Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 472: Painting and calligraphy

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"The combination of painting and calligraphy? Is this such a method?" Yuan Tianji’s spirit was shocked, and two black lights were shot in his gaze, which was obviously inexplicable.

"This is the case." The book madly nodded.

The painting king hurriedly said: "No, it is not appropriate to do this! Although there is success in doing so, even if it is successful, your own roots will be permanently damaged, and you will lose a lot of power, especially now that you are new. Healing, it is harder to load..."

The painting king looked anxious and apparently disagreed with the book madness.

The book is arrogant: "Even if the foundation is not damaged, as in the past, can I protect my own brothers? The chess king is not dead..."

Everyone heard the words and it was a silence.

It’s all felt that the chess king’s death and death against the book madness is too big...”

For the decision made by this book madness, the brothers feel that there is nothing to say, but even persuaded that there is no more advice!

Yes, it is true that there is only another repair to the Yuan Tian limit that can completely suppress the demon, so that there is hope to report this blood feud.

Otherwise, everything is empty talk, or there is no hope of revenge.

Although the sacrifice of book madness will be somewhat big, the result is still worthwhile.

In the eyes of Yuan Tian, ​​it flashed again.

This time, it is a secret flash of radiance of joy, saying: "Book King, I think it is not necessary, I just said that the gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late. If you pay too much, I am afraid the chess king brothers Under Jiuquan, it will be uneasy."

The book laughed coldly: "He is only afraid that he has already lost his soul. Where is there any Jiuquan... I have decided! Please accept my Vientiane field, assisted by the painting king, we broke through in one fell swoop. The current bottleneck of the Emperor of Heaven is important!"

In the silence, I only listened to Yuan Tian’s limit and said slowly: "Since you insist on this..." Well! ”

"Big Brother." The book turned wildly and said to the heart king: "Big brother's practice, the significance of the relationship is far-reaching, and also ask the older brother and brothers to work together for my protection."

The heart king sighed and condensed the book madness: "Little mad, can you think about this?"

The book madly nodded: "Your Majesty must make further breakthroughs in blood and have hopes to report! And I can do it now, this is the only thing!"

The heart of the king, Yang Tian, ​​quietly passed for a while: "Good!"

At this point, all the finals were settled, and the four kings guarded the law and the two kings practiced.

Yuan Tian’s mind suddenly raised an inexplicable excitement.

Over the years, the book mad has refused to fully sacrifice his own soul realm to assist in his practice, and finally agreed today.

In fact, the same reason that paintings and paintings do not separate from each other, Yuan Tian can not know, how to never think? As long as the book madness really pays the soul energy, coupled with the cooperation of the painting king, Yuan Tianji can absorb the half of the painting and painting masters and add half of the soul power, so that they can break through the limit and reach the invincible Strong and sturdy!

For such a wonderful result, Yuan Tian’s heart has long been unaware of how many years he has been looking forward to.

But if the book madness is not true cooperation, it is all useless, and no success may be embarrassing.

It is the root of everything, and it falls on the book mad.

Yuan Tian limits that the book madness will continue to lose weight, and one loss is half of the loss. Is there anything that is willing to do? But never imagined that the chess king had an unexpected life, and even madly screamed the book; he took the initiative to make such a suggestion.

Yuan Tian can not help but regret the extreme: If you know that you should kill one or two of these people so early... How long has it been until now, how much precious time has been delayed...

Chess king died well! It’s too bad to die!

As always!

Still this secret room.

Book madness, painting king, and the Emperor of the Clouds are limited to the inside.

The four kings, such as the King of Hearts, are sitting on the doorstep on both sides. Everyone is silent, but they all start their own soul power, pay attention to all the atmosphere around, and make sure that nothing is lost.

I dare not have a slight scorn!

The book madness of this self-loss payout is directly related to the future generation of the Emperor of Heaven! Whether it is for the sacrifice of your brother is not in vain, or for the future of the Emperor, no accidents are allowed!

Be sure to be sure!

Although they did not say anything, the four senior peak saints told themselves in their hearts.

Inside the secret room.

Yuan Tianjun’s hand is standing in the center; there is a round table that is dark and inky. This round table is not the same, but it is made of the purest heaven and earth, and this position is the core position of Yuantian’s practice. !

The book madness is now opposite him, his expression is awe-inspiring, sitting cross-legged, not the same as in the past.

If you want to say something different, that is, there is a painting king who is standing behind the limit of Yuan Tian at the moment, and the painting king is standing at the foot of the painting. A sturdy soul scent, wrestling in the secret room.

Obviously, the three are making the final preparations!

For book madness, this is only one chance! Or maybe the last chance!

For the Yuan Tian limit, it may be the last chance to really improve itself.

For the painting king, this is the first and last chance to assist!

"Tonight, this time, here, this matter!..." Book madness has already completed preparations, calm face, and even smiled slightly, said: "... will go down in history!"

Yuan Tian limit laughed: "Yes, this is the place tonight! This will be in the history! Glory!"

The book madly took a deep breath and smiled at the same time as Yuan Tian, ​​and it was easy and relaxed.

However, after Yuan Tian was limited, he painted the face of the king, but he smacked unconsciously. There was a strong, unbearable look that flashed away. Instead, it is the deep pain in the depths of the eye.

But Yuan Tian is now facing him at the moment, but he did not see it.

The Yuantian limit at the moment is really too happy, too excited!

"Your Majesty, let's get started." The book said quietly and quietly.

"Okay! Let's get started!" Yuan Tian limited the hand and laughed: "Tonight will be successful! Book mad, you should be the first! The great future of the Emperor, have you!"

In the mad eye of the book, there is a glimpse of a fleeting sorrow, and whispered: "Please also let your heart open your heart and fully integrate into the sea of ​​Shushan painting!"

Yuan Tianjun slowly nodded his eyes and closed his entire knowledge without reservation. He felt the next move of the book madness.

The book mad took a deep breath, his hands slowly open and then slowly lifted up, solemn to the extreme.

However, in the process of slowly lifting his hands, there was a burst of slaps of screaming sounds; it was as if countless students were flipping through the books at the same time.

It is a voice that makes people's minds quiet.

At the same time, it seems that a book, a book page, appeared out of thin air in the entire secret room!

Every one of them is flipping fast.

"The book has its own arrogance!" The sound of the book madness sounded deep and empty.

"The book has its own nine heavens!"

"The book has its own loyalty and righteousness!"

"There is no way to do it in the book!"

"The book knows the righteousness; the book knows the loyalty and filial piety; the book knows the shame, the book is full of law!"

With the screams of book madness; there seem to be millions of tens of billions of books, which are quickly flipped in the air, and the whole space has no longer seen anything else.

These scenes, although there are illusions and illusions in the bones, everything is so real!

Countless mysterious meanings, like the stars in the sky, rushing out, one by one, one way, circling rapidly in the air... For a time, this dark space turned out to be radiant and magnificent!

At the same time, the painting king inhales deeply and shouts: "There are also nine heavens in the painting. Who knows where the road is difficult? If it is not like Jiangyan Mountain; how can there be a river in the painting!"

Suddenly, a picture of a majestic picture is displayed out of thin air! There are mountains, waters, stars, people, flowers, birds, fish, birds, beasts, beasts, everything, everything, everything...

A magnificent picture, constantly changing.

After a while, the countless scrolls slowly approached the world in the book.

The Emperor Yunyun Tiandi’s Yuan Tian’s limit always stands still and quietly. It seems that everything is not in the air. In reality, it is an unprecedented concentration, and the movements of the book king and the painting king are viewed.

At this point, I finally spit out a long breath with a slight, undetectable smell.

This time, the painting and painting double king is really full of heart and soul!

nothing left!

At this point, Yuan Tian is finally relieved. It seems that "time" they really want to help me break through the limits...

Thinking of this, Yuan Tianjun finally opened his eyes, completely relaxed his own knowledge, and let his spiritual consciousness gradually merge into the border of painting and calligraphy, and occupied a leading position.

Like the mainstay, it stands at the edge of the book and the painting. With its own sturdy spirit, it further promotes the progress of the integration of painting and calligraphy. Then, with its own soul, it absorbs the kind of the combination of painting and painting. The principle of Qiankun Wanfa Avenue...

Slowly, the all-encompassing book in the middle of the road, and the avenues of the natural paintings, are gradually merging together, infiltrating each other toward each other...

However, no matter whether the book infiltrates the painting or the book infiltrates the book, in the middle, it still needs to pass the spiritual limit of Yuan Tian.

At this point, the three people who entered the painting and calligraphy, all the spiritual strength, finally completely integrated with each other, the three people are keenly felt that their spiritual strength suddenly shocked, it is unprecedented excitement!

As a leading party in the operation of the law, the book madness, like the Yangtze River, poured out. The painting king, as an auxiliary party, feels his own spiritual strength, and is in the midst of the spiritual power of the Emperor and the book mad.

The only benefit at the moment, and it is still very beneficial, only the Yuan Tian limit, he madly grabbed the power of the book madness and the king of the painting king, while madly grabbing, the traces of the road that suddenly collided , Avenue to Li...

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