Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 484: The last battle! !

Everyone's eyes are sparkling. !

The leader is clearly able to break out by himself! There is no doubt that he has this strength! As long as Xie Danqiong wants to withdraw, even if the million-strong army is in front, no one can stop it! However, Xie Kui first is still making such a choice!

This is an account.

No one persuades, because everyone knows, understands better, and persuades useless!

Although Xie Danqiong looks like a woman, but once he has made up his mind, even the nine cows can't pull back!

Just as he has been a soldier in the previous battles, all the way to the present!

He is such a person!

"This life can follow the leader, no death!" Everyone is also at the same time: "May we come to the world, then be brothers! May we come to the world, still able to be together, galloping the rivers and lakes, fighting the world!"

"I will wait for the death to report, live and die, and never give up!"

"I hope that the future brothers will be brothers...", directly touching Xie Danqiong's heart, let him not speak for a long time, in my heart, there is an unspeakable sour and moving!

Xie Danqiong quietly looked up to the sky, for a long time, finally said: "Sorry."

The sound is long and calm.

I don't know who is sorry for who.

I am very sorry for you, because you follow me, but you have to suffer such a disaster!

I am very sorry for my wife. I used to think that no, it is a certainty. We will definitely be able to gather in Tianzhu, but now it seems that we can’t...

I am sorry for my older brother.

Chu Boda, I have always believed that I can laugh with you and create a myth of immortality, but I have lost my words, and my manpower is sometimes poor. I can’t do it.

I am sorry for my brothers, I thought I could stand side by side with you and laugh at the clouds.

But I... I’m going to fall down one step today.

Unconsciously, Xie Danqiong’s voice is low: “Happy time························································································· A fire sea knife mountain ... brother has something, the brother pulled the knife past, the brother is difficult, the brother nine died not back ... · · · · brothers on the side, I am invincible!"

"Brother is on the side, I am invincible!"

Xie Danqiong, Zhang Junxiu's face is superior to the woman's face. The eyes at this moment are very warm and shining.

Around, the torch was extinguished and reflected against Xie Danqiong’s face, and it was calm.

Everyone is silent.

"If one day, you become a legend, I hope, there is me in your legend!"

"If one day, I become a legend, I hope, there is you in my legend!"

Xie Danqiong smiled gently and warmly.

The faces of the brothers and sisters slowly slid in front of their eyes. In fact, I think more about you now by me...

That way, I will be even more fearless!

Now, although there is still no fear, but... there is always a lot more lonely and a lot more regrets.

"I am Xie Danqiong, Qionghua Xie Danqiong!"

"I was born in the three days of the nine heavens, three and a half years from the district Wu Zong realm, all the way up, promoted Wu Zun, Wu Wang, Wu Huang, Wu Sheng, supreme nine heavy! Flying up Tianzhu Break through to the sage order!"

"This road has the help of my older brother! My brothers are accompanying me!"

"There are countless **** kills!"

"If the day is absolutely me! Brothers don't come!"

"If it's the day, I can... I can still laugh."

Xie Danqiong seems to have a long-lost face in front of his eyes, Chu Yang!

In the midst of ecstasy, Chu Yang’s eyes are as firm as ever, and he seems to tell him in a word: “Whenever it is! No matter how bad the environment is! But... you can’t give up! If the heart is there, Hope is there, never give up!"

Xie Danqiong nodded firmly.

"The leader, can you ask those who secretly provide information to give more help?" Someone asked slyly.

“No.” Xie Danqiong smiled warmly: “They are just an intelligence organization. They may not have any considerable combat power. This road can always provide us with information. I am very grateful in my heart. I have to think again. Second, I want more, and I can't get through it first."

"Since people don't want to reveal their identities, they have to continue to survive in Moyuntian. I am a man of greatness, and I can help those who have helped me and other people to bury us. This is not necessary!"

Talking to the man, his face turned low.

Xie Danqiong thought in his heart: Those people, if there is no accident, should be the squat of Mo Tianji, or the person of Chuyang. They can’t come by themselves, but they still send people to come...·····

But now that it is dead end, to be honest, even if there is accurate information, it is already worthy of use. Then, why bother to take the brother's hand to bury it together! ?

Can retain more strength for the brothers, it is also good, nothing to sacrifice.

Outside the drums and cymbals slammed.

The sound of shouting and screaming sounded immediately...·····

Everyone looks a glimpse!

At that moment, is it finally coming?

Xie Danqiong stood up without any scorn and said: "Brothers, the last wave of fierce battle has arrived.

Take the wine, let's have a drink! On the road in Huangquan, you have to take a drunken question and chat, this last battle, and see who killed the most enemy! Everyone is better than one. ”

All of them were all caught in a heavy and bleak atmosphere, but under the words of Xie Danqiong, they all relaxed all of a sudden.

"Yes! This is indeed better than one, Song Zizi, you are definitely not as good as me!"

"Let your mother's dog stinky, just like your sick and bear-like bear, you can still beat me, your infatuation."

"Don't be noisy!" Someone said seriously: "I haven't talked about this championship yet, you have a fart!"

"Cut! Just by you?"

"Ha ha ha..."

"Good wine!"

“It’s really good wine!”

Everyone laughed!


A wine bowl fell to the ground and fell into a crush; Xie Danqiong first grew up, looked blank, and whispered softly: "Let this battle become our endless legend in the Nine Heavens!"

"Ha ha ha..." is good, let this battle become our endless legend in the Nine Heavens!!"

Everyone followed one by one after Xie Danqiong, and they sneaked out and strode to the front line, never looking back!

In the bloom of Qionghua, Xie Danqiong screamed: "Happy time····· together with the song screaming... The wind is rising......... The brother is on the side, I am invincible!"


A group of people came out of the blood, and the cold wind blew, everyone was agitated!

Perhaps this is the last battle of my life in the Nine Heavens!

As Xie Kui first said, let us this last battle become our legend in the nine heavens!

Everyone is out of the way!


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