Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 469: Yuanli sharing

Yuanli shared a large array, this is a special method of improving with the help of external forces. However, if there is no strong external force, the promotion is still relatively limited; and Chu Yang takes nine secluded jelly fruits at this special moment; Complement each other's achievements.

The tyrannical power of this nine secluded jelly fruit is to completely average the spiritual power of the people, and then to talk about the problem of further improvement.

And this refined, but refers to the perfection of the three people of Chu Yang Mo light dance purple evil!

As for Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian, they will not be able to refine their main strengths, but they will still be able to retain the realm of saints when the spiritual power is shared, and truly become a generation of saints!

As for what to upgrade in the future, that is the future.

However, in this realm, for the two women of Tiewu, there is no doubt that it is still a step in the sky. In fact, such an astonishing entry is always rare and unprecedented.

Since ancient times, if it is not for very special reasons and reasons, few people will be willing to sacrifice their strength for the promotion of others. But this time, Chu Yang did not hesitate to do so.

Moreover, the consent of Mo Qingwu and Zijiqing was obtained in advance.

Although the spiritual power from the nine secluded jelly fruit has reached a huge point, it has gradually entered the right track with the concerted efforts of five people.

And Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian also reacted at this moment: What is the practice in the ordinary sense? Chu Yang and the three evil spirits, it is clear that in this special way to complete their own two.

I am grateful in my heart, and I have some sighs.

The two women are not the kind of indecisive people, and the mind is quickly making a decision.

Since Chu Yang wants to do this, one of the reasons is naturally to enhance everyone's overall strength. The second reason is that because of the feelings of the small family and the problems of getting along with them in the future, if you are ignorant, then you will be ruthless. Hard work.

As Chu Yang thought in his heart.

Chu Yang’s road of feelings has always been very persistent, or it can be said: If there is no such thing as the iron sacrifice to save the body, Chu Yang has been until now, a great chance will only be with Mo. The two are in agreement.

Until now, on the issue of feelings, Mo light dance in Chu Yang’s heart is also the only irreplaceable and unshakable one. However, after accepting Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian, Chu Yang’s heart is always a little embarrassed about Mo Qingwu.

Although this world is such a world where men are superior to women, and their wives and wives are very common, in the past, Chu Yang always had only one dance!

Therefore, in Chu Yang’s heart, there are also some feelings.

As for the four women, there is a little weird phenomenon: purple evil and Mo light dance are the highest, but these two women are unlikely to stay at home for a long time, and they will fight in the future. The candidate for the Chuyang charge.

However, on the other hand, the cultivation of the two women is certainly high, and the martial arts is strong, but in terms of living at home, it is not a qualified candidate. It is obviously worse than that of Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian.

However, Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian are two women, and the ability to co-ordinate can be said to be rare. However, in terms of cultivation, in general terms, it is quite valuable to be repaired. However, in terms of the current situation, it is still one. Big and weak items; if Chuyang goes out in the future and the two women stay in the base camp, then the security issue is a huge hidden danger that cannot be ignored.

After this time, I have completely shared each other, but let the four women, some of the embarrassing and small contradictions that may have appeared or have appeared before, and some of their respective careful eyes... completely eliminated!

Because, but with a slight care and confusion, such sharing, it is absolutely impossible to succeed!

And once successful, the girls will naturally have a very magical telepathy in the future...·····

In this way, it is basically impossible to make any contradictions.

This is a major event that Chu Yang has studied and prepared for a long time. It is only now that the time is ripe.

"In this time, I always have a very subtle - but very real feeling." Chu Yang said slowly: "I am afraid that this peaceful day will not last longer.... , may break out at any time."

Now, the spiritual output of the nine secluded **** fruit has entered a certain orbit. Chu Yang can distractively deal with spiritual power and speak at the same time. While explaining one thing, it also attracts four female minds, do not think about it, and eliminate those who should not Some distractions.

Sure enough, his opening, everyone’s mind immediately noticed that he said this.

"So, I chose to use this method to improve the strength of Bu Tian and Qian Qian..." Chu Yang said heavily: "The rear peace is a major prerequisite for the front line to win!"

At the same time, the four women silently nodded and expressed their approval.

"Yes." The iron-filled Tianxiu eyebrows wrinkled up and said: "In this time, the devils appeared in all parts of the Nine Heavens, and the momentum was high, but at the beginning, the degree of harm Although it is bad, it can be said that it can be said, but later, I am afraid that it will gradually become unmanageable, at least it will not be able to end the situation...·····

Tiebu Tian frowned, said: "I have analyzed more than 3,400 pieces of magical accidents in the past, and I have unexpectedly discovered that although they are all chaos, but in essence, there are some different places, or It’s a weird place.”

Four people like Chu Yang are listening quietly, no one has interjected.

They know that the iron-filled days are generally not easy to knot, but once the conclusion is reached, that is the conclusion! !

The identity of the emperor of Tiebutian led to her temperament character, which is never easy to open, and an opening is earth-shattering!

"So I and Qianqian have all sorted out the intelligence information reported by the Intelligence Department, and finally came to a conclusion, a very unbelievable conclusion: that the beginning of the magic problem, a great opportunity is deliberate Disguise, create a scam... and then those who are mixed with it, is the real genius traitor!"

Chu Yang’s eyes are condensed, and it’s moving, and the strange way: “Is there such a thing?”

"This incident, I have repeatedly scrutinized, the conclusion is the same, there will be no falsehood!" Tiebu Tian nodded affirmatively.

"Then I need the information of these people, the intention of this layout person is really intriguing." Chu Yang said faintly.

Although he did not say it clearly, Tie Butian knew what chu people said in Chu Yangkou.

At the time of the exchange of conversations among the people, the enormous spiritual power from the nine secluded **** is also rapidly circulating in the veins of the people. The feelings of Tiebu Tian and Wu Qianqian are the most obvious.

They can clearly feel that their body is gradually undergoing subtle changes; or the word "submattering" is not very big, because the process is very fast. The impurities in the body are excluded from the situation that they can feel; and, once the impurities are discharged from the body, they are immediately turned into dust.······

Gradually, the body and face of five people are surrounded by a crystal clear and warm light.

Seeing that he was about to finish, Chu Yang resisted the unspeakable fear, pinched his nose and took out a nine-six **** fruit swallowed down!

Use that kind of martyr's feelings; hold a strong ‘dedication.

I have to say that the general taste of hell, the experience has been too much too much... Chu Yang really wants to revisit the second time... but the results are just improving Tie Bu Tian and Wu Qianqian themselves and Mo Qingwu purple evil did not get much improvement.

Even because of the uniformity of the previous repair, it has caused a certain degree of decline.

Chu Yang didn't want to have any knots between the girls, so he had to squat again on the 18th floor of Hell...

Finally, it was the second experience, and I was psychologically prepared. It was a little stronger than the previous one. However, the kind of knowing is that, but also the feeling of being sent to the entrance, but it is a wave higher than the waves. The attack came over and there was another taste...

Slowly, Chu Yang and others have all entered the transcendental realm of the two things I have forgotten, closed my eyes, and guided the spiritual power through my own meridians wholeheartedly.

A sacred and extremely rich white gas that has never been seen before, gradually formed in five people, completely wrapping five people in it...

And just after everyone got into this wonderful situation, there was something more wonderful - and even more ridiculous, that happened to five people.

First of all, from the forehead of Chu Sunshine, a small and exquisite seal emerged slowly. The seal is small, but full of inviolable superiority, or the imperial atmosphere of the king.

Clearly, it is just a shadow of a seal, but at the moment it is full of real feelings.

On the forehead of Chu Yang, it gradually emerged and finally broke out. It is no longer a floating, but a slow rotation.

And the four women, such as Mo Qingwu, Zijiqing, Tiebutian, and Wuqianqian, also gradually came out with a very specific gas. The gas is full of natural breath, soft and gentle. But it gives people a real sense of power.

It was the mysterious gas that evolved from the whole thought of the Empress Queen.

These breaths of different colors gradually emerged slowly, and surrounded by Huangyin, which was rotated around the forehead of Chuyang, filled with inexplicable endless love.

Entangled, wrapped around...

And all of this is quietly carried out in Chuyang and others without feeling...·····

The Elf Emperor's shadows are extremely elegant and meticulously rotating. An unusually large amount of natural force has come to nothing without warning. When it is silent, it enters the room at a rapid speed. It has already entered the body of five people.

After the operation, I will upload photos of my hands on Weibo; lest some people say that I am looking for an excuse... I am happy for a New Year, don't spend it in suspicion. That's not comfortable.

The second thing: about the cold and the renewal of the young year, there are five chapters. It is not enough before the Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, my hand is restored and will be added. And outbreaks; compensation.

The third thing: During the Spring Festival, tomorrow begins, until the eighth day; probably a chapter a day, just a few days after the surgery, or there will be more, or not. In short, I try to be.

The fourth thing: During the Spring Festival, it is not too much, let me live for a year; so one chapter a day, no more after the festival. Everyone forgive me...

Everything is said in front...·····I’m better than explaining it afterwards. Is everyone right?

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