Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 479: Breaking the cloud

The shadow was shocked: "I still go with you, there is also a photo

"Reassured, nothing!" Muxi said: "If we don't go, or if the two go together, it will be really inevitable. If I only have to go alone, 90% will be fine."

"And, the self-cultivation of His Majesty is much higher than me, but the movement just now is obviously that the Seven Kings are fighting with him..." Even though he is a tall man, he has killed five guards in a row. I believe there is no more power to kill me!"

Mudu took a deep breath: "Although I am willing to believe in the book king, but if this thing has not been confirmed by the eyes, it is always uneasy!"

"If this is true, Yuan Tian is really what the devil is?" The shadow asked.

"Then I will..." and I will fight with it!" Muxi hesitated, and then he said with a bite.

"Then I have to go, the two people are always better than one person." The shadow insisted.

The raft was silent: "No, it needs you more."

If I am dead, I need you more! If I am not dead, I need you more! I need you to live for me, you don't need to die for me! ”

The shadow is silent.

For a long time, he said: "Good! Then you must be careful, don't be stubborn!"

The raft nodded, and the body floated up, and then it was a "sudden" sound, darting away toward the palace!

Yuan Tian was limited to wearing a light yellow robes, carrying his hands and wandering in the ruins. Behind them, they were the ministers who continued to come. Among the hundred officials, he lived in the first place, and at this moment he was bound by the side of Yuan Tian.

Although Yuan Tian’s body shape is slightly embarrassing, the momentum that is scattered at this moment is a murderous and earth-shattering!

More and more people gathered over time, but Yuan Tianjun always said nothing, and walked in the ruins. Looking at the countless flesh and blood scattered around, the people who were killed by death and died were turned into piles of meatloaf, meat, and meat.

These vague flesh and blood, most of them are the palace ladies of the harem, the nephew, the showgirl, the empress emperor grandson...···

No matter how fascinating it is before life, but dying under such innocent misfortunes, it is generally terrible. They are all bloody, flesh and blood residue!

Yuan Tianji finally stopped moving.

His eyes flashed in the flesh and blood scattered throughout the palace, and there was a deep pain in the depths of his eyes, and a touch of disgust!

Faintly said: "The heart of the king has no trace, led the six guards to rebel, and fell into the emperor is the demon... besieged the emperor! After the first battle, the five kings were killed by the emperor on the spot, the book king painted the king to escape!"

"Through me to order, I immediately searched and arrested the family of the seven kings to annihilate the Nine!"

"Immediately search for the double king of painting and calligraphy, kill it at all costs, kill any one of them, seal the king, and enjoy the amethyst and the marrow 100,000!"

"Immediately settle the military and political parties, there must be no riots."

"The Southern Skull operation continues to function normally, destroying the rebellion as soon as possible, and arrogating me!"

"The prime minister!" Yuan Tian's restrictions were clearly arranged as if the sound was actually an abnormal calm. Suddenly turned to speak to the prime minister.

"Chen is in!" The prime minister is a big man.

"You come with you." Yuan Tianjun stepped forward, and he followed him.

Although Yuan Tian’s limit did not say anything more, it was just a matter of ordering a person, which was equivalent to ordering other people not to follow.

The wind slammed into the wind and fell into the wind: "Your Majesty, you are all right..." This is this... This is what happened?"

The stunned face of Muyu looked at the ruins of the ruins of the palace, and he was so stunned and shocked.

But the eyes, but secretly flashed a flash on Yuan Tian.

Yuan Tian limited to stop and turned around, his eyes staring at the raft, his mouth faintly said: "Wu Shuai really do not know what happened here?"

Muxi respectfully said: "The great disaster of the Imperial City is the unfortunate event of the country. However, the matter has come too suddenly, and it has become elbow-proof, and it is impossible to prevent it. The house on the side of the court is also shocked by the aftermath of the accidental impact. Destroyed······································································

Yuan Tian qualified to watch him for a while, Shen Sheng: "Seven Kings rebellion!"

When the words fall, the eyes are still condensed on the face of the raft, and for a moment, it seems to be seen on the face of the raft.

Under the rumors of the rumors, he opened his mouth incredulously, and then it seemed to be a reaction. He said: "Seven kings? Heart kings? Are they seven people together for rebellion?" Time seems to be shocked by this sudden news. Some cockroaches and reactions come.

Yuan Tianji nodded.

The hibiscus immediately screamed: "This kind of chaotic thief! How dare to do this kind of anti-day thing! There is a lingering death! It is really dead!"

He said with indignation: "Your Majesty, the old minister asked to preside over the matter of chasing! It is necessary to arrest these thieves and thieves!"

Yuan Tianheng’s big table is gratifying: “Mu Shuai, this matter will not be spared by these rebellious things! It’s everyone’s responsibility! It’s just that everyone is not responsible.”

"Yes. Under the sacred Tianwei, chaotic thieves, must be pointed out by thousands of people! No dying!" Muxi said: "After the return of the old minister, immediately arrange the arrest, in order to clear the rebellion in the shortest time, Jingyun Yuntian!"

The 丞 phase slowly looked up, his eyes became haze, and he fixedly looked at the raft. At this moment, the humiliation of the weak character that had been manifested suddenly became a beast and waited for an opportunity to move.

The hibiscus glanced at him and looked at the prime minister with a slight smile.

Yuan Tian’s limit was a long time, but for a long time, he took a long breath and smiled and said: “Since Mu Shuai has the meaning of defending the country, my heart is safe, there is a wooden handsome, and the rebellion will inevitably collapse!”

Muxi was filled with indignation and immediately got up and went out of the palace. All the way, he was full of anger, and went back to the government. He also sent messages on the road, and all the generals of the military would gather the Taiwanese!

He is going very fast!

Yuan Tianshi looked at the back of the raft, and the coldness in his eyes flickered, and the coldness of the moment was full and the light was restored.

However, they did not say a word, and they went out with the prime minister.

At this moment, the palace has already become a ruin. I am afraid that even a dog can hardly find a place to accommodate, let alone the Emperor Yunyun. Therefore, Yuan Tianjun temporarily settled in the palace.

Although the degree of damage here is not small, but because the distance is relatively far, it is a lot of preservation.

"Your Majesty, the attitude of the raft is only a little wrong." The prime minister said with a deep sigh: "When he first asked for the enemy, his majesty had euphemistically said that he would not need to contribute; but he said Arranged immediately after going back... This kind of practice is clearly ignoring the monarchy and arbitrariness! This sign is very bad."

Yuan Tian limited his face and said faintly: "Wu Mou went back this time, Mo Yuntian is destined to be split... He has made a decision, and he also believes in my demon identity... ... the double king of painting and calligraphy, it seems that after fleeing from here, he did not immediately flee, but went to him and told him about the true identity of the emperor. Although he did not know how much he said, he must have said it. The point is that the Emperor is the extraterrestrial demon...···”

"Your Majesty, in this case, why didn't you just drop the old thief? Just cut off the trouble!" asked the blind eye.

When I just exported, I saw that Yuan Tian’s original face was as usual, and it was a white blood. Then a black blood spurted out and the body was crumbling. I have just said that I am still completely self-sufficient. It seems to be completely innocent. At this moment, it has disappeared without a trace.

"Your Majesty!" The stunned surprise.

Yuan Tian only breathed a few breaths: "You said that I don't want to kill that raft." It is now, I am seriously injured, I am already trying to suppress the injury!沧澜 沧澜 ... ...... ...... —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— !Influencing the overall situation..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Tianjun’s eyes show a strong and extreme hate: “The book **** kings, these bastards, actually found the truth at such a critical moment, and launched a rebellion...” It’s really dead!”

"When the rafts go, there will inevitably be big moves, and the situation will be handled by you!"

The prime minister's eyes flashed, and a strong black ink came out of his eyes, and his voice did not move. "Tonight, the old minister will kill the raft by hand! For the next sigh of anger!"

Yuan Tianzhi coughed a few times and said: "Be sure to plan properly, one hit will kill!"

The prime minister slowly nodded.

The raft rushed back to the government, and the crowds will continue to come to the point to gather.


Pointing on the stage, the dull drums rang constantly, and every sound seemed to be hit by the heavy hammer of the ancient battlefield, and it was beaten in everyone's heart.

A stagnation of the bleak air, followed by the wind.

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