Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 474: break! Death and hate!

If you are those people, I am afraid I will feel weird: I killed your wife, killed your love, killed the most important person in your life, but now you are so hot with me... ...haha, I still have to say it, thank you very much!

Is there something better and more pleasing in this world?

A strong man of the sage's peak, just like a pen-like life, I was played in the applause...·····

Book madness feels that he is going to collapse!

How could I be so stupid, how to be played by people, or to be played by a group of people...

The spiritual fluctuations of Yuan Tianjun suddenly became strong, and apparently the anti-phagosis is coming soon!

On one side of the painting king's face has been exposed to an anxious look; in this process, his spiritual power is to suppress the Yuan Tian limit with the book madness, even if he is the main force of suppression, the book is mad at the investigation of the yuan Heavenly memory, the heart is very fluctuating. If it is only by book madness, the counter-attack has already arrived, but now, it has already reached the limit!

The book madness will continue to turn to the deepest part of memory.

Then he saw a darkness!

It’s a strange creature!

Everyone has tattoos on his face!

The book madness can no longer suppress the shock in the heart, and screams and exclaims: "The devil!? The devil outside the domain?!"

At this time, Yuan Tianji suddenly issued a violent voice, full of anger and horror!

The painting king behind him immediately made a sigh of sorrow, and the blood spurted out of the seven scorpions!

In the seven days of Yuan Tian's limit, a lot of blood was spurted out, but the color of the blood was dark as ink!

It is completely dark blood!

Yuan Tian's own self-cultivation is much higher than the two, even if the two together, it is also too much, but now his spirit has been completely controlled by the book mad, rushed to retreat, solidify, grab the control authority, then it is Counterattack, this change process is too hasty, so that he himself suffered a considerable internal injury!

But he can't be anxious! Don't dare not worry!

The book madman has now mastered all his secrets, including his biggest secret, the secret that must not be known. Yuan Tian’s resentment is even more frightening. Now he has already gone to the point where he is in a hurry and cannot be delayed. It is said that it is not to be overwhelmed by the burning of the five insides!

Demon identity!

Yuan Tian is a foreign god!

This is his biggest secret!

Once this news is known to the world, all his efforts in the past millions of years will be destroyed in a flash, and disappeared! All the plots will be drained!

How can I be in a hurry?

All along, the book mad has been helping him to practice hard, this process has been millions of years! Who would believe that after a million years of loyalty, suddenly suddenly elbow? Going against each other? !

Even if it is the old-fashioned plan of Yuan Tian, ​​the organ counts it and never thought of it!

So he almost stepped into this trap without any precaution!

But when he found out that he was under control, it was already late, and the secret was known to be a foregone conclusion!

There is no doubt that the book madness must have invaded his innermost heart and understood all his secrets!

Therefore, Yuan Tian is almost in a desperate manner, and all the power is bursting out! I would rather not have a huge harvest this time. I have to get out as soon as possible!

For that, it is as fast as possible to break the control of book madness!

"Boom", an unusually violent explosion suddenly occurred in the secret room!

This is an unusually silent explosion! Because it is the most pure spiritual energy!

And, the energy of the mind!

The three people screamed at the same time almost at the same time, and the whole gas field suddenly burst open. The three people slammed out in three directions.

However, at the same time, at the same time, back to the top!

Three people with the same heart and killing the murder, at the same time make a kill!

Yuan Tian limited mouth bleeding, seven hemorrhoids, a pair of scorpions turned into black. A murderous, rich black gas · constantly rushing out, it is the devil!

He wants to kill the book madness · must kill him!

Book madness is not dead!

Because he has mastered his biggest secret!

The book is not mad, and Yuan Tian’s sleep is difficult!

At this moment, the book madness is also a **** rush back!

Kill Yuan Tian limit! Report a great hate!

Wives and wives! For millions of years, book madness has never been forgotten or forgotten!

This millions of years of hatred, millions of years of deception, millions of years of endless humiliation!

All this has already made the book madness completely lost its reason!

There is only one thought in the heart, killing the culprits of Yuan Tian, ​​this culprit!

Who can be willing to be deceived for millions of years? Millions of years! When I think of this million years, I am just like a super big fool, for the enemy to drive, to fight for the enemy, and also to help the enemy to practice. In this way, we must be grateful to the enemy, and feel the five.

For a super master, this kind of humiliation is simply beyond the limits of all the bottom line!

There is no doubt that the book mad at this moment has already fought forever!

In any case, you must kill Yuan Tian limit!

And the king of painting is also rushing back when it is blown away by the blast! For your own brother: book mad! Absolutely no possibility is the opponent of Yuan Tian limit!

If the book madness is now dead, then it will only be able to sink the enemy into the sea.

No one knows more about the strength gap between Yuan Tian and Book Man than the King of Painting. No one knows more about the hatred of the book than the King of Painting!

Since that time, book madness is equal to the destruction of a lifetime!

All three are in desperately in the force of the explosion, and fly back! Three people, under a strong explosion, actually pressed the force of the external force back again! The sound of the sound is constantly erupting in the air.

There are countless space cracks, Kaka cracked!

This secret room was originally small!

The three of them are the strongest of the top, but for a moment, maybe not yet, they have already rushed back with the power of the explosion.


Three people shot at the same time!

The book is madly holding the judge's pen, and the king is holding a happy fan; they and two people are all prepared in the heart, hiding their weapons and doing a good fight. Now only the Yuantian limit is bare-handed!

However, Yuan Tianjun faced the bad situation in front of him but he did not fear at all; the left fist punched a punch and was slamming the book madness, while the right fist was hard to draw the king's happy fan!

Another violent explosion!

The book madness and the painting king retreat at the same time.

Such a hard fight, strong strength is to win, weak power is defeated without a flower holiday, high judgment!

Yuan Tianji issued another shout, and rushed forward in the strength of the mountain. One hand turned into a palm of the sky, and the cockroach fell to the top of the book.

At this moment, there is no more important thing than killing a book mad!

The sky is full of shadows, but it is especially a cover-up. The real killing is actually at the foot. Yuan Tian’s foot is a strange move. One foot is completely without warning. The length of time is limited. The sly kick is on the little belly of the book.

The book screamed and screamed, and the body immediately rolled back. However, the two judges in the hand were already squatting on the calf of Yuan Tianji. Yuan Tian was limited to one leg and did not receive the foot. Instead, the other one The foot is as usual without a trace, and one foot is squatting in the book mad chest!

Immediately, it was a handcuff that was meant to kill!

However, a ghostly flash of the figure, but the king of painting desperately rushed to the scene, the two hands slammed the giant hand of Yuan Tian limited, and screamed: "You are not going fast?!"

This is a roar of the book.

In a word, the general exporter has a large amount of blood in the mouth and nose.

This hand is the only hand of Yuan Tianjie who is the only one to learn hell!

Although the two feet hit the book madness, it has already ruined the book madness, but it has not yet completely destroyed the entire combat power of the book madness, and this hand of **** is the tactic of the Yuantian limit!

This blow is really using the full force, it is the strongest killing of Yuan Tianjun!

Before the painting of the king, he had already suffered from three mental and physical injuries. The strength of the battle was greatly reduced. At this moment, it was necessary to harden the most powerful killings of Yuan Tian. However, it was already a force that was not caught. It was only a contact that had been seriously injured, but he It is the support of death and death.

At this time, the unusually powerful explosive force just spread out, and the entire secret room, with a bang, the whole flight!

Yuan Tian limited to fly back, and the road rushed to the exit!

At this moment, he even abandoned the opportunity to kill the book madness painting, but instead rushed to the exit!


Why is the book madness and the painting king instantaneously clear, open mouth wants to scream, but the mouth is squirting blood, the body has repeatedly retreated due to the power of the giant explosion, the expression is anxious, want to call out the voice to alert, but nothing can be said!

Only a repressed suffocation can be made, which will spit out a gas that has already exploded in the lungs, and at the same time desperately say: "Be careful..."

But Yuan Tian has already gone to the exit!

Such as the Yuan Tian limited general generation of strong, how fast the body speed, actually much faster than the voice of the police!

The seven guards are in the same breath, the millions of years of life and death brothers, the deep feelings have already reached the point of the same life!

Since it was not possible to kill the book madness in the first place, then the four big guards outside became the existence that could threaten the life of Yuantian!

Now that they still don’t know anything, they are still loyal to themselves and kill as soon as possible!

This is the idea of ​​Yuan Tian limited at this moment!

Because, if you really want to fight with the book madness, no matter what reason you have, they will never help themselves! Just look at this time, the painting king will do his best to help the book madly deal with himself and you can see it!

At this moment, there is no luck in the bottom of the Yuantian!

Can't let go of any possibility of revealing your secret!

In fact, when he noticed that the book madness invaded his heart and understood his greatest secret, he had already made up his mind and would never allow the six stars to guard the remaining six people to live!

They all die!

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