Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 494: Expedition!

A phoenix sounds and rang through the sky! !

The phoenix dances nine times and returns to the nine days!

A huge phoenix with a vast expanse of wings and wings rises up, bringing up the colorful clouds and clouds, all the way to the height of 90,000 miles, and heading for the direction of Mo Yuntian. ······

Along the way, a hundred birds worship, everything bows!

This is the supreme power of the phoenix kings; for thousands of years, the scene of the world that has long ceased to exist; even, the phoenix has completely disappeared in the nine heavens!

Even in the days when the Bai people contend, few of the phoenix's strongmen were so swaying in the air that they were shocked for nine days.

Nowadays, in this generation where the Baizu has long since fallen, it has turned out to be such a phoenix, and it has been swayed at high altitude without any fear!

This situation has shocked many people.

I don’t know what to do about it, but I don’t care about it. Are you chasing? Cut, chase me? Besides, even if you chase it, when you catch up, I will fall into a person when I fall down...

What can you do with me?

Hum hum……

I can’t help but laugh.

In fact, it doesn't mean that it is not so swaying, but I want to get to the top of the cloud in the fastest time. It is too slow and too slow to walk in the form of the human body. Compared with the speed of the avatar flying, it is true. There is no difference in cloud mud, and it is completely impossible to speak the same day.

Just to avoid the suspicion, in case I waited for the past, Yuan Tian limited that the devil has been dead under the siege of Chu Yang and others... I am much lost. I lost a great opportunity to show off my brilliance in front of my brothers. How much I am...······

Besides, I just want to fly in this way of being in the world, and in the end, if the two inks or the rivals of Roxie are screaming... Well, those two people will definitely be swearing!

They will definitely say: Behold, there is a bird flying in the sky...·····

At that time, the Phoenix can happily turn them into a demon! - Pig family!

Besides, this time the ranking is very important; other people will stop, but there must be a clear understanding between yourself and the proud cloud!

Whether it is the Dragons, or the Phoenix family is even more arrogant. It depends on the winning and losing between the two!

As long as you can maintain the position of the third child, then the position of the cockroach will be stable...····································

I have to say that the current mood between the brothers is very common.

The real most urgent mood at the moment is really not to kill the Yuan Tian limit, to help Xie Danqiong; but... the re-arrangement of the brothers after the reunion!

Everyone is in a hurry, seven up and down!

Everyone is uneasy, but they are screaming and full of ambition!

But only one thing is common, and people share the same heart.

Except for Chu Yang and Gu Danxing, no one else has the ambiguity of the status of the boss in the heart! Even if the phoenix does not destroy Nirvana and the strength once exceeded the people, it is only the third goal!

Because in the hearts of the brothers, there is a consensus, Chu Yang, is the boss, the sky, can not change this ranking!

Gu alone is the second child! It is the second brother!

This is also impossible to shake! No one can change!

As for the other ones, it depends on who's fist is bigger...···哼哼哼, whoever does not serve anyone anyway!

Especially for the Mo Tianji.

As long as I think of Mo Tianji, who has a bad heart and a bad stomach, everyone including Gu Zhixing has started to rub his teeth and teeth! This **** slay

You have made such a miscellaneous thing to make everyone so bad. So the feathers of the feathers and ducks, this time if it is a bad lesson to teach him, let him be unforgettable. How can I!

It’s hard to understand!

So, you are waiting for everyone to return your embarrassment!

At the same time, Chu Yang on the other side is also ready to go on the road.

Of course, Chu Yang didn't know that his own order went on, and he didn't get the real implementation: the guys got the 'brothers gathered in the sky, after the news, all of them were already excited and completely ignored. Thinking and analysis.

Including Gu Zhixing, basically it is the only way! It seems that even the Mo Tianji will only bring a few limited people!

Everyone has neglected ‘each departure, only with the elite, the ink cloud sees the sky, the ‘only with the elite, these four words!

In fact, there is a very subjective plus objective reason, which also led to this situation: In the past, as long as the brothers started, it is the simple brothers to join forces to fight together!

Where do you need to bring what you guys...

It is probably driven by such subjective thoughts that everyone seems to be consciously and unintentionally neglecting this problem, all of which are single spurs!

It’s also that Dong’s two-in-a-kind is a side-by-side, in fact, it’s still a single plus; there’s another person who has brought eight people!

Other standard one-water polished commander!

But Chu Yang is different here, and it is very different.

After issuing the brothers’ call, Chu Yang immediately began to collect the manpower for the trip. Brothers and brothers and sisters have been gone for a long time, this time, it must be all dripping. Xie Danqiong and Mrs. Mei, proud evil cloud and his wife, Ji Mo and Hu Yan Aobo······

This has been gone for a long time. Chu Yang naturally wants to bring it all!

This goes to Mo Yuntian, the biggest purpose is to get rid of the evil world of Yuan Tian, ​​the old ones who dreamed of the endless are all fighting over there, so the dream is bound to go, his original The team is naturally going to pick the master.

The two masters of Book Mania and King of Painting have already recovered their strengths under the help of Jiuzhong Dan. The remaining injuries can completely heal while he is on the road. There is Chu Yang here, and it is entirely possible for them to recover. How can such a super master not? Bring it?

What's more, the two people themselves are suffering from the **** sea enmity, how can they not take revenge?

There is also Chu Leer, she has made a lot of progress, especially the poisonous powers of the world, how can it not go with the line?

Talk about how these combat talents who have heard of snoring and boiling will be abandoned. Xie Danfeng has always been talking about it, and with his brother Xie Danqiong has not been seen for a long time, naturally also to accompany?

Mo light dance does not give up, she has always been Chu Yang where she will follow; she is also one of the nine robberies, not letting anyone go to her is also a must. The purple evil is repaired as superb. Now, after further improvement, it has already passed the sage intermediate level. It is almost the strongest master of Chuyang. So how can we win her?

There is also one of the most important factors. If you want to help Xie Danqiong, you must be alive and dead. How can you go to a master?

Therefore, Chu Yang has really gathered a large number of troops and is very powerful.

Demon Ningning, the guy who fears that the world is not chaotic, willing to miss such a century war. He must follow the world, and the master of the demon king will not be able to follow with him. After the demon, he will be safe and send two big seven-star guards to accompany him. . The manpower of the demon emperor is also a large number, very powerful, and the former call back!

Thinking about it, Chu Yang decided to leave the iron and the sky and Wu Qianqian to master the overall situation. Although the cultivation of the two women has certainly improved a lot, they have already become the top experts in the world, but they are not always combat-oriented talents, and their actual combat experience is lacking.

If it is for them to really participate in the battle, then it is really a waste of talent.

Duan Cangkong and the chrysanthemum knife king Li Guanyu and others stayed behind.

There is also the spirit of catastrophe, this old brother also followed Chuyang together!

On the way, Chu Yang grabbed the demon, Ning Ning, and let him come out, and transferred the fifteen ships of the Emperor's Emperor, each of which was packed with 6,000 people.

At this point, the total number of 100,000 people, the vastness of the sky, and flew to the side of the ink cloud!

If it is not confirmed that Yuan Tian is a demon, then Chu Yang may not be so fanciful; but since Yuan Tian is a demon, then Chu Yang will be the battle of the devil, but it is not allowed to lose. !

There are some things about the demon, but you need to explore it in this battle. You must have a perfect preparation for the future war!

Although the book madness and the painting king are depressed, the injuries of the two of them have recovered almost. The strong resilience of the nine-density plus the high-ranking saints is similar to that of the small ones. It is a strange thing to recover.

It’s just that the two followed the expedition this time, but the heart was full of anger. That hatred of Yuan Tianjun, if it is eternal life, will not be eliminated.

After two days in the air, the book madness finally asked the question that he had long wanted to hear the news: "Chu Yuzuo, when you passed the order, it was said that your brothers would act together and gather in Moyuntian, referring to ……those people?"

Chu Yang smiled heartily: "I am my brothers.

"My best brothers!" Chu Yang sighed and laughed: "The book king can know that Xie Danqiong, who is leading the Tianyun Pavilion and the Yuantian limited rain, is now in the cloud?"

The two nodded again and again.

Xie Danqiong is now famous in the world of Mo Yuntian. How could they not know about them?

"This Xie Danqiong is one of them! My brother!" Chu Yang's eyes exudes an inexplicable look: "Do you know that Gu was a stalker who was chased some time ago? It is the one who got the inheritance of Qi Tianjian. He is also one of mine. Brothers! Also, today, the Tianji Intelligence Department, which is spread all over the Nine Heavens, is the intelligence organization founded by my other brother Mo Tianji! In addition, there are...

The more you listen to the book madness and the painting king, the more shocked you are, the more you hear the more weird!

No one from the name of Chuyangkou is a leisurely generation! Each one is a powerful figure who has risen from the glory of the Nine Heavens in the recent period!

"No matter what they are in that world, the forces created by our brothers are all called Tianbingge!" Chuyang is faint, but full of pride said: "So, Xie Danqiong's organization is also called Tianbing Pavilion! And I On the other hand, it is also called Tianbingge. Gu’s side is also called Tianbingge. It’s just that...”

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