Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 490: Lao Tzu is called the Emperor!

Those who have a lot of power are not big, but the humiliating meaning hidden in it is too obvious!

A strange laugh, not from behind.

"The second child, these two guys claim to be the top master of the nine-day scorpio, how is it going to be like a sick scorpion? This is too nameless..."

"That is, it’s too shameful to watch a little bit of wind and blow it down."

"Oh, I really have no appetite. I still have some expectations. Now I have no mood even to eat them... These two people will not be sick? If you eat, you may have trouble!"


The two paintings are in the heart of the seven people, and the seven passions are above!

If you haven’t been seriously injured by Yuan Tian, ​​you can use such a piece of material to be so arrogant in front of Laozi?

But now there is no way, the dragon swims in the shallow water, and the tiger falls in the plains.

The enemy has caught up.

Escape is definitely hopeless!

It doesn't make sense to barely support it!

The two will turn their hearts and suddenly turn around!

Even if you are dead, you should pull a few more backs!

The two people’s arrogance at this moment made the fifteen demons chasing after them startle, and then they became angry and screamed: “Death to the end, actually dare to pretend to be a ghost! Kill them!”

"Get rid of him!"

"Dare to be right with us, it just doesn't know how to live and die!"

"Speaking, I haven't tasted the taste of the meat of the saint's peak master. This time, I have to open it, even if it is a stomach, I can't take care of it a lot..."

The book madness is like a cold ice, and all the efforts to mention the remaining remnants of repairs, but also have a self-destructive mind. If it is dead, the body will be eaten by these demon konjac... that is really humiliating to the home!

"What are you going to eat? Is it delicious?"

Just as it was in the midst of a thousand miles, a voice came out curiously.

In advance, no one found out, just above this sea, in the sky, there are still other people hidden here!

Listen to this voice and make everyone scared!

Although the two kings of calligraphy and painting were taken aback, but the heart is more, it does not matter.

Because the situation has already gone to the point where it can no longer be worse, even if there is still a demon, it is impossible to make the situation of the two people even more unbearable, then what is the so-called. However, if the person is in desperate circumstances, even if there is any hope, he will not let go. After all, the voice of the person’s voice is not all the way to the devil. Since it is not a friend of the enemy, it may be the enemy of the enemy. It may be Your own friends, let their own crisis turn around.

The day when the demon heard the man’s reply was even more violent.

There are countless people in the world, and there are no more accomplices to chase them. Besides, this guy who is incomprehensible and inexplicably talks is definitely a native of the Nine Heavens!

Since it is a native of the Nine Heavens, it is destined to be an enemy on one side.

Maybe it's a troublesome person who can influence the results of this mission!

This makes them feel overwhelmed and can't be angry and frustrated!

"Who is there to pretend to be a ghost? There is a kind of roll out, what is the character of the head and the tail!" The head of the devil shouted.

"Oh..." The invisible random passenger in the air suddenly said with amazement: "The virtues of these dozens of people are really weird... How do you still have a pair of wings? Oh, right? It’s a wing with no hair, no wings, what is it called? I’ve been the guy who saw you for the first time in my life. I’m really curious. I’ll take it over and let my son take a closer look. Don't be sad if you don't have a name, wait for the uncle to help you get a good name, and keep you satisfied!"

"Let's go! It's so daring!" The fifteen gods suddenly blew their lungs!

Demon wings!

This is the glory of the supremacy of the demon family!

These wings can be hard and soft, and they are endless. Even if they lose the repaired demon in battle, they can still fly thousands of miles with the wings of the demon. Moreover, they can also be used as weapon protectors, and they are invincible and undefeated!

When you don't use it, it converges behind the scenes, and no one can see the exception!

This is a symbol of status among the devils!

Simple in the Tianmo family, not the devil has such wings, only the most pure blood of the demon, but also to be repaired to the level of the magic will be qualified to receive the demon king once, in The ribs are turned into wings!

Among the extraterrestrial geniuses, if there is a demon to see their own demon wings, it is infinite envy and hate! How many billions of demons can be possessed by the whole demon family?

I want them to be the secrets of these magical secrets to follow the demon king into the cloud cloud days, and worked hard for a million years, only to get a pair of demon wings to be rewarded; how can you allow this person to be so ridiculed?

"Let's let it go?" The man in the dark smiled, and suddenly there was a loud bang, and the clothes of an extraterrestrial demon had been torn open, revealing the demon wings that had been hidden and golden.

"Oh, it really is a different thing, well, this pair of wings, unusual species all... Are you the extraterrestrial demon? Sure enough, his mother's weird... hahaha..." The man laughed: "The body Long wings, is this **** not a bird?"

"Give me out!" The fifteen devils shouted together, and the momentum was extremely impressive!

"Come out and come out, is this uncle still afraid that you can't be?" With this sound, a blue smoke suddenly appeared in the air, and the green smoke gradually condensed, and it actually condensed into a solid figure, and then, the figure was bursting. Changes, the appearance of the five senses are also presented one by one.

A Tsing Yi, Ge Yi Gao Guan, graceful appearance appeared in front of everyone.

"It's him." The two kings of calligraphy and painting were relieved at the same time, and their hearts were loose. The original self-sustaining internal interest was a mess, and the body was crumbling, almost falling into the sea.

I don’t know who is in front of me, but they know it clearly.

This is the soul of the catastrophe!

In the entire Nine Heavens, there is only one in total, and there is only one in total.

That is the soul of the catastrophe that followed the Chuyang!

Just don't know why, this old man actually came here.

But for whatever reason, since the catastrophe is here, we are two people safe.

These demons who came to pursue themselves, although they have been trained to be outstanding, are still inferior to the seven-star guards.

If there is no injury, if the state is full, both the book madman and the painting king have full control and can deal with more than a dozen demons in this area alone; even effortlessly easy.

It was only this time that the injury was caused by the spiritual consciousness of the soul and the body was created together. The strength of the body was almost one hundred, and there was no power to fight back. In the end, even the merits of parry were not honored.

Although the cultivation of the catastrophe is still not as good as the two in the full state, but its own characteristics of immortality, and the endless means of attack, but they are beyond the reach of the two, to deal with these fifteen demon, really not Under the words, it can even be said that it is the nemesis of these devils.

"Who are you in the end?" The demon-headed demon saw the appearance of the catastrophe, and he did not see any nervousness. He could not help but ask cautiously.

"Which person is this uncle? This uncle is your ancestor!" The Tsing Yi figure is naturally a catastrophe, and laughed and said: "The name of this uncle is called the emperor!"



"court death!"

"kill him!"

In the roar, all the demons are working together, almost crazy!

The demon family, now the most supreme emperor, is called the Emperor of the Emperor!

And this guy in front of him is clearly intentional.

This sentence, any one of the Tianmo people will hear, will endure!


The catastrophe of the catastrophe screamed and laughed. Suddenly, the whole body was divided into fifteen, and it was divided into fifteen green robes. Everyone was on the last day, and they were in the air, and they fought!

At this point, the book mad and the painting king are completely relieved.

The last time I saw the horror of the catastrophe, he still only turned black smoke, but now, it has turned into a blue smoke. Less than half of the horror of horror, but more and more elegant, and obviously have a substantial improvement.

The last time I saw it, he could only create countless harassment of the enemy. The lethality is insufficient for the high-ranking power. But the avatar that is now created has the same attack power as the body, and it can kill the enemy very effectively!

This is undoubtedly a very huge improvement!

Although I don't understand how the catastrophe is so fast, the two know that this change is bound to be related to Chu.

During the talk, I saw that the sea of ​​water suddenly burst into the sky, and suddenly rushed into the air, and for a time, the scene of the water and the sky was connected.

The book was in a hurry and quickly yelled: "Don't let the devil touch the sea!"

The devil's wings of the demon have more amazing power in the water, and their swimming speed is more than ten times faster than the average person. If the battlefield is turned into an underwater battle, the catastrophe will not only have advantages, but may even have a great crisis.

And this change is caused by the experience of the catastrophe, but it lacks the experience of fighting against the demon.

Stirring the sky, the intention is to disturb the enemy, do not want to become a self-restraint, and ordered themselves to be in danger.

The fifteen devils were happy and they were being stunned by the ravages of the gods. They were almost beaten by the other side when they came up. They thought about whether they could think of ways to drill into the sea, but The other party's strength is really tyrannical, the combat mode is even more weird, and there is no effort to say anything, even the parry is very stubborn, where can also deliberately change the battlefield,

But seeing each other so kindly sent such a good opportunity, can you not use it? At the same time, it was drilled into the sea, and the light flashed, and it disappeared in the sea of ​​air.

They have the natural instinct of leeches, and in the water they can completely conceal their existence.

There was a glimpse of the horror of the gods. (To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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