Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 495: Strange situation

"Now, the forces of the Tianbing Pavilion led by Xie Danqiong have also seen you...!. The guarantee is that the brothers of other brothers, the strength they possess, may not be inferior to Xie Danqiong... or, there is still no Know!"

The book madness and the painting of Wang Wenyan are even more stunned and shocked.

If you only say that Xie Danqiong is one, everyone will be shocked. If there is a person's chance, there may not be a coincidence, and the rise will be superb! However, if everyone is like this, then it is impossible to make a decision. It is a terrible strength.

When all of their Tianbing Pavilions are united, this force will not be inferior to any heaven in the Nine Heavens!

Unconsciously, these little guys have already achieved such great achievements!

This is simply a miracle that has never happened before the ancient times!

If Chu Yang does not say, who would want to get it, such a large enough strength to win the world and subvert the nine heavens, has long been brewing, shaped today?

Who knows that when everyone does not realize it, such strength is already fully fledged and will be in front of people? !

These brothers of Chuyang, each of them are peerless geniuses who are not born!

However, the two kings of painting and calligraphy did not know. There is also a secret secret hand around the Chu Yang. In addition to being the boss of the Tianbingge intelligence organization, Mo Tianji is still a military strategist in the world. He has helped Chu Yang to make suggestions in the dark. The strength that Yang’s subordinate forces can exert will inevitably be calculated in multiples.

Any brother around Chu Yang is a world-renowned person who can win thousands of miles.

Any point of the nine-day sky is not the same as the intelligence organization built by Mo Tianji!

You can talk to each other at any time, you can always contact, you can change at any time, of course, you can start attacking at any time!

Such a strong combination is simply a seamless combination of dreams!

Book madness is shocked to the almost stagnant strength of the Chuyang brothers now.

In the long history of the nine-day scorpion, it can be compared with the dream combination that Chu Yang has. According to the book madness, there is only one!

The power of two great powers to join forces!

The two men joined forces, within the scope of the nine-day Scorpio, it means the absolute world is invincible!

Even if you are a holy prince, face this power, you must shun it!

That is... East Emperor Snow Tears Cold, Zishen Tiandi Zihao's team!

However, as the two brothers each boarded the position of the emperor, each side of the heavens

‘Zi Xue combination, no longer reappears.

Later, the Zixiao Emperor Zihao alone but strong enemy, and finally annihilated in the purple combination of such a dream combination, it became a perfect sound!

However, at present, it seems that the dream combination of Chu Yang’s brothers is not inferior to the combination of Snow Tears and Zihao! Even, it is still there.

Under the snow and tears and the purple **** ho, it is the seven-star **** that protects the heavens and the earth after the celestial world divides the heavens and the earth!

Each group of seven-star guards is also known as the ... dream combination.

However, the book madness and other people know deeply that they and their brothers, and each other or the knowledge of the underworld, can also cooperate with each other, but it is definitely not a combination. Because, each other is more busy with their own affairs, the opportunity to fight against each other is really rare.

Because when everyone is together, they have their own achievements and have their own pride!

Coupled with their own strength is still on the peak of the nine heavens, there are very few things that need to be solved by them. Many people have joined forces to fight. The so-called "joining hands" is simply to kill the chicken with a knife. It is useless. Ground.

And Chu Yang and others are all from the time of the end of the micro! There is no longer a distinction between you and me, and the silent tacit understanding is even less. It can be said that each other is in the middle of each other, and that it has reached the point where nothing cares, let alone mention achievements and pride.

Those things are not worth mentioning in front of such feelings, disdain!

Recognizing that the book madness and the painting king in front of the reality are shocked at the same time, they are shocked and inexplicable.

In this way, if Chu Yang and other brothers are all full of wings, the strength that can be exerted really does not know where to go?

But one thing is definitely certain.

The method used by the Holy King to deal with Zihao and the snow and tears was definitely useless. There are only two people in the Snow Tears and Zihao, so they are divided into two worlds, and they are separated from each other intentionally or unintentionally.

But Chu Yang’s brothers, together with himself, have more than ten!

If you use the same method...

The book mad and the painting king snorted and spit. They also remembered a few people at the same time: the nine emperors!

Ten world!

Unless it is the Holy King who can give the entire Nine Heavens to them?

But in that case, the only thing that is overhead is the holy monarch himself, and it is simply to dig the graves to deal with the fart...·...

Mo Yuntian.

Looking at the good news from all over the place, Xie Danqiong did not see the joy, but frowned deeply.

On the one hand, the raft is also frowning, obviously it is very worried.

Next, the army’s self-excited report: “...the army has arrived at Baicaocheng. The city owner was originally ours, and the defender was also the old man of Mushuai’s former subordinate. It was the surrender of the city, and our army did not damage one soldier. The army successfully occupied Baicao City.·······

"...Yushanguan, smelling the wind and falling..."

"Jun Qi Ling, now occupied by me ... where the soldiers will be 30,000, a lot, all the members will return, willing to follow the coach, a total of martyrdom!"

"Currently, there are half of the mountains and rivers in Moyuntian. There are still many people in the control of our army. There are still many people waiting to wait and see. Just waiting for us to march north, we will be in the world, and the fire will be the future!"

The army continued to report on the roads, and the voice was almost excited to tremble.

But the brows of Muxi and Xie Danqiong wrinkled deeper and deeper.

Since joining the army. In the Northern Expedition, every battle is a must, and there has never been any defeat! Even if you say that you have lost, even the decent resistance has not been encountered, until now, it can be said that the wind has reached the extreme.


"It's just too smooth! This is not right." Xie Danqiong frowned. "In any case, it shouldn't be so smooth, it's not right..." Although Yuantian is the demon, this matter has been confirmed, and the general trend is undoubtedly on our side. But... Yuan Tian’s business has been running for millions of years, and it’s far-sighted and high-profile. I believe that there are countless dark chess players. It’s impossible for people all over the world to believe in it and accept it completely. There is no such thing.····· ·"

"Not bad. Even though we have the name of righteousness, we have no official status after all. In the eyes of the world, I am afraid that we are the ones who want to steal a big day. The thief should be more... How could it be so smooth, indeed? Without this reason, the battle is now going too far. "The raft is also full of sadness, and how he can't detect the difference in the battlefield."

"Returning 10,000 steps said that even if Yuan Tian is a loss of people's minds, he has always been a Scorpio Emperor for more than one million years! Can you have no resistance at all?"

"It's all too bad, too calm, too smooth!"

This is the common idea of ​​the two people.

However, what is it for, what is wrong, the two can never guess.

Although these two people are also very keen, and they are facing the enemy, they are also witty people who can adapt to the situation. Mudu is a world-famous talent, but for what has happened in this, he still does not understand.

Two people are the only generals, but they are not politicians!

For the intrigues, various considerations, various calculations, and various calculations are not very proficient.

"At the moment, what makes me most worried is that the counterattack of the demons is really too weak... No, or it should be said that until now, there is no counterattack at all!" Muxi frowned and hammered: " Among them, there must be Mo Dazhen, although we are aware of it, we can’t understand it!”

"If you can't understand the mystery in this, we are afraid that we will plant a big heel that can't be turned over." The voice of the raft is full of worries.

"But now the situation is very good. If it is not chasing after the victory, I am afraid that it will colden the hearts of the people below." Xie Danqiong smiled.

The raft also reported a bitter smile.

Ming knows that there may be traps that are fatal in front, but they have to enter, and they have to be embarrassed.

"At the moment, it is impossible to move, but it does not necessarily require too much investment." Xie Danqiong said slowly: "The immediate priority is to stabilize the rear and develop the rear, instead of blindly attacking the city."

"Advance slowly, don't push in.

"In this way, we can not only preserve our own living strength, but also continue to develop our own strength. When the other party's attempt is fully exposed, we will be able to react in an instant and arrange countermeasures... In this way, even if there is a loss in the front, we will make a comeback. The cost of ........ is not defeated by the mountains, there is no chance to turn over."

For Xie Danqiong, Muxi very much agrees.

It is really too strange to see this situation at the moment.

I have never had a bottom in the heart of the raft that has long been a long-term enemy and foresight.

Now the world is boiling, and Yuan Tian’s limit is not even a half sentence.

How is the demon, so good to deal with?

Xie Danqiong returned to his study with great enthusiasm and frowned. He tried hard to guess what Yuan Tianzhi wanted to do, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still had no idea.


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