Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 489: The tide of the demon

"In these reasons, the coach thinks that the last personal reason is the most reasonable!"

Muxi laughed and turned and said, "How? Now you can understand?"

The crowd will nod their heads, although some of them are still somewhat uncomfortable, but listening to Xie Danqiong said so many advantages and disadvantages analysis, the fool also distinguishes between good and bad.

Although Xie Danqiong's last one is very arrogant, people are very uncomfortable, but it also just proves: Xie Danqiong has this ambition!

And Mudu, no matter what his foundation, has been in the position of a courtier for millions of years. To be honest, what further ambitions are there? What's more, Yuan Tian is the thing of the demon konjac, and has attached a stain that is difficult to remove for life!

That is: for the demon loyalty, for millions of years!

What a shameful shame!

If you don't wash the snow, what is the face of the raft?

"That's it!" Muxi stood up and hammered it: "All the horses and horses led by this coach are all merged into Tianbing Pavilion! Xie Kui is still the leader. I am a scorpion, and I will continue to serve as the coach. Position, command the soldiers and horses! But once the dispatch, the order, must obey the Xie Kui first! If there is a disobedient, try to rebel, immediately executed, no sense!"

Muxi did not want to compete for the status of the leader of the anti-magic army. When the Yuantian limit came out, the raft was resentful and extremely shameful. In fact, the bottom of the heart was also like a sinister, unseen, not to mention people, let alone What is the status of the leader?

However, with so many people following him, most of them are directed at him. If there is no convincing reason, it will inevitably be accepted if they give their hands to another person. No, if you just can't accept it, you will lose it. If it causes a negative incident, it is even your own sin.

Nowadays, there is a face in the face, and the reason is also said by Xie Danqiong in front of everyone, and all the transitions have become a matter of course, and it is a matter of course!

For the Mudu to continue to be the commander of the three armed forces, Xie Danqiong did not have any opinions, or even ask for it!

In addition to the raft, now no one can really hold back these gangs!

Even under his own hands, if you leave your original team at a loss, the other components, nine out of ten, are the sergeants of the original Nightmare. They will never be too disgusted to lead Mutian!

The two sides hit it off, just as a partnership played a big show. But this drama is very necessary; for the future of Mo Yuntian, it is equivalent to laying a solid foundation!

Early the next morning.

Muxi sat in the middle of the army, the whole staff rectified, began to point, ready for immediate Northern Expedition!

And a slogan that slashes the devil's konjac, at the same time, announces the world!

The Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian is a demon konjac, sneak into the Nine Heavens, with the intention to overthrow the world!

"...the devil is raging, the people are not living; committing my purple, the creatures are coated with charcoal...There are extraterrestrial demons who sneak into the sky early and want to do great things... The Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian is the demon king, once it bursts, the world shakes!"

"Seven-star escorts rise up to kill the demon, but the devils are cruel, scheming, and killing five kings; today, I am in the darkness of the Yunyun Tianyi army, and I am going to get rid of the devil, and I am still in the air!"

"In addition to the devil's way, everyone is responsible! It is a matter of urgency to kill the demon! Mo Yuntian is humiliated for millions of years, cleaning is in the present!"

"People with loftiness..."

The piles of the plaques of the plaques, from the shallow to the deep, analyze the identity of the Yuantian limit until they are clear. There is no doubt about it.

As long as there is doubt about the identity of Yuan Tian, ​​and then look at this essay, you will be convinced!

This essay is an old friend of Muxi. When the World Expo learned the great Confucian Ji Hongwen, the old gentleman was full of life, and the students were full of emotions.

And the ‘Murray Heavenly Emperor’s Yuantian is the devil’s amazing news, like a bomb, suddenly bursting in the entire area of ​​the Nine Heavens!


Both the book mad and the painting king were seriously injured and escaped all the way. However, the pursuit of this road has reached dozens of times, and several dangers have caused the two to die!

The secret masters of Yuan Tian’s limit are almost all ordered to go out!

Yuan Tian’s hatred of the book madness and the painting king is simply to dump the three rivers and five lakes, and it is impossible to clean up!

This time, it turned out to be the Tianmo people who have been hidden since Yuantian! Every one is a master of high hands! Moreover, everyone is launching the law of the devil's unique blood, urging the ultimate speed, chasing the two kings!

Bloody, is the secret technique of the secrets of the devil, the first time you see the effect, this secret technology is launched once, not to mention the effect, the negative impact will not recover within a short period of time, if it is launched three times in a row, even if it is the demon king Those who are at that level will also be in danger of falling into flames.

It can be seen from this that Yuan Tianji is urgent for grasping the mood of the book madness and the painting king!

Just go all the way, all the way!

The double king of painting and calligraphy was also provoked by fire.

Originally, the two kings were so mad because of the death of many brothers, and they have already told the news that the Yuantian is the demon konjac. The biggest worry has been, and the intention is that they did not think that they really left Mo Yuntian. In the ink cloud days, I just found a place to live, and raised the injury, I went to Yuantian to report this **** feud.

However, I did not expect to be chased by a demon genie, so that all the way down, the two people also changed their original intentions.

Are you not afraid that we have escaped from the cloud?

Then we still have to escape!

Go to the demon king day, look for Chu Yang, and then clear the general ledger in the future!

Both of them have the same idea. Think about the words that Chu Yang Yin Yin asked when he left more than a month ago. I thought that the five brothers were still alive at that time, but now they are all flying, and the two are sad and self-satisfied. .

I feel that now only Chu Yang can help me revenge!

Now only Chu Yang, there is a huge capital against the Yuan Tian limit!

As long as you find Chuyang, it is possible to raise your wounds with peace of mind. The two first go to other heavens and earths, contact the seven-star guards of their respective emperors, and integrate forces to come to the Yuantian limit!

Be sure to destroy this demon konjac completely!

Both of them are masters of the peak level. Although they are seriously injured, they still have the ability to escape. In this way, after chasing and escaping all the way, in the 20 days before and after, although the encounter was dangerous, he was always in danger and went to the beach.

On the other side, it is the demon world!

But when they got here, the two were a little worried.

When I want to cross this sea, when the two men are at the peak, it is natural that they only need to be in Changhong, and the time of full play will pass.

But now that he is seriously injured, he has been unable to do so.

Moreover, being chased on land, you can find a place to stop and rest in peace if you are not good enough, but if you are following the battle on the sea... all of them are sea water, endless, and even the time and place of the breath No.

Once you enter the sea water field, you will have a thorough and thorough ability, and you will be more powerful than the demon in the water than on the land!

That is not a dead end.

However, now it has come here, but the sea means that you can't get to the Emperor's Day; you can't see Chu Yang; for a long time, once the chasing of your own extraterrestrial demon is united, it is still to be annihilated here. !

The two thought about it, but they never thought of a good way.

Looking at each other slyly, the two eyes are complicated and inexplicable.

Seeing that my brother is now awkward and tired, the hearts of each other are uncomfortable.

The two kings of calligraphy and painting, these two people have always paid attention to their own image, and at any time the sacred winds are spotless.

But now, being chased to the present, but it has not been a good wash for more than 20 days, have not cleaned up their own hair! It’s full of chaos!

Both of them have a heartfelt pain in their hearts.

Behind him, the familiar sharp and empty voice came again, and the master of the heavenly demon has already chased it.

"Pull! Cross the sea!"

The two kings of painting and calligraphy looked at each other and made this decision at the same time!

In the minds of two people, at the same time, another decision was made: If it is ... exhausted in the process of crossing the sea and caught up with the enemy, then it is better to sacrifice yourself and ensure that your brother can reach the demon day safely!

Both of them have already prepared this preparation!

A screaming screaming, two long rainbows appeared, and the two kings of calligraphy and painting lost their tracks at the same time. They saw the sky and two rainbows disappeared!

"Very good! They finally embarked on this road! We helped them design a good return!" The head of the demon head looked like a black carbon, but the eyes gave a strange blue light: "Everyone listens, At all costs, full speed and **** pursuit! Be sure to kill these two scams and return the demon king!"



The sea is empty, and it is starting an unprecedented killing!

In front of the two Changhong desperately fled; behind there are more than a dozen black gas to catch up!

The distance between each other is getting closer and closer.

Seeing that the sea is flying over half the distance, the hearts of painting and calligraphy are a desperate!

Is it really killed here? But we, there are so many grievances, and the hatred of the mountains and the sea... and the expectations of five brothers...

How can we die now!

How can you die!

Both of them are mad at the heart, almost exhausted all the participating forces to fly forward!

However, the two Changhongs that the two have turned into have already had signs of shaking and scattering!

The demon behind him has already laughed and chased it up. It is like a cat-and-mouse mouse, chasing after the two people, and taking a palm and a palm. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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