Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 475: ungrateful!

Heart Wang Wang Wang and others are concentrating on protecting the law outside, paying attention to the abnormal movements around the world, and dare not neglect.

Suddenly I heard a loud noise behind my body, and I immediately saw that the secret room behind me was vacated. The whole space was filled with black smoke. I couldn’t reach my fingers for a time. Even though it was the sacred high-level sage, it was still everything. Can't see, I can't help but everyone is shocked, and they are rushing in.

Is it true that the Emperor of Heaven has practiced a scorpion, and if not, how can he make such a big move out!

In other words -

Painting and painting double king is dangerous!

Heavenly Emperor is in danger!

We must get into the rescue as soon as possible!

At this moment, all four people have the same idea.

After all, the three people practiced in it, the book madness and the painting king assisted the Emperor of Heaven to practice; the three of them were practicing in the same way, but naturally it was unusual....

In the case of the repair of the three of them, this is a sign that should never appear. But now it has just appeared, which means that the chaos that occurred this time is still unable to suppress the power of the three of them!

In this case, these brothers are afraid that they must fight for their help.

Four people rushed in and rushed in, but they were rushing into the face of the Yuan Tian, ​​who was bleeding from the top of the blood!

"The Emperor of Heaven is squatting!" The heart king was shocked. I hurriedly greeted me: "What happened to you? Are you painting two of them?"

Yuan Tianjun vomited a blood, said: "The practice accidentally caught fire, they are still inside..."

The heart king is anxious, saying: "They are not serious? What is the specific situation?"

The four brothers are all with the same heart and mind, and they rushed up together, and they were worried about the abnormality!

We are in the middle of the position in the middle of the limit.

At this time, there was a voice that was suppressed to the extreme, as if it was a screaming student who struggled with exhaustion: "Be careful..." This screams almost completely interrupts the anxiousness of the intestines.

I can imagine the extreme urgency in the heart of the speaker.

Be careful······

What are you careful about? !

At this time, Yuan Tian’s limit was full of screams, and the body seemed to be crumbling, and there was no load. The four men rushed to the top and wanted to hold him...···

However, at this time, the elbow was changed and the accident was shocked -

Yuan Tian’s limit was a big bang, but the mouth was black and bloody, but the eyes were suddenly black and light, and the palm of the hand was like a lightning bolt!

Almost at the same time, like a thunder and lightning, one by one fell on the four kings!

These four palms are really the ultimate limit of the Yuan Tian limit!

The soul king, Wang Liwang and other three people have no defense at all, and they are close to each other, so they have no time to react: who will doubt that their loyalty to the master of a million years will suddenly Under this poisonous hand?

In the case of complete unexpectedness, without any protection, even the thoughts of defense have not been able to rise, and it has already been shot on the top of the head!


The heads of three people burst like a watermelon!

Brain pulp split!

Only the heart king, he is planning to rush in to see the situation of the two paintings and paintings, the distance from Yuan Tian is slightly more than a foot away from the other three.

This is the space of this ruler, which allowed him to miss his head and avoid the key points. Yuan Tian’s weight limit was like a mountain’s palm on his shoulder; slamming the whole left shoulder, together with half The body, at the same time, turned into powder!

Even his side ribs and belly are disappearing under this palm. The whole body is completely exposed from the side!

Fortunately, there is no immediate death, but it is still seriously injured!

The other three kings have a split brain, and the whole body's body is also ruined by the overwhelming power. Even the spine has been completely shattered, but the sturdy energy of the saint's peak level still supports them, although the head has been broken. But still stand up!

At the same time, a stock of white light slowly rises, three small people of only the size of a real person appear in the air and the eyebrows are like, it is the incarnation of the three kings!

This is the welfare that only the high-ranking sage of the saint has!

After death, the soul is not dead! As long as you find the right body, you can regain your life!

However, their souls at the moment are very weak, even one percent of their previous energy is not...

In addition to the death of the body, the repair is a sharp reduction, but because of the squandering of the Yuan Tian limit, they have destroyed too much of their strength.

However, at this moment, these three souls did not choose to escape in the first time, but together with the seriously injured heart king, unbelievably looked at Yuan Tian limit!

At this moment, these four people still can't believe the facts at hand. Why did the Emperor of Heaven take this poisonous hand to himself and others? !

Why is that?

Moreover, the blow just now clearly uses the potential of life, burns the power of the soul, and erupts three times the energy beyond its own limit. This is absolutely the cost of killing four people at all costs!

The mistake is not so desperate, even if it is the limit of the sacred peak of the sacred, it is impossible to strike again, completely destroy the body of the four masters!


The soul of a king, including the heart of a serious injury, the first thing that comes to mind at this moment is not an attack, but an angry question!

We can die!

But we have to die clearly!

Why do you want to do this? Where can we not limit your limit?

At this time, the book mad and the painting king coughed up blood, while trying to fly out, and at a glance saw the horrible image of the doorway. Everyone was sorrowful and inexplicable, and the more they felt screaming!

The two paintings and paintings almost fainted in the past, and they burned in the past five times. The grief and anger said: "Yuan Tianjun! You are the beast of this day!"

Yuan Tianji sneered, looking at the three souls in front of him, and the three nearly half-dead people, in his body, constantly screaming and screaming out of the rich black air, murderous .

Yuan Tian is undoubtedly a smashing person. He is awkward to others and more embarrassed to himself. Just now he was calculated by the book. In this cultivation, the skill did not enter the country, but it was badly hurt. Both inside and outside were injured. In the case, he still chose to use strong soul energy and burned his own potential. He killed three people in one fell swoop and hit one person. Now, he is confident that he has regained control of the overall situation!

Although he himself has to pay the price of being seriously injured, at this moment he is no longer afraid!

Because he has won the prize!

Although these people in front of the world are masters of the world's peaks, they still have a considerable distance compared with him; plus the knowledge of knowing the roots, after destroying the three bodies, the Yuan Ling is in existence, but it is completely Fighting power, as for the three survivors, they are also seriously injured.

In particular, the double king of painting and calligraphy is the soul of the wound, the spiritual power is also swallowed up by a part of it and the combat power is greatly reduced!

Looking at the moment, the overall situation has been set!

In other words, your own secrets are still only your own, and will not leak!

"Ask me why?!" Yuan Tian limited to laugh, the black gas on the body will now become more and more full of signs, gradually forming a strange pattern, and finally gathered in his forehead position.

In the case of a series of actions, full power and a lot of burning life potential, he can no longer maintain the usual appearance that has been maintained, and the devil's own magic body begins to appear!

But he doesn't care now.

The dead are undoubtedly the most secretive secrets. The people in front of you will soon become the most secretive person!

"No reason, just because, you are all damn!" Yuan Tian limited oh oh ridiculously laughed: "You really have to blame. You can only blame the book madness. It is this idiot that does not know the height of the sky, and actually tries to spy on the king's biggest secret! Hehe... The secret of the king, can you know it? You are just a few dogs that I have raised, and what counts it is! Since you know the secret of the Emperor, you can kill it. It!"

The three souls suspended in midair, and the three kings who were seriously injured, also noticed his demon pattern; together with the shocking roar: "You are the demon! The devil outside the domain?!"

Yuan Tian is limited to blame and laugh: "Is it a demon? What? Devil? Hey..." !"

At the same time, the six brothers felt crumbling, and for a time, an unspeakable sorrow and sorrow, almost let the living people commit suicide on the spot!

Devil! Extraterrestrial!

The devils whose brothers have to eliminate their lifelong wishes!

My own brothers have worked for millions of years for this evil extraterrestrial demon!

What a shame this is!

"I am the demon! The devil outside the domain!" Yuan Tian said with a sigh: "What about that? Book mad, your wife, your love, all my host layout kills! How about? Mark, your son’s grandson, all died under my calculations, what about it?

The eyes of the king of the heart are red, two lines of blood, slowly flowing out from the corner of the eye, a word: "It turned out to be you! It turned out to be you!"

At the beginning, the heart of the wife, the son, the daughter-in-law, and the grandson were all killed overnight. The king of the king was competing for the king, but after that accident, he was disheartened and revengeed. It became his only life goal and was eventually recruited by Yuan Tian.

However, it was only at this moment that the truth was known. It turned out that one of his own old and small, all of them died in this person’s hand!

At this moment, it’s really a dead heart!

"It's me! It's me! What about it?"

Yuan Tianji laughed and laughed: "I just killed you all over the family. How about you? You are not to be grateful to me. I feel that within five, you humans are just a bunch of silly birds, a bunch of idiots with no heads, hahaha. ····· The stupidity of the Terran is really making me feel good!”

"I killed your family! You have to work for me! Killed you, you are not a dog for me for millions of years? I let you bite, you will not hesitate to bite! It is obedient. Hahahaha····· It’s a pity that this seat can’t use you to die! Book mad this bastard, actually think of it to spy on my secret... **** it! Damn! Damn! You all **** it!”

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