Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 478: Destroy your nine people!

"Damn it!" Yuan Tianji once again sighed, not knowing if he was there, whether he was swearing, painting or king.

Until now, Yuan Tian has only had time to look at his surroundings, but in this view, Yuan Tian is actually an instant stunned, dull hair! In front of him, where is the palace?

This is just a place that is even worse than the ruins!

A wasteland that is worse than a kennel!

At the sight of it, all the splashes of flesh and blood, the pungent **** smell, bursting into the nose, Yuan Tian limited a moment, only suddenly made an unprecedented scream!

"My palace!"

"my queen!"

"my son!"

"My family members!"

Yuan Tian limit angry and roared!

Under the speedy search of the great sage of the sage's peak, Yuan Tianji instantly discovered the facts, that is, those who care about it... Now, half of them can't search! Nothing at all!

This result can only show a possibility: dead!

All of them are under the blew just now, the smoke is scattered, the spirits are gone!

Yuan Tian limit is cold!

The original heart has no trace... The biggest blow to me is actually here!

I used to let their family break, but today, he has put together a life, to spread the flesh and spirit, but also let me taste the taste of breaking the family?

Yuan Tian limit screamed angrily.

When the blood of the past was wiped out, only the two of them got a good sigh of relief. Today, the blood of the family is so sad that it is so painful!


In the distance, countless figures are coming.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, you are fine..."

It was the many guards outside the Imperial City that the incident happened too unexpectedly, and the process was extremely short-lived. They were relatively ordinary, and they came over at this moment.

As for the original guards in the Imperial City, no matter how many originals, no matter what these people are doing, at this moment, they have all become dead! The entire palace is now like a messy post!

Under such an earth-shattering explosion, everyone in the Imperial City, without exception, died of extinction, and there are still many places that have been affected outside.····

Initial estimates, at least half a million people, in this explosion, died of death, a total of nine springs!


The sound of the thundering sound continued from the outside, and the earth was shaken.

It was the follow-up situation caused by the explosion just now. In the thousands of miles around the Emperor City of Moyun, different degrees of earthquakes occurred at the same time. Almost all the steep peaks around you have landslides and landslides at the same time!

Looking at it, the area of ​​thousands of miles is full of sorrow!

Yuan Tianjun took a deep breath and shot an unprecedented murderous murderousness in his eyes. He waved his hand and said: "Let the cockroaches come over... start... encircle rebellious!"

Speaking of this, I only feel that my anger is still difficult, and it is getting worse. I can’t help but scream at it: "kill and kill! Kill all! Kill!!"

As this is like a loud scream, let the earthquake landslide in progress, the turmoil is even more intense...

In the eyes of Yuan Tian, ​​there was finally a deep sorrow.

Even if the Yuan Tian limit itself is a demon, it can be cold and bloodless to others. ······ But for his own family, can you be really ruthless? If it is really ruthless, before it will be for the dead son to spend a lot of energy against Chu Yang. Now, the people he cares most are almost completely annihilated by the king of the heart!

In the past, only he was the only one to destroy the nine people. At present, it was his Yuantian limit that was destroyed by the nine people.

Tiandao reincarnation, the fruit report is not good, who said that the sky is no eyes? ! Who said that the number of days is not worth it? !

"Kill!" Yuan Tian limited red eyes! Once again, a loud scream!

The raft is in the study of the Fuzhong, like a leisurely drink. It’s just the brow, but it’s always wrinkled.

Always feel that something bad is going to happen!

This is the intuition of being a high-level practitioner. Only a deep practitioner has a strange premonition. This special sense of sensation tells him that something terrible is about to happen or has already happened. This mysterious and mysterious spirit is often described as non-verbal, but true and true. It is fulfilled as a god. Unfortunately, this spiritual sense is more similar to a kind. Intuition, non-human beings can control, and only it can alert you, but you can never trigger it!

Wood Scorpio is thinking about what is wrong, or where it may be wrong, suddenly felt an extremely powerful crisis broke through, this crisis is more real than the previous sense of sensation, Mudu I was shocked and shocked. There must be a great change in my feelings. The sacred peak level of the sage was immediately launched with full force. It has already protected my entire house, and then the whole body has stood on the roof, waiting for the detection of the gods. In the end, where did the enemy come, I came to the country of Moyuntian to do things...····

Suddenly, I felt that the ground was inexplicably shaken. Immediately, the horror of a ruinous land was swept away from the direction of the distant palace.

At the moment, the heart of the sturdy hibiscus has almost died, and once again, the full force is applied to resist this sudden terrorist force...



The entire Marshal House, the whole ground jumped from the ground, at least one foot off the ground!

Then the "bang" slammed down and most of the houses were torn apart! !

There was a screaming voice everywhere in the government. At the end of the raft, there were no casualties. But even then, it is still a shock to the raft!

Can't be surprised, on your own side, but there are two peerless masters who are holding together!

In addition to yourself, there are shadows!

This lineup actually can't resist the vibration of this wave!

You know, this is just the afterglow of the conflict center!

In the end, what is the situation, how can there be such a tyrannical master in the Moyun Heavenly Kingdom?

If this happened, how could I not know it at all?

There is also the place where the conflict occurred, but the palace that passed from the direction of the palace... the palace!

Muxi's heart suddenly jumped, and the unclear feeling became more and more blazing.

However, at this moment, a violent and utterly smashing sound is instantaneously far and near; listening to this sound alone, and the sound burst that wants to split, the raft has already known that there are two masters on the opposite side, two Super master!

The shadow of the ghost is flashing, and it has already appeared on his side, and his face is also showing a sincere and cautious color.

Strong enemy appeared!

Tomorrow's Mo Yuntian is destined to be turned upside down!

It’s just the momentary scene, just in the shadow of the hibiscus, just stood still, when I haven’t had time to ask for inquiries, the two figures on the opposite side have already appeared in front of the raft!

The hibiscus is fixed and looks like a person, this is really a big surprise and stunned!

Book king!

Painting king!

It is actually Yuan Tian limited to two guards!

In addition, the situation of these two people is very bad. The double-faced paintings and paintings are like gold paper, and the murderousness of the body is almost rushing through the sky for three thousand miles!

"You..." What happened to you? What happened to the palace?" Muxi hurriedly asked, "How is your Majesty now?"

What kind of tragic situation has happened, can the double king be injured like this?

Just now, the direction of the palace appeared to be an unimaginable unprecedented impact. At this moment, the personal guards around Yuan Tianji appeared here again. The two guards who were repaired as tops were seriously injured. Everything points to the source of the incident. There was a great change in the Tiandi Yuantian limit.

"Yuan Tian is the extraterrestrial demon!" The first sentence of the book king suddenly came out, it was too unexpected, so that the head of the raft was as dizzy as a big hammer, and he was shaking. A few times.

Is this possible?

How can this be? !

"Yuan Tian, ​​the Emperor of the Clouds is the extraterrestrial demon!" The painting king spoke while vomiting blood, his eyes infinitely sorrowful and sorrowful: "Heart, my brother, they are all finished, and they all died in the hands of Yuan Tian. ......"

"Mu Shuai! You take care of it a lot." Wang Wangran said: "There will be a period!"

The tone of the book king is the same as that of the painting king: "Mu Shuai, be careful of the devil's poisonous hand, our battle of the demon will come again!"

If the words are not finished, the two figures have already swayed into two long rainbows, and disappeared instantly without a trace!

After a few words without a head, the two immediately left!

The raft is the first person in the army of the Mo Yuntian. In case it is reversed by the Yuantian limit, it will inevitably leave a lot of trouble. So after the two fled the palace, although they knew that time was tight, they still did not leave directly. They rushed to Muxi here and gave a warning!

As long as the raft knows this information, no matter whether he believes or not at the moment is not important, even if there is only a little doubt, that is enough!

At this moment, Muxi has not woke up from the shock of that sentence, only to feel that there is chaos in his mind. For the departure of the two, they even forgot to block or say goodbye.

His Majesty the Emperor... is actually an extraterrestrial demon?

"Mu Shuai, do you see whether this is true or not?" asked the shadow.

"This thing··· I am afraid...·········································································································· Only the Moyun Emperor came out of the sky, and no one knew his origins in advance... Although he had explained it afterwards, his resume was impeccable, so the peerless master who suddenly emerged was the doubt of everyone. Where!"

"But at the time, Saints said that there was no problem, so it was so closed..."

"And, the two kings of painting and calligraphy, as the inheritors of the nine-fold Tianzhu civilization; they will not lie, and it is even more impossible to lie on these major events. This matter is certainly undoubted."

The hibiscus looked at the palace in the distant dusty mushroom cloud, and the eyes filled with deep anxiety, muttering: "Shadow, you are watching here, I am going to the palace to see."

The pain does not hurt, mainly because of the inexplicable incompetence, and sometimes the kind of nerves that are pumping, make me feel uncomfortable...····· too affects the codeword.

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