Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 470: What is deceiving too much?

At the moment, although the five people did not feel anything because they entered the realm of the two things I forgot, but they still felt a feeling of quietness and peace, and even the heart felt that it was such peace and joy at this moment.

In the midst of it, a faint and faint voice whispered softly: "·················································································· ····The evil spirits are ignorant..."

The sound is faint, like a dream, if there is nothing, the five people who hear this voice feel the illusion that they should be dreaming, but this voice is clearly in the heart of everyone. It is actually unspeakable truth.

At the moment everyone’s heart is filled with joy and joy...·····

Chuyang is in the process of being settled, and it is unstoppable to outline a picture: a piece of snow, a thousand miles, a spotless, clean and clear. On the snow that connects the world, a beautiful-to-extreme red figure is dancing.

The Yi people with infinite tenderness and love, singing and dancing.

That beautiful face, the sorrowful eyes, the graceful voice - everything is so clear, so indelible.

"...···I don’t dance in my life, I’m a dance, I’m a bitter, I’m a monarch in this life, I’m a bitter dance...”

Chu Yang heart and soul shaking inexplicably, tightly closed his eyes, but in his heart, but staring at the dancing red figure, muttered to himself: "light dance ······"

With the mood fluctuations in Chuyang, the four women's minds have received the same scene at the same time. The white snow that followed the sky, the red-colored figure that danced the nine-day sky - the figure, the song that was generally swearing on that day...

Mo light dances sitting cross-legged, tightly closed eyes, quietly flowing two lines of tears······

In the hearts of five people, I heard a sigh of sigh at the same time. It seems that I am sighing myself? What a pity?

A song, just like this, rang in the atmosphere of the underworld.

A completely strange, but able to feel the infinite familiar voice · softly ringing.

"...maybe the unmarried marriage...·····

Maybe it’s the fate of the afterlife...

I only meet you in this life...

I am happy with you all the time... with your red dust...···

This heart... no longer cold...

......" (Writing this song, not finished; time problem, update urgently; maybe I will complete it later. If you are interested brothers and sisters, you can also make up for me.)

The five people listened carefully and only felt that they were filled with emotions in their hearts...

I am touched by some sad taste...

I don’t know how far away, on a blue special planet, a white boy, white clothes like snow, sitting quietly on the deck of a big ship, with some distant fascination...·····

"It's so fast... You finally let your fate track... beyond the control of heaven and earth... and see this love. Can you grasp it, can you not break apart, and achieve eternal... ···”

"If it's really like that... you are qualified... fight with me."

"Nine secluded **** fruit ······ is finally found to be the right master...······ A young man in black stands in the void.

"Good boy, hurry and improve some more... This world is too lonely..."

"If he has more of you, he will not be so lonely..."

When Chu Yang and other families are busy improving their cultivation, they are at the same time in the distant Moyuntian.

The book mad two people, all the way to the servant, day and night, and finally rushed back to the ink cloud!

Although Mo Yuntian was in the midst of a war, he heard that the two returned. Yuan Tianjun was in the first time and ordered the two to see each other.

Royal Palace, underground practice room.

Speaking of this, you have to explain one sentence; practicing, especially the master practice, is of course in a relatively wide area. The better, because it is empty, it is more conducive to mobilizing a large number of heaven and earth aura from other nearby places. .

Especially when it comes to the level of Yuan Tian, ​​it is almost a kind of throughput, it can absorb hundreds of miles of aura in the house; so his practice needs more space.

However, it is particularly puzzling to let the book mad and the painting king and others know that the choice of Yuan Tianjun is the opposite of it!

I have built such an underground training ground where I can’t see my fingers.

Moreover, it is all in the ink cloud days of special products - ink crystal.

In this kind of environment, the unique black fog of the ink crystal rises. Even if it is a saint strong, in such an environment, it is also a hand of a finger.

However, Yuan Tian’s limit has always been adhered to, and as long as it persists, it has been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years...

"How is the matter going?" Yuan Tianji asked with his hands on his back.

"The mission failed." The book mad and the painting king both sighed at the same time: "I just entered the demon day, and I encountered the siege of the demon emperor's five major guards... all the way to the battle, and I was injured all the time."

"When I entered the demon day, I was attacked by the demon emperor's five guards?!" Yuan Tianyi said: "How is this possible?"

The two are silent.

Although it is impossible to say in the Yuantian limit, but the heart has already been affirmed, this matter must be true!

Although the two masters of calligraphy and painting have returned, the specific breath of resurrection can be seen at a glance. As the sage's peak power, if it is not the siege of the same level of strong forces, it will not suffer such a serious injury!

Unless it is a demon, he will personally take it.

Even if the demon is personally shot, if there is only one person after the demon, the strength of the book madness and other three people, even if it is impossible to win, if you want to retreat or have a good chance, the interruption will not bear such a heavy weight. The injury.

"What the **** is going on? Is there another change in it!" Yuan Tianji wrinkled his brow.

"It’s really a bit of a big deal to say that." The book was so sad: "In order to save time, after entering the demon day, I began to fly at a high speed..." but I didn't think that day was a coincidence. After the birth of the demon, the entire demon day is celebrated, and the demon emperor prohibits anyone from flying in the sky..."

"But in an instant, I waited for several demons to be intercepted by the juniors; then everyone injured the intercepted person... finally triggered the anger of the demon and ordered the five guards to besiege..." The book madly tells the whole story.

Yuan Tian’s limit to Yang Tian’s long sigh: “There is this thing...”

For a time in my heart, I really don't know what it is.

This time, at the same time, three escorts were sent out to think that for the dreamlessness and Chu Yang, the absolute use of the knives to kill the chickens is destined to be the last blow of the Thunder, and no longer have to worry about the two.

But did not think that it would touch such a mold.

Coincidentally, I met the birthday of the demon, causing conflicts that should never be triggered...

Even if it is said in detail, this matter is really a loss on its own side.

Is this guy in Chuyang actually having such a way?

Such a decisive arrangement, actually killed him! This matter is really weird...

"Chess king?" Yuan Tian sighed and asked: "Is it seriously injured?"

The book was in a mad heart, saying: "The chess king... was besieged by the four guards. ··········································

"Dead?!" Yuan Tian's voice suddenly became bigger, and suddenly turned back to death and looked at the book mad: "Do they dare to kill the chess king?"

It’s more than a chess king. If we are not a coincidence, most of them will go to Jiuquan for a long time!

The two kings of calligraphy and painting are stunned!

Yuan Tian only felt that his heart seemed to be hit hard.

He has just tried to guess things in the worst direction; but he did not think that the people of the Emperor Heaven really have the courage to kill one of their seven-star guards!

This is not something that will not be misunderstood, but the other party is interested in it! Deliberately!

Otherwise, no matter what kind of misunderstanding, as long as there is no life, how can you explain it clearly and there is room for mediation. How can it kill the life of a saint who is a strongman?

If the other party is not intent on the two worlds to become a deadly enemy, then even if it is seriously injured, it only needs to be opposite to the two emperors of the demon and Yuan Tian. It can be completely revealed in one sentence, whether it is an apology or compensation for anything!

But now that people are dead, the nature of this incident is completely different! In particular, the object of death is one of the seven-star guards that is related to the imperial concubine. This time the situation can be very unusual.

No matter what the life of a saint's peak, it is impossible to make up for anything!

In addition to the life of the same level of power, is there something equivalent? !

But the whole nine-day Scorpio, how many such strong people?


Yuanzhang’s heavy palm is just above the wall of the ink crystal, and the room is in a dead silence. The half-day limit is only cold and cold: "The devil! You are too deceiving this time." !"

"哗啦", the entire surface of the ink crystal neatly turned into powder.

Black fog and smoke rise instantly!

At the moment, the face of Yuan Tian has become as cold as ice.

The two kings of calligraphy and painting stood facelessly, deep in the scorpion, and there was also deep sorrow in the flood.

When the brothers and sisters who have been together for millions of years have suddenly lost one, this kind of pain is what ordinary people can understand?

The brush brush sounded quietly.

Four people are like ghosts and appear in the underground practice field. A melodious voice laughs and laughs: "You two old boys can come back? How, this time you are still comfortable? How to delay for so long, is to the outside Got the fish?!"

The coming person is the other four of the seven-star guards.

These seven people have a very good relationship with each other. This time I heard that the brothers are coming back. Other people are coming back to say hello no matter where they are.

The person who spoke is the boss of the seven-star guard, the king of hearts! No trace of heart!

However, after the heart king finished speaking, he did not hear the laughter of the old brothers expected. Instead, he was limited to a silent silence. This situation can not help but four people are one of them.

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