Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 501: The war started!

It can be clearly seen that the sky field in which you are located is slowly becoming smaller and gradually shrinking at a frequency visible to the naked eye.

Xie Danqiong still has no slightest move.

These times of repression, hard work, struggle, so that Xie Danqiong has been thoroughly mature, now Xie Danqiong, is no longer the hairy boy who just came up to the nine-day Scorpio, but a qualified commander!

On the one hand, it is fully qualified! Even more than enough.

Faced with a huge number of enemies that are dozens of times more than their own, the strength is more than hundreds of times the enemy's strength, Xie Danqiong is always calm.

There is no fluctuation in the semi-dim.

The Tianji Intelligence Department has successively sent the latest news, and has detailed reports on the en route of the enemy’s 25th terracotta warriors, including the generals and soldiers of each terracotta warrior, deputy generals, pioneers, team distribution, and grain supply. .

The level of detail of this news has gone to the point of nuance!

Xie Danqiong took a closer look at his hand and looked at him.

The people around him suddenly flashed.

The raft appeared beside him: "Now it is almost the limit. The army is now pure enough, and the morale is very high. Although the available quantity is much less... but the heart is It’s also really settled down, at least not needing to take into account the sudden negatives that may arise.”

Xie Danqiong smiled faintly: "Is it really settled down? I am afraid that it is completely dead?"

Muxi smiled: "Why should it be so ugly, the truth is really hurtful..."

Dunton said: "The enemy has now come within a thousand miles of the old camp. It is currently being surrounded by all sides. It seems that this war will only begin in a day or two."

Xie Danqiong nodded: "Yes. We have already prepared for it, but it is a battle, nothing more."

The spirit of the raft was shocked and said: "I hope this battle will eventually be able to see the sky!"

Xie Danqiong laughed and handed over the information in his hands: "For these people, my foreigner is really unfamiliar with this battle, or you will lead the arrangement."

The raft took over the thick piece of paper, and only looked at the first few pages, which was a sigh of relief.

"This is the detailed information, where did you come from? Is it reliable?" Muxi looked up and asked almost subconsciously.

I can't help but be surprised. If the number of the two armies is similar, then you can have such an intelligence in your hand, and that is basically the winner!

Such intelligence is enough to overturn the strength gap between the two armies with similar strength!

"I have my channel." Xie Danqiong said faintly: "These information is absolutely reliable! It's completely true! I can guarantee that there is no holiday!"

The raft took a deep breath and said: "If this is the case, then I have to plan for it. We can really give Yuan Tian a limit, and cheer up our morale. ”

His face is full of this strong resentment and war, and there are some sighs.

The war is unfolding, and the death is always the master of the ink cloud!

As for the devil... but it will not die!

If you are in the same room, you will not be disgusted with your hands and feet.

Xie Danqiong calmly gaze on his face and whispered: "At this time, my heart is not stunned. If it is true, the moment when the demon sweeps the world..."

The hibiscus was long and sighed.

That night.

The raft pointed to the elite horses of the headquarters, only only 50,000, but the masters did their best. The soldiers divided the 25th road to cut off the supply route of the Yuan Tianjun army.

Under the fierce battle overnight, a total of seven grains were burned and the road was cut off directly, but the remaining 18 were unsuccessful.

The generals under Yuan Tian’s limit are also the ones who have been fighting for a long time, marching and fighting, and the grain road is the key to the military. Can you not pay attention to this? Although the master can not eat for a long time, but if the high-intensity war is unfolding, the loss of blood and blood is the most effective supplementary means.

The grain road is undoubtedly the most important thing.

After returning to the sneak attacker, he also reported a new situation: "The handsome, the soldiers who left us from here, thousands of miles away, found a large number of bodies of those people!"

The raft slammed up and stood up: "The body? Is it still a large number?!"

"Yes. Only the batch we found is enough for seven or eight thousand people. Moreover, even the children of women and children have not been spared. All of them have died in it..."

"Yes, Shuai, we found it here. But there is already an area where the enemy is tightly sealed. We have no way to verify it more deeply... I don't know how many people died."

"Yes, there is such a situation on our side."

Wood sat down.

Unexpectedly, those people who have turned away from waiting for others to go, but they are self-destructive; and ... are still likely to be shackled!

I really didn't think that Yuan Tianji was so merciless to those who had turned against the past! He himself had promised before, ‘everyone who lost his way, the official reinstated, will not sin. I didn’t even follow it!

At this moment, this sentence is simply a complete joke. !

He didn't even plan to keep these people to attack and attack himself, and he executed them all directly!

"Now we are all swearing at our false positives. Since we leave people, we are chasing them and killing them."

The anger of the scolding face of this sentence, the blue veins on the forehead are all beating.

Because everyone knows that this is definitely not done by Tianbingge.

Since that day, after those people left, Tianbing Pavilion has been surrounded by a lot of encirclement. Even when they go out to inquire about intelligence, they must be careful, and they dare not act rashly. They fear that they will be arrested and affect the overall situation, not to mention the massive killing of the past. Comrades?

Not to mention the so many massacres?

But now, this pot of dirty water has been ridiculously poured into the innocent of them.

Mudu long sighs, looks very sorrowful: "The people who left ... or are not knowing the truth, or have no calculations, but left us, but in essence, those people are loyal The majority of the original intent of their uprising is still only to serve the Mo Yuntian, and the evils of the squad are only... The unexpectedly, Yuan Tian’s limit will be like this, believing and fat, and killing them all without morality. It’s really a wolf ambition...·····

Having said that, I only feel that my heart is inexplicable and I can’t help myself.

The crowd will all be silent.

When those people left, they also hated and blamed. Many people even played a game and yelled.

But now, I heard about their bad news, no more hate in my heart, only sadness and anger!

The most tragic thing in life is to be deceived by strangers, blinded, and effective for so many years. In the end, he still grieves and dies, until he dies, and does not understand the truth of the matter.

Always kept in the dark.

The people who left, can be said to be the true portrayal of this situation!

In an unusually dull atmosphere, the dawn of this day has finally arrived.

"Report that the enemy in front has come within three hundred miles of the camp!"

"Report that the enemy forces in front of the battalion are less than a hundred miles away!"

"Report, the enemy in front has come to the area of ​​about fifty miles!"

"Report... The enemy began to set up camp."

The enemy has been in the 50-mile boundary, and the raft has finally begun a new movement, silently dispatching the army, directly slanting into the back of the enemy, making an intention to break through, all the people aiming at an army on the side of the back. Start mad!

The effect of this wave of offensive is very obvious.

The team in the attacked area had a total of only four or five million horses and was beaten on the spot. The leading general of this team is the original subordinate of Muxi. The reason why he chose this side is because of his profound understanding of him.

This leader is brave and brave, but planning is not enough. Every time he travels to the camp for a long time, it is his biggest weakness.

Often at this time, the entire team will fall into a certain chaos, and there must be a buffer time to be reorganized.

And the raft is to pick this time to attack, can be described as the soft underbelly, hit the key.

When the army of the Yuantian limit got the news of the attack, the killing of this side has already come to an end, and the army of the wooden Tianyi has already withdrawn.

What is left is just a poisonous trap all over the place...·····

The first wave of contact, the Muxi side can be described as a great victory!

However, the other party’s frustration of this wave is obviously not how it is placed on the mind. In the evening, I was always camping in a quiet, camping, cooking, and an unprecedented calm. It seems that nothing happened.

Xie Danqiong sat in the middle of the army, originally wanted to wait for an opportunity to dispatch, smashing the enemy's foothold is not stable, but at the time of the change, killing each other is caught off guard.

If the other party launches a large-scale rescue, then you can give the enemy a heavy blow according to the strategy that has been arranged long ago, so that this war will open the door and further enhance their morale.

At the very least, it can also add an indelible lesson to the Yuan Tian limit. The war situation is no longer a one-sided situation.

However, Xie Danqiong did not think that the other party actually did not move. It only symbolically sent tens of thousands of reinforcements. The old camp was calm and abnormal, and almost no action.

In the face of such wars, only tens of thousands of reinforcements were sent... It was not like rescue, and even perfunctory was not enough. It was like sending a corpse.

Xie Danqiong waved his hand and stopped the action. His face was dignified and said: "Stable and steady!"

The calmness of the other party is beyond expectations, and it will only lead to counterproductive results.

This result made Xie Danqiong feel a very bad feeling.

The next battle, which is a testament to Xie Danqiong’s hunch.

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