Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 476: Brothers walked side by side with Huang Quan

Yuan Tian's remarks, even the three souls, are so angry that they tremble!

Nowadays, Yuan Tian has never thought of any retreat for himself. Now, there is no need to hide anything; everything is the truth!

The three souls screamed and rushed over, and the desperate intentions were completely unmasked.

"You three are going!" The king of the heart shook his body and blocked them: "You have been physically destroyed, and the power of the soul is the great complement of the demon! Go quickly! Don't die, you have to be the tonic of this devil." Give him help until he is dead!"

The three souls were unwilling to scream and rushed out.

I have been repaired to the point where they are. For what, there is no need to persuade again and again. Although it is obviously not reconciled, the king of the heart is right.

Ning died! Don't be a tonic for the devil!

"Go?" Yuan Tian limited to laugh: "If you can still go, I will say everything!! It is simply naive to the extreme!"

The right hand is raised, and a black light shoots out, and the black light blasts in a certain place!

Then there was a bang, and countless rich magical spirits emerged from the bottom of the earth. In a flash, the space was completely obscured. In the sky, there were countless magical sensations, which turned into a shining star. sparkling!

"This is the devil's field of the emperor!" Yuan Tianji laughed: "You have been worshipping me for a lifetime, and I have been smashing my head for a million years! A million years of dog! Just contribute the last bit of life energy to the seat!"

He laughed wildly: "Heart king, book king, soul king, dog, you must have the awareness of being a dog!"

Yuan Tian limit haha ​​giggles, a group of ambitions, everything in their hands, endless black magic fog rolling out and flooding the entire space.

"Oh, oh, I am waiting for the seven brothers to be deaf and deaf, and they have been deceived by others, and they have created countless sins. Even now they are dead here. It is also a bad news, no complaints." The heart king was already angry. Can not be self-sustaining, but after hearing the Yuan Tian limit this purely insulting words, but quietly, and said the above words in a very flat tone.

On his body, a lot of blood is still flowing freely. Although he was seriously injured before, but most of them are traumatic, even if half of the body is annihilated, it is still a traumatic injury. For the general military, it is certainly mortal. Injury, but for the senior sage, it is another matter.

In particular, after knowing the true identity of Yuan Tian, ​​it is known that he is no longer living today. However, he must die, but he must not wait for it. At the end of his life, he must also give a revenge to his eyes. Reproduction of vitality · The white light that is unique to the senior sage of the saint rises instantly, and the blood flowing on the remnant is slowing down instantaneously. Even in many places, the body is gradually growing.

Just listening to the heart of the king said: "Yuan Tian, ​​you can rest assured that all of us here will not escape!"

He raised his head, his eyes were like an eagle, staring at Yuan Tian, ​​and his voice was indifferent, but with endless grievances: "Yuan Tian, ​​you bring us the shame of eternal life. If you don't die, our brothers are also... ”

"Don't regret it!" The brothers said these four words together!

Even the three brothers who have become souls!

In the eyes of all people, the hatred of the bones is shot at the same time. At this moment, the enemy is deeper than the sea, hate is higher than the sky, and the resentment is shocking! That silent resentment has completely formed the essence at this moment!

However, at this time, in the hearts of both the book king and the painting king, at the same time, the whispering words of the heart king sounded: "No matter what method, you must escape!"

"Don't argue!"

"A few of us are finished, no need to worry about our safety!"

"If you can't escape, you will be beaten by a net!"

"If you can't escape, this secret will be annihilated again, then Yuan Tian is still still the Emperor of the Clouds! It will still be a scourge!"

"We have been working for the devil for a million years ago, and made a big mistake, and created a boundless sin. What we have done has become the biggest laughing stock of the entire nine-day scorpio! But after we die, we can't let us stink forever!"

"Must be sure to pass the news that Yuanyuan is the devil's konjac!"

At the same time, the king of the heart was impassioned with Yuan Tian’s life and death, while he was urging his brother to leave.

This is the unique means of the heart king, the heart of the news!

The King of Hearts ranks first among the seven guards. It is because of his mental calculations that no one can match. In the past, he designed countless layout calculations and ruined too many opposing opponents of Mo Yuntian. Today is today. The final plot of the heart king is used in the first person of Mo Yuntian!

The reason why the King of Hearts will do this is actually very simple. The Yuan Tian Limit itself is much better than them! Whether it is secret voice or soul power, you will be intercepted by him, and you will find your true intentions!

Only by first accommodating the mind and secretly means, there is only a glimmer of hope, and there are only one such opportunity!

Once you miss it, the ending is nothing! No one can go out anymore, no more hope!

"Don't die! You said that you want to fight with me!" Yuan Tianji haha ​​laughed and satirically looked at the heart of the king: "Only you will be defeated by these soldiers!"

The heart king slowly lifted the only remaining right hand and looked serious: "Yes, let us rely on us, we are going to pull you to bury!"

On his face, suddenly the white light is shining! Put his broken body in a fierce way, and for a time, the brilliance is brilliant, not square!

His whole person is bathed in the white light, just like the gods come to the world!

The white light on his body is even spreading out continuously!

The voice of the heart king sounded slowly: "Brothers for a million years, life and death, honour and humiliation; how to make a good fortune to go to the rivers and lakes, hand in hand to Huang Quan! Born together as a long companion, die to do a bunch of peace; today's scorpion demon Suffering; why not kill this life!"

The book king painted king stood up, his face was awe-inspiring, and he said loudly: "Yes!"

The three kings who have become the soul of the body are also amazed!

The heart king smiled and said softly, "When you were born, you can judge by yourself. Who can judge this body? You have a good spirit in your chest and go to the name of his mother!"

The six brothers suddenly laughed in unison: "The big brother said that it makes sense to go to his mother's name!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Brothers, everyone comes together." The heart king laughed and laughed, and opened his arms: "Go with me! Even if you die, you can't make a supplement for the demon!"

"We have enough mistakes, and this last time, we can't be wrong, we can't miss it!"

He opened his hand and opened his mouth!

The three souls are happily laughing: "Big brother, today our three brothers will join you hand in hand and join Huangquan! This life is shy, but innocent!"

Yuan Tian is furious: "The mouse is dare!"

He never thought that the three guards who were physically destroyed would avoid this by themselves.

However, it was already late when he confirmed it.

The soul of the Three Kings explodes without hesitation, instantaneously turning into three white smokes, and rushing into the mouth of Wang Dazhang!

The heart of the king's face is calm and calm, with a big open mouth, no pedigree, let the brother's soul turn into pure energy, all rushed into his mouth, but in the eyes, there are tears down!

The practice of the Three Kings is tantamount to directly abandoning all of his own things. In order not to supplement the Tianmo, he directly dispels his last Yuanshen and turns into the pure energy between heaven and earth, and rushes into his own big brother. The body rushed into the meridians and turned into a repair!

The three people did not hesitate, and acted instantly!

Because of this, even if the repair is as high as Yuan Tian, ​​it can't stop!

The white light of the heart king swelled and instantly expanded ten times!

The injury on the body, the miracle is generally completely cured at this moment, he slowly extended to become a good left hand, five fingers together, looked at it, said: "God, are you disappointed in the current situation? Very surprised?!"

Yuan Tian was limited to seeing the heart of the king, and roared: "Wang Ba Gu, I am going to break you down!"

The choice of the soul body, Yuan Tian limit can not stop! Because his field of devils is still in the middle of the arrangement.

Even if they are completed, they will not be able to stop their own willing choices!

Forced to swallow, always forced by external forces!

If you are willing to give, you can instill all your energy into the goal. This method of harming others and being a good person knows as a high-level practitioner. But the person who will do this is nothing, no, even if Even millions of tens of billions of people are willing to do it!

However, nowadays, at this moment, there are three people who are willing to contribute at the same time. They only want to help one person with the last effort. There is no hesitation in the whole process!

Yuan Tian's limit can only watch the powerful soul of the Three Kings, and the most pure energy that makes him covet the three feet, and then disappears into other populations!

The heart of the king smiled faintly, and the eyes of the book filled with a deep look at the book king and the painting king. Voice: "Two brothers, you should also be on the road."

The book king painting Wang Yangtian screams!

In the sound of the double king screaming, the heart king has already started the next action with lightning!

However, his next move, even more unexpected, was to grab a position in his chest, grabbed his own flesh and grabbed his heart! Under the astounding eyes of everyone, his heart, which has become crystal clear, is beating vigorously!

The heart of the king is a life-long heart; at this moment, it is already the heart of the seven peaks of the peak!

But he did not hesitate to smash his life and his own heart!

His face is still indifferent, and he laughs: "Yuan Tian, ​​are you even more disappointed?! Hahahaha..."

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