that Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian were vacant was pressed in the heart of Chuyang. The above five people formed a very perfect cycle; they realized the sharing of all the forces.

At least this moment, there is no difference between the two.

"Chuyang, how do you design such a force to share the big array?" The purple evil is somewhat puzzled: "Is there any good thing? Or is it a good thing that actually needs five saints to share at the same time?" ?"

After the sharing of the big array, the repair of the five people, after a certain period of reconciliation, gradually became the same horizontal line, and as long as the battle does not withdraw, it will always remain in this state.

This state is an absolutely fair state of sharing, and such truth can be achieved by at least two or more saints. Here, it is composed of Chu Yang Mo light dance and purple evil, co-hosted by three saints.

This lineup obviously exceeds the basic requirements of this big array; why is it so cautious?

Under the shared squad, the original repairs were relatively low, and Tieqian Tian and Wu Qianqian were also temporarily upgraded. From the original level of the Holy Order, jump directly to the sage level!

Although this is only a temporary improvement, Chu Yang wants to use this specific situation to help the two women directly to step into the sky!

However, this metamorphosis is the selfless dedication of the three people of Chu Yang, Mo Qingwu, and Zixie. It is also necessary to add a large force, and then there are other special means to complete.

"I have a very special Tiandi treasure on hand. It is not appropriate for a person to take it rashly. If you are not careful, it will be a bad thing." Chu Yang smiled faintly: "This kind of thing. If you are looking for someone, you will inevitably worry about participating." The self-satisfaction, but with a little bit of distracting, it may also cause irreparable damage. I have thought about it a few times, and it seems that we only have one family, so there is no scruples."

"Double? What scruples?" The women all rounded their eyes and made doubts in their hearts.

"Actually, in the process, it is inevitable that there will be extreme situations in which the heavens and the earth are extremely violent. Under such circumstances, the clothes on the whole body will naturally become the powder. If it is all from the family, it does not matter. If there is an outsider, it will be too embarrassing.······

Chu Yang's smile, how to look at how to smile.

The four women were ashamed at the same time; there are still some reasons for this sentence, especially the body of the daughter's family. Can you let others see it when you are free? Even if you are the closest person, you will probably feel embarrassed, not to mention the outsider’s...

In this case, it is still true that my family is safe.

Four pairs of wonderful - eyes at the same time concentrated on the face of Chu Yang, the four women thought: En, actually there is this guy thief here is also a bit wrong... If this guy's hooligan habit is attacking, then 岂Not to...

In that case, I am afraid that some big mistakes are not good - right.

I was thinking about going to the endless thoughts. Suddenly I felt that the heaven and earth spirits began to accelerate the flow in the palm of my hand, but Chu Yang had already started to promote the sharing of large arrays.

At this moment, it’s too late to get out of the way.

The girls were annoyed: You guys, it’s clear that they want to take advantage of it. But at this moment, I have to make him take advantage of it cheaply... Hey, let him see that he can’t eat it, it’s a punishment, to see who can laugh at the end...

Moreover, the two women of Mo Qingwu and Zijiqing have already reached this level. They can also understand that Chuyang is trying to improve the repair for Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian.

Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be said clearly. Otherwise, both Tie Tiantian and Wu Qianqian will feel embarrassed. So Mo light dance and purple evil will certainly not say it...·····

In the future, everyone is a family. What is the disadvantage of taking advantage of it?

After nine weeks of work, suddenly, Chu Yang thought of a move, in front of everyone, there was a black and faint strange fruit, this fruit did not give off any taste, it was so fast in the air.

In addition to the black color and the unusual fruit, there is no surprise.

"This fruit is called the nine secluded jelly fruit; you don't want to smack it. Its effect is only going to be far above the nectar of the day it was eaten. This fruit blooms 10,000 years, 10,000 The results of the year will only mature after 10,000 years; no matter how many years it takes for the tree to grow up, it will only be 30,000 years from the flower to the maturity!"

Chu Yang's low voice sounded.

The four women are feeling heartfelt shocks!

It takes at least 30,000 years to grow into such a fruit! !

The cherished degree of the nine secluded **** fruit can be imagined.

I was thinking about it, but I saw a piece of Chuyangkou. The nine secluded **** fruit was like a long eye, and it quickly flew over his mouth.

In the next moment, the four women felt at the same time in their own hearts, and they were shocked, and it was hard to be quiet!

It seems that in my heart, something suddenly exploded.

It seems that the universe suddenly exploded, resulting in a starry sky.

From Chu Yang's mouth, a thick black gas that has never been seen before, suddenly burst into a rainbow-like brilliant color, screaming.

However, as far as the attention is concerned, it is still black, no two colors!

Chu Yang closed his mouth tightly, his face muscles were inexplicable, and there was a kind of impulsive impulse in his heart!

Is this fruit?

Really... funny!

Is there such a stink, so sour, so bitter, so hot, so ... · can not tell the taste of the fruit? At the moment when the nine secluded **** fruit suddenly opened in the mouth, Chu Yang had an impulse to live like death!

No wonder it’s called nine secluded **** fruit!

The feeling of the person who ate this fruit at this moment is really just like walking around in hell. It’s just this taste, it’s enough to make people die seven or eight times...

However, many of these tastes have become a variety of feelings, and they have entered the stomach, entered the body, and entered the meridians...

Immediately, it turned into a tyrannical general tyrannical force, rushing up.

Chu Yang bears the brunt of it, only feels that the brain is shocked, and then the **** silk is swept in the middle of the seven!

Such a huge potency, even if the current saints in Chuyang are repaired, and there are the foundations of the nine heavenly gods, they still can not withstand the first wave of drug impact!

The Chu Yang of this meeting only feels that the five internal organs are burning. The only thing that can be done is to work hard to repair itself, and to disperse the aura that has already been crowded into its own meridians to the light and purple evil. If you don't hurry to evacuate, the only result is that you will be killed.

Fortunately, my heart is fortunate: Fortunately, this kind of taste, this feeling is only on me, if you put it in the mouth and dance to feel like this... How can they suffer?

If it is only a strong spiritual impact, it is indeed powerful beyond imagination, but after the spiritual sharing of the big battle, in any case, it is not enough to reach the point where the five saints can not eat together.

But this "exclusive" taste...

But it really makes people die.

Chu Yang never thought before, the "taste" of the district can actually make people so unbearable, dead and alive, life is better than death, even the idea of ​​solving problems is even more than once, the horror of this "taste" can be seen One spot!

With Chu Yang’s perseverance and calmness, I can’t help but feel like this, let alone the horrible consequences of this taste if it’s really in a woman’s mouth...·····

Chu Yang will not doubt at all, others will not say for a moment, if this taste is to let Mo light dance to taste, this girl will never care whether this fruit has grown for tens of thousands of years, and how many spiritual powers there are. The thing, but to say nothing, simply spit it out directly, and then spit a mess!

As for the other three women, whether it is a calm iron-filled day, a tough Qian Qianqian, and the most intoxicating strength of the purple evil sister, the chance to bear this "taste" will never exceed one point, at most one Points, the other ninety-nine chances are also instant spit, spit a slap!

Under the guidance of the leading array of Chuyang, the four women also clearly felt that there is a huge amount of energy that has never been seen before, and the constant emergence of a strong and endless power, when there is a rush of the mountains and the tsunami.

And all the meridians of my body, at that moment, there is a tendency to incompetent and may collapse at any time!

The four women couldn't help but sigh.

"Stay in the heart of the field, clear the Lingtai, go all out, don't slacken!" Chu Yang said softly, but in the ears of the four women, but like Huang Zhong Da Lu, Zhen Zhen worry.

Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian are at the same time in their hearts.

Mo light dance and purple evil spirits themselves have already arrived, and naturally they will not mess up their minds.

Now the only thing that needs to be worried is that Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian are two women. The two women are always forced to improve their own cultivation because of the battle relationship. Even if they can improve immediately, the mood is difficult to meet, and now The situation, but it is equal to a hundred pounds, it is really a crisis!

"Light dance evil feelings, you have to release your mind and mobilize Yuanyin!" Chu Yang continued: "Filling the meridians, guiding the spiritual power, Baichuan Huihai, one fell swoop!"

Mo light dance and purple evil spirits do not hesitate, according to the words.


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