Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 480: Hibiscus!

“Is everyone all here?” Muxi’s face looks unusual!


"Block the door! In place!"

The hibiscus screamed and screamed, and the anti-smoothness in the weekdays was a bit of a rush.

Several saints and strongmen also released the gas field at the same time, completely blocking this space. Unless the strength of the outsiders is strong enough to break the limit of this blockade, it is absolutely impossible to know the bite in this space.

The public will be in doubt, what is the situation, how do you need to make such a big battle?

Originally, everyone was suspicious because of the unexpected accidents that occurred in the Imperial City not long ago. Now, the old Shuai, who has never had a wave in the ancient well, is almost in a state of disobedience. Naturally, this is a three-point change.

The raft was carrying his hands, and he quickly walked down the stage from the point of view. As a knife, the audience swept his face one by one, and the atmosphere was stunned.

"This time the Imperial City has changed, the chaos of the Seven Kings, you must already know." Muxi said quietly.

Everyone nodded.

The people in the field are all well-informed people. How can such a big event happen in the imperial city? One by one, the heart has already fallen to the sea.

Seven kings, ignorant and uninformed may also ask: Who is the Seven Kings? Who is the seven kings?

But all who know the inside will want to ask the most strange question: The Seven Kings are the seven-star guards and personal guards of the Emperor! That is almost the symbol of the air transport of Mo Yuntian. How can it be rebellious? Going against each other? !

No reason, no reason, nothing can happen!

These people are loyal to the cloud, and have been through millions of years of time before and after. How can they rebel together so neatly at this time? Such a sudden, no signs, what happened in this?

But no one knows that this matter is extremely sensitive. In particular, the "Seven Kings Rebellion" is a conviction of the Emperor of the Clouds of Heaven, and there is no possibility of error. It is a suspicion that there are still thousands of suspicions. Dare to ask.

At this moment, when I heard the question of the raft, there must be some people below. Everyone suddenly stretched their necks and straightened their ears, listening quietly!

"The reason for the rebellion of the Seven Kings is because..." The stern gaze is mixed with infinite humiliation, the voice is extremely low, and the heavy words: "It is because..." they found out, we are loyal For more than a million years, Emperor Tiandi’s majesty, Moyun’s Heavenly Emperor Yuantian’s body has turned out to be an extraterrestrial demon!”


"How can this be?"

"Is this impossible?"

"The devil?"

"The Emperor of Heaven is an extraterrestrial demon?"

" is really unbelievable!"

Below, the moment is awkward, and countless doubts are heard and heard one after another!

Originally, the military is heavily grounded, and everyone is still a senior general. It has its own military literacy and a better understanding of the military discipline. It should not be such a riot in any case, but this sudden news is really for everyone. It’s a big mess!

I can't control myself at all!

"Which are the seven kings, aren't you still clear?······" Muxi face grief, slowly telling. This matter is very important, and it must be analyzed a little bit clearly. Otherwise, if there is even a little doubt inside the team, there will be the possibility of being invaded by the enemy!

At this time, every bit of the accident, Mo Yuntian can't afford it, and it is necessary to completely eliminate this possibility...

After finally explaining it, the public will face each other one by one. Although the facts are known to be unquestionable, the bottom of my heart is still to hope that all kinds of jokes are just a joke, a misunderstanding, or even a nightmare.

At the same time, a strong grief and humiliation feels rapidly growing, and it seems to be a dreamlike unreal feeling. It is filled with all the hearts of the people.

"Seven kings in order to kill the devil...································································································· The Seven Kings did their best, but they still failed to do their best... You, the future of Mo Yuntian, now bears the burden on us!"

"In case we can't stand it anymore... or... then, Mo Yuntian is afraid to become the second purple day!"

Wood sighed: "However, what kind of heroes are the purple eyes of the people! Purple Emperor Zihao, **** battle, until the last soldier, never give up! Zixiao days, millions of soldiers, all The death of the battlefield, each of them, is unyielding the soul of the soul! It is not destroying the spirit of the spirit! Even though the soul does not exist today, it is a name that remains forever, and it is a hundred, but what about us?"

The singularly low voice has become more hoarse: "If we die here today, it is just a bunch of down-to-earth, from head to toe, it is not worth it, it is not worthy of sympathy, or even worthy of admiration and communication. A bunch of fools!"

"People mention us, if they are good-minded or they will say: They are some people who are blinded and ignorant, and those who are straightforward will only say that we are a bunch of pens! With no brains at all, for the extraterrestrial After selling for millions of years, he was killed by the demon... Not only did he give the gods the spirit of life, but also utterly the entire ink cloud day - gave the demon!"

"Although they are ignorant of death, they are dead and embarrassed, not worth the pity!"

The raft must be flying: "You, are you willing to accept this ending?"

"We don't want to!" All the generals screamed neatly, and everyone felt the blood in their hearts!

As long as I think of the possible consequences, everyone can't be sorrowful and angry: "We will never endure such an end! Even if we die, we must also destroy the demon konjac! We must humiliate ourselves even if God destroys them. Scrub! We will save the cloud when we disappear!"

"Even if the spirits are destroyed, the eternal annihilation will be completely destroyed! The shame of being blinded for millions of years!"

"Mu Shuai! You can order it!"

The raft started to make a big noise: "Yes! We are not willing to accept the humiliating ending! Even if we are dead, we must also destroy the demon konjac! In any case, we must preserve our homeland - Mo Yuntian !"

"We have been confused! We were once blinded by people! But we are still a good man of Mo Yuntian!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"We are still the people of the Nine Heavens! We are still the natural defenders of this world!" Muxi eyes as electric: "Who is with me, the war demon? Who is with me, Fu Moyun? Who and me, shoulder to shoulder Bloody battle? Whoever joins me, report **** hatred, clear shame!!"




"The generals listen to orders!" Mudu hurriedly stood up, his posture was tall and straight, like a mountain, it could not be shaken!

No longer before the stunned, reproduce the Moyun Tianmu Shuai, the heroic style of a generation of military gods!


"Start now! Prepare for the whole army! Immediately, organize the military horses and withdraw the emperor! From now on, tell the world, the demon guardian! Immediately, I waited with the devil, and never died!"

"Yes! The Devil's Way! And the Devil of the Devil, don't die!"

"Action! All the troops, in the evening, gather and rectify outside the South Gate!"


With a bang, the public will rush away.

Mudu looked at the crowd and went away like a wind, his eyes reappeared heavily.



"I want to ask you one thing! Send my family and dreamless homes, and send them out of the city as soon as possible, the sooner the better!" Muxi said.

"What about the wood?"

"I want to stay here." Muxi said faintly: "The prime minister has always stood with Yuan Tian, ​​and their positions are already clear. Everything is in mind, but they can't start! We have already started here. Action, they will definitely start acting on the other side! I want to stay here and hold back the prime minister!"

"Doing this... is too dangerous! If the other side has an action, there must be considerable certainty, I..." The shadow was taken aback.

"Reassured, I will not die!" Muxi said faintly: "As long as Yuan Tian is not dead for a day, I will keep this old life with him in the end.... This shame, unless Yuan Tian is limited to death, otherwise, it will be difficult to wash, if I die early...····

Muxi screamed, and said in a word: "When it is true, `···· is not dead!"

The shadow heard the words suddenly.

Since the hibiscus says so, then it will not die!

It has been repaired to the level of Mudu, and it is still in a familiar environment, unless he decides that he will not withdraw. Otherwise, if he wants to go, even if he wants to go, there is no way. !

"If I don't stay, I will use it as a bait. Most of the squats will start for other people...and they can't resist it..." Wood snorted: "But there is me." Sitting here, he will never, nor dare... first target others! Because, he is afraid of me, when the oriole, the demon konjac will always put his own safety in the first place!"

The shadow promised and turned away.

Looking at one's own family, one by one, light and simple, from all together, under the leadership of the shadow, silently flew out, the raft has already put down half of the heart.

In this team, there are several other masters of saints, plus shadow guards, and they stay here, which has hampered the enemy's main combat power. This line is believed to be foolproof!

The wooden plaque fluttered, standing on the roof, and shouting in the sky.

The whistling sounds, suddenly coming to the sky, in an instant, the entire imperial city, can hear the scream of the raft!

In addition to urging oneself, howling is meant to leave!

It is also to inform the enemy, but tell the guy who is the prime minister! Go and tell Yuan Tian to limit the devil... I am still here!

I am rafting, still here!

I don't move, see who dares to shake? !

"Restoring today! 》

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