Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 483: No choice!

According to the moon, I know that there is no difference. I am not in the woods, but my body is flying. The whirlwind is falling, but the goal is moving. It is obviously the nine people who are trying to build some kind of battle. Obviously, At this moment, the key has been transferred to the nine people.

However, the corner of the wooden mouth reveals a mysterious smile, and the same shape is instantaneous, like a shadow, and chasing down the moon, suddenly burst into a loud voice: "The devil! Come on!"

The palms are waving like a whirlwind!

Suddenly, from heaven, from the ground, from the air, there are countless sharp blades, and each handle is mixed with an unusually sharp sound of sound, and the virtual air is drawn out of a space crack, whistling Come on, the trend is no match!

The back of each knife seems to be accompanied by a flame. That is the speed of the blade itself is too fast, the intense friction caused by the extreme speed ignited the surrounding air!

This move is the only surname of the hibiscus to show the fame of the people: the soul of the soul!

This trick, but when it appears in the battle to kill, almost every attack will cause at least tens of thousands of deaths! The end is powerless, the power is even more drama!

Suddenly, I felt that at the same time, I was attacked by hundreds of thousands of weapons at the same time! Even though he cultivated a god, he did not dare to rush to the full strength of the same level of raft!

Such a knife-edge sea is absolutely enough to break his strength defense and insert it straight into the body.

Even the spare force can still be seen through!

Although there is absolute certainty in the moon, you will not be killed, but it is also very unwilling to be injured.

Mindful to the electric turn, in desperation, a whistling, the body is like a whirlwind, generally telling to spin up, while avoiding, while the ground suddenly formed a powerful tornado, while the hands flashed, the precision of each blade will be incomparably They all go away.

But in this way, the situation will be debated again, even if he is tyrannical as he can only protect himself for the time being.

And the raft is what this effect is!

Under the sway of the body, there were nine phantoms at the same time. They went to the nine battlefields respectively. Hula cheered across the scene. All of the nine guards had gathered together and shouted: "Prepare!"

The next moment, a palm turned into a fascinating white light. White light is like a blaze, and the smashing hits deep into the ground!

The white light flashed without it.

The people in the siege did not know what he was doing, attacking the following... There is no enemy anywhere!

Thinking about it. Suddenly, a boring explosion of "Rumble" came from the depths of the earth!

This sub-explosion is unusually fierce! The whole piece of land, which is several dozen feet deep, was completely smashed with this explosion, and it was hundreds of miles wide, neatly flying in the upper air!

There are screams everywhere!

A mushroom cloud, rising!

No one believed that the raft had already buried so many explosives in his home.

Look at the power of this wave of explosives, the most conservative estimate of the previously buried gunpowder is only a few hundred thousand pounds!

The entire Marshal House has suddenly become a huge pothole!

This time, all the people involved in the siege, the small part has been injured in the battle just now, the direct soul flies away. The rest, most of them are also seriously injured, can really retreat from the whole body! By the time the 青 丞 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青

In the face of the moon, sinking into the water, seeing this all over the place, the subordinates of the bruises, the eyes are cold as ice. Suddenly, I snorted and went away.

The Tsing Yi, who had left, was still spotless and dusty.

In the course of the road, the body has once again become paralyzed, and the hair is white, as if it is drooping.

Nancheng Gate at this time.

The entire gated building, which was built by tens of thousands of masters, was originally thought to be an immortal tower that could last forever. This would have completely collapsed!

After the rafts are held in their hands, they stand in the middle of the ruins like the mountains and mountains. They watch the thousands of horses screaming out of the city!

Look like electricity!

After the raft was responsible for the personal demolition, the soldiers who went out of the city were all inspired, and then hesitated!

All of them are full of energy and come out quickly!

When passing by the raft, everyone respected a military ritual with great respect. Although the number is large, it is orderly and indiscriminate.

The hibiscus fluttered in black, and the eyes looked endlessly and intricately looking at the ruins in front of him. Seeing that they had fought for a lifetime, they protected the royal city of their lives, and they felt mixed in their hearts!

Once, I used to be the guardian of this piece of the day!

In the future, I will not be in the same place with this piece of heaven and earth. .

This is obviously the land that I love so much!

Unless one day will be able to undoubtedly reveal the identity of the Yuantian, and to be recognized by everyone, then you can wash away the stigma of 'rebellion!'

Otherwise, before that, he can only bear the title of this shame for a long time, and keep going.

It is very likely that you will not be able to wash your hair until you are dead!

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the long-lost! Dream. There was no envy in the heart. !

Dreams are boundless... Always take a step early.

Although it was a blessing, it was a step forward to get rid of the manipulation of the devil...

Muxi stood quietly here, his thoughts fluttering, and for a time, some sentimental, some sour, some confused...·····

In the future, where should we go?

In the face of this army riot, Yuan Tianjun did not react at all!

This reality makes Muxi can't help but be more certain. In the chaos of the Seven Kings, Yuan Tian is definitely seriously injured.

Yuan Tian's limit is not to be seen, and the unrecognized prime minister is also a battle; now looking at the entire ink cloud, there is no longer any power to block the raft.

However, Muxi now has no ability to kill Yuan Tian in one fell swoop.

Both sides can only wait silently, waiting for the other party to reveal flaws.

Waiting later!

But both sides can also feel that after this battle, no matter what the outcome, Mo Yuntian will be badly hurt - or Yuan Tian limit does not stop now, is to avoid the result of this vital injury?

After this war, no matter who wins or who loses, it is almost impossible to fight again. At that time, once the Devils invade, the team that fights against the Devils is destined to lose the power of the heavens and the earth!

Mudu thought of this, a burst of sorrow.

But even if you know that this is the result, this time the civil war is still imperative, and it is still urgent!

It is late at night.

Seven hundred miles outside the city.

In the jungle.

"Mu Shuai, what should we do next?" asked a general standing up.

"Take the road down the south, and compile our army along the way! The army and the army directly point to the rain and delay the rain! If the rain is delayed, we will give him a chance. If it is, it will have to destroy it." Before, when it was broken, it broke!"

"Then, with Xie Danqiong, a soldier, gather the superior forces to send troops to the Northern Expedition, annihilate the demon scorpion Yuan Tian limit, Jing Tian Yuntian!"

Mudu’s eyes are resolute, and there is repression in grief, but it is awe-inspiring: “This battle will surely attract countless lives, but we are already... no choice!”

"Yes, we have no choice!"

No choice!

Yes, there is no choice for anyone like this. The people on the side of the Moyun Tianmu Temple have no choice but to annihilate the Yuantian limit.

Xie Danqiong has no choice but to go to the present.

And Yuan Tian is limited to the Tianmo, but also has no choice!

"This night, destined to a **** battle; victory is the same day, the failure is the bones everywhere!" Xie Danqiong stood in front of the same scarred team, solemn, with a wordless fatigue: "So, in addition to desperate We have no choice but to fight!"

"Because we are behind us, we are already our loved ones!"

"All we must win! The most cherished guard!"

Xie Danqiong is heavy.

Below, everyone is silent.

During this time, Xie Danqiong must take the lead in every battle, and the first one rushed into the enemy's last line to withdraw. Bruised and killed, several times in order to rescue his own soldiers and put yourself in danger, countless times to die!

This kind of personality charm has already formed.

The nightmare soldiers who were forced to come over, for their new commander, from the beginning of the slight rejection, to the later cold-eyed, and then slowly into the future, and then to the heart of the present.

It can be said that Xie Danqiong's personality charm conquered them!

In the past, the dream generals also led us to be so charged...·····

Today, the dream general is stunned; we can't see him at any time; the leader who can accept such a person as Xie Kui, can't be considered a blind spot!

But at this moment, because the rain is slow and mad, it is constantly attacking. Although Xie Danqiong and others are also able to fight for good, they are ultimately outnumbered.

In the constant **** battle, Xie Danqiong and others have repeatedly lived from the stagnation, repeated struggling and counterattacks, sneak attack on the enemy again and again, defeated again and again, and again and again.·····

In the past few months, the enemies that have been destroyed have surpassed two million!

However, a thousand enemies, self-damaged eight hundred. Xie Danqiong has gradually reached the end of the road!

Gradually forced to near the end of the mountain!

Now, even if there are thousands of wonderful tricks, but with less than 200,000 soldiers who are now defeated, in the face of the enemy's three million chasing and intercepting, there is no way!

After retreating from a line of defense, I went to the base camp of myself and others! If it is captured by the enemy, all the old and weak women and women, is equal to letting the slaughter!

There is no resistance to any resistance!

Listening to Xie Danqiong, everyone’s eyes are red.

"I will accompany you..." to fight to death!" When I said this, Xie Danqiong’s heart suddenly became clear and clear! It seems to have let go of what it seems to be free.

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