Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 497: Thousand husbands

Yuan Tian’s essays even abandoned the previous format and directly expressed the infinite anger in the heart with ‘he was very painful.



"...··· Nowadays, Mu Shuai is blinded by traitors, and he is a devil of sorcerer... I don’t feel how angry, just sad!"

"Hey, very sad!"

"When you think about yourself, you think about it. You don't know where you can't live with the old brothers who have been working together for a million years! You never understand, what changes have made you have such a change, just for the traitor. A word of sorrow?! But, no matter what it is... oh, as long as you come back, you are willing to ignore the past, it is to apologize to you!"

"Oh, I can't bear you! Innocent, you can't live with you! The countless people of Mo Yuntian have suffered too much suffering. They can't afford a fierce civil war. These hardships shouldn't have been sustained by them! Important courtiers, come back!"

"For the sake of our million years of deep friendship, for the peace and quiet of the ink cloud! For the innocent billion people! Oh, please think about it, is it worth it?"

"The prodigal son is turning back, but the gold is not changing! Not to mention the life and death brothers who have been together for millions of years!"

"I am here to announce that as long as Muxi is fascinated, the immediate official will be reinstated! All followers will not be guilty! Everything is wide. If there is really something in the jingle, it is not right, willing to sin, Announce the world! When you apologize to Mushuai!"

"Hey here, in the face of the people of the world, make the above commitments! If one can't do it, accept the sacredness!"

"Mu Shuai, come back!"

"I hope that you will think about it, you will wait for your reply. Before you reply, you will not use any soldiers and soldiers to fight for it. This is flesh and blood. He is forbearing in the same room, and the flesh and blood are disabling. It is the great misfortune of the world..."

The letter of the Emperor Yunyun Tiandi Yuantian is so low that it can be said to be low. As one of the Emperor of Heaven, the person of the highest day can be so fulfilled, and sincerity is really inexplicable!

When the letter came out, the whole Mo Yuntian was shocked!

Then, it was a silence!

Then, it is the song of the earth that is connected to the sky. Nowhere is the voice of praise.

Some people even cried because of the pain: "The Emperor of Heaven is for us to cloud the sky, for a bully and rebellious person, can do this, what is the burden of humiliation ah...·····呜呜呜..."

"It’s great that the Emperor of Heaven is a man... For such a sinful sin, he can still be so generous...·······························································································

"Hey, the Emperor of Heaven is for the millions of people of Mo Yuntian to make such compromises. In order to avoid the charity of the people, the people of the disaster will be so eager to complete the whole..."


"Now, if you look at this ridiculous raft, can you get lost?"

"The Emperor of Heaven has already achieved this level. If the raft is still rebellious, it is still doing the Spring and Autumn Dream of God. It is really a pig and dog!!"

"Hey, wait and see, the Emperor of Heaven is so magnanimous, and the raft is as long as there is still a little humanity, and it will be repentant..."

"Cut, if the raft is really a little conscience, it’s just a matter of urging self-satisfaction. It’s so despicable, there are still some things to live between heaven and earth...···"

"Yuan Tian Limit!"

The hibiscus took a deep breath and looked at this essay, which was not a slogan.

It is clear that he is the devil of the devil, but he can say so grandiose!

Such a pleading for the whole, such a high wind and bright festival, deep understanding of the righteousness!

"Yuan Tian, ​​how can you tell this? You still know the word of shame? Is it true that people can really be invincible?!" Muxi full of red, "砰" one The palm was photographed on the table, and the piece of red sandalwood was smashed into a powder.

Wood Scorpio apparently forgot a key point, Yuan Tian is not a "person"! It is not known whether people can be invincible in the world, but the power of the "magic" to the shackles is already in fact, and it is true that it is really a hero.

It’s so sharp!

The raft's chest is constantly undulating, only to think that Venus is in front of it, and the heart is up, it seems that it may faint at any time!

The calmness accumulated by Mu Tianyu in a million years is not suitable at this moment, but it is not because Yuan Tianyin’s reversal of black and white is not the reason why this letter smeared himself to nothing, but because... ...

Mudu knows deeply that such a letter can play an amazing role after the announcement of the world! A kind of letter is enough to bring those who are still hesitant to keep a wait-and-see attitude to the Yuantian limit!

Even in his own army, there will be many people who will shake and even formally abandon themselves!

This is a strategy for everyone in the world!

This piece of paper, which looks like a low-profile gesture, is so vicious!

Xie Danqiong was silent for a moment and said: "Hey, I believe this is just the beginning. Since Yuantian has chosen to do this, there must be other backhands!"

"The extraterrestrial demon in the nine heavens, always fighting in different places... What better backhand?" Muxi took a deep breath and frowned: "Do you really summon a lot of Did the magic army come to assist in the battle? If it is true, it will not help us to solve the dilemma!"

After Xie Danqiong’s hand is behind, Junxiu’s face is worried and faint: “The decision will not be so simple, wait and see.······If I feel right, this world will become very Interesting, interesting to you, I have no way to predict, can't imagine."

Wood is puzzled. At this moment, he has long been restless, and the past is ten.

In Xie Danqiong’s heart, there is a very subtle subtlety-feeling, which is a kind of agility, inexplicable, and even incomprehensible.

Although the situation is still bad, it has not yet been clarified, but he has already faintly felt that there is an invisible big net, which is shrouded in this side!

It seems to be struggling.

Although he learned that the Tianji Intelligence Department had heard the news, he still did not know, and his own brothers would gather in the dark for a short time!

This is actually the idea of ​​Ji Mo, to give Xie Danqiong a surprise, but got the support of most brothers! Everyone wants to have a look, Xie Danqiong’s face that is always handsome and calm, suddenly full of ecstasy will be what it looks like...

That situation is simply to make people look forward to, people can not resist.

Although Chu Yang and Mo Tianji seem to look like this may not be very good, but in the face of everyone's unanimous demands, they have to acquiesce.

Therefore, Xie Danqiong is now ignorant of the next move of the brothers, and naturally has no confidence in his heart.

I only feel that I am alone in the face of the smoky Mo Yuntian, really lonely.

But now, I can't give up easily, stick to my waist and go straight!

No matter which battlefield you have, you have no reason to withdraw!

Three days passed.

The cloud of public opinion in Mo Yuntian has not weakened, but it has become more and more prosperous.

"His, this has been three days, what do you say? If you don't say a word, do you want to pass?"

"Mu 沧澜, the Emperor of Heaven is so generous to you, it is really the grace of the heavens and the earth, if you still do not get lost, it is a pig and dog!"

"Wood! You have to have a conscience, you can't be so shameless!"

"Hibis, how can you be so shameless!"

"You all joined the brothers of the Tianbing Pavilion because of the confusion of the raft, and quickly repented... The relatives in the family are waiting for you..."

"I don't want to be a miserable person..."

"Wood, you are the sin of death, and it is hard to forgive!"

"Wood, you have lived up to the expectations of the Emperor of Heaven, you are ambitious, and you are dead!"

"Wooden, you are the demeaning villain who is deceiving, and what is the difference between the heavens and the earth, and hurry to do it yourself!"

Just when the trend of public opinion reached its peak, in the sky of Mo Yuntian, a five-color cloud suddenly came!

The colorful clouds hovered over the sky for a long time in the sky, and a voice, like Hong Zhong, was instantly spread throughout the entire valley of the clouds.

"The Holy King has a purpose!"

The four words, when it is really like a vibrating hair, in the entire ink cloud days, long time resounding, endless!

The whole ink cloud sky, the moment suddenly turbulent!

Saint Jun, the Holy Man finally came out!

After a riot, everyone was holding their breath and waiting for this sacred purpose.

The will of the Holy King has always been the absolute authority of the Nine Heavens, the inviolability, the unquestionable, the most supreme!

Xie Danqiong, at the moment, tens of thousands of miles away, even heard this voice, as in the ear to convey the general.

"The voice of the human being is absolutely impossible to pass so far... This is definitely a special means!" Xie Danqiong said with a smile, but the color of worry in the eyes is even more intense and obvious.

The wooden beaked with a beard, seemingly calm, but the smile on his face has already become stiff.

Even the finger joints are whitish due to tension.

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