Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 499: Soldiers have no war

For the generals, the inability to control the soldiers under their command is the greatest shame. People are clearly a miscellaneous army, but in the face of such a bad situation, they are calm and calm.

The regular army that can be their own is so bad.


"Does Wood Shuai not think that, in a certain aspect, is the situation in front of him really a good thing?" Xie Danqiong is still smiling, and the calmness is not like being forced out.

“Good thing?” The generals’ brows wrinkled: Why is it so good now? Where is the good place?

The wood brows wrinkled, and the mind thought, moving silently.

Xie Danqiong said faintly: "I built the original intention of Tianbing Pavilion. It is really not to rebel to be the Emperor; but to go to the outside world and destroy the Devil!"

"I am fighting with the Mo Yuntian military. Most of the intention is to train the soldiers. That's all."

Xie Danqiong’s face showed a trace of embarrassment: "And if you are not dead in this battle, you will follow me with me in the future, and you will be able to rehabilitate the homeland of mankind; then expedition to the demon and completely destroy the magic."

"This is my true intention, but it seems that most people have misunderstood what."

Xie Danqiong looked up and smiled slightly. This laugh was such a super-out of dust and laughter.

Mudu and the generals of the general public shocked!

It turns out that Xie Danqiong’s true ambition is actually here!

Kill the devil!

It turned out that we really misunderstood what? !

"We are fighting the devil, the people we need, we are never the public, but the elite soldiers." Xie Danqiong said faintly, looking at the eyes, the radiant: "There is no need for those who are not strong!"

The public will bow down and hear their heads.

Isn’t it the unbearable behavior of a group of people in the current situation of their own army? Although Xie Danqiong directly reached the faces of all people, everyone did not have a single word to refute.

"This time, although the wind is raging, it is in jeopardy, but it is also a good time to clean up our team." Xie Danqiong said coldly: "It is not a good thing to take all the positions and not take it. Is it not a good thing? When the war demon, let these people drag our legs?!"

One general said with anxiety: "But those people are only blinded and do not know the truth. So it is unfair to them to kill all the sticks. I believe they will not waver in the battle against the demon!"

“Blind? Shake?” Xie Danqiong sneered: “Since they are only blinded, can you explain the truth to them? Let them stop shaking!”

The general was stunned and for a moment did not know how to proceed.

If you can explain the truth and have conclusive evidence in your hand, can you prove it already? Why is it forced to this point?

"Speaking of blindness, saying that it is shaking... It is still impossible for them to fully trust Mu Shuai in their hearts!" Xie Danqiong sneered: "If it is true trust, how can it be blinded? How can it be shaken! Since it cannot be trusted wholeheartedly, then stay What is the use? Do you dare to hand over your back to such a person?"

Xie Danqiong’s smile reached a point where it was uncomfortable: “Today can be deceived, then, will you come to the battlefield of Zilongtian, and be blinded? What can you do? Can you guarantee that they will not be shaken by day? If it is shaken Is your guarantee useful? Does it make sense?!"

"Yuan Tian, ​​or just a **** of the Heavenly Devils who sneaked into the Nine Heavens! Perhaps it is also a bit of identity in the Devil, but now in Moyuntian, how many days are there? But a paper letter is like this. The centrifugation of the crowd... At that time we will bring such a team to Ziyantian, it is not a demon!"

Xie Danqiong said heavily: "There is simply going to die! Go to the devil to send the rations! The big enemy!"

In the eyes of the hibiscus, the light flashed. "Yes! The leader is right."

Xie Danqiong said faintly: "Everyone will go back now, let those who are swaying in their hearts, all leave themselves. Do not have to do anything to discourage, explain, the current situation, even if it is barely left, it is only a disaster."

"I believe that after the clearance, all the ones left are hardcore, at least the people who are determined to be determined!"

"A fight for death, there is no chance of winning without a taste."

"But be sure to pay attention to the fact that you can't leave someone with ulterior motives! That's it, it's really over.

After Xie Danqiong solemnly ordered it, the public will step out and go out. This matter is not too late, the sooner it is resolved, the more room for manoeuvre.

"Mu Shuai, is it hard to accept?" Xie Danqiong looked at the raft and asked.

"哎·······" Muxi sighed: "Lian Shengjun is ······"

“嘿嘿······” Xie Danqiong said faintly: “I don’t understand why you have to pin all your hopes on the holy monarch? Isn’t that holy monarch being blinded, don’t you kill the demon?”

"The devil is naturally going to kill!" Muxi angered, and then sighed: "It’s just that some of the hearts are unacceptable."

Xie Danqiong said: "The current situation is really serious! Now it is not that Mo Yuntian needs us, but the whole nine heavens, we need these people! If you are knocked down here... you really It is an eternal sinner! The eternal sinner of the whole nine heavens!"

The hibiscus heard a shock.

"You trust the Holy King so much, and the Holy King directly proves the identity of Yuan Tianjun... You don't think there is anything wrong with this?"

Xie Danqiong is cold and cold: "Yuan Tian is a demon. I know this well. I believe that the tops of the heavens may not know what it is."

And the Holy King just showed his position at this section, what do you mean by this, if it is... Hehehe·······

Xie Danqiong sneered and got up and went: "I am going to look at the army now and try to send out hidden dangers. If Wood Shuai can't wake up, it's fine to continue lying down."

"I am going too!" Muxi rolled up and climbed up from the bed: "The head of the Kui Shou said that it is really good, how can Mu still be lying there! In any case, you must kill the devil of Yuantian!"

Xie Danqiong smiled.

The two men walked side by side for a long time, and the raft was low, but it was heavy: "Thank you!"

Xie Danqiong smiled and floated away.

One day later, Muxi looked at the generals who came to report the situation, silently speechless, and the already-faced face was even more confusing.

Some things are understood to be one side, but it is definitely not an easy thing to really accept. Even if you are calm, how can you still live the world?

On this day and night, all the generals put their words down and listened to their own choices.

"Now the situation has reached this point. The prestige of Yuan Tian has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. There is also a holy sacred guarantee. The momentum is in full swing. I think everyone has doubts in their hearts. I don’t know what my position is. It is right or wrong. It is precisely evil."

"The so-called suspects don't need to use people. They don't doubt people. It's not so interesting to get together in front of you. If you have ideas in your heart, you can leave on your own."

"I will never stop, and will not stay hard!"

"But if you are born with dissatisfaction, you want to take the wood handsome and make a great contribution to invite you to enjoy it. Read it in everyone, and advise you not to be moved. If you really move, you will be enemies and you will not keep your hands."

"If you want to go, the camp door is already open, you can leave at any time; the wealth you have earned in the past can also be taken away. If you are here, you can take your family together. ”

"The gentleman will never give up, but he will not make a bad noise. If he wants to leave, he will go out, but if he is yelling, he will call out the person who is indignant and filled with anger, and chaos my heart, then kill innocent!"

In the beginning, some people hesitated to stay or not.

However, when I saw that the first person finally packed up and walked out of the camp, and when there was no one to block it, this situation became a trend, almost a haircut.

Countless soldiers, the tides flooded out.

Many of them are bringing their families to the house and leaving their homes.

Seriously, some military camps were more than 90% empty in the afternoon, and the rest were less than 10%!

In the beginning, those who remained were still roaring, trying to retain the desire to leave, tearing and dragging; but in the end, they were all ruthless. Just watching the old brothers who had been in the past, they went away, and the rest of their faces were angry and sad from the bottom of their hearts.

The next morning, this wave gradually decreased, no more.

However, between the nights, the power of the Tianbingge side was suddenly reduced by nearly 60%!

"The devil is raging, and it is a disaster. I am a scorpion. I have no desire for self-destruction. I have no desire for self-sacrifice. I am only fighting for the evil, and I am stunned by the hundreds of thousands of people from the beginning. I once gathered seven. Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses! But the world is like chess, life is like a dream, the dream is the most easy to wake up; 70 million soldiers and horses, within seven days, scattered more than 90%!"

Muxi said with a smile: "Now, there are actually less than five million left!"

He sighed and his face was more lonely.

The generals under his command were stunned and ignorant.

Five million, if this number is purely from a numerical point of view, it is still quite a lot. It is still a considerable amount of power. However, this score is compared with who. Now, Yuan Tian is limited to the levy of the levy, divided the 25th terracotta warriors and horses, and the total number of giants of 50 million. Moreover, there are a large number of reinforcements in the back that are gradually being assembled.

In addition, there are tens of millions of people who have defected on their own, and among these people, I am afraid that many people will join the Yuantian.

If this is the case, the strength of the two sides will almost go to a horrible level like one to fifty. Even, the gap ratio may be further expanded!

Moreover, the morale of his own side is unprecedentedly low, the soldiers have no wars, and there will be not much warfare. It is full of sorrowful atmosphere. How can we meet the enemy?

The strength of the troops is very different, and there is no morale in the other side. How can you fight this, and how can you fight? !

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