Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 500: Amazing! Soldiers under the city!

"The people of the Uighurs! It is really a group of people of the Uighurs, why not hesitate!" Xie Dan said outside the door, dismissively said: "The generals, you immediately take your headquarters and people, go to the rear to protect the family, as for the front, let me The original terracotta warriors on Tianbing Pavilion are on the top; if we win, we will all take it off. If we are all killed, you will still have to surrender!"

These words, like a red-hot steel needle, deeply plunged into the hearts of the generals.

When will the regular soldiers of their own be despised by the leader of a miscellaneous army?

However, is this not the truth? Doesn't it happen in the moment, in front of you? Once the officer was speechless, he did not know what to say.

"A nonsense!" Muxi stood up in anger: "Even if we are facing a desperate situation, we are still in a battle! For more than a million years, I have been rushing to fight in desperate circumstances, when I am fighting hard and fighting for victory. Nothing is less than your first thank you! How can you look down on the soldiers of the ink cloud?"

Xie Danqiong sneered: "Look up... I just look down on you. Hahaha... Why should I be able to see you, do you ask yourself where I can deserve it?"

"Slightly rebellious, you will be completely defeated, one by one like a defeated cock, you are now a virtue, but also want to bring soldiers! Also want to fight! Also want to kill the devil! Still want to be a hero, it is simply delusional, whimsical ...hahaha······”

Xie Danqiong’s unremarkable ridicule of long laughter spread far and wide, and it was heard from far and near. The meaning of disdain is thick and diffuse.

"Xie, someone is just regretting it now..." Xie Danqiong laughed and said: "······ I wasted the food for many days in a group of thoroughly waste snacks!"

The words fall down!

Xie Danqiong has already vacated and went to the army. There is no longer any opportunity for everyone to refute.

Such contempt, such contempt, and even ignorance, so that the public will be angry!

It is too much!

"Xie Danqiong said too much!" A general slaps a palm on the chair. The chair is crushed, angry, and a face turns purple, and the heart beats.

Others are also completely intolerant of these insults, one by one breathing heavily, and the eyes are showing bloodshot.

The raft is cold and cold: "What is it called? Is it wrong for people? Are you doing something that you can afford? The one that people say is not true, have you not collapsed? Didn't you lose it?" As far as your current virtues are concerned, I am sorry for you!"

The public will be stunned by the news, and for a time they don’t know how to react.

Mudu said: "You want to make it worthwhile for others to see. There is nothing wrong with it. But what do you want to make others look good? Just do nothing with it? Without history, no military skills, who will be able to afford you?" Since the reality is already the case, don't blame people for looking down on you. If you want to make it affordable for others, you have to come up with something that you can make others look at! Just screaming here, not only do people look down, I look down on you!"

"If you can't get the real thing!" Muxi snorted: "It's really like Xie Kui's first saying, it's really wasting the food of these days... even if the pigs can kill the meat and improve the food, but Raising you, but raising a bunch of waste! The waste of the whole thing is not useful at all!"

After all, the rafters entered the inner court.

The generals looked at each other and felt that their chests had to be blown up.

Everyone has lived for a lifetime. It seems that they have never been looked down upon! If you don’t come up with some means, can you be blinded by people? If you live forever, don’t you live a breath? Don’t steam your head and sigh...

The crowd will rush out of the tent like a hurricane, black face like the bottom of the pot, return to their respective camps, and began to gather troops and horses! One by one, like a blasting dragon, it is full of anger and can explode at any time.

The raft was in the back hall, and the gods observed all these changes. Finally, I was relieved.

This time, the law was very successful.

Previously, it was a big show that Muxi and Xie Danqiong teamed up.

These generals are all good, not only are they masters themselves, but any one is a tactical tactical squad, a savage connoisseur, and a slap in the face of everyone. The only thing that is lacking is the fighting spirit. Heart only.

However, this decadent atmosphere is too strong. Although they still follow the woods firmly, they are fighting for this series of blows. If they do not eliminate the negative effects, they will re-energize. From their fighting spirit, this embarrassment, even if they do not even fight, they will be defeated.

Of course, the rafts are clearly not following the generals who have followed their own for many years; but the problem is that if their soldiers are not bloody, even if the generals are arrogant, they are helpless.

However, when it comes to activating the atmosphere, it is still necessary to start from these generals!

The soldiers are decadent. If they want to persuade one by one, they will only delay the time and give everything a delay.

But if the general is extremely angry, it will affect the situation of an army! The general was instilled with a anger, and there was no venting at all. Then, going back to his subordinate officers, he was even more indoctrinated.

The officers and men conveyed at the first level and level, and when they reached the lowest level, they were basically bursting.

Just as the army soldiers made mistakes, the head of the army will never directly punish the soldiers themselves, but the punishment of the battalion commander. The battalion commander punishes the company commander and the company commander punishes the platoon leader. However, when the platoon leader and the squad leader punish the soldiers, Will be even more intensive, to ensure that the guy who made mistakes will not dare to commit again!

This is the means of the master.

But the precondition for achieving this goal is that the anger of these generals must be stirred up. Otherwise, everything is just empty talk.

Therefore, Mu Tianyi and Xie Danqiong will jointly lead this "disregard" drama!

Ever since, in the big camp, there are roars of the generals everywhere.

"Fuck! The old people are looked down!"

"Brothers, we are all seen flat..."

"All of them look up to Laozi! You and you...just because you guys, you guys, what are you doing? Do your mother! No wonder Laozi was pointed at the nose and said that we are wasting food waste, Hey, you guys are like this! You are also called a soldier! Laozi is dragged by your waste! Waste is waste!"

"I really have no face to see people... You don't take it anymore, I will commit suicide! Grass!"

"Don't you just run a few **** soldiers? Look at your soft egg! Grass! Change to Laozi and look down on you! Waste food! Nothing wrong with you! Dogs still know how to look after the house! Look at you, it’s not as good as a dog!······”

A roaring voice, overwhelming!

All the soldiers squirted in the eyes, watching the generals standing on the high platform and screaming at the screaming screaming, eager to pull the goods down and mad!

"What do you think? Isn't Laozi saying it right? Not convinced? Then follow Laozi, kill one and see it!"


"Say, what should I do? I let you say it yourself! Paralyzed! I can't stand this breath! I can't stand anything!"

"Nothing, dry!"

"Dry his mother!"

"Let them see, the old guys are not a bag, not a bag!"

Millions of soldiers, at the same time, screaming at the same time, one after another, continuous, only shocked the mountains to the falling stones, the sky thunder and thunder, one by one face red, the heart beat almost exploded !

"Okay! Then do it! Dry and dry!!!!! Paralyzed! Do his mother!!"

The sound of howling rang through the sky.

The officers and men of the full camp are all crazy.·····

The raft finally revealed the first smile of these days, a long-lost smile.

In the army, the so-called gentleness is simply not feasible; even if it is a Confucian scholar, entering the army, it will become swearing in a short time.

As a general once said: not rude, how can the troops bark?

The troops are not schools, and the decision is not to rely on the sons and poems to conquer the world!

Rely on, it is blood! It is killing, it is life!

Never been an exam!

Grandma drops!

Xie Danqiong stood in the clouds, thousands of feet high from the ground.

But he still can clearly hear, the buzz from the ground, that is, the army under the raft is carrying out the final army. In the past few days, the morale of the army has not only been promoted, but it has far exceeded Xie Danqiong’s expectations.

Now every soldier, he is like a bomb that is about to explode!

Just a little!

This state is almost the rubber band that is stretched to the extreme. It is conceivable that in the event of a battle, these people will be invested in it, killing them in madness, and going to death!

In the distance, far away, you can see the dust rising from the sky, almost filling the entire sky, the war, has already burned to the eye.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, the first encounter will happen!

In the face of such an army, all ambushes and all layouts are nothing more than a joke: every soldier can go high and high; the so-called ambush, whether it is fire attack, water attack, trap, what can be More meaning?

Everyone has their own sense of God. If they are masters, they will be swept away. There will be no omissions in the sky and hundreds of miles, and how should they be ambushed?

Even some masters can not die after destroying his body. Only by destroying them with the gods can they completely destroy each other.

In the face of such an enemy, there is only a hard fight!

Xie Danqiong's look still calmly looks at the dust and smoke thousands of miles away, slowly approaching.

The dust and smoke in all directions rised at the same time, forming a huge encirclement in the sky, slowly gradually merging, and no omissions.

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