Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 491: Talking and laughing

The soul of the catastrophe is also the old oil that has been through the battlefield. How can you make such low-level mistakes?

When the demon all sneaked into the sea, the wave of water that he had stirred up before was actually raised from the sea, and the sea in the air had been separated from the sea by seven or eighty feet. Suddenly became a rootless water.

In the next moment, the catastrophe of the catastrophe whirls rapidly, and the ultimate icy chilly eruption erupts, and the seawater in the air instantly becomes a large piece of ice-like ice like crystal!

The large piece of giant ice shovel spins in the air, and emits millions of magnificent radiance in the sunlight.

It’s just that at the moment, there’s nothing at all, but it’s like nothing.

The catastrophe did not take shape, and haha ​​smiled, further urging the cultivation, and continued to freeze, slowly turning the huge ice into a huge pillar of mysterious ice.

At this time, the devils who are wrapped in the inner world are even more afraid to move, but when they move, they will surely leave traces and become a living target at any time. Anyway, we have a special ability to hide in the water, as long as we do not leak flaws, you are not targeted, how can it be frozen?

Is it because of our cultivation that we will not be frozen?

The book madness is also a bit puzzling about the practice of catastrophe: your practice is really trapping the enemy, the effect is obvious, but the real effect is not good, there is no way for the enemy, it is difficult to cause the ultimate kill And there is, that is, it is worth hundreds of thousands of pounds of sea ice icicles, can you still hold it like this?

But the next change, the two immediately opened their eyes! Appreciate the heart, admire from head to toe, it is simply admire the five bodies!

I saw the soul of the catastrophe suddenly spit out a blazing flame from the mouth without warning!

That is the unique fire of the soul of the catastrophe!

There is also a name called Burning Heart!

The white flame flashed under the ice. The above continues to use the ice to the cold force to continue to freeze, but below is this incompetent and inflammable strange flame gradually burned, although it is a large piece of huge ice, but gradually evaporates from the bottom at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Turn into a whole piece of fog!

There is not even a drop of water dripping during the melting of the ice!

"This is the fire of God?!" The book madness is naturally the person who knows the goods, and at the same time asks!

"Yeah." The smile of the catastrophe contains unreserved infinite triumph.

The fire of the gods can be used as long as it is owned by the saints, even if it is just promoted to the primary saints. This is the exclusive method of the saints, but if it is like a catastrophe, it has a long range and a long duration. The continuous burning of people can not be done by anyone, that is, taking the painting and painting double king as an example, even under their strongest state, they can't do it.

The paintings and paintings of the two kings judged that such a long time of continuous burning of the fire of the gods, let alone they, even if the nine monarchs personally shot, may not be able to do it, but the spirit of the catastrophe has been done, but still has the ease and ease !

In fact, it is plain, and it is not necessarily how to swear, because the soul of the catastrophe itself is the body of God!

It can be said that as long as he thinks, this kind of continuous burning means of the fire of the gods can be used endlessly; and such a flame, against the extraterrestrial demon is the biggest natural nemesis!

"Since the two of you left the demon emperor for ten days, Xiaozuzong sent me to the sea to wait for the response; Xiaozuzong solemnly told me: If you don't come back, if you come back, you must be seriously injured, a life of ten. I stopped for more than nine stops. So I came.

I have been waiting here, but I have really waited for you, and you are screaming like a god. ”

Book mad two faces Hao Hao.

The ancestor of the catastrophe in the soul of the ancestors is of course Chu Yang.

Chu Yang said that it is true. And this preparation is also very comprehensive, everything is counted!

If there is no catastrophe waiting for you here, if you have not blew yourself at the moment, you have become a miserable food in the belly of the devil!

"I didn't want to drop it, but my ancestors told me that this time I came to the sea to absorb the dead air that is not necessarily less than the city of Falling Flowers, but also all the dead of the creatures.... It is very different from the land, maybe I will have new discoveries... I will know later that this sea is just my blessing, and the little ancestors are too prescient!"

In the soul of the catastrophe, there is no admiration for Chu Yang. There is even an unspeakable aunt who is flattering.

This kind of auntie flattered the book madness and turned a big eye, but at this time, but I really can't say anything about him.

"For hundreds of millions of years, I don't know how many fish and shrimps died in the sea, and the sea is unable to survive. These grievances are all floating in the air. It really makes me want to eat too much. ”

The soul of the catastrophe laughed happily: "And, let me realize the truth of the same kind of water and fire. Hehe... This time the water is ice, the anti-palm is the fire, it is the greatest achievement of this line! Listen to Xiao Zuzong, It’s really a good year to read the book!”

"My left hand is right and right, just use these magic scorpions to test my new practice!"

In the laughter of the catastrophe, the huge icicle in midair has burned and evaporated by two-thirds.

But the remaining one-third was ruined by the chill of the gods. !

It is already faintly visible that there are more than a dozen black shadows in the middle of the looming squirming, painful, seemingly screaming, but can not hear anything too specific!

"When my **** knows the ice, even if the Emperor is in person, I will only let me kill it! I am so vulnerable to the end of the clown!"

The soul of the catastrophe appears to be very proud and full of enthusiasm.

When can I actually be so arrogant in front of the sage's peak level?

I used to see the masters of the book madness painting. I didn’t mean to bend my knees, smiled, and waited carefully, and people would not be willing to take care of themselves.

Moreover, each time these powerful people see the soul of the catastrophe, which one is not destroyed and then fast?

I can have it today, but I am really fortunate to have found the right master at the beginning. It’s really wise to be on the same day!

If it’s not for the ancestors, it’s so explosive. How can you be so arrogant now?

Man, one step is right and the light is infinite. Now, does it prove the famous saying of this sentence? !

The heart is full of pride, the hands play more to see the power, the flames are burning more and more, the power is shocking!

Although this is actually a very depletion of the spirit, but it can be so forced in front of the saint's peak, seeing the other person's surprised eyes, it is difficult to conceal the strange expression, the catastrophe is simply a sigh of relief. It is just like a hot day. The hail is as cool and cool as it is.


His mother's, too much!

At this point in life, what do you want? !

In a few moments, there was a smog in the air, and the icicles of the original icicles in the air disappeared completely without a trace. Together with the fifteen devils, they disappeared together!

No longer exists in this world.

The spirits are gone, the souls are flying, and the eternal annihilation!

After the end of everything, the soul of the catastrophe slammed into the mouth. In the air, a group of smog that was full of deadness was sucked into his stomach, and he patted his stomach with a sigh of relief. He laughed: "These guys seem to have killed a lot of people, dead. Make up for it, this hard work is worth the price. · Comfort!"

At the same time, the two kings of painting and calligraphy have a taboo color that is difficult to conceal. It seems that there is still some disgusting...

After the death of the man, this guy actually swallowed and completely obliterated the last trace...

This kind of thing, the horror of the soul, is really amazing!

Even though the two of them were seriously injured and their strength was greatly damaged, they were able to force themselves to such a bleak step of the devil, and what is the leisurely generation?

However, under the ravages of the catastrophe, almost no one has to fight back, it was completely burned and the ending was bleak. Although the soul of the catastrophe is also a trick, it is also shocking enough.

And it’s still a sneak peek!

Talking and laughing, the strong beam is flying away!

A terrible horror!

"Two, please go on the road." The soul of the catastrophe is still a little bit sullen and laughter, rolling up a gust of wind, carrying a painting and painting double king, drifting away.

"The little ancestors have already been waiting for you for two more hours..."

Demon King, Tianbing Pavilion!

Chu Yang personally took the book madness into the two, not to mention, each person a nine-density Dan first take it.

It is serious to quickly relieve the serious injuries of the two men.

The two have persisted until now, and they have already gone to the point where the oil is running out of light. Even when the catastrophe is carrying them on the road, both of them have already passed out and are dying. It is not too much to say that they may be screaming at any time.

This is also the fact that Chu Yang has Jiu Dan Dan and other magic drugs. If it is replaced by other people, even if it is successful, I am afraid that there may not be a way to treat the injuries of these two people!

It is very likely that they can only watch them die in a coma.

However, even if there are thousands of questions at the moment, it is still necessary to wait until the two men wake up and make plans.

In fact, for the things on the other side of the ink cloud, at this moment, not only Chu Yang has been able to know clearly, but even the entire nine-day scorpio has been turbulent and grassy.

The nine robbers and brothers are naturally the first group to know the changes of Mo Yuntian. The Tianji Intelligence Department with Mo Tianji is there. The latest information from all the worlds is constantly pouring into the ears, and the brothers even want to pretend. It is impossible to be dumb.

For this matter, Ji Mo and Rock Enemy performed very well in line with their true nature and indignant. Frequently screaming at the singularity...·········

The second thing, our lucky draw begins. Tomorrow, from 13:00 to 14:00, we will use the prizes to give you a holiday.········································································ Wow, haha... I haven’t been so embarrassed yet... I’ve been so embarrassed, don’t forget that... 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 啥 不能 不能 不能 不能· So everyone is hurrying...

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