Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 493: The same mood!

Although reuniting a group of brothers is a serious matter, important things, the first-class big can not be so beautiful to explain is not!

So······································································································· Go to Moyuntian and kill the Yuantian konjac of Yuantian, and come back soon!"

Then I laughed again.

All the people in the robbery group of Rock's enemies are stunned: You dare to say the boss... The other party is the Emperor Yunyun! Even if it is a demon, it looks like you are not an opponent now?

The confidence that you said is full: I will kill him and come back! That tone, like the Yuan Tian limit is a pig that has been **** and only waited for slaughter, just waiting for you to kill the sword and kill it....

Besides, is it going to fight, is it so exciting?瞧You are excited to follow the sentiment...···

These subordinates really did not guess wrong.

Now in the heart of Rock's enemies, what is the Emperor of the Clouds, what is the Devil of Heaven, what is the limit of the Yuan, and at most it can only be regarded as a fart! At the same time, our brothers shot at the same time, and the district has a limit of one yuan, and it can count what is fart!

The brother is next to me, I am invincible!

Rocky Enemy sang a sing of unbearable tones, and rushed to Mo Yuntian; it was really... there was a poem: the North Sea was smashing in the sky, and the younger brothers were bold and bold, and they did not know each other; Wolverine flies over this river...·····

While flying, Luo Erye is obscenity: I don’t know how Ji Mo’s **** is now... It’s a certainty to repair it. I’m sure that this time I can reorder the seat, hahaha... it’s just a godsend. Good opportunity, this time I have no other requirements, and I don’t expect to win over Gu Lao Er and Chu Lao Da. As long as I can put Ji Mo’s sticky account under the pressure, it’s not too high. It’s too Not high...

As for Dong, there is no such thing as a guy... I am a civilized person, how can I compete with the barbarian for what I am worth...

Rock’s enemies boiled to be civilized, but they shuddered subconsciously and flew faster...

With a heart of joy, full of belly, and a brain full of ambition, and has already pressed Ji Mo on the ground, riding under the body, squatting hands itch, Luo Erye is almost like a hair The male wolf, the two eyes braved the fluorescent green light, all the way to go...

the other side.

Ji Mo is also flying! I met the Qianzhang Lake under my body. I almost left it behind me.

"What is the meaning of the re-election of the boss this time? I am now the primary peak of the saint, will not be left behind? Why is there so little confidence? I have been in this situation for a while, and I am still confident. Insufficient, I have already climbed the top ranks of the top nine talents, but why is there lack of confidence! No, this must be an illusion, it must be an illusion! I will do it, I will do it!"

"However, the position of the boss..." Think of Chu Yang's expression like a smile, Ji Mo simply immediately dismissed the idea: "This is a... I don't know how to be the boss's material. When the boss has to worry about this worry. That...····· Still forget it, or else it will be a neuropathy, I am such a smart person, can I do that stupid thing?!"

"As for the second child..." Ji Mo thinks of his cold face, and he hasn’t heard why: "Cough, don't say anything else. That name is too ugly, or let Gu alone continue to do it." Ok..."

"But this time, can you continue to be the third child?·····"

"Although I don't have enough confidence, no, I am full of confidence, but this is still very difficult to say. Dong did not hurt the goods. This time I must compete with me... This time I want to press him again, I don't know if I can. ·······"Ji Mo thought about it and gave up: "I can't give up, I don't want to be a third child." I can do it; the goods are lazy than me, definitely not as good as mine! I still have confidence in this!"

"The dog is awkward! The dog is yelling! Killing the Rocky enemy is not arrogant, it is the great victory of my ink! Dogs! Oh!"

Ji Mo’s enthusiasm is full of joy and joy.

Another world.

Two people are rushing in the sky.

A burly and majestic, it seems that the whole world has been shackled by him.

The other is a black dress, petite and exquisite.

These two people are naturally two people who have no injuries and tears.

"At the end of the day, it’s time to gather again! Our brothers are hand in hand and proud of the world. The days are just before the eyes!" Dong no wounded in the chest full of pride, looks like there is a kind of strong and fierce impulse!

"This time, your brothers don't know how to enter the country. Don't know what is better than you?" Tears grinned.

In the tears of the ink, during this time, the husband and wife of the two men, and smashed the death, and almost every day is experiencing the rapid growth of leap, in terms of their own cultivation, I am afraid that everyone like Chu Yang It should have been left behind by Dong no injuries.

My husband, I want to come to this gathering, the strongest among the brothers.

Nothing to fight!

As a wife of Dong Wu, the tears are naturally proud of their husbands and full of confidence.

"This may not be!" Dong did not hurt his face with a thick smile: "Although I am not arrogant, I will not be blindly arrogant. According to my estimation, Chu Yang’s current cultivation is still above me. It may even be much higher. As for Gu, I am almost in the middle of it. We have always been like this. This time is no exception. As for other people, I don’t know the phoenix blood and the arrogant cloud. The golden dragon blood has awakened a lot, and it is hard to say that they are superhuman beings.... Of course, Ji Mo and Rock Enemies are definitely not as good as me!"

Dong did not smile and smiled. It was a heartfelt happiness and self-confidence.

"This time, I have to knock over the kidnapper to the ground, step on his monkey head and climb the third place!" Dong Wu is talking about this matter, and his heart is very aggrieved. "In that year, the goods were just a dog, and they broke through for half a day. I took the dog and took the position of the third child! I have been uncomfortable for so many years, and now I am finally given a good opportunity. I want to take it down!"

Ink tears puzzled: "Don't you ever think about pressing the crowd and being the boss between the brothers?"

"I didn't think about it. I really didn't think about it." Dong didn't break his mouth and open his mouth: "The horror of Chu Boda, and the horror of Gu Zhixing... I understand it too deeply..."

This is the truth.

In the life of Dong Wushou, the biggest blows were all from Chu Yang and Gu Duxing. Let him have a feeling: no matter how he is promoted, how hard, how the adventures continue, but the two people can always be on their own heads!

Every time I feel that I have made great achievements and extraordinary entry, I will always find that the two guys are still making more progress than themselves...

Such a thing has happened too many times too many times!

When it happens many times by chance, chance is basically equal!

Ink tears licked her mouth, she did not agree with her husband's "self-humiliation." She also recognizes the tyranny of Chu Yang and Gu Lund, but she still believes that her man is the strongest!

But the ink tears did not say anything more. Because she knows the relationship between Dong Wuju and Chu Yang and other brothers. The so-called position between the brothers is just a gimmick. No matter who is first or who, it will not affect the friendship between the people...

Moreover, there is no distinction between the top and the bottom. I don’t see you, Chu Yang, who is recognized by the brothers as the boss, is not the time when the brothers join hands and fight down like a pig. Where is the authority of the boss?·····

When you are happy, you are crazy together. When you are unhappy, you will fight together. The power of the country’s wealth is ignored or ignored. But a joke can make these people fight each other’s pigs...

Such pure feelings are no longer a sentence that can be distinguished before and after.

"I remember that when I was in the mainland of Jiuzhongtian, the boss once said a word: One day, our brothers will join hands and shoulder to shoulder, proud of the world!"

Dong did not hurt and flew quickly, while he was full of emotions and laughed: "At that time, the attitude of the boss when he said this sentence is still vivid and condensed. Now, it seems to be true and true. It’s time!”

"The tears are faster. I really can't wait!" Dong did not hurt and shouted, and his feet were again exerted, leading away.

Ink tears helplessly smile, add to the law, and then go.

Far away, another direction.

There was a long sigh in the clouds, and all the people on the ground found a strange sight.

On the Jiuyunyun, there is a golden dragon with a full body and a thousand feet, suddenly emerged, just flashing in the air, driving the wind and thunder, all the way to the power, toward a certain direction, go straight!

"Dragon! That is the dragon, I saw the dragon!"

"Really?! It’s a dragon!"

"There is really a dragon in this world, and the dragon sees the dragon, the sky sees the dragon..."


The arrogant cloud that rolled in front of the clouds, the huge eyes of the golden dragon, filled with the urgency!

There are still deep thoughts.

Brothers, are you all right?

Brothers, I am coming! This is coming!

I don't know if you will see me again, will you be surprised? Most definitely! Hahahaha... I am now a proud young master, but I have made too much progress.················································ ·············································

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