Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 481: The battle of civil and military!

The raft will have been silenced for hundreds of thousands of years, and the detonation of a brain is like a wildfire, a raging, even more than a war. In an instant, it will repair its soul and all. Murderous, all burned up!

Craving for a fight!

Prime Minister, are you still not here?

It is already in the evening!

The entire imperial city is silent, quiet, and it seems that nothing has happened!

However, quietness does not mean stability, more security, and creating a "quiet" atmosphere is a heavy depression. This momentum is overwhelming the whole city!

A strong momentum!

Muxi is standing on the roof of the house with his own hands. In the yard, there are nine black people.

These nine people are the personal personal guards of Muxi!

Everyone has left, and all the military masters have already left the city!

At this moment, I still stay here, only the accompanying rafts, the life and death have never been separated, the nine guards!

This team of 120 people, in this battle for millions of years, died in the end, and finally, only these nine people!

However, these nine people, everyone is the peak of the master!

Fighting, war, for them, is just a routine!

At this moment, even though the biggest and most tragic war in the history of Mo Yuntian is about to be faced, the faces of the nine people are calm and do not flourish.

Where is the wood handsome, where are we!

Between them, there is no need to communicate in any language at all. It only takes one look and one action to understand each other!

"Tonight, the blood is dyed in the Imperial City!" Muxi said quietly.

Nine people silently said that they were unmoved, but the look in the blind suddenly became strangely blazing!

"They are already here!" Muxi smiled.

When the voice of the hibiscus just fell, I heard a long and screaming sound, and a clear voice said: "Xiao Xiao shui shui shui 澜 澜 澜 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依 依Scorpio! Hibiscus, I am coming."

That is the voice of the moon.

This is a poem that was originally improvised by Yuan Tian. It is also the name of the two people who embed the raft and the moon, which is the highest praise for the two!

In fact, this poem is a symbol of lifelong glory for Mudu before today.

But at this moment, Muxi heard this poem again, but suddenly felt that the five insides were burned, and the unprecedented shame felt filled with heart!

"Because the moon has come, let's just come out." In the eyes of Miki, the light flashed and he shouted.


A clear laughter. In the distant sky, suddenly there was a Tsing Yi.

When Tsing Yi flutters, it will come like a wind and the moon will come out.

When I saw this attack on Tsing Yi, according to the figure of the moon, I have already landed on the roof outside the ten feet. I am facing the raft, my body, my hair is in the wind. Slowly swaying, wrinkles in the face, but there are a pair of brilliant scorpions, gleaming look at the raft.

"Mulu······································································································ · There are countless things left!"

The hibiscus looks like a knife: "According to the moon, I believe this is the last time I told you to fall in the moon, because I want to ask you, what is your real name?"

I smiled and smiled at the moon: "Mu, it seems that you are really confused. ··················································································· Confused!"

"Oh, oh..." Muxi stared at him sharply: "If this is the case, you and I are destined to have nothing to say! Let's do it!"

Suddenly, I laughed at the moon. "Wood, now you are a traitor. As a rebellious person, can you be so confident?"

The raft is cold and cold: "The traitor? As a scorpion of the heavenly demon, etc., now in the Nine Heavens, how dare you be so arrogant?"

Laughing at the heart of the moon: "The extraterrestrial demon? You are joking!"

The raft is cold and cold: "Is it a joke? Everyone knows each other well, why bother to deceive people!"

"Ha ha ha ha ······" In the moon, the smile is very happy, the front and back, and his figure, face, but in this burst of laughter, there has been a sudden change!

His white hair, suddenly one by one became dark as ink, his original wrinkled old face, also became smooth as a jade!

The wind blew, his black hair fluttering, and a jade belt in the middle, looks like a jade, handsome and extraordinary!

The nose is like a dangling, looks like a star, and looks like a jade. It is as straight as a jade tree. It turns out from a hammer and a dead man, and it becomes a turbid Shijiazi!

In the big laughter, he put his waist on one side, and the whole person suddenly stood upright and stood upright. The whole body was slowly floating in the air. The wind was blowing, the clothes were flying, the clothes were flying, and it was strong. Abnormal suffocating momentum, suddenly filled with!! !

According to the moon, his hands are behind his back, his eyes are staring at the raft and slashing. There is no feeling in his eyes, but there is an elegant voice that continues to spread: "Wood, I really can’t think of you. In the end of the year, in the end, there is still a need to have such a battle!"

The rafter bowed his head and looked at his house, which he had lived for for a million years. He whispered: "The road is different!"

When he finished, he looked up. His eyes are straight and squatting, and his voice is like a gold and iron cross: "To kill the devil, I am in charge of everyone!"

"Who is the demon?" In the moon, laughing in the air, the laughter rumbling, overwhelming: "You are a raft, it is the devil!"

The hibiscus sneered.

"The hibiscus is the undercover of the extraterrestrial Tianmo, who sneaked into the undercover of my Moyuntian, hidden name, step by step operation for millions of years, exhausted the means of savvy, framed countless loyalty, and finally climbed to the high position. Now, the Tianmo army is invading, you wood As a natural response, it is natural to cooperate, to fabricate all kinds of bullying words, to confuse people, to open up their minds, and to do things that are not going to happen! I am going to slay the will of the Emperor of Heaven!

"Reverse thieves, everyone has to swear!"

At this moment, the **** of the moon is like a jade, and he stands in the air and talks. The voice is clear and spread all over the world.

Mudu is just sneer at this.

For such a reversal of black and white discourse, he really does not want to pay any more!

If you can use the martial arts and still need to fight, will you still have to use your fist to speak? !

"Getting started!" Under the slamming of the moon, suddenly, the wind screamed around, hundreds of white people suddenly appeared, the first three people just appeared, has turned into three long rainbow, rushed to the raft !

"Kill!" Below, the nine guards are like a black whirlwind, turned into a neat black Changhong, intercepted the enemies rushing in all directions, no sound, face directly to kill the killer!

This makes people can't help but create an illusion: the white people who seem to be rushing are the ones that are attacked! The only nine people here are the ones who attacked!

The attack mode of these nine people is simply crazy!

At the moment when nine people shot together, there were nine kinds of well-defined colors such as red orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and black. It was like a colorful rainbow! Immediately, it was the splattering of the blood arrow "噗噗".

The people who rushed over the moon were shouting and killing, apparently growing their own voice. However, the nine people on the raft side did not even have a voice!

It seems that the momentum, momentum, and power have no meaning for them!

For a time, nine people flew in and out, constantly changing their position, and changing their position was really familiar to the extreme. Although they were at an absolute disadvantage in the number, they even intertwined in the air with countless afterimages!

At a glance, it is even more common than the number of people who are on the offensive.

Countless weapons, in the moment they just played, they have been crushed under the first collision! At this level, it is very rare to be able to withstand all of their weapons that have been repaired as a volatility blow!

It’s just a face-to-face, all the houses of the Marshal House, all without exception, collapsed!

Even the foundations have been shaken out from the ground, messy in the air!

One of the black people was silent, and the shape of the high-speed movement was abrupt. Under the wave of both hands, all the debris in the air suddenly had life in his hands. A huge stick with a few dozen feet and a few feet of thickness, so the face is covered, and it is impossible to say a stick!

His opponent, a white man, had a hard palm. The "white" man screamed back and the black man snorted, but he continued to swept forward. When he got there, it was already The big stick that was smashed in the previous blow was once again condensed in the hand, and it was still a stick of cockroaches!

Slightly sneer in the moon, watching the two sides in the air fierce battle, a green shirt, is still spotless; face like crown jade, is still a calm!

The raft stood in the air, his eyes staring at the moon like an eagle, and he did not care about the surrounding battles.

Both of them know that the other party is their true enemy of life and death!

As long as you are a little bit different, all the soldiers and horses of your own are under the attack of the other party, and immediately destroy most of them! Staring at this biggest enemy is to save your own!

"Wood, I didn't understand one thing at all!" Looking at the battle in the moon, the voice is extraordinarily soft. It seems that he is discussing something with his old friends: "Why don't you let these people participate in the war..." ···Where all the people outside the military, no matter what the battle, they are not allowed to participate in the war... What is the truth...·But now I finally understand.”

Mudu said: "Understand? What do you understand?"

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