Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 473: When the enemy hatred, hate that year!

Yesterday's update is repeated, this chapter is free today, apologize to everyone!

Yuan Tianji felt it for the first time, and tasted it, and the true sweetness of the combination of painting and calligraphy!

Although he is still just beginning, he has already felt that he has all his cultivation, including spiritual strength, including soul power, including spiritual power, including... all that can be promoted, all can be upgraded, all are insanely improved!

All-round, whole-hearted, no difference, the ultimate improvement!

Yuan Tian limited heart is ecstatic, exhilarating!

If it is upgraded at such an amazing speed, then, until this time the practice is successfully completed, you are absolutely sure that it is beyond the current realm of snow and tears! Even if compared with the Saint, it may not be inferior!

I really can't think of it, this time it was just a chess king, but in exchange for the heartfelt success of the book mad painting king, and finally got such a rare benefit...

The spirit of the book madness is like a tidal wave in the Yangtze River. Turk has broken off: "Your Majesty, don't be distracted... Please relax your mental strength completely. At this moment, it is a critical moment, so you can't lose it!"

Yuan Tian’s heart screamed in the heart.

I am also a big expert in practice. At these moments, I have to be distracted from the outside world. I don’t hurry to practice, but I also want to remind people of the book... If the two of them regret it, then there will be no such gods. Good opportunity...

Yuan Tianjun has a heart-to-heart, full-scale release, and the ultimate integration of the whole body.

With a unreserved posture, the book madness has continuously input its spiritual power and soul into a specific area where the three are blended... While paying close attention to the integration of the mental power of the three people.

He knows that he only has one chance!

It is the time when I wait for the mental power of the three people to be completely integrated!

And only at that time, can I completely occupy the dominant position!

But to achieve this, you need to have a necessary premise: that is, Yuan Tian limited unreserved trust, completely open happy!

Therefore, he did his best to make such an opportunity even if he did not hesitate to lose his foundation.

In this process, as long as you want to upgrade, Yuan Tian limit must be handed over to yourself to completely control the situation!

Once you reach that level, you will certainly lose a lot of self-cultivation, but you can really go deep into the inner world of Yuan Tian, ​​know what you want to know... everything!

When the book fan made this decision, he had completely eliminated all his retreats!

If it is the thing of the year, it is not the limit of the day, all of them are their own misjudgments. After he has done so, he will never stay here again! Even, it will be killed on the spot by Yuan Tianjie's anger!

But if it is the limit of the day...

Well, all the things that are done now have meaning!

The book is also self-satisfied.

This is a gamble that has not been gambling!

Regardless of the truth, you are a loser!

But... the only advantage is that one is dead and understands that one is dead and confused!

Book madness would rather die clearly!

After a while, the spiritual strength of the three people finally blended together. You have me, I have him, and they are all in one place.

This is still the first time in the millions of years, the first time to completely let go of your heart!

Just for his ambition: the true peak of Jiuzhongtian!

Although Yuan Tianzhi also has concerns, when he arrived at this time, he was already doomed to turn back.

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred...

In the eyes of the King of Paintings, a strong sense of anxiety was issued, and even a little bit of his own field was forcibly removed.

The book madly perceives this and suddenly screams: "The law is the same! The law is one!"

All the mental power, suddenly the rivers and rivers are generally concentrated towards the middle!

Yuan Tian limit feels that his power is in a state of rapid expansion!

This expansion frequency, the degree of expansion, even exceeded his expectations! I can't help but be overjoyed.

However, at this time, the elbow was born...

The book slammed out a blood, and said: "When the year, when the year, the wife loves you to die? When the year of hatred, when the enemy, the vientiane included you can have? In that year hate, hate that, who killed my pillow People? The road of the year, the road of the year, today's water sees the stone!"


The book madly broke off!

The spirit of Yuan Tian’s limit at this moment is completely immersed in the speeding up of cultivation. I don’t know that the book madness at this moment has changed the original intention; he just completely opened his spiritual power and smashed in the road of Wanfa... , improve... if it is reciprocating...

When he finally feels a little wrong...

The book madness has successfully taken over the spirit of three people at this moment.

Unconsciously, he sneaked into the depths of Yuanhai’s thoughts...

Yuan Tianji and other strong people, even if they are willing to let go of the spiritual defense, let go of the psychological defense; even if it is completely unprepared, it is controlled by a person... But this time will only be very short.

At most only a moment.

After a moment, his instinctive counterattack will form a tsunami-like horror counter-attack... break free of such control!

Of course, this is mainly because of the cultivation of book madness, after all, it is far worse than Yuan Tian!

So book madness is only a moment's time!

But for book madness, this moment is enough!

Because, at this moment, all the memories of Yuan Tianzhi are equal to his memory! Book mad can browse everything!

Including... which ones are absolutely unknown...


But the book madness never imagined.

What do you see yourself!

He once thought about the situation after he saw the truth, no matter what the truth, but when he saw what he saw today, he was really shocked!

The process is simple, very simple -

What is suspected in the book's mad heart, he went to see what; and he did see what he wanted to see.

The first thing I saw was a picture. In the darkness of the air, several people were discussing something.

One of them, whose face is full of thorny tattoos, is by no means a book madman, but from the perspective of sound, the master of this voice is Yuan Tian.

"My repair has already gone to a bottleneck, and we must use the essence of the nine heavens to carry out further improvement, but... what is the essence of the nine heavens?"

There is a black man who laughs and laughs: "This is not easy. The first thing that should be thought of is the inheritance culture of the Nine Heavens."

"Inheriting culture? It makes sense! But how do you start?!" Yuan Tianjun’s words clearly showed his eyes bright.

"It can be like this..."

"But how can they agree?"

"Can be like this..."

"But then, the sacrifice is only a little too big..."

"How can we sacrifice our own people? We can design the layout and eventually blame others. This is more beneficial to us..."

"The specific operation can be like this, so that I am afraid that the person will not die..."


Then, the book mad saw the scene that made him want to split.

In the familiar picture of the mountains and forests that are unforgettable in the world, I laughed with my wife and my love.

On this side, there are more than a dozen big masters ambushing in different positions...

It’s full of murderousness!

Seeing this, the book madness almost killed a blood. Looking at the other person who smiled and laughed at the other side, almost loudly!

There are enemies in front! Detours...

But all this is just a memory.

The fate has already been doomed, and it has happened! Everything is past tense!

No one can rewrite anymore!

Looking at my love, I am so dead, and I was ambushed for the first time... The book is mad like a knife!

And when those people shot, in a distant place, there was a black man smiling and watching it all.

Yuan Tian limit!

Immediately, I saw my beloved wife fleeing with me all the way, and Yuan Tian’s limit was not followed by him; the people who hunted all the way were not ill...

The wife finally died.

I am also deep in the water.

When I came out again, it was ‘Make it’ that I met Yuan Yuan! He healed himself for himself, asked him to talk about his coldness, and he drank wine together and talked with himself... Together, yelling together...

At that time, I really regarded him as a benefactor, a confidant!

By the time he finally married his brother and vowed to help him revenge, he was already loyal to him, and no doubt at all...

"Hehehe..." The book was madly screaming, and a little bit of blood was sprayed from the mouth.

Finally the truth is clear.

The original truth is like this.

Everything is planned by Yuan Tian, ​​so that he can use his own skills to assist him. And myself, it is really stupid*, according to his plan, to make a horse for his biggest enemy, has been used for more than a million years!

Even complacent!

Even grateful!

In this world, I believe that the most ridiculous thing is this!

If you are the first silly in the world of the nine-day Scorpio, then it is absolutely not your own!

Memory is turned over page by page.

Then I saw that Yuan Tianzhi helped me find the so-called 'enemy' one by one. The first one is really true. I can see that the face of the man is shocked!

It seems to be a poor drug that has been deceived!

After Yuan Tian’s personal display of the soul, the man offered other people; then he was beaten to death by Yuan Tian.

However, the other people who came out were no longer among the members of those who really participated in the action! Obviously, in the process of re-searching the soul of Yuan Tian, ​​in the moment of the man’s mental collapse, he made a clever manipulation!

Then I will go back to Yuan Tianyin’s ‘revenge’, and there will be so many...innocent masters, killing one by one...

And those real murderers are all on the way... those who help themselves revenge, and those who are grateful to them! It is also after I came to Mo Yuntian in the future to help Yuan Tian limit to the position of God... those who are the ones!

Those who call their brothers and brothers every day!

No wonder those people sometimes see themselves, the smile on their faces will always become somewhat weird!

Book madness is burning inside! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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