Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 486: Dagger action, Xie Danqiong's last madness!

On both sides of his surroundings, countless enemy troops screamed and fell, blood fluttering, and suddenly formed a blood alley!

In a big drink, the opponent's two masters will come forward; Xie Danqiong will not follow the rules and regulations, but still ignore the rush, and Qionghua suddenly blooms into a haze; a kind of beautiful beauty奂 suddenly showed up.

The two enemies will still be able to wake up from this stunning beauty in the future. They are already screaming, and both hands are holding their throats, blood flies out, and the body slowly falls.

It turns out that beauty can also be beautiful and dead!

This is the deceased who died under the Qionghua, common understanding!

Xie Danqiong’s figure was as quiet as the wind, and when the two masters fell to the ground, he had already plunged into a hundred feet! There are more than 300 dead souls around!

Now, from the Chinese army that is late in the rain, there is still a distance of a thousand feet!

The military strength of the Chinese army on the other side of the rain has begun to launch an offensive, leaving behind guards and handsome accounts. The number is relatively small. However, Xie Danqiong wants to forcefully kill the other party in the Wanma army, but also to blatantly kill the other party, it is still a task that is almost impossible to complete!

Looking at the unstoppable rush of one of the Wan Majun, the people who passed by will be turned over and countless, and the countless military elites will be killed by the chopping vegetables under this man’s hand. The place where they passed is actually a straight line. A blood river!

The rain was slow and the scorpion was slightly tight, and his eyes were slightly stunned. He said with admiration: "Qiong is really worthy of the name."

Next to it, one person said softly: "However, with his current cultivation, he actually wants to carry out a beheading action against us; I don't know if he is too arrogant, or too self-sufficient."

In the big account, everyone else smiled when they heard the words. Everyone’s smile was filled with ridicule.

In fact, Xie Danqiong’s movements and intentions at this moment are clearly visible to all; but everyone does not think that Xie Danqiong has the ability to beheaded!

If you don’t say anything else, just say that in the big account at the moment, if you are no less than Xie Danqiong, you will have more than ten people! There are still three or four people, but it is far beyond the super master of Xie Danqiong, and among the three or four people, there is exactly the target person of Xie Danqiong’s action, the rain is late!

Under such a contrast of strengths, Xie Danqiong’s strategy of beheading is really not enough!

The rain was slow and the eagle stared at the figure that was still **** in the Wanma army. It was faintly said: "Now the battle is certain, I am just boring, simply let him come over, let us personally teach and teach, this The means of the Qionghuahua!"


Under one command, all the enemies who besieged Xie Danqiong suddenly retreated as quickly as the tide.

Between his late rain and the big rain on the top of the mountain, for example, there is a spacious and unobstructed road ahead!

Go straight up!

A road in the expected calculations has unexpectedly appeared in this form!

Xie Danqiong took a deep breath and slowly stretched his fingers, which were almost deadlocked, slowly moving the joints of his body. Xu Yungong recovered the accumulated injuries on his body, only the speed of his progress. But it didn't slow down at all!

Still like a meteor, rushing toward your goal!

Xie Danqiong also learned that the enemy had already seen his own plot, and at this moment, he gave such a direct access to the destination. It must have been arranged with numerous traps, waiting for him to die.

But I have already come here, how can I retreat again!

Regardless of whether it is a knife mountain or a sea of ​​fire in front, no matter how difficult or difficult it is before, this is always a slap!

To break the dead, only live alive in the dead!

Seeing Xie Danqiong rushed up without hesitation without slowing down.

In the big account, there are quite a few generals who can't help but show their appreciation and respect.

Although they are hostile to each other, they do not affect the respect for heroes and boys! When the end of the road is over, especially the one who can make such a choice is really few and far between!

Xie Danqiong, no man!


Xie Danqiong’s swiftly swept figure appeared in front of the big account. There are countless bloodstains on the body, but there is no loss of that body. Long body shape, more obvious Yushu Linfeng. Slowly took two steps and smiled: "Yu Shuai's handsome account, depending on the mountains and rivers, easy to defend and difficult to attack, it really is a very good position! It is worthy of the contemporary art of war, Xie Mou saw."

The way he looks at this moment, it seems like a noble son playing in the mountains to play with the water, pointing to the mountains, it is not like coming to the blood to kill!

The rain smiled slowly and smiled: "Xie Kui’s first temperament is also commendable. It can be described as a world-renowned person! Rain someone is extremely appreciative."

Xie Danqiong shook his head: "You appreciate it is useless, I am here to take your first class!"

"Ha ha ha ha..."

In the big account, thirty or forty people, but more than half of them laughed and laughed.

Xie Danqiong came here. After I have seen such a lineup, I can still say that the rain has been delayed. This is a bit of a madness!

Or is it too self-sufficient? !

"As long as you have the first skill of Xie Kui, this first level of the coach can be taken at any time." Rain slowly laughed, and then his face became more dignified than before, and he said: "Xie Danqiong, I Finally, ask you a sentence..."

"So far, the situation is clear, are you still willing to surrender to me?" asked Yu Yuyu.

"You are now dead end, as long as the commander is ordered, the millions of wounded soldiers you are protecting now, and the nearly three million shackles, and the less than 400,000 people on your battlefield, will all be wiped out! Even Before you can come to this coach, it is the gift of the handsome!"

The rain said slowly and dignifiedly: "So, you still refuse to surrender?"

Xie Danqiong's charming smile: "Listen to the meaning of Yu Shuai, if I surrender, then these people can live?!"

The rain slowly slowed down and shook his head: "That is impossible! Or, some of them can survive. For example, if you are under the shackles, I can plead guilty to death, but those who were originally affiliated with the Nightmare Army, and their families. But all are dead!"

"To tell the truth, the ones I value, only you Xie Danqiong alone!" Rain lately said: "As long as you are willing to surrender, I can guarantee that you will not be held accountable for rebellion or even for your own business, but instead Life is full of wealth and prosperity, and my life will go straight up. I promise you that you can be in heaven!"

In the heavens!

This sentence really makes many people's eyes shine.

The conditions for the delay in the rain are undoubtedly quite good!

Xie Danqiong sighed: "The vast majority of my subordinates have been killed by a word, so, I have to surrender?! God wants to get people?"

During the speech, I suddenly took off my shirt that had been stained with blood, revealing the inside of the body, and smiled: "Wait a moment, I change clothes."

Everyone is at the same time ashamed.

How come this time, this guy is still in front of so many enemies, change clothes? !

Which one is this?

However, this outrage seems to reveal a little bit of space. Is Xie Danqiong impressed by Yu Shuai’s words?

Xie Danqiong fell down generously and threw the **** robes so casually, and then a finger on the ring, a white robe appeared.

Xie Danqiong slowly put on the white robe.

White, spotless, like the snow lotus on the top of the snow mountain, holy and innocent.

Sheng Xuebaiyi has covered all the scars on Xie Danqiong.

At this moment, he is full of spirit, handsome, long-sleeved and full of grace and elegance.

Yun Shijia Gongzi, beautiful boy!

Just like when I first saw Chu Yang in the middle of the third day, the noble and noble son!

"My life is very happy and white, even if it is against the enemy." Xie Danqiong slowly tied the belt around the waist, "啪", actually opened a folding fan, smiled and said: "I am wearing this piece White, it was exactly what my wife had done for me. This folding fan was given to me when my father flew up to heaven..."

Xie Danqiong smiled: "The rain is late, you let me go here safely, I can't give back the gift, Qionghua, it will open!"

Suddenly, in the entire big account, there is no sign of silence, and there is a full bloom of Qionghua! There seem to be countless petals falling from the sky, and there seem to be countless petals coming out from the ground!

There are countless petals, just inexplicable bloom in the void!

Only every petal glimmers with the cold, but elegant cold light.


Take life!

Although everyone has been guarding Xie Danqiong suddenly attacked, but everyone still did not expect, Xie Danqiong's shot will be so awkward!

As everyone knows, Xie Danqiong’s heart is still sighing at the moment.

Why I am not a city, or Chu Leer, to the poor, is the boss Chu Yang, you can!

If it is a dance city or Chu Leer, so close to the enemy, it is equal to the lives of all people are in their hands, let them slaughter!

If it is Chu Yang, when it is so close, the amazing lethality of the Nine Robbery Swordsmanship, if it is a desperate attempt to kill, it is hopeful to kill the rain!

But the specific ability that these items need is not there!

He can only rely on his own Qionghua!

Qionghua is open, and a hundred flowers are defeated!

The rain was cold and cold: "I knew you had this hand! But I still dare you to come here, can't you explain the problem?!"

In the big account, all the masters attack at the same time!

Xie Danqiong's figure streamer is generally abruptly venting. I don't know how many heavy forces are hitting him, but he is as if he is not aware of it. He just screams at the rain and makes a persevering attack!


The rain was slow and sullen, and a splendid Qionghua had already cut into his shoulder, but he also had a palm and hit back on Xie Danqiong’s chest. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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