Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 496: Black and white upside down

At that time, Xie Danqiong couldn't help but miss the long-lost Mo Tianji, and the boss Chu Yang.

Whether it is Mo Tianji or Chu Yang, I believe that if they have one person here, they can guess the other's intentions; they will not be as passive as they are now.

Now that the situation is obvious, knowing that the other party is sure to have a big plot, but it is just a little clueless.

The people of the celestial intelligence department under the Mo Tianji also expressed their depression, because the party related to the Yuantian limit is nothing but valuable information. Is the other party’s intelligence system really blocked so tightly?

The front is full of fighting in full swing.

However, the rear is sitting on the city, and nothing can be done.

The raft sent a large number of spies, and even launched all the inside lines that are still stranded in the official cloud, but it is still a useful news.

But gradually, a wave of opposition to voice has risen. At the beginning, this was only a small amount, and it was hardly noticed, but gradually it turned into a spark of fire.

"The Emperor of Heaven is a demon? These are so stupid! How ridiculous!"

"Is this raft fainted? You want to rebel. After all, people go to the heights and go down to the bottom. You want to go further and master the world. You can understand this idea. After all, it is already a great person. If you want to go further, you will only have a rebellion. Even if you say that the Emperor’s sins are guilty, what is ignorant, what is the beauty of the stack, and it’s not surprising. However, you are actually an incarnation of the celestial gods under the sacred empire. This is too naive to say this!"

"The Emperor of Heaven has been in charge of Mo Yuntian for millions of years. For more than a million years, is it only your raft that has a flaming eye? Can you see that the Emperor of Heaven is the embodiment of the demon? Are everyone else sly?" Will not distinguish the demons?"

"Since the Emperor of Heaven is a demon, what is your raft?"

"Hibiscus, deliberate, conspiracy calculation, pure chaos thief!"

"Imagine · For millions of years, Mo Yuntian has changed a few times, the Emperor of Heaven is like a pinnacle of the sea, shocking the whole piece of Heavenly Emperor... If it is really a demon, if you want to subvert the words of Mo Yuntian, chances are really unknown. Tens of millions... why not keep moving?"

"In summary, the Emperor of Heaven is definitely not a demon. It is absolutely impossible to be an incarnation of the extraterrestrial!"

"So the raft is simply a demon confession! Sin is not tolerated!"

This wave of waves has gradually emerged and gradually formed, and the momentum has gradually become vast. Slowly sweeping the entire Mo Yuntian, the spearhead points directly to Mu Tianyi himself.

Moreover, it is impossible to contain it! No matter how the defense of the argument, the more it is blacker!

"Our ordinary people can make a good birthday, and they have a good life before. Why do you say that the Emperor of Heaven is a demon? It is necessary to pick up the civil war and make a big move." Some people are dissatisfied, but they tell the voice of the people.

"When the war is over, the people don't talk about life. Isn't it true that you don't understand the raft?" Someone was heartbroken.

"Don't say that the Emperor of Heaven is not a demon, even if his old man is really a demon, nor is he going to harm the people of Mo Yuntian! On the contrary, my ancestors were under the rule of the Emperor of Heaven, and they were full of food and dressed! Wandering? If this is I am willing to be ruled by the demon outside the field!" Some people are unreasonable and say plausible.

"Now, the clouds are everywhere, and the flames are burning. Is this the original intention of your so-called ‘the demon?” Someone asked.

There are also some Confucian scholars who are writing hard, swaying, screaming, and squatting.

"The raft is an out-and-out ambition! For your own ambitions, for your own dominance, you have nothing to do!" Someone asserted.

"A chaotic thief, but he has to set up a road to his own, a crowned rebellious reason. Shameless!" Some people disdain.

"The ones you said are simply nonsense. There is no reason for rebellion. What is the rebellion of Mudu?" Someone looked at the wise man.

"It makes sense." Most people agree.

"Wood, you said that the Emperor of Heaven is a demon, how can you not come up with solid evidence! Is it possible to convict your mouth one by one? What are you?!" Someone was indignant.

There are countless public opinion essays turned out!

"The Book of Wanyan: I am on the top ten crimes of Muxi!"

""Let's ask for a raft! Also I am in the sky!""

"The Ten Reasons for the Failure of Mudu!"

All these kinds of things are overwhelming.

Before and after is only a few days, everyone has come up with a feeling: wake up, suddenly all over the world are against the raft! According to thousands of people, everyone is reviled!

In this world, what group of power is the biggest?

That is, the masses!

The masses who do not know the truth, this part of the power is undoubtedly the biggest! After all, in any world, the truth is only known to a small number of qualified people.

However, within 100,000 people, there may not be such a clear person!

Although Yuan Tian limit itself did not make any arguments, it used another very effective and simple method, and counterattacked Muxi and Xie Danqiong!

I don't argue!

Why should I argue? The Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning! What is the debate? !

If this is a ridiculous thing, I would like to specialize in arrogance as a party, then I really can't afford this face!

Mudu, what do you like to say, it is said by him.

Did he say that I am a demon, I am really a demon?

These words, Yuan Tian limit does not have to say at all, naturally will! He said. !

Moreover, those who said for him are far better than what he said! More pertinent!

However, the irony is that all the people who say this are all a bunch of people who don’t know the truth.

Moreover, it is more ironic that most of these people are some people who are full of scholars, who think they are the truth!

This situation is simply to let everyone who knows the inside story be a heartfelt sigh.

But now, in this case, insisting that Yuan Tian is a demon, there is really no evidence! At least not the kind of evidence that everyone can recognize!

Seven kings of chaos ······Who does the ordinary people know who the Seven Kings are?

More incomprehensible!

Once this kind of public opinion rises, it can't be controlled at all; even the source can't be found anywhere, and it is getting more and more fierce. Even the big military camps of Xie Danqiong and Mudu are quietly circulating similar news.

Some people even think: "Is it still?"

"We just follow the raft to rebel, is it right?"

"At the beginning, I just listened to the words of Mu Shuai. When the blood was hot, I was blindly obsessed... But now I think about it. There are too many incomprehensible things. There are too many embarrassing places...··· ··”

"It’s also true, the truth is really..."

"Beep! Is this what I can say now?"

"Yes, yes, right."

Not here, where are you going to talk?

Is there a place to talk about this topic?

For a time, the military heart is floating, and the soldiers have no wars. There will be no war. The rafters of the rafts were decapitated with a number of lower-level officers who spread the rumors, but this kind of action made the rumors more and more fierce.

"This rumor is only true if it is true. Or why kill people? It is angry and angry!"

"It seems that Mu Shuai is guilty, otherwise the Qing Dynasty is self-cleaning. How can you not see the Emperor of Heaven killing him and saying that he is right and wrong?"

When Muxi knew about the murder, he immediately stopped it, but the public opinion has expanded to the point where it can no longer be recovered.

Just one night, an army suddenly had a deserter incident.

There are not many people, and there are only a few people in total.

However, the number of deserters suddenly increased sharply the next day, and each military camp, but there were thousands of life-defying soldiers overnight.

On the third day; an army general suddenly announced that he had left the insurrection army and led the army to retreat. The movement was unknown.

Next... the fourth day... the fifth day...

This situation is actually more and more intense. At the beginning, he was able to rule the crimes with the military discipline; killing the deserters and quelling the chaos; but later, it has formed a situation in which the law does not blame the public.

A large number of deserters continued to emerge.

Faced with this situation, Muxi and Xie Danqiong almost whitened their hair; never imagined that the great situation that was finally created was actually destroyed in such a rumor!

Now, the total number of the uprising army, known as the total of 70 million, has only been left behind by those who have followed the raft. The total strength is already less than 20 million.

Others, the basics have already been scattered. Among the people who have stayed, they don’t even know who is trustworthy. Who is special to stay and should be prepared to fight against the water.

Or some people are still waiting to see, have not decided to go away...·····

In the face of such a situation, Muxi and Xie Danqiong have nothing to do!

The other party has not even made any big moves, and he has already lost in the rumors!

Do not fight for defeat!

This is undoubtedly the biggest shame in Mu's life! The biggest failure!

However, there is no way to deal with it.

Yuan Tian is bound to be the Emperor of Heaven, and has ruled the world of Mo Yuntian for millions of years! It is really ingrained and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Muxi and Xie Danqiong finally decided to temporarily stop the attack, first rectify the internals, stabilize the military and say, otherwise, just continue, I am afraid that even the current **** caddy will be shaken...

However, at this time, the counterattack of Yuan Tianji finally arrived.

The means of counterattack is simple, very simple, but also very deadly!

Counterattack is just a letter, just a letter!

A letter to Mu Shuai, telling the world's letter, but like a sharp and powerful rebellious essay, almost pushed the raft to the road!

"Hey, very sad!"

So I have to make changes soon... so everyone saw the big ellipsis behind the chapter.

But the specific situation·······Cough, I am also worried now, in fact, everyone is worried.·····

Hey, I don’t know what you said, anyway... It’s possible to take time off these two days. But I am not sure which day it is... this... it’s hard to tell now...·····

Everyone understands...·············

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