Transcending the Nine Heavens

Vol 8 Chapter 502: Desperate demon

The other party is not in a hurry, no hurry! !

The current situation is like playing a long-lasting war of attrition: the tens of millions of troops of the other side are coming, and the territory of this 10,000-mile circle is densely packed. It is really like an iron bucket. Do not enter!

But they are not eager to attack.

Instead, start a small fight every day!

Of course, every battle for hundreds of thousands of people is not a small one, but the battlefield is single, but it is not beaten.

This kind of warfare, even the rafts are smashed, I don’t know why. The people who rule the army in the world seem to have never fought like this! This is simply joking with the life of the soldier!

This war is only a matter of the Yuan Dynasty, but how can you make such a low-level mistake?

In the Yuantian limit account, the land is vast, and the interior is even more magnificent. It is almost a small palace.

Although it is a temporary palace, it is covered with white bear skin carpets, and the surroundings are gorgeous.

Yuan Tian’s limit is high, lying on his side, and his mind is leisurely.

"Your next..." rains slowly and hurriedly, and his face is anxious: "Your Majesty, this can't be so smashed..." There will be long dreams in the night."

Yuan Tian limit has not yet spoken, and the following squatting squats have risen up and said: "Stop! Your decision is true! You only need to follow the strategy, why not say more!"

"But this is..." The rain is also a person who knows the soldiers. Can you not know that this is just a fool? There are countless opportunities for the disciples to stay.

However, in the face of the general eye of the blade, I couldn’t speak for a while.

Above, Yuan Tian is still lying on his side, and he doesn't care.

"I still don't quit quickly!"


"Don't you tell me? Your Majesty is inside, no matter what person, don't you bother?" According to the cold moon, he said: "Who is on the outside?"


"Tow it! Cut it!" In the moon, he ordered the ice cold: "If there are repeaters, annihilate the Nine!"

A voice was promised outside, and the sound of entanglement was endless, but with a scream, everything was once again in silence.

According to the moon, there is only a big account of himself and Yuan Tian, ​​and there is an unusually cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

A glimpse of the smoky smoke, slowly sneaked into the big account, and then quietly entered the body of Yuan Tian.

The Emperor Yunyun, who had been lying on his side, finally sat up at the moment, coughing softly, but with a soft voice, he was filled with an inexplicable majesty.

In the eyes of the moon, he smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this time is not a small harvest?"

Yuan Tian’s faint smile smiled and grew up, and slowly turned a few laps in the big account, saying: “This time the Emperor’s gods came out, collecting the killing gas contained in the residual soul, it’s quite quite Effective, let my injury, and then recovered a few points, I believe that a few times, the previous damage will be greatly improved."

According to the Lunar New Year: "Now the war is just getting up and the Japanese side is long. You don't have to be impatient, or you can use the Eucharist as your solemn figure. As long as the days are meritorious, it is not only difficult to recover from injury, but also the survival of this Jiuzhong Tianzhu population. So many ······haha..."

The old-fashioned man with a white-haired body, the laughter at the moment is particularly wretched and poisonous.

Yuan Tianji smiled and immediately frowned. "This is true, but I don't understand a bit. The soul power of the Terran can be absorbed by our family. But why can we only use it to recover the injury?" Can't be used to increase the repair?"

"According to the truth, such a thing is absolutely not established. Any energy that can restore the injury will be able to be used to restore the repair! And it can improve the energy of cultivation, but it is not necessarily able to treat the injury. This is reasonable."

Yuan Tianji frowned and thought hard: "This reason is really puzzling."

Hesitated for a moment, and then squinted and said: "Your Majesty, this section, I think, I can give you an answer."

Yuan Tian limited frowning: "Oh?"

The Tianmo family has been confusing this question for generations. Is there an answer here?

"Cough, ······" coughed a few times in the moon, it seems to be a bit difficult to say, "I have been studying this subject for years... For this..." Killed more than three million humans... In addition to human beings, I have also killed more than three million people..."

Yuan Tian’s look did not move at all, and the mood did not seem to fluctuate. It was just a “oh?” sound.

"I compare these bodies before and after, and every inch and every inch has been carefully compared. I always find out what is different. At the end, I will dismember the living, conduct living experiments, find different places, and finally find out. The structure of our people seems to be the same, but the bones are still different.

"And we can absorb their soul power for healing, but not increase it. The biggest possibility is here."

Said in the moon.

Yuan Tian’s news came to an interest and said: “Specifically, what is the difference?”

In order to study this kind of research, I have killed nearly ten thousand creatures before and after, and used the body for comparison. The cruelty can be said to be horrible!

However, Yuan Tianjun did not feel that something was wrong.

It is very interesting!

"When human beings are full of negative feelings such as fear, fear, pain, etc., there will be more special things in his body and in the blood; and our Tianmo people have no such changes." According to the moon, he frowned and said: I once implanted this kind of thing into the family, but the result was useless. I can only assume that this kind of thing is unique to the human race and cannot be copied."

"The other point is that the human brain structure is slightly different from our people..."

"The third difference is the so-called master who can not die. After the death of the body forms the soul of the soul, the magical tire formed by the Yuan Soul and our demon in the same situation is completely different and has an essential difference!"

"The magical tires that have been transformed by the tribes of this tribe are full of destructive atmosphere, while human beings are full of vitality. Even the debilitating soul of the soul is still full of vitality."

According to the Yueyue tone, he said slowly: "With so many differences, we can be sure that although the human soul power can be used, it is only limited to make up for its own shortcomings, that is, the supplement of the injury, but if you want Using this power to practice and improve, we don’t have the same physical structure, we can’t achieve it...”

"This may be a joke under the arrangement of the gods, not that manpower can change." According to the moon, the conclusion is given.

"The original ······ actually turned out to be." Yuan Tian limited suddenly realized, and then said: "In order to study this, I have tried to pay a lot of it. How many people have killed? There are so many people who can kill ?"

According to the moon, he laughed: "It’s not a difficult thing to say this. My Majesty knows that every few years, I have to go back to my family once, and each time I bring a lot of people to be captives. ····Oh, they only thought that they came to follow me to make contributions and subvert the Scorpio. In fact, they have become my experimental products. In order to achieve the merits of the world, some sacrifices are inevitable. The Terran has a saying. I am very much in favor of becoming a major event, informal...."

Yuan Tian’s face twitched and he couldn’t smile: “The guys I’ve come to come all come, how come all of them disappeared afterwards, and they’ve all been cut by you...·But... It’s not right, for so many years, less than two million people have come to say less... Are you all cut?”

Sorry for the fall of the moon: "Well..."

"I······" Yuan Tian limited his eyes and was speechless to this "fact".

For a long time, I smiled bitterly: "It’s no wonder that you have never dared to say this thing. You always cover up and transfer the topic... It’s really ruined...·Hey... It’s really a trouble. However, there are nephews under the sorrow of the devil, and the grandsons of the Western Devils... you are... and it’s really... daring!”

According to the moon, the head is also a bitter smile, saying: "This is a hard time to say that in order to find the comprehensiveness of the experimental results, the general demon body can not find anything, only these devils are blood, Only when I can represent the origin of the devil, can I clearly see the difference between the two...·... This... I also killed after I found out that there were such people.


"These devils are squatting, and each one wants to let their children and grandchildren develop independently, and make a great contribution to them. Then they come to the surprise when they appreciate the rewards... I don’t know... but it hurts me."

Sigh with a sigh of relief.

"You killed them first!" Yuan Tian limited him to a glance, and said: "Okay, it’s good... I’ll press it, I won’t mention it later; I will see two later. Big Devil, I will say that they are dead in battle... As for this discovery, they will never mention it again."

Nod according to the moon.

"And, their spirits are still ready, and they will be sent back." Yuan Tianjun waved with some distraction.

"The genus has already been prepared..."... The squats bowed his head and knew that he had done something wrong.

Yuan Tianjie suddenly surprised and smiled: "The prime minister, you said that human beings should not give you a title of the demon, and the natives who lost their lives are afraid of not more than tens of millions, even if it is the purple darling of the day, single The number of people killed may not be much more than you!"

After staying in the moon, he said: "This is true, but the number of people who die in their subordinates is more than this number!"

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