Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 498: The words of the Holy King!

"Yes, this is the sacred voice of the Holy King in all the worlds. Every time you pass Cao Yi, you use this method." The voice of Mudu seems to be stiff, and he laughs: "But the Holy King." At this time, he made a wish, he is... wanting... what to do?"

Speaking of the last three words, Mudu’s voice is also a little trembling. I don’t know if it’s a joy or a fear.

Xie Danqiong sighed and said: "I am afraid that it may not help us."

"How come? St. Jun..." He will never be in harmony with the demon! How come it is not to help us?!" The raft sounded with a slight tremor, although the voice was low. However, it has already had an unbelievable and exhaustive taste.

What he said was not so much to explain to Xie Danqiong that he gave Xie Danqiong confidence, but he did not say that he was encouraging himself and invigorated his little fighting spirit and confidence.

If the Holy King blatantly supports the Yuan Tian limit, then the grievances of his own life will inevitably be impossible to wash!

I can’t wash my snow anymore because of my own life’s shame!

Although his face is full of indifference, but in fact it has concentrated all the spirit, and is trying hard to listen to the announcement of that moment!

Xie Danqiong sighed infinitely.

He has a hunch that this time, rafts, I am afraid not only to be disappointed, but also to despair...

"The Holy King has a purpose!"

After these four words, it is a long silence.

The five color clouds are freely swaying in the air. Under the bright sunshine, they emit the colorful rays of the heavens and the earth, the sacred poles, the sacred poles, the solemnity, and the ultimate fantasy!

Everyone has witnessed such an inviolable, unshakable God-given landscape.

"The Mo Yuntian rebellion is four times, the people are not living, and the heart is extremely angry!"

This is the first sentence of the Holy Spirit's will; very plain, very simple. But it has already expressed the emotions of his heart.

Everyone is looking forward to it: Are you angry? This can be understood, there can be. But who are you angry with?

This is the key point to say!

The majestic voice continued to sound: "Mu Yuntian military commander Mudu, selfish greed, unreasonable, bully, greed, ambitious; all this, this seat has already known the source and the beginning but did not expect, There is such a day, the raft for the sake of one's own self-satisfaction, actually made to fall into a party, the emperor, such a big rebellion, do not know the so-called things!"

"This seat is really sad!"

"Mu Yun Tiandi Yuan Tian is a friend of this life. This seat can guarantee that Yuan Tian is innocent and innocent. It is not the genus of the demon! It is rumored that it is a genius of the demon, it is a nonsense, and it is filthy!"

"The raft is ambitious, and it is a disaster for the world. It is the rebelliousness of Mo Yuntian. It is also the rebellion of my nine-day Scorpio. The source of all the disasters. But everyone who is a singer of heaven and earth, everyone can be stunned!····· ·"

Once this sentence comes out, the entire ground of the ink cloud can feel a strong and extremely shock!

Apparently, countless people were shocked by the content of these words. They couldn’t help but be excused. Too many people were shocked at the same time, so that the whole Mo Yuntian felt this kind of vibration!

When this statement came out, Muxi immediately saw Venus in front of him, and after the Holy Will’s will, he said what he was already a word and did not hear clearly!

I only felt that there was only a bang in my ears. I was standing straight and listening to the body of the Holy Spirit. Now the tall and straight body has gradually collapsed.

The whole person suddenly appeared to be old.

It seems that at this moment, the years that have not left a trace of millions of years have suddenly returned to him!

For a moment, a million years, a long journey!

"Mu Shuai!" exclaimed with a former guard, a slam dunk, intended to hold Mu Tianyu.

“Cang Tian··········································································································

The sound did not fall, and it was already "squeaky", spurting out a blood, and the burly body fell straight.

Yuan Tian is a demon. This is a certain fact. In addition to the Ding Zheng of the two kings of calligraphy and painting, the number one of Yuan Tian’s confession is more revealing the true meaning of the demon. It is already evidence. Needless to say.

Even if the Holy King does not believe this, at least it should be carefully investigated and verified. After all, it is not without cause. However, no one has thought that the Holy King did not go through any investigation, and directly gave such a conclusion!

The raft is completely nailed to the shame column! Never turn over again!

Xie Danqiong stood alone in the wind, long white robes flying in the air to hunt and dance, in the eyes, seems to be thinking about what, a piece of God. He feels faintly, or, now, it’s not just that Mo Yuntian is going to change the sky, even the entire nine-day sky...and all the days?

For the scorpion's extremely desperate vomiting and blood fainting, Xie Danqiong is not feeling the same, feeling a thousand!

He knows very well what Muxi is thinking about now.

However, Xie Danqiong did not come forward to comfort - this time, any comfort, it is so pale and powerless, meaningless!

The purpose of the Holy King is to make a final conclusion!

Looking at the surrounding people, they are all superb, and they are very good at the top of the heart. At this moment, they are also pale. !

Obviously, everyone is pre-feeling, and with the will of the Holy King, what kind of storm will be the one who will wait for him to come soon!

What kind of tragic consequences will it bring!

That is totally unimaginable!

Or can't imagine it at all!

Xie Danqiong took a deep breath, and Junxiu’s face regained a calm, and even smiled slightly, reappearing the past. The smile of Shen Ning falls in the eyes of the subordinates, but it seems that the confused heart suddenly has a rare extra point!

Wood Scorpio has been hit by this series of blows, then you can never fall again!


Xie Danqiong said with a smile, his eyes are firm and sharp, like a solid shot, and the arrow that rushes to the target is such a cold and stern: "The order is all over the army..."

Xie Danqiong slowly stepped forward to the Chinese military account: "Tell them, there will be an unprecedented warfare in the next...·coming soon!"

"This time, it is the real ... the battle of life and death!"

Xie Danqiong guessed it was good, it was indeed a fierce battle!

Moreover, internal and external problems are unbreakable.

The will of the Holy King, the letter of Yuan Tian's limit, this double blow directly caused the entire ink cloud sky to almost turn over.

Just after the Holy Will, Yuan Tianji officially issued an order to slash the raft!

Although the order still expressed regret, it was a pity, but it was hard to cover up, or it was never disguised.

"Whether anyone has killed the official title of the status quo of the wood 沧澜 沧澜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ! !

"In the rebellious warriors, if there are those who vote for honesty, they will not be guilty!"

At this time, Mo Yuntian is simply a united city, working together, and rebelling!

More than 90% of the people are supporting the Moyun Heavenly Emperor Yuantian!

However, some of the remaining swings and keep watching are also tempted by the conditions of Yuan Tian's limit!

As long as you kill the raft, you will become the new first person in the ink cloud heaven army! First Duke! Terracotta Warriors! The right to the world! Under one person, over ten thousand people!

What is the status! What a glory! What a glimpse! ?

It’s too easy to get all this by just killing a raft.

Since it is so easy, why not do it? !

Countless people, who were still neutral and wait-and-see, are now screaming and rushing to the south.

Yuan Tian is personally in charge, and the princes are pro-inviting; the rain is late for the army to be the vanguard first, the commander of tens of millions of majestic soldiers, the soldiers divided into 25 roads, in all directions, at the same time!

"Slay the raft! Jing me ink cloud!"

The entire ink cloud day is resounding like this slogan!

at the same time.

In the big camp of the Tianbing Pavilion, it was full of gloom.

Under the continuation of the accident, the soldiers who followed the raft all the way, there are actually a little half, all of them are confused.

Is it right?

Is it true?

What should I do?


Countless people, thinking in their hearts, pondering, weighing; there are many people, together, secretly speaking, saying what should be said and what should not be said.

The unfortunate consequences of the hasty incidents have finally erupted at this moment, and, at the very end of the tide, everyone is well aware that a change that everyone can't afford is being brewed in silence.

However, in the military camp, is it still not possible to make people contact with people?

In the face of such a bad situation, I believe that even if it is a god, it must be impossible.

The hibiscus seemed to be hundreds of thousands of years old at night, full of black and blue hair, and the number of whites changed.

Xie Danqiong sat on the edge of the wooden bed, his face with a calm smile.

The caddy of a dry raft is full of sorrows, and there are many bad conditions in their respective military camps; the soldiers have no war, they will not necessarily have war, and there is no shortage of rebellious thoughts. In this case How can you fight?

Right now, the twenty-five roads across the river are surrounded by all sides, and all the loopholes have been blocked. I am afraid that when the army arrives, it will be completely defeated without hitting this side.

Nowadays, the majority of the people who follow the raft are not stable, but the people of the original Tianbing Pavilion are still not moving!

They are rebellious, and it seems that they have been rebellious for quite some time. In the face of such a situation, it is almost commonplace. There are even some disdain: such a squad, but we have experienced too much, and what a big deal...·····

"Hey!" Muxi long sighed: "Xie Kui first, in the face of the calm of the Tianbing Pavilion, our army is really nowhere!"

The generals all shyly bowed their heads.

It was strange at night, the computer suddenly could not be turned on, I wrote half of the chapter, and I had to change it again to rewrite it...

I will let my wife repair the computer tomorrow. I have never dealt with such small things...·············

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