Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 485: last moment!

The other side of the distance, the middle army account.

Mo Yuntian commander rain slowly waved: "The order is passed, the Chinese army does not move, other troops, attack on all sides, free tactics, the only point, it is necessary to use the wolves tactics to completely defeat the enemy!"


The drums are loud!

Countless terracotta warriors and horses rushed out of the jungle. In the sky, the dense masters constantly flew out, and the swords and knives rushed into the air! The two sides are in rapid contact!

In the sky, a Peng Qionghua suddenly blooms!

Qionghua is beautiful and beautiful, beautiful and beautiful, stunning and beautiful!

However, such stunning and beautiful scenery, as well as the lethality of the beautiful people!

A chic figure turned into a terrifying rainbow, wherever he passed, Qiong’s flowers blossomed, and the city was full of the country!

And with it, it’s not the fall of the British, but the enemy’s body that fell like a hail, and the screams are one! Xie Danqiong plucked five hundred feet, and among the distance of five hundred feet, many people came down along the way!

"Qiong! It is Qionghua!"

"It’s Xie Danqiong’s shot!”

"Can't let him continue to do it any more, stop him!"


Above the top, there is a panicking shout.

All the way to the present, in the past more than a year before and after, who is not aware of the name of Qionghua?

Qionghua Xie Danqiong, really true name is shocking the world!

This is the real reputation of the fight, the courage of the kill!

Qionghua, the most beautiful and beautiful thing, has now become the biggest nightmare of the rain!

When you see Qionghua, it means that someone will be killed in the glory of Qionghua!

Xie Danqiong's Qionghua, the beautiful and beautiful Qionghua, has become a symbol of the general reminder!

The rain was slow to see the colorful and gorgeous in the sky, and thank you for the continuous Qionghua blossoming and waving.

Immediately, a few people slammed into the air and turned into a long sky!

Going to the location where Xie Danqiong is located!

These people are dedicated to the top master of Xie Danqiong!

If you don’t send such a specialized person to Xie Danqiong and let him play it at will, it’s hard to count the life of Qionghua’s harvest. In fact, in the previous war, the rain was delayed, neglecting Xie Danqiong’s personal The lethality, the layout of the dead corner, so that the annihilation war that could have been completely rounded out was hit by a gap, it is difficult to compete.

The beauty of Qionghua's interpretation is more and more splendid. Xie Danqiong is in the sky, handsome and graceful; even though the battle of life and death is still an elegant and calm man, he has never seen the plight of the end of the road!

From his mouth, from beginning to end, there was no screaming and exhausting, and there was no swearing swearing from beginning to end!

The whole person is just like a clean and empty Qionghua! Together with his Qionghua, in the air, squatting, harvesting human life, but in an extremely elegant posture, as if to maintain the end of time.

Below, the soldiers of the Tianbing Pavilion are rushing out like a tiger, and greet the enemies on the opposite side!

"Kill!" The horror of the sky is generally loud!

The **** battle of abnormal cruelty and **** officially kicked off!

The last battle of life!

The air is fighting in the most splendid way, and in all directions underground, there are battles everywhere in the hundreds of miles!

The killer members who belong to the Xie Danqiong side, and the night stalkers who belong to the rain-slow side, are doing their best to perform their assassination skills, and do everything in their power to harvest their lives.

No matter where the enemy is, including the enemy on the ground, it also includes enemies against the sky!

Cold arrows fly!

The cold arrows here are different from the cold arrows in the general sense.

These cold arrows are played with the stars and silver; at least the heavenly masters must mobilize all their power to launch!

Known as: breaking the holy arrow!

Above the arrow, there is also a ruin that is known as "the first poison in the world."

That is the world's first poisonous treasure!

An arrow shoots out, like a lightning flash, like a meteor; even if it is a sage-level strong arrow, it will lose its power in an instant!

Even if it is a top killer, you can only have no more than 20 in your life! There are some killers, famous for hundreds of thousands of years, and have never even seen it~!

This is the ultimate killer of the assassins who have always been cherished for their lives. They are not available at leisure; but at this moment, they are flying like a big road without money!

Everyone knows that this battle is the last battle to annihilate the Tianbing Pavilion!

The final battle!

If this battle is won, the arrow that you shoot yourself still has a chance to find it again. After all, every arrow has its own mark of God! But if the entire battle is lost, then even your own life is gone, what arrows are you talking about? More precious, and how to cherish it!

The killers of both sides hold the same idea!


Xie Danqiong alone to meet the top five masters of the other side, Qionghua is a fluffy open, almost in a desperate situation; but his natural elegance, but always ingrained!

It seems that no matter what the action, then the wolverine is the rough action of the next, but it is revealed in Xie Danqiong, that is the natural aristocratic atmosphere!


In the air, there was a loud noise. Xie Danqiong finally squirted blood, and the rotation fell. The Qionghua body was flying open and fell into a certain battle group below, and rolled forward in the battle group. Along the way, Qionghua is open, and the rolling head is like a watermelon that has been overturned. The hula is rushing, falling down, rolling and rolling...

There are also several people in the sky who are also squirting blood at the same time, falling to the ground, some continue to chase Xie Danqiong, and some turn to the army!

At first it was a melee!

Chaos is extremely good! ,

And this chaotic battlefield is also a heartfelt feeling, what is... cruel!

Real cruelty!

The so-called cruelty!

In the general sense of combat, it is naturally feasible to fight alone in the air. In fact, the battlefields of the deep practitioners are more inclined to the high-altitude stereo mode.

However, if the two armies carry out large-scale battles, the number of participants will rise to a considerable number, millions of people will trample on each other, and the fighting atmosphere will go to a fierce pace. Then, no matter what kind of masters they are, they will choose to fall to the ground. fighting!

Because there is too much unpredictability on the battlefield, it is all enemies to look at. In the plane environment, the chance of encountering an accident is naturally far lower than that of the high-altitude stereo mode. This is the battle experience and wisdom accumulated by countless predecessors.

Moreover, fighting at high altitudes... also needs strength support!

Every minute of every effort is infinitely precious in this large-scale battle! How can it be wasted?

Xie Danqiong took the lead and rushed all the way. Although his own scars were scarred, his heart was still as cold as snow and ice, and he did not see any slightest incitement. Wan Majun rushed back and forth, Xie Danqiong's experience is already very rich.

Moreover, for life and death, it is no longer as careless and deliberate as before.

However, even so, seeing countless subordinates dying, Xie Danqiong still feels a heartfelt heartache.

From the beginning, the scene was chaotic and extremely chaotic.

This is an unordered situation deliberately created by Xie Danqiong; in the face of an overwhelming enemy, any deployment and any strategy will not help.

It’s not as confusing as it is; although it’s more difficult to repair, it will soon be killed; but those who are slightly higher will often be able to kill the enemy – including the last moment’s self-destruction, and no Any scruples!

Speculation in the chaos, making a turn in the chaos, making life!

In the battle, the sound of shouting and killing was shocking, and even the drums of the distant side could not hear a little.

But Xie Danqiong feels that he is under increasing pressure.

He knew that the main army of the rain was finally dispatched!

The dispatch of the main army also means that the end of the Tianbing Pavilion is about to come.

In this regard, Xie Danqiong really has a few unwillingness, but it is still calm. At the beginning of my own indignation, Mo Yuntian began, I have already prepared this ending early!

afraid? Nothing terrible!

It’s just a pity...

A black figure came out of the sky, and it was in the sky, and in the distance, there was a black and white figure of people coming and going!

Looking sideways, the army on your side is retreating at any time, and it may collapse at any time.

Xie Danqiong sighed in the heart, and the world’s Qionghua flew again and again, and the volley flew back.

At this point, the defeat has been achieved!

Now, the only thing that can be done is to make the final effort, and see if you can save the home of these soldiers. If it doesn't work... I can only die in full here!

If Xie Danqiong is taken away, he will be taken away from this, and he will be allowed to be slaughtered by hundreds of thousands of people. He can't do it without death!

"The last battle! Completely annihilate the Tianbing Pavilion! Eliminate rebellion, Jing my sky!"

The Chinese army, where the rain was slow, came out loud and shouted.

Xie Danqiong’s eyes suddenly brightened: Or, there is another way to break this dead end, that is... in this Wan Majun, kill the enemy coach! The rain is late!

However, the rain is late as a military coach, not to mention its amazing strength, just to say how strong the defense forces around it are? Can you easily kill the success?

What's more, the rain is slower than the Xie Danqiong series, and even better than the sage intermediate super master!

However, Xie Danqiong has no choice now. The last move may not be able to preserve the sergeant's family; the rain is slow and the person is cold and bloody, and will never accept his own conditions!

Instead of giving the choice to the other party, it is better to try your best and survive!

Xie Danqiong’s eyes were cold and cold, and he took a long breath, and suddenly his body suddenly flew forward like a meteor! It is like a giant whale in the sea, breaking waves and smashing out in a straight line! (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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